Su Xin did not stop Zhuge Dali, and sat beside him quietly watching Zhuge Dali make tea.

  After a while, Zhuge Dali poured a cup of tea for Su Xin and put it in front of Su Xin.

  Su Xin took Zhuge Dali's hand and looked at Zhuge Dali.

  "Tea is hot! Let's chat for a while!"

  Zhuge Dali did not refuse and asked curiously.

  "What do you want to talk about... oh!"

  Before Zhuge Dali finished speaking, Su Xin stopped Zhuge Dali.


  After a few minutes, an elevator rang. Su Xin heard the sound of the elevator and immediately looked towards the elevator.

  A familiar figure was coming. Su Xin saw Xiao Qing's figure and was stunned subconsciously.

  "Why is she here? Could it be that she is here to catch... Bah! She shouldn't know about Dali, she should be looking for me!"

  Su Xin looked at the somewhat shy Zhuge Dali.

  "Strong! Maybe I'm going to wrong you again!"

  The reason why Su Xin said this is naturally because of Zhuge Dali's current state, his face is red, if the two are just chatting, this is impossible, so Su Xin wants to play a show.

  Zhuge Dali nodded knowingly and immediately stood up.

  "No grievances! For you, I will not be wronged no matter what!"

  Su Xin looked at Zhuge Dali with a little guilt.

  "I will compensate you well in the future!"

  After Su Xin finished speaking, seeing that Xiao Qing was about to come, he immediately began to reprimand Zhuge Dali in a fake manner.

  "How do you do things? You can't do such a small thing well. What do you eat? The company pays you wages, not for your retirement!"

  Although Su Xin really didn't want to talk about Zhuge Dali, Su Xin didn't dare to let others know about Zhuge Dali. If it spreads to Hu Yifei and angers Hu Yifei again, then Su Xin really regrets it before it's too late!

  Xiao Qing saw Zhuge Dali stand up from a distance through the glass, and Zhuge Dali's face was also very red.

  Xiao Qing was immediately angry: "Okay! I'm still worried about you being angry, but you're good, but you start to mess with flowers again!"

  Xiao Qing angrily walked towards Su Xin and Zhuge Dali, but he was still very angry. Hu Yifei was pregnant, and Su Xin still didn't restrain himself. For such a heartless person, it's fine to let out a sigh of relief. Just when you meet scumbags.

  But when Xiao Qing heard Su Xin's words, he was stunned subconsciously, and his footsteps stopped.

  "Isn't he messing with flowers? He is teaching his subordinates? Then why is this girl like this?"

  Su Xin just reprimanded Zhuge Dali, and then pretended to see Xiao Qing inadvertently.

  Su Xin immediately stood up and looked at Xiao Qing calmly.

  "Sister Qing! What's the matter with you?"

  Xiao Qing felt uncomfortable when he heard Su Xin's intention to distance himself, but he didn't show it, but looked at Zhuge Dali.

  Su Xin turned his head to look at Zhuge Dali and continued his fake reprimand.

  "What are you still doing stupidly? The documents are on the desk, and give them to various departments. If you make another mistake, be careful and I will fire you!"

  Zhuge Dali lowered his head, as if I was wrong.

  "Yes! President Su, I promise there will be no next time!"

  Zhuge Dali walked to the desk, picked up the documents and hurried to the elevator......

  Neither Su Xin nor Xiao Qing spoke, and they were rather embarrassed.

  In order to avoid embarrassment, Xiao Qing did not mention himself and Su Xin, but transferred to Zhuge Dali.

  "You also reprimanded that little girl just now? Don't you usually like beauties the most? She is also very beautiful, but you are willing to reprimand it. This is different from your style!"

  Su Xin sat back on the sofa and poured Xiao Qing a cup of tea.

  "Good-looking looks are the same. I prefer inner beauty. She often makes mistakes in her work. If the company needed a beautiful vase secretary to maintain her image, I would have left her long ago!"


  Xiao Qing didn't know what to say, so he picked up the teacup and started to change the subject.

  "The tea you brought to my house has been sitting for a long time. No one drinks it if you don't come. It will spoil over time. It's a pity to throw it away!"

  Su Xin was stunned when he heard Xiao Qing's words, and then recovered as before.

  "It's no pity! Those tea leaves are all given by others, just throw them away! In life, you must know how to be willing!!"

  When Xiao Qing heard Su Xin's words, he took a sip of tea depressedly, and he was so obvious that he was implying that you still refused!

  The two chatted without a word about a topic that was not nutritious, and after a few chats, Xiao Qing began to play emotional cards.

  "Su Xin! Do you still remember the pot of roses you gave me before? I don't know what happened recently. The roses seem to be dying. Can you go take a look?"

  Su Xin was stunned for a moment when he heard Xiao Qing's words, looked at Xiao Qing with a bit of confusion, and said doubtfully.

  "That potted flower seems to be in a fight last time. You used it to smash me, it's long gone!"


  Xiao Qing was stunned for a moment. She really didn't pay attention to this. Usually, she went home to rest after eleven o'clock, and went to work early the next day. The nanny in the house regularly cleaned up the house.

  Xiao Qing was not embarrassed either. After all, he dropped a lot of things at that time and smashed a lot of things. Xiao Qing continued to talk about other things.

  "The automatic sweeping robot you gave me seems to be broken too! Can you help me take a look?"

  Su Xin probably also saw Xiao Qing's purpose, and set the tea set with a calm face.

  "Last time you kicked it and it was scrapped, and it has long been unusable! By the way, you also smashed the photo of the two of us!".

Chapter 338

  Xiao Qing said more than a dozen things that Su Xin had sent in a row, but most of them had already been sacrificed heroically, and the few things that were left were no excuse.

  The main reason why Su Xin repeatedly rejected Xiao Qing was that he didn't want to be played by her again.

  Su Xin drank tea without any rush and looked at Xiao Qing quietly.

  Xiao Qing saw that Su Xin didn't care about the conflict between the two at all, and was a little helpless at the moment, thinking that he would find an excuse and act like a spoiled child, but this time Su Xin was serious and didn't even give an excuse.

  Xiao Qing was irritable for a while, suddenly remembered something, and his expression became confident. He imitated Su Xin's appearance, and took a sip from the teacup without haste or slow.

  "I heard that there is a person named Lu Ziqiao who uses a shell company to manufacture fake medicines, and is suspected of fraud. I wonder if I should notify the relevant personnel immediately!"

  Su Xin was stunned when he heard Xiao Qing's words, and calmly put down the teacup.

  "Based on your surname, if the evidence is conclusive, don't say it's Lu Ziqiao, it's me, you've already started arresting people, why are you drinking tea here with me!"


  Xiao Qing28 looked stunned for a moment, he did have a little bit of evidence, but his informant had already broken into the company's interior, and it only took a little time to close the network.

  Xiao Qing originally thought that this topic could be used to open the gap between the two, but now it seems that it is not so easy.

  "I already have some evidence, and I will close the Internet in the past two days. His right to bail is with me. Are you sure you don't want to talk to me?"

  Su Xin glanced at Xiao Qing lightly, then stood up, passed Xiao Qing, walked to the office desk, and pressed the phone.

  "Security guards let outsiders enter the company at will, fined for one month, and the next time, they will be fired directly!"

  After Su Xin finished speaking, he hung up the phone and turned to look at Xiao Qing.

  "Sister Qing, this is a company, don't talk about personal matters, you'd better go back first!"

  When Xiao Qing heard Su Xin's order to evict guests, he was immediately stunned and looked at Su Xin in disbelief.

  "You blow me away?"

  Su Xin couldn't bear to see Xiao Qing's expression.

  "No! I didn't bombard you, but you have to go to work tomorrow, so go back and rest early!"

  Xiao Qing continued to sit and said angrily.

  "I don't need to rest. I'm here to chat with you today. Lu Ziqiao is your cousin, do you care about him?"

  Su Xin sat behind the office desk and sighed, looking helpless.

  "He's not a child anymore, he can be responsible for his actions! I can't help him forever!"

  "you you,,,"

  When Xiao Qing saw Su Xin's appearance of not being able to enter the oil and salt, he stood up angrily.

  Su Xin thought that Xiao Qing was leaving, and took out a card from his wallet.

  "Sister Qing! This is the money I promised to give you, take it!"

  When Xiao Qing heard Su Xin's words, his face changed again and again, and finally he threw his bag on the sofa, walked directly to the desk, took the card and broke it hard.


  Su Xin looked at Xiao Qing in confusion and asked suspiciously.

  "What are you doing?"

  Xiao Qing threw the broken card, reached out and hammered Su Xin hard, then grabbed Su Xin's clothes and pulled Su Xin in front of him, pretending to be vicious!

  "Do you want to divorce the old lady?"

  Seeing Xiao Qing's change so much, Su Xin didn't react for a while, and replied subconsciously.


  Xiao Qing continued to stare at Su Xin fiercely and threatened.

  "It's better not to. Since you walled me, you've been mine for the rest of your life. If you dare to say a divorce, my mother will interrupt your monthly retirement!"

  Although Su Xin wanted to refute, but looking at her state, she guessed that if she said something wrong, the consequences would be unimaginable, so she retorted weakly.

  "Back then, I was clearly caught in your trap. At that time, I was a Zhan Wu scum in front of you. No, I said that the Zhan Wu scum was flattering myself. How can I have that... uh!"

  Before Su Xin finished speaking, Xiao Qing stopped him. Su Xin pushed it, obviously he couldn't push it away. He couldn't help but sighed that the feng shui took turns and the retribution came too fast, but this retribution could come a little more.

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