Su Xin patted Hu Yifei and comforted.

  "Don't worry! I won't let a quack doctor see a doctor for you!"

  "Ding Ding Ding!"

  Su Xin's cell phone rang again, Tang Youyou looked at Su Xin and persuaded.

  "Su Xin, if you have something to do, go to work first. I'm watching here! It'll be fine!"

  Hu Yifei nodded and looked at Su Xin seriously.

  "I'm fine too! If you're busy, just go first, I can take care of myself!"

  "I'm really fine!"

  Su Xin took out his mobile phone and saw that it was Xiao Qing's call. Su Xin put the mobile phone in front of Hu Yifei.

  "It's Xiao Qing's call, I guess he asked me to stay with him for a few days!"

  After Su Xin finished speaking, he answered the phone.

  "Hey! Officer Xiao, what's the matter?"

  Xiao Qing's displeased voice came from the phone.

  "You really turned your face and didn't recognize people! You used to be called Sister Qing, but now you are called Officer Xiao, are you swollen again?".

Chapter 331


  Su Xin originally thought that Xiao Qing had pranked himself some time ago and felt a little guilty, but now it seems that he thinks too much.

  Since Xiao Qing had no guilt, Su Xin didn't care too much about her feelings, and responded with a retort.

  "Before I was young and ignorant, I got on the pirate ship by mistake, and I saw the wrong person. Now~ I want to rein in the precipice!"

  When Xiao Qing heard Su Xin's words, he immediately became unhappy and retorted with his mobile phone.

  "It's obvious that I got on the pirate ship. You got a cheap price and behaved well. Don't talk nonsense with you. Where are you now?"

  When Su Xin heard that Xiao Qing was looking for him, he asked in surprise.

  "You're actually looking for me? It's rare! Tell me! What's the matter? Although I won't necessarily help you, but you can talk about it."

  Xiao Qing heard the ridicule between Su Xin's words, holding the phone in his hand, unconsciously exerted his strength, and gritted his teeth to ask again.

  "Where are you?"


  Su Xin also heard that Xiao Qing was a little angry, and stopped teasing.

  "I'm in the hospital. If you're in a hurry, I'll go to you right now."

  "I'll be waiting for you at your apartment!"

  After Xiao Qing finished speaking, he hung up the phone. On the other side, Su Xin looked at the phone that hung up the phone with a bewildered expression.

  "Is something wrong or is it okay?"

  Hu Yifei looked at Su Xin suspiciously.

  "Is there something wrong with Xiao Qing? Otherwise, you can go and have a look first, and I'll just take a taxi and go back!"

  Su Xin glanced at Lu Ziqiao, who was still asleep, and then looked at Tang Youyou.

  "Little aunt, Zi Qiao will take care of you, I'll take Yifei back first!"

  Tang Youyou nodded and pointed at Guan Gu for a miracle.

  "Go ahead! Guan Gu is with me!"

  Su Xin nodded and looked at Hu Yifei.

  "Yifei! I'll take you back to the apartment!"

  Hu Yifei thought for a while and rejected Su Xin.

  "Go get busy first! Xiao Qing usually doesn't look for you very often. It's probably because something happened, or she won't call you."

  Su Xin took Hu Yifei to the outside and explained.

  "Xiao Qing is waiting for me in the apartment! I'll send you back to see what's going on with her."

  Hu Yifei heard Xiao Qing waiting in the apartment, and said nothing, followed Su Xin to the outside.

  The two walked to the parking lot, found Hu Yifei's car, and drove to the love apartment.

  Because Hu Yifei was inconvenient to move, Su Xin's car was not easy to sit in, so Su Xin sealed the car in the underground garage and drove Hu Yifei's car all the time.

  The two returned to the love apartment, and as soon as they got off the elevator, they saw Xiao Qing standing in front of the door of 3601, waiting bored.

  When Xiao Qing saw the two coming back, he immediately began to complain.

  "No one in your apartment is here! I've been here for so long!"

  Su Xin frowned slightly when he heard Xiao Qing's words, but didn't say anything.

  Su Xin walked to the door and opened the door. The three of them walked into the living room. Xiao Qing couldn't help sighing looking at Hu Yifei's chubby Yuetuzi.

  "Fortunately, I didn't agree with Su Xin's suggestion, otherwise I would become like this too! Yifei, it's inconvenient for you to act like this!"

  Hu Yifei nodded dejectedly when she heard Xiao Qing's words.

  "Well! Not only can I no longer practice martial arts, I even have to be careful when I eat, and even pay attention when sleeping... In short, it's very troublesome!"

  Xiao Qing nodded, rejoicing in his heart, and praised Hu Yifei a few words by the way.

  "Among our sisters, you are the one who follows Su Xin the most. No one wants to be except you..."

  Hearing Xiao Qing's words, Su Xin interrupted her with a displeased expression.

  "What the hell are you doing here? If you have something to do, just tell me! If you can help me, I will help, don't delay your work!"

  Seeing that Su Xin was unhappy, Xiao Qing didn't care, picked up a fruit and ate it.

  "I'm on vacation! There's nowhere to go, so I'm here to see you!"

  Su Xin and Hu Yifei looked at Xiao Qing in astonishment. It was rare to see Xiao Qing during the holidays. For a few days of the year, she hurried back home, and then returned to work.

  Seeing the two of them looking at him in surprise, Xiao Qing asked suspiciously.

  "Is it weird that I'm on vacation?"

  Su Xin nodded and complained.

  "It's a little bit! But is it really okay for you to come to me today? This is not your style! Every time you take the initiative to find me, either use software to check information or let me see you, you suddenly come to chat with us, We're still a little uncomfortable."

  Hu Yifei nodded in agreement, Xiao Qing explained embarrassedly when he saw Su Xin complaining about himself.

  "Actually, I don't know what to do on vacation, so I came to you. I wanted Su Xin to accompany me to watch movies and go shopping! He doesn't want to see him!"

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????????????

  Su Xin nodded and did not beat around the bush.

  "You guessed it right! Last time you took me out and left me alone on the side of the road, you still want me to accompany you out? Just think about it, I won't be fooled again!"

  Xiao Qing explained with an embarrassed expression.

  "Last time there was an urgent task, and I have been humbled by you!"

  Su Xin picked up the fruit and handed Hu Yifei a bunch of grapes: "Yes, you are being too modest, but I don't accept it! And you don't need to care. After all, what you said to Lu Ziqiao makes sense."

  Xiao Qing's face became even more embarrassed when he heard Su Xin's words.

  "I just said it casually, you don't care!"

  Su Xin took a bite of the fruit and looked indifferent.

  "I don't care. Compared to you standing outside the door for half an hour just now, it's nothing for me to stand for a few hours that day!"


  When Xiao Qing heard Su Xin's words, he reluctantly took out a key from his bag.

  "I brought you the key! I apologize to you too, it's alright now!"

  Su Xin saw that Xiao Qing didn't want to give him the key, so he didn't take the key.

  "Since you don't want to give it to me, don't wrong yourself! It's not that I have no place to live!"

  Xiao Qing saw that Su Xin didn't want the key, so he took the key back and explained it by the way.

  "My house has just been renovated, and I'm afraid that the two of us will start to tear it down, so..."

  Su Xin glanced at Xiao Qing and nodded.

  "Understood! After all, we almost demolished the house last time we fought!"

  Seeing the silence in the atmosphere, Hu Yifei changed the subject.

  "We don't talk about this anymore, Xiao Qing, have you eaten yet?"

  Xiao Qing saw that Hu Yifei wanted to change the topic, so he started chatting along the topic.

  "Not yet, I originally planned to take Su Xin out for a walk and have a meal by the way!"

  Hu Yifei turned to look at Su Xin.

  "Su Xin! It just so happened that we didn't eat either! You cook a little more, and we'll have a meal together! After dinner, you and Xiao Qing go shopping, I want to rest."

  "Okay! I'm going to cook now, forget about shopping! I still have a few things to deal with!"

  After Su Xin finished speaking, he walked to the kitchen and started cooking. Xiao Qing heard Su Xin's words and wanted to say something, but he didn't say anything in the end.

  Hu Yifei noticed the abnormality and asked curiously, "Xiao Qing! Are you in conflict with Su Xin?"

Chapter 332

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