Guan Gu looked at Lu Ziqiao thoughtfully and miraculously, and said a few words of ridicule.

  "Zi Qiao! You look like this, you don't have to meet a slacker, right? I often see reports like you on the news. First, there are beautiful women who strike up a conversation, and then..."

  Lu Ziqiao looked at Guan Gu with a black line.

  "Am I that gullible? I'm just sick, kidney stones, I'm not cut off!"

  Lu Zhanbo looked at Lu Ziqiao suspiciously and asked.

  "You're sick, why didn't you go to the hospital, but came here instead?"

  Lu Ziqiao pointed to Chen Meijia's room.

  "I'll get something!"

  After Lu Ziqiao finished speaking, he walked into Chen Meijia's room, rummaged through it, and finally found a medical insurance. After getting the things, Lu Ziqiao walked out.

  Lu Ziqiao and everyone exchanged a few more words, then walked downstairs, got into the car and drove to the hospital.

  The next morning, Su Xin accompanied Hu Yifei to the hospital to check on the baby's condition. Everything was fine. Then the two walked to the hospital and took a look at Lu Ziqiao.

  When the two walked to the door of Lu Ziqiao's ward, everyone except Chen Meijia came.

  When the two walked into the ward, they heard Lu Ziqiao bragging.

  "I usually pay attention to my routine, take a five-hour break every day, never date the same woman, and drink alcohol every day."

  Hu Yifei spoke jokingly.

  "It's good that you can survive for so many years. Fortunately, it's just a stone this time, and maybe next time."

  Lu Ziqiao looked unwilling and refuted Hu Yifei's words.

  "There are a lot of celebrities out there who are more chaotic than mine, and they're still doing fine."

  Guan Gu looked at Lu Ziqiao with miraculous contempt.

  "Everyone has practiced, you are just an ordinary person, don't think about comparing yourself with others!"

  Lu Ziqiao raised three fingers angrily.

  "I think I, Lv Xiaobu, are pretentious, with a jade tree facing the wind, and everyone's love, but the hardware can't keep up. I swear, if there is an afterlife, I'd be willing to trade one-third of my IQ for a diamond that's not bad!"


  Everyone looked at Lu Ziqiao with contempt.

  A nurse walked in and walked to Lu Ziqiao's bed.

  "Lu Ziqiao! The operating room is ready! I'll take you for surgery now."

  Su Xin looked at Hu Yifei. He remembered that in the original book, Hu Yifei was supposed to scare Lu Ziqiao, but Hu Yifei didn't mean to scare Lu Ziqiao at all now.

  Everyone followed the nurse to the operating room. The nurse pushed Lu Ziqiao into the operating room, just in time for the efficacy of the anesthesia, and there was Lu Ziqiao's miserable howl.

  "Forehead drops kidney~"

  The doctor scolded the nurse with some displeasure.

  "The effect of the drug is so over? It shouldn't be so fast!"

  Everyone was a little worried when they heard the noisy noise from the operating room.

  Hu Yifei looked at Su Xin with a serious face, and warned him.

  "When I get to my due date, I must not come here. I don't want to let these unreliable people help me."

  Su Xin helped Hu Yifei to the seat beside him and comforted Hu Yifei a few words.

  "Don't worry, I've already arranged it for you. It's all professional doctors, so this won't happen."

  "That's good!"

  When Hu Yifei heard Su Xin's words, she subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief, because these doctors gave her the impression that they were too unprofessional, and could not even grasp the time of anesthesia, let alone the more delicate work.

  "Tread! Tread! Tread!"

  A burst of hurried footsteps came, everyone looked at the corridor, and Chen Meijia ran over anxiously.

  Seeing that Chen Meijia was about to break in, Zeng Xiaoxian quickly stopped Chen Meijia.

  "This is the operating room, you can't just enter!"

  Chen Meijia asked with a face ashen.

  "Has the surgery already started?"

  Seeing Chen Meijia's appearance, Zeng Xiaoxian thought that Chen Meijia really cared about Lu Ziqiao!

  "Yes! The operation has already begun!"

  Chen Meijia's face collapsed, and she continued to walk to the operating room. Zeng Xiaoxian continued to stop Chen Meijia.

  "Mega! I know that you are in true love and have a good relationship, but this is the operating room, you can't go in, but don't worry, this is just a minor operation, and there will be no surprises."


Chapter 329


  Chen Meijia spat with displeased expression, and then shouted angrily.

  "It has nothing to do with me whether that bastard is alive or dead, he'd better die on the operating table! Otherwise, even if he survives, I won't let him go!"

  Hu Yifei looked at Chen Meijia suspiciously and asked.

  "Then why are you so anxious? Don't you care about Ziqiao?"

  With an angry expression, Chen Meijia took out a piece of paper from her bag.

  "I'm looking for him because he stole my medical insurance, which is a lot of money! No, I'm going to kill him myself, or I'll be depressed for the rest of my life!"

  Guan Gu looked at Tang Youyou with a bewildered look on his face.

  "Can insurance be stolen?"

  Tang Youyou thought for a while, and then looked indifferent.

  "Anything can happen these days! Didn't the Zhang Wei you mentioned also travel to ancient times to grab women from the emperor!"

  Guan Gu miraculously nodded and spit out a word.

  "It's a TV series, played by actors, but Zhang Wei looks popular, and it just so happens that the guy looks just like him!"

  Just when Tang Youyou and Guan Gu were chatting magically, Zeng Xiaoxian finally persuaded Chen Meijia to stop, Chen Meijia said a harsh word, and then sat down to the waiting place depressed.

  "When the bastard Lu Ziqiao comes out, I must ask him to make up the money for me!!"

  Hu Yifei saw that Lu Zhanbo was the only one in the crowd sitting quietly holding a book and drawing something.

  Hu Yifei asked suspiciously: "Zhanbo! I remember that you are going to your company's dance party today, why do you still have time to come?"

  When Lu Zhanbo heard Hu Yifei's words, he put down the book helplessly.

  "I don't want to! But I don't have a dance partner at all. Except for Jian Ning, there seems to be no woman willing to pay attention to me! Of course I won't go back to the dance without a dance partner. It's a shame!"

  Zeng Xiaoxian looked at Lu Zhanbo with a smile, and made a joke.

  "Jian Ning is also because you saved her, so..."

  Seeing that Zeng Xiaoxian was going to attack Lu Zhanbo again, Hu Yifei interrupted Zeng Xiaoxian with a displeased expression.

  "Enough! You still have the face to say that Zhan Bo, your current girlfriend is not Su Xin to help you, otherwise you are still a single dog! And Zhan Bo is already married, what face do you have to despise Zhan Bo? "


  Zeng Xiaoxian was so hurt that he didn't know what to say, and was silent for a while.

  Lu Zhanbo glanced at Zeng Xiaoxian with a depressed expression.

  "Actually, Mr. Zeng is right! It's really a coincidence, so I regret it. When I was studying abroad, if I could participate in more activities, I would definitely not sit here and play boring math like now. Solo game!"

  Tang Youyou's eyes lit up when he heard Lu Zhanbo's words.

  "If I didn't go to the crew to be an actor, what should I be?"

  Guan Gu looked at Tang Youyou curiously and asked, "Yuyou! If you weren't an actor, what would you do?"

  Tang Youyou thought about it for a while, and said excitedly.

  "If I didn't become an actor, then I must be a screenwriter, because then I can write people to death!"

  Zeng Xiaoxian raised his hand excitedly and said quickly.

  "And me! If I wasn't a radio host, but a TV host, I should be a super famous host by now!"

  Hu Yifei couldn't help but smile when she heard everyone's beautiful imagination.

  "If I didn't choose to stay in school for graduate school, then I must be a powerful woman, and I wouldn't choose to have a baby so early."

  Su Xin flicked Hu Yifei's head with a black thread.

  "If! What ifs there! If there are ifs, don't you still wish you didn't meet me?"

  Hu Yifei thought for a while, then nodded seriously.

  "If there is, I will find you early, and then look at you. If you find someone else, I will directly interrupt you Yuetui! If you say a word, you will be beaten, so you are completely mine! "

  Su Xin looked at Hu Yifei with a black line.

  "Fortunately I can beat you, or else I will be miserable?"


  An inexplicable light flashed in Hu Yifei's eyes.

  "You said you were better than me? Would you like to compare it again? I'll let you have one hand!"

  Zeng Xiaoxian looked at Su Xin mockingly, and said mockingly.

  "Even if Yi Fei gave up two hands, Su Xin wouldn't dare to win!"

  Su Xin didn't care about Zeng Xiaoxian's ridicule, but looked at Hu Yifei. He knew that Hu Yifei's competitive spirit was alive again.

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