"Not bad! The tea smells good, alas!"

  When Zhuge Dali heard Su Xin sigh, his smile disappeared immediately, and he asked with a little worry.

  "Is the tea defective? Don't worry, I will study hard, I will..."

  Su Xin shook his head when he heard Zhuge Dali's words.

  "It's not your problem, it's the tea. This tea was brought by Wang Kuo from his hometown. Now the tea is there, but the people are gone."


  Zhuge Dali breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Su Xin's words.

  "I thought I wasn't good enough!"

  Seeing the cautious Zhuge Dali, Su Xin couldn't help but smile, and directly embraced Zhuge Dali.

  "I remember that you were not like this before, and I heard Yifei say that you are very indifferent to your classmates. How come you are like this when you come to me?"

  Zhuge Dali looked at Su Xin with a blushing face, and stuttered when he spoke because of his nervousness.

  "I,, I usually chat with my classmates about academic issues, and,,, chat with you, yes,,, yes,,,"

  Seeing Zhuge's nervous appearance, Su Xin joked.

  "Why are you so nervous! Back then, you were taking advantage of my danger, and you were very courageous back then!"

  When Zhuge Dali heard Su Xin's words, he immediately lowered his head, did not dare to look at Su Xin, and said weakly.

  "Before, I was hiding in the dark and secretly watching you, but, I want to stand by your side, so,, so,,"

  Su Xin said slightly sarcastically.

  "¨" So you just use raw rice and cook cooked rice? "

  Zhuge nodded vigorously, and gave a soft "um".

  Su Xin said no to Zhuge.

  "Last time I drank too much, I'm a little regretful, are you doing anything tonight?"

  Zhuge Dali's face was so red that it was almost dripping blood. Hearing Su Xin's words, he directly stated his plans for the night.

  "After get off work, I'm going to do an internship in a cold drink shop to do research until nine o'clock. After I go home, I review the materials and then go to bed. I will date you the next day."

  Su Xin frowned when he heard Zhuge Dali's words.

  "What are you doing for an internship in a cold drink store? If you want to investigate, you can also investigate while watching!"

  When Zhuge Dali talked about his internship, he gradually became normal, and his words became more precise.

  "My practice is to communicate with customers more conveniently and to investigate more conveniently. If I just watch by the side, I'm wasting my life! My idol Prang..."

  Su Xin saw that Zhu (Qian Zhaozhao) Ge Dali was serious, and immediately changed the subject.

  "Stop! I'm not interested in that physicist, don't you understand what I mean?"

  Zhuge Dali scratched his head in confusion.

  "Didn't you ask me about my plans for the evening? I'm telling you! Is there anything wrong?"


  Seeing Zhuge Dali's dazed look, Su Xin couldn't help sighing.

  "Hey! Your emotional intelligence will never exceed five points, a hundred percent system!"

  Zhuge Dali nodded awkwardly.

  "Many people say this, but my IQ is very high. I have been tested by an authoritative institution and my IQ is over [-]!"

  Su Xin put his hand on his forehead depressed and turned helplessly.

  "Do you have to be so clear about what I say? Can you really guess what I mean?"

  Zhuge Dali looked at Su Xin with a question mark.

  "Am I getting it wrong?".

Chapter 335


  Su Xin saw Zhuge Dali's dazed look, and there was no one else in the office, so he said it directly.

  "What I just meant was,, that is,,,"

  Seeing Zhuge Dali's pure eyes, Su Xin was a little embarrassed to say it directly.

  Zhuge Dali looked at Su Xin blankly and asked nervously.

  "If you have something to say, just say it! I'm even more flustered like this!"

  Su Xin gritted his teeth and whispered a few words in Zhuge Dali's ear.

  Zhuge Dali's face immediately turned red, and he stammered.

  "This, this,, I listen to you! I know a,, a good hotel! The environment is very good."

  Su Xin looked at Zhuge Dali in amazement, with an incredible look.

  "Have you investigated the environment on purpose? Do you go there often?"

  Zhuge Dali saw that Su Xin had misunderstood and quickly explained.

  "Don't get me wrong, I used to be a hotel tester, so I know some things! I usually go alone, only last time I went with,,, with you."

  When Su Xin heard what Zhuge Dali said, he immediately understood that Zhuge Dali had done many part-time jobs and internships, and it was normal to be a tester.

  Su Xin hesitated for a moment and asked Zhuge Dali in a low voice.

  "Have you brought your ID card?"

  Zhuge nodded vigorously, and shyly picked up a book in front of him.

  "There are documents to be processed on the desk, go and process them!"

  Seeing that Zhuge Dali was embarrassed, Su Xin didn't say anything else, took a sip from the teacup, then stood up and walked to the desk to start processing documents.

  Zhuge Dali was subconsciously relieved when he saw Su Xin dealing with the documents, then moved the book down a little and began to look at Su Xin secretly.

  Su Xin had just processed a few documents when the phone rang inappropriately.

  Su Xin put down the documents in his hand, picked up the phone and glanced at it. It was Xiao Qing who was calling. After thinking about it, although Su Xin didn't want to answer the phone, he finally got through. He listened to Xiao Qing's words quietly.

  Xiao Qing's unhappy voice came from the phone.

  "Su Xin! What do you mean! I finally have a day off, can't you wait a little longer? I hurried back to the cinema, but you are gone! Do you still have me in your eyes? Are you waiting? Can't I do it for a while?"

  Xiao Qing said a lot of things, but Su Xin didn't say a word, Xiao Qing was even more unhappy.

  "You talk! What do you mean when you connect the phone and don't talk?"


  After Su Xin heard Xiao Qing finished speaking, he sighed.

  "Sister Qing! I'm tired! Shall we calm down for a while? I want to rest quietly! Don't discuss these messy issues!"

  Xiao Qing was stunned at first when he heard Su Xin's words, but instead of avoiding the topic, he continued to complain.

  "Why are you tired? I work overtime every day, and I never say I'm tired! You just drink tea every day and chat with Yifei, why are you tired!"

  Su Xin heard that Xiao Qing would be wrong, so he explained it more directly.

  "I'm really tired! When I say tired, I mean our relationship! Let's keep our relationship like this for now! We'll talk after we calm down. I still have things to deal with, so I'll hang up first!"

  Su Xin and Xiao Qing have always been together less often than others. When the two lived together two years ago, they could talk about any conflicts.

  But since Su Xin moved to the love apartment, the two have hardly seen each other for more than two years, and there are frequent conflicts when they meet.

  No matter how big the conflict between the two is, Su Xin never mentioned breaking up. Every time he comforts her, Su Xin feels so tired!That's why Su Xin said that the two of them will do this first, and then talk after they calm down.

  Xiao Qing asked incredulously when he heard Su Xin's words, as if struck by lightning.

  "That's how our relationship is? What's it like? Do you want to break up with me?"

  Su Xin was silent for a while, and replied without any rush.

  "I never said about breaking up from beginning to end, I mean, we will talk about the problem of the two of us after a while, and I have something to do now."

  When Xiao Qing heard Su Xin's words, he immediately began to blame Su Xin.

  "I wanted to explain to you today what happened some time ago, but I was in a hurry again. When I came back, you left. I didn't even have a chance to explain. It was a coincidence some time ago. I didn't mean to let you go. Pigeon's, and..."

  Su Xin didn't deal with the work either, just listened to Xiao Qing's words quietly. After Xiao Qing finished speaking, Su Xin said very calmly.

  "Sister Qing! We spend very little time together. Although we are in the same city, we don't see each other several times a year. There is really no need to quarrel. We won't go to the movies or travel in the future, so we won't have pigeons in the future. Controversy!"

  Xiao Qing felt inexplicably sad when he heard Su Xin's words.

  "The time we spent watching movies and traveling in the last year did not add up to more than five times. I gave up the hard-won vacation to accompany you, not just for..."

  Su Xin interrupted Xiao Qing directly and said calmly.

  "So there is no need for us to argue. Before you retire, there is no need for us to have a conflict at all. After all, we don't know when we will meet next time!"

  Xiao Qing was silent when she heard Su Xin's words. She knew that after her vacation this time, the next time she thought about having a vacation would be a few months later.

  Xiao Qing sighed helplessly and said a little sadly.

  "Well! We, let's do it!"

  "That's it! I still have things to do, bye! Take care of yourself!"

  After Su Xin finished speaking, he wanted to hang up the phone, but Xiao Qing hurriedly shouted and asked.

  "Wait a minute! You, will you come to see me?"

  Su Xin was silent for a while, Xiao Qing didn't give him the key to her house at all, she definitely couldn't go to her house, she said helplessly.

  "I'll go to the police station to see you when I get a chance."

  Xiao Qing replied in disappointment.

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