"You are inconvenient to move now! Let's talk about it later!"

  Hu Yifei knew her situation, and it was impossible to do it now, but she couldn't lose her momentum.

  "Then wait until the baby is born and then compare, then I will definitely beat you!"

  Su Xin was a little speechless. Why do husband and wife have to fight to win or lose?So Su Xin resolutely conceded defeat.

  "No need to compare! I admit that I can't beat you!"

  When Hu Yifei heard Su Xin's words, he couldn't help but smile and said nothing.

  Chen Meijia looked at everyone with a depressed expression: "¨" It's so boring! "

  Tang Youyou, who was chatting magically with Guan Gu, looked at Chen Meijia suspiciously.

  "Bored? Why didn't I feel it?"


  Chen Meijia looked at Tang Youyou resentfully, and didn't say anything, but picked up the phone and opened the game to kill time.

  "Ding Ding Ding!"

  The phone rang for a while, and everyone looked at Su Xin, and then continued to work on their own affairs.

  Su Xin took out his mobile phone and looked at it, two words were displayed on the screen.

  "Little fan!"

  Hu Yifei sat next to Su Xin and asked suspiciously when he saw the name on the screen.

  "Who is this little fan? Why haven't I seen it?"

  "It's someone from my company, I guess there is something important! I'll go to the side to connect."

  Su Xin stood up and walked aside to answer the phone.


  Zhuge Dali's voice came from the phone.

  "Su Xin! Do you have time tomorrow (Qian Zhaohao)? I want to invite you to a movie!"


  Su Xin asked suspiciously.

  "We just finished watching the movie two days ago! Is something wrong with you?"

  Zhuge Dali's nervous voice came from the phone.

  "It's okay! I know that this month's opportunities have run out, but, I, I, I miss you, and I want to invite you to watch a movie and have dinner together."


  Su Xin heard Zhuge Dali's restrained words and said helplessly.

  "Just tell me if you want, you don't need to put yourself so low, we are equal!"

  Zhuge Dali's slightly surprised voice came from the phone.

  "You're telling the truth? Would you like to accompany me to the movies?"

  Su Xin pinched his forehead helplessly, Zhuge Dali didn't have the calmness and emotionless look in the original book, but had a kind of look like licking a dog, which made Su Xin very helpless. .

Chapter 330

  Zhuge Dali feels to Su Xin like Zhao Haitang who loves Wuli, no, Zhao Haitang puts himself on the same level as Zhuge Dali.

  And Zhuge Dali felt to Su Xin as if she felt honored to date her, and completely regarded herself as her everything.

  Zhuge Dali, who was on the opposite side of the phone, heard that Su Xin stopped talking, and asked a question in doubt.

  "Su Xin! Are you still there? When are we going to the movies?"

  Zhuge Dali's voice pulled Su Xin's thoughts back, and Su Xin thought about it.

  "I still have something to do today! Tomorrow!"

  Zhuge Dali's happy voice came from the phone.

  "Okay! I'll wait for you in front of the cinema tomorrow, see you soon!"

  After Zhuge Dali finished speaking, he hung up the phone quickly. Zhuge Dali hung up the phone so quickly to prevent Su Xin from rejecting it.

  On the other side, Su Xin looked at the phone with a question mark.

  "Hang up so fast?"

  Su Xin didn't care about this either, put the phone in his pocket, and walked to Hu Yifei's side.

  As soon as Su Xin sat down, Hu Yifei asked worriedly.

  "Has something happened to the company? I saw you frown just now. Did you encounter any trouble?"

  Su Xin was stunned for a moment, then said with a smile.

  "There is indeed a little trouble. The new operations manager has just taken office. He doesn't understand many procedures and is often in a hurry. Someone just complained to me about him!"

  Hu Yifei breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Su Xin's words.

  "It turned out to be this! I thought it was a big deal!"

  As soon as Hu Yifei finished speaking, the long-lost system prompt sounded.

  "Ding! Flickering success!

  Rating: S

  Get a speed helicopter (speed helicopter, made of special steel, battery life, automatic absorption of solar energy, intelligent computer control, can seat five people, the fastest speed can reach 1563km per hour!)

  Extract? "

  (This data is not exaggerated, it is still within the scope of understanding, if you don’t believe it, you can find Du Niang!)


  Su Xin heard the voice of the system, and some inner cows were full of faces. The system usually rewards some money and so on, but now there is an electric helicopter.

  Su Xin thought about this time, why did the system suddenly increase the reward?

  Su Xin thought about it, and finally thought of the most likely reason, that is Zhuge Dali.

  Su Xin thought to himself: The new protagonist will bring good rewards every time. Zhuge Dali's attitude towards him is such that he can't bear to deceive her, but there is also a curry sauce and a Zhao Haitang. Hit them hard once, and try to get a reward crit!

  Poor Curry Sauce and Zhao Haitang had already been clearly arranged by Su Xin before they were seated.

  "Ding! Do you want to receive it immediately?"

  The system prompted again, Su Xin chose No without thinking, there is no room to claim it now, and he can only take it out later when he needs it!

  Su Xin chatted with Hu Yifei for a while, the lights in the operating room went dark, and Chen Meijia looked at Zeng Xiaoxian in disbelief.

  "Mr. Zeng! Didn't you say that this is just a minor operation and there is no danger? Why is Lu Ziqiao still dead?"

  Everyone: -_-||

  Everyone looked at Chen Meijia with question marks, and Zeng Xiaoxian looked at Chen Meijia speechlessly.

  "Who told you that Zi Qiao died? Where did you see that Zi Qiao had an accident?"

  Chen Meijia pointed to the reminder light in the operating room with a little sadness.

  "I saw on TV that once the light went out, it meant that the person was dead! In this situation, Zi Qiao must have had an accident. No, I'm going to take a last look at him!"

  Zeng Xiaoxian looked at Chen Meijia with a black line, and complained with displeasure: "You should watch less of those brainless TV dramas in the future. That light off means the operation is over, not someone who has died!"

  Chen Meijia looked at the others suspiciously.

  "Is that right?"

  Everyone nodded.


  The door of the operating room opened, and Lu Ziqiao was pushed out with a pale face. Because Lu Ziqiao was afraid of pain, he received general anesthesia and is still in a coma.

  Everyone followed the nurse to the hospital. Su Xin and Hu Yifei walked at the end. Hu Yifei touched Su Xin's arm and pointed at Chen Meijia, who had a slightly worried face.

   "It seems that Mika is still worried about Zi Qiao! But Zi Qiao seems to be completely invisible!"

  Su Xin smiled when he heard Hu Yifei's words.

  "Don't worry! Zi Qiao hasn't met anyone who made him feel hopeless and changed! When he does, he will look back to see Mika!"

  When Hu Yifei heard Su Xin's words, he asked suspiciously.

  "What kind of person can make a heartless person like Lu Ziqiao feel despair? Is it a woman? Then what does this woman look like?"


  Su Xin remembered that when he watched the Four Pirates of Love, he was also moved at that time, but although Chen Meijia was the one who changed Lu Ziqiao, it was indeed a psychiatrist who practiced hypnosis.

  In the face of Hu Yifei's question, Su Xin did not say it explicitly, but perfunctory.

  "Not a woman, this story is difficult to understand, even if I tell you, you may not understand it!"

  Hu Yifei didn't ask any further, but sighed.

  "As long as they are fine in the future! As for the process, that is their own business!"


  Several people walked to the place where Lu Ziqiao was hospitalized. At this time, Lu Ziqiao was still awake, Hu Yifei was even more worried, and whispered beside Su Xin.

  "This is too unprofessional! I heard that pharmacists will control the amount of medicine and use the appropriate medicine, and the patient will wake up after the operation, but Ziqiao is too unprofessional. The anesthesia is used before the operation, and the anesthesia after the operation. kept him asleep."

  Su Xin said with a little emotion.

  "Fortunately, the anesthesia was not used during the operation, or Zi Qiao would have suffered a serious crime. I guess that feeling is no different from death than life!"

  Hu Yifei shuddered when she heard Su Xin's words.

  "I'm too scared! I'll be ill in the future and I won't be able to come to this hospital if I'm killed."

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