"I have read a philosophy book, which said that love is humble, and love that is humble to the dust will eventually usher in a beautiful harvest. I can prove to you that although I am not your favorite, you Must be my favorite, I will love you more than anyone!"

  Su Xin looked at Zhuge Dali with firm eyes, and his heart was full of emotion. Although this sentence is a bit like a love story, but, the earthy taste is earthy!

  Zhuge Dali looked at Su Xin affectionately: ╭(╯ε╰)╮

  Su Xin is not a novice either, so he naturally knows what Zhuge Dali means: ╭(╯ε╰)╮

  Just when the two were approaching, a shout interrupted them.


  Su Xin and Zhuge Dali looked at the shouting together, and Su Xin cursed inwardly.

  mmp!The good thing about that bastard disturbing Lao Tzu?

  Zhao Shao ran in front of the two excitedly, and Zhao Shao began to complain.

  "Dali! When did you have a boyfriend? Are you looking for such a mature uncle?"

  Zhuge Dali looked at his suitor with displeased expression and scolded loudly.

  "Zhao Haitang! What kind of boyfriend am I looking for has anything to do with you?"

  Su Xin was stunned when he heard Zhao Haitang's words.


  Su Xin was stunned for a moment, and then reacted.

  "I'm so young and handsome, you call me uncle?"

  Zhao Haitang didn't care about Zhuge Dali's reprimand, and looked at Su Xin with contempt.

  "You are in your twenties, and you are not from the same era as our [-]-year-olds. If you chase the power, you are completely eaten by an old cow..."

  When Zhuge Dali heard Zhao Haitang's words, he immediately became angry.

  "Enough! Zhao Haitang, why are you talking about my boyfriend? Is it a different era in my twenties? I feel that Su Xin is very good, unlike you, ugly people make trouble!"


  Zhao Haitang's face was tangled, her hands and feet danced wildly, and her hands were cramped like chicken feet.

  Su Xin looked at Zhao Haitang with disgust.

  "What are you doing? Do you want to touch porcelain too?"

  Hearing Su Xin's words, Zhao Haitang realized that he had lost his temper, and immediately turned around to adjust his appearance, put on a smile again on his face, and then turned to look at the two of them.

  "I'm sorry! I've just been rude!"

  Su Xin waved his hand indifferently, like chasing flies.

  "It doesn't matter, you can go. It's a real rudeness to stand here. Seeing you for so long, I will eat at least two bowls of rice at noon!"

  Although Zhao Haitang was very angry, she didn't show it, and secretly cheered herself on.

  Hold on, as long as I'm not embarrassed!Embarrassing is others.

  Zhao Haitang cheered in her heart, and mocked with a smile on her face.

  "I can't believe you're still a rice bucket! But can you support yourself? It's work day. You don't have a job, which means you don't have an income."

  The more Zhao Haitang said, the brighter his eyes became, and finally he looked directly at Zhuge Dali.

  "Dali! You have to be careful of him! There are many liars now, especially the handsome guy he looks for, who is likely to be the legendary little white face who eats soft rice!"


  Zhuge Dali looked at Zhao Haitang angrily, and just as he was about to refute, he was pulled by Su Xin.

  Su Xin looked at Zhuge Dali tenderly and said softly.

  "Leave it to me! You have so many suitors, this person should be a practice!"

  Zhuge Dali blushed and nodded lightly.


  Su Xin turned to look at Zhao Haitang, who was full of entanglement with a lemon essence and a smile on his face.

  "Zhao Hailuo! I've heard of you for a long time. You're a super prodigal. If you don't study the family business, you have to be a master of literature!"

  Zhao Haitang retorted not to be outdone when she heard Su Xin mocking herself.

  "My name is Zhao Haitang, a begonia with a pear flower pressing on the begonia, not Zhao Hailuo, and what do you know about the legendary eater of soft rice? This is my pursuit, and I will rely on my own efforts to show everyone. Prove that I am a capable person, I am a successful person! I am..."

  Su Xin interrupted Zhao Haitang directly.

  "You're still a piece of shit, you don't have any self-knowledge. First of all, I have to correct one thing. I'm not the legendary king of soft rice!"

  Zhao Haitang interrupted Su Xin with contempt.

  "You don't even have a job, and you still say you're not the king of soft rice?"

  Su Xin didn't care about Zhao Haitang's words and continued.

  "It's true that I'm not the king of soft rice in the legend, I am the king of soft rice in reality, but so what! Dali still likes me! It's so amazing! Are you angry?"

  "you you,,,"

  Zhao Haitang said a few words without turns, and pointed at Su Xin with a trembling finger.

  "I've grown so big! I've never seen such a brazen person!"

  "Hey! You saw it today!"

  Su Xin held Zhuge Dali with one hand, and turned his head to avoid Zhuge Dali.

  Zhuge Dali's eyes widened, obviously a little surprised.

  "you you……"

  Zhao Haitang looked at Su Xin frantically: (_)

  Su Xin glanced at Zhao Haitang proudly, his plan had just begun, and he had to use Zhao Haitang to attack the system to get the highest reward.

  Zhao Haitang roared angrily, suppressing her thoughts.

  "You stop me!"

  Su Xin and Zhuge Dali separated, and Zhuge Dali lowered his head shyly, not daring to look at the people around him.

  Su Xin smiled and turned to look at Zhao Haitang.

  "I didn't do it! How can I stop?".

Chapter 344

  Zhao Haitang pointed at Su Xin with an embarrassed expression, and his fingers kept shaking.


  Su Xin didn't care when he saw Zhao Haitang's fury.

  "My girlfriend and I are doing this, and there seems to be no problem!"

  "you you……"

  Zhao Haitang's face was ashen with Su Xin's anger, and she stammered and was speechless.

  Zhuge vigorously glanced at the surrounding melon eaters, and immediately began to worry. If there were acquaintances in this group, it would be a big problem to spread the matter of the two to Hu Yifei!

  "Su Xin! I was quarreling with him! Hurry up and drive him away! If you meet an acquaintance, you will be in trouble!"


  Su Xin also reacted. If Hu Yifei knew about Zhuge Dali, it would be no different from the sky falling.

  Su Xin looked at Zhao Haitang, and secretly decided to save the opportunity to flicker for the next time, this time educate him first.

  Su Xin lived in Zhuge Dali with one hand and looked at Zhao Haitang provocatively.

  "Zhao Hailuo, I remind you that Dali is my girlfriend, and you have no hope! Don't pester her in the future, or don't blame me for being rude!"

  Zhao Haitang took a few deep breaths and suppressed some anger, but Zhao Haitang's face was still ugly.

  "As long as Dali doesn't marry you, I still have a chance! And I don't think you're suitable!"

  When Zhuge Dali heard Zhao Haitang's words, he immediately became unhappy and stared at Zhao Haitang with an unhappy expression.

  "I think Su Xin and I are very suitable. Besides, what does it matter to you whether we are suitable or not? Don't be delusional. Even if the whole world disappears, I won't like you!"

  Zhao Haitang didn't care too much when he heard Zhuge Dali's words. After all, he had heard such words many times, and it didn't matter if he heard them again.

  Zhao Haitang looked at Su Xin provocatively.

  "If you have the ability, don't hide behind women, do you dare to come out and challenge me?"

  "What? Duel?"

  Su Xin continued to ask with an incredible expression on his face.

  "Are you sure~?"

  Seeing that Su Xin was about to come out, Zhao Haitang subconsciously thought that her aggressive technique had worked, and immediately put the flower in her hand aside, followed by a burst of garish kicks, side kicks, straight punches, and swinging punches, which seemed very powerful.

  The surrounding melon eaters applauded and began to praise Zhao Haitang's kung fu. Zhao Haitang also looked proud.

  "If it's a man, come out and make a gesture!"

  Su Xin moved his wrist and said mockingly.

  "Are you sure you want me to hit you?"

  Although Zhuge Dali had known Su Xin for a long time, Su Xin gave her the impression of an ordinary person who did not know martial arts and was chased by women. She knew Zhao Haitang's taekwondo skills. To prevent Su Xin from being disgraced, Zhuge Dali directly began to prevent Su Xin from competing with Zhao Haitang.

  Zhuge Dali pulled Su Xin worriedly and reminded in a low voice.

  "Su Xin, don't be fooled. He is a student of our school's Taekwondo club. He is very powerful. We will not compare with him!"

  Just as Su Xin was about to speak, Zhao Haitang interrupted, because he saw Zhuge vigorously stop Su Xin, and Zhao Haitang was afraid that Su Xin would be timid, so he started to stimulate the generals directly.

  "Su Xin! If you're a man, don't let Dali stand up for you. If you don't dare to compare with me, I won't embarrass you. As long as you see me running away in the future, I won't embarrass you this time!"

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