"Yifei! You just said let me get more sunshine, why?"

  Hu Yifei was stunned when he heard Su Xin's words, and then stopped thinking about shoes.

  "To make you tan is to make you darker, because then no one will call you an idiot!"

  Su Xin pinched Hu Yifei's face with a black line.

  "I'm discussing business with you, but you're actually making fun of me! Is it swelling again?"

  Hu Yifei opened Su Xin's hand and complained displeasedly: "How come! I just think the child's name must be loud! Also, don't pinch my face in the future!"

  Su Xin also ignored Hu Yifei's rebuttal, but asked curiously.

  "What's a loud name?"

  Just as Hu Yifei was about to speak, Tang Youyou came over with a bottle of wine, sat down on the sofa and started complaining.

  "Yifei! You classmates are really talented in all aspects. The only regret is that you didn't join the entertainment industry!"

  Su Xin asked the waiter for two bottles of drinks, then looked at Tang Youyou.

  "Little aunt! Tell me if you want to know the director! I know many directors. What role do you want to play is a matter of one sentence!"

  When Tang Youyou heard Su Xin's words, she refused without thinking.

  "You start looking for someone, and everyone in the actor circle knows our relationship, so what else can I play? With your face here, no matter how bad my performance is, they will praise me for my good performance, not at all. Someone will point out my mistakes."

  Hu Yifei looked at Tang Youyou suspiciously: "Isn't this bad? No one will point fingers at you in the future, and your character will no longer have to worry about dying!"

  Tang Youyou immediately shook his head and explained the reason to the two of them.

  "If no one points out my mistakes, how can I improve my acting skills? How can I win awards if I don't improve my acting skills, how can I be worthy of my acting career if I don't win awards, I'm sorry..."


  When Su Xin heard Tang Youyou talking more and more vigorously, he immediately interrupted Tang Youyou's words.

  "Don't say it! I understand, you can just say that you don't need my help! Don't say a lot of useless words!"

  Tang Youyou nodded: "That's what it means!"

  This is Chen Meijia also walking over, looking at the three of them curiously.

  "What are you talking about?"

  Hu Yifei looked at Chen Meijia a little depressed and persuaded.

  "Meijia, calm down a little bit, my classmates are about to be scared away by you!"

  Chen Meijia looked at the three suspiciously.

  "Am I that scary? I think it's normal!"

  The three of Su Xin said at the same time.

  "very scary!"

  Chen Meijia sat down on the sofa with an embarrassed look on her face.

  "I'll pay more attention in the future! In fact, there are not many handsome guys among Yifei's classmates. Instead, there are people in bars. There are many handsome guys!"

  Seeing that Chen Meijia had turned into a nympho, Hu Yifei said speechlessly.

  "Mega! Nympho is a disease, treat it early and get better!"

  Su Xin also joked a few words.

  "She's in the late stage of nympho, there's no way to save her!"

  Chen Meijia picked up a bottle of wine and took a sip, and retorted with a look of resentment...  

  "Who said that! I'm not a nympho, I'm just... just yearning for beautiful things."

  Several people looked at Chen Meijia with contempt, but they didn't tease her anymore. Su Xin took the drink from the bartender, handed it to Hu Yifei, and took the bottle himself.

  "Ouch! Ouch!"

  Right at this moment, Lu Ziqiao came over clutching Yuetuzi, howling as he walked.

  Tang Youyou immediately stood up, supported Lu Ziqiao, and asked worriedly.

  "Zi Qiao! What's the matter with you?"

  Lu Ziqiao sat on the sofa with a painful face, howling and talking.

  "I don't know. I just chatted up a very beautiful beauty, but my stomach suddenly hurt, and it was a severe pain! I feel like I'm about to die!"

  Tang Youyou looked at Su Xin anxiously and asked.

  "Su Xin! What's wrong with Zi Qiao? He'll be fine, right?"

  Su Xin thought about the plot of the original book, and it was probably time for Lu Ziqiao to break the big stone, not the time to break the stone!

  Su Xin took a sip of his drink in a hurry.

  "No big deal! It's just a kidney stone, a small problem, it won't kill anyone!"


  Lu Ziqiao looked at Su Xin with a painful expression.

  "Why do I feel like I'm going to die?"

  Su Xin comforted Lu Ziqiao.

  "Don't worry, you can't die, it's just that life is worse than death. As the saying goes, stones are minor illnesses, and they hurt really badly!"

  Chen Meijia taunted Lu Ziqiao at the same time.

  "You deserve it! You must have done too many wicked things, so you were punished. As the saying goes, the way of heaven is good for reincarnation, and no one can bypass you, you bastard!"


  Lu Ziqiao just wanted to reply to Chen Meijia, but as soon as he said a word, he felt a burst of pain, and the words turned into a miserable howl.

  "Forehead drops kidney~"

  Everyone in the party looked at Lu Ziqiao, and Tang Youyou helped Lu Ziqiao up.

  "Let's go to the hospital first!"

  Su Xin looked at the time and stopped the two.

  "At this time, there is no one else in the hospital except the emergency room, and your stone is not in the category of emergency! So you can only go tomorrow!"


  When Lu Ziqiao heard Su Xin's words, he immediately exclaimed. .

Chapter 328

  "Forehead drops kidney~"

  Lu Ziqiao let out a miserable cry, and then began to complain.

  "Why didn't the first aid cure the stone? Don't they know that this disease can hurt people to death?"

  Chen Meijia continued to taunt Lu Ziqiao.

  "Deserving it! This is retribution, it's best to really make you hurt to death!"

  Hu Yifei drank the drink indifferently, and when he saw Lu Ziqiao looking like he was about to die, he said a few words of comfort.

  "Don't worry! Although it hurts a bit, it won't kill you, and your pain is only level seven to eight, which is far from level twelve!"

  Lu Ziqiao looked at everyone in pain.

  "You don't have back pain when you stand and talk! It's me who hurts now! My forehead drops the kidney~"

  The people around looked at Lu Ziqiao curiously.

  Su Xin saw Lu Ziqiao shouting, and began to fall into deep thought. Lu Ziqiao must have been influenced by ghosts and wolf howls at night, affecting other people's rest. The most important thing is Yifei. She is now in a special period and cannot affect her rest time.

  Su Xin looked at Tang Youyou and suggested.

  "Little aunt, why don't you send Ziqiao to the hospital first and let him stay in the hospital for a day!"

  Lu Ziqiao 28 immediately agreed with Su Xin's suggestion.

  "Yes! Take me to the hospital now. It's better to give me some anesthesia first, so that I won't be in such pain!"

  Tang Youyou saw that everyone said so, and did not object, and helped Lu Ziqiao to go outside.

  "I'll take Ziqiao to the hospital first, you guys continue!"

  "it is good!"

  As the person who paid, Su Xin naturally couldn't leave early. The most important thing was to stare at Hu Yifei, and Hu Yifei couldn't leave because he was the protagonist.

  When Chen Meijia saw that Lu Ziqiao was unlucky, it was too late to be happy, how could it concern him.

  Lu Ziqiao and Tang Youyou walked out of the bar, the two walked outside the community, and just took a few steps, Lu Ziqiao suddenly remembered something, stopped and looked at Tang Youyou and said.

  "Little aunt, you go find a taxi first, and I'll go back and get something!"

  Tang Youyou looked at Lu Ziqiao, who was in great pain, and asked suspiciously.

  "What? Is it important?"

  "It's very important! For life-saving things, take a taxi first! I'll be down soon!"

  After Lu Ziqiao finished speaking, she trembled and walked to the building where she lived.

  Lu Ziqiao returned to the door of 3601 and walked in without any hesitation.

  As soon as Lu Ziqiao entered the door, he saw Lu Zhanbo, Guan Guqi, and Zeng Xiaoxian. The three of them were sitting together eating and chatting.

  Zeng Xiaoxian asked suspiciously when he saw Lu Ziqiao clutching his waist with a painful look on his face.

  "Zi Qiao! What's the matter with you?"

  A burst of pain struck, Lu Ziqiao cried out involuntarily.

  "Forehead drops kidney~"

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