"Okay! I know that time will dilute everything, including feelings, but don't worry, when I retire, I will always accompany you and get back the bits and pieces we once had."

  Su Xin didn't say much. After all, Xiao Qing still has at least ten years to retire. It's a bit early to say this now.

  "Sister Qing, you are kind to me. I will never forget your love for taking in me and helping me! I have always had your place in my home!"

  Xiao Qing felt even more uncomfortable when she heard Su Xin's words. She felt that there was only gratitude left between the two, and they were nothing like husband and wife.

  Xiao Qing felt that he was now faced with two choices. One was to return to Su Xin and put family first and work second. .

Chapter 336

  The second option is to continue to work hard and continue to work overtime. As for the family, I will put it aside. According to the original plan, we will talk about family affairs after retirement.

  Xiao Qing hesitated for a while, and finally chose the one that he thought was the most correct choice, and continued to work hard. As for the family, Su Xin wouldn't run away anyway, and it would be good to compensate slowly after retirement.

  After Xiao Qing figured it out, he planned to return to the police station to continue working hard.

  "Since you are busy, then you should be busy first, and I am going to work at the police station! When there is a holiday next time, I will inform you in advance."

  Su Xin was relieved when he heard that Xiao Qing didn't say anything, and there was only a grateful heart between the two to maintain the current relationship.

  "Okay! Sister Qing! Take care of yourself!"

  "it is good!"

  After Xiao Qing finished speaking, he hung up the phone. Seeing that Xiao Qing had hung up, Su Xin put the phone on the table, sighed, and pinched his forehead with his hand.

  Zhuge Dali, who had been peeking at Su Xin, also heard something. Although she really wanted to solve the problem for Su Xin, Su Xin seemed to have solved it, but she was still frowning. Zhuge Dali didn't know what to say. Do something.

  Su Xin was only worried for a while, and then he continued to handle business affairs. Su Xin was not allowed to frown with a lot of business affairs in the company. After all, Su Xin only had a few hours to deal with official business.

  On the other hand, Xiao Qing stopped caring about his relationship with Su Xin after hanging up the phone. He walked to the car with the key and drove all the way to his work place.

  Xiao Qing plans to work harder, strive to do more, achieve his goals as soon as possible, and then retire and enjoy family life.

  Xiao Qing drove all the way to the police station, parked the car and walked to his office.

  As soon as Xiao Qing entered the hall, the people in the hall began to talk a lot.

  "Why is she back? Isn't she on vacation? Why is she still working?"

  "It is estimated that she has nowhere to go during the holidays and is bored at home, so she came to work!"

  A middle-aged man said suspiciously to the person beside him: "It's unlikely, I remember she got married and should have a family!"

  A person holding a document said with a mocking expression.

  "I know, Su Xin! It's an old friend, but I haven't seen him for a long time. He used to come to Xiao and send flowers to her, but he hasn't come since then. It's probably a divorce! "

  A woman sitting in the corner looked at the discussion with red eyes, and cried directly when she heard the word divorce.

  The woman in the corner cried loudly, and instantly everyone looked at the woman in the corner.

  The person holding the document looked at the people around him with embarrassment. He also realized that he had said something wrong, so he walked to the desk in the corner and apologized to the woman in the corner.

  "Molan! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to. I know you just got divorced, but what I said just now was not you. You are a good woman. Your husband was unlucky to divorce you."

  Hearing his words, Moran cried even more, stood up directly, and ran to Xiao Qing's office.

  Xiao Qing stood beside the filing cabinet, looking at the documents inside, ignorant of what was going on outside.

  Xiao Qing looked at the sorted documents and muttered to himself, looking for the documents.

  "7, 15, I remember it was here, why can't I find it?"

  "Boom boom boom!"

  There was a knock on the door, and Xiao Qing said a word without turning his head.

  "Come in!"

  Xiao Qing didn't look back, he continued to search for the document, and asked a question by the way.

  "what's up?"

  Moran said with tears in her eyes.

  "Team Xiao! I want to quit the team. I think it's good to be a traffic policeman!"

  Xiao Qing was stunned when he heard Moran's words, and looked back at Moran with doubts.

  Xiao Qing saw that Moran's eyes were red and he was still crying, his face sank.

  "What's the matter? Did someone bully you? Tell me, I'm going to avenge you!"

  Moran burst into tears when she heard Xiao Qing's words.

  Xiao Qing was even more puzzled when he saw Moran crying. Usually Moran didn't even frown when he was injured, but this time he cried.

  Xiao Qing took out a tissue and handed it to Moran, pulling Moran to sit on the sofa.

  "Don't cry, tell me what's wrong?"

  Moran complained while suffering.

  "Team Xiao! My husband doesn't want me anymore! He wants to divorce me!"

  Xiao Qing was stunned when he heard Moran's words.

  "That's it? What's the matter? Usually you don't frown when you are injured and your arm is broken. Why do you cry over such a trivial matter?"

  Moran wiped her tears and asked rhetorically.

  "Xiao team, didn't you feel sad when you got divorced? This kind of heartache is more uncomfortable than being hurt."

  Xiao Qing frowned when he heard Moran's words, and looked at Moran with displeasure.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????????????

  "Who told you that I'm divorced? I'm just a little conflicted with Su Xin. We're not divorced! Who do you hear that we're divorced?"

  Moran was stunned for a moment, then cried even more.

  "Everyone outside said that. Su Xin hasn't seen you for a long time. They thought you were divorced. I thought we were just as miserable. Now it seems that I am the worst!"

  Xiao Qing was a little angry when he heard Moran's words. Isn't this a rumor for himself!But seeing Moran crying like this, Xiao Qing decided to comfort Moran first.

  Xiao Qing took out a few pieces of paper and handed it to Moran, comforting.

  "Don't be sad! Isn't it just divorce? What's the big deal? Although I'm married, I don't see Su Xin once in a month or two. I'm still very happy!"

........ 0

  Moran wiped his tears and spit out.

  "But you haven't divorced yet! If Su Xin proposes a divorce to you, will you agree with a smile? My husband and I still love each other, but because I often work overtime, he wants to divorce me!"

  Xiao Qing was stunned when he heard Moran's words, as if thinking of something, he muttered to himself.

  "Su Xin divorced me!! I promise, or not?"

  As soon as Xiao Qing finished speaking, he suddenly realized something and stood up directly.

  "So that's what he meant! So what he said was that he was only grateful to me, is there no love left?"

  Xiao Qing sat on the sofa a little lost and muttered to himself.

  "The grace of taking him in! The love of helping him! That's what it meant. If there wasn't this love, he would probably have divorced me! But, what's the use of it! He still remembers it now, but ten years later. In the future, twenty years later! Will I still rely on this kindness to accompany him when I am old?"

  Seeing Xiao Qing's lost soul, Moran stopped crying and asked suspiciously.

  "Team Xiao! Are you alright!"

  Xiao Qing thought for a while, then stood up directly.

  "No! Although work is very important, some people miss it for a lifetime. I can't leave any regrets."

  After Xiao Qing finished speaking, he picked up his bag and walked outside, Moran asked suspiciously.

  "Team Xiao! What are you doing?"

  "The old lady is going to chase her man back!" A.

Chapter 337


  Moran was stunned when she heard Xiao Qing's uncivilized answer. In her impression, Xiao Qing had always been a well-behaved, serious and strict person.

  Moran was stunned for a while, then hesitantly picked up the phone, looking at the name in the phone's address book, his eyes gradually became firm.

  "Team Xiao is right! Family comes first, work comes second, sometimes it's a lifetime to miss!"

  Moran finished talking to himself and dialed.


  On the other side, Xiao Qing went out and drove Su Xin's car all the way to the Twin Towers.

  Su Xin, who was working in the Twin Towers, didn't know about it and continued to concentrate on his work.

  Su Xin quickly processed the last document in his hand and put the document on the table, Su Xin stretched out.

  "Finally done!"

  Su Xin looked at Zhuge Dali, who was peeking at him, and joked.

  "It's been almost two hours, haven't you seen enough?"

  Zhuge Dali blushed when he heard Su Xin's words, and immediately retorted.

  "I didn't look at you, I was, I was reading a book!"

  Su Xin didn't ask this question too much, but stood up and walked to Zhuge Dali's side and took the book in her hand.

  "I'm curious, what is this book upside down? Or can you read upside down?"

  Zhuge Dali immediately lowered his head, pointed at the tea set in a panic, and began to change the subject.

  "You must be thirsty after working so long, let me make tea for you!"

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