
  Su Xin nodded when he heard Zhuge Dali's words.

  "of course can!"

  Zhuge vigorously packed up, put the things in his bag, and then looked at Su Xin with expectant eyes.

  "Su Xin! Can you accompany me to watch a movie today?"

  Su Xin saw Zhuge Dali's expectant gaze, and although he couldn't bear it, he still refused.

  "It's inconvenient for you today, let's do it another day! When you're well, I'll accompany you whatever movie you want to watch!"

  Su Xin has a youth potion, which can help Zhuge recover vigorously, but the potion is still in the safe in the apartment, so precious things can't be carried with him.

  "Okay! I must choose to watch the movie another day!"

  Although Zhuge Dali was a little disappointed, he was not surprised.

  "No problem! I'll take you to the car first!"

  After Su Xin finished speaking, he wanted to take Zhuge Dali to the car, but Zhuge Dali refused directly.

  "I can do it myself!"

  Zhuge Dali walked outside with a calm expression on his face.

  The two took the elevator to the hall, and Zhuge vigorously stopped Su Xin.

  "I'm leaving first! You'll go out later~!"

  Su Xin said speechlessly: "It's not so! No one knows us here!"

  "in case!"

  After Zhuge Dali finished speaking, he went directly outside. Su Xin walked to the front desk, lost a little money, returned the room, and waited for a while before leaving the hotel, finding his car and driving towards the Twin Towers.

  When Su Xin arrived at the Twin Towers, the first thing he did was to see what Zhuge Dali was doing. She was inconvenient to move around, and she was also the proprietress, so the work was naturally left to others.

  Su Xin went to his office, but did not see Zhuge Dali.

  Su Xin looked around on the top floor full of doubts, but did not see Zhuge Dali.

  "Isn't it here yet? Impossible! It's been so long, even the bicycle should have arrived! Is she on another floor?"

  Su Xinxin called the security room: "Help me check which floor Secretary Zhuge is on?"


  The security responded, and then began to investigate.

  The security responded shortly after.

  "President Su, Secretary Zhuge is on the [-]rd floor, copying documents!"

  "okay, I get it!"

  Su Xin hung up the phone, stood up, and walked towards the elevator in confusion.

  "What is she doing on the twenty-third floor?"

  Su Xin took the elevator to the [-]rd floor. In order not to attract attention, Su Xin did not speak, but found an unoccupied work position.

  Su Xin looked at Zhuge Dali. At this time, Zhuge Dali was copying documents without haste, when a woman with glasses shouted with a coffee cup.

  "Violent! Pour me a cup of coffee!"

  Zhuge Dali replied as usual: "Okay! I'll pour you coffee after I finish copying!"

  At this time, a man in a suit took a document and handed it to Zhuge Dali.

  "This is the material requested by human resources, you can help me deliver it!"

  "Okay! I'll deliver it in a while!"

  Zhuge Dali took the document and continued to copy it.

  Su Xin's face turned a little dark when he saw this scene. Zhuge Dali is his secretary, why does it seem to be running errands for them now!

  Su Xin walked to Zhuge Dali's side and took the document in her hand.

  "Let me do it!"

  Zhuge Dali was stunned when he saw that it was Su Xin.

  "How did you come!"

  Su Xin looked at Zhuge Dali displeased: "From what I know about you, you should have reported something like this long ago, and then left! Why didn't you tell me?"

  Zhuge Dali lowered his head: "I want to be closer to you! I don't want to lose this job, this is the only way I can be with you in an open and honest way."

  "Alas! You put yourself so humble! I prefer the real you, rather than treating me as the only you."

  After Su Xin finished speaking, he raised the document in his hand and shouted.

  "Who asked for a copy of this document?"

  When everyone heard Su Xin's shout, they immediately stood up.

  A chunky, bald middle-aged man came out tremblingly.

  "¨" Mr. Su!this is mine! "

  Su Xin directly threw the document on the table: "You seriously do not conform to the company's image, and you will be disgusted when you see it. Immediately go to the human resources department to settle the salary and get out!"


  The bald middle-aged man looked at Su Xin in disbelief: "Mr. Su, the appearance is given by my parents, and I can't be the master!"

  Su Xin looked at the man in the suit who had just asked Zhuge Dali to deliver the documents.

  "Tell me, why did I open him?"

  The man in the suit said uncertainly.

  "Because it's ugly?"

  Su Xin slapped the document on the table: "Am I a person who looks at appearances? I don't understand this. What face do you have to stay in the company? Go to the human resources department to get your salary and get out!"

  When Zhuge Dali saw that Su Xin opened people one after another, he immediately understood that it was Su Xin who was venting his anger, and Zhuge Dali hurriedly stepped forward to persuade him.

  "Mr. Su! For such a trivial matter, it's not like this (Good King Qian)!"

  Su Xin waved his hand, letting Zhuge Dali leave it alone, and turned to look at the woman wearing glasses who asked Zhuge Dali to pour coffee.

  "You are fired!"

  The woman with glasses looked at Su Xin with a bewildered expression: "Why? What did I do wrong?"


  Su Xin casually made up a reason: "Because you don't know what's wrong, so you are fired! The three of you go to the Human Resources Department together, don't ask me to call the security guard!"

  When the three saw that the boss had spoken, they could only honestly resign. The others looked at Su Xin tremblingly, for fear that they would also be expelled on trumped-up charges.

  Su Xin looked around: "Who can tell me why my secretary came to you as a chorus?"

  When everyone heard Su Xin's words, they suddenly realized that a dull-looking young man came out of the rain.

  "It was Manager Wang from the Operations Department who asked us to "take care" of her, and also said that she was a newcomer and asked her to learn more!".

Chapter 315

  "Wang Kuo?"

  When Su Xin heard that Wang Kuo made everyone embarrass Zhuge Dali, he immediately became angry.

  "Notify managers of various departments to come to my office for a meeting!"

  After Su Xin finished speaking, he looked at Zhuge Dali and scolded him in a commanding tone.

  "In the whole company, no one can arrange a job for you except me, remember?"

  Zhuge Dali didn't dare to refute when he saw Su Xin getting angry: "I see!"

  "follow me!"

  After Su Xin finished speaking and walked to the elevator, Zhuge Dali hurriedly followed Su Xin to the elevator.

  After the elevator door closed, Zhuge persuaded vigorously.

  "Su Xin! It's not a big deal, don't make a fuss, just do some errands, no trouble!"

  "Last time he used power for personal gain and I didn't hold him accountable, but this time he reached out to me, does he really take himself as a character?"

  Zhuge Dali probably guessed when he heard Su Xin's words. This was to use his own business to remove some worms. After thinking about the problem, Zhuge Dali did not speak any more.

  Su Xin walked to the office and sat on the office chair with a calm face. Zhuge Dali wanted to stand. After all, it was a meeting, and it was not good for him to sit as a secretary. Just sit on the sofa and watch quietly.

  The two waited for a while before Zhao Wuliang walked in first with a smile on his face.

  "Boss! I heard you were drunk last night too!"

  Su Xin didn't say anything, just glanced at Zhao Wuliang lightly, ignoring him.

  Zhao Wuliang also found that the situation was wrong, and immediately became very serious, standing aside without saying a word.

  Managers of various departments came over one after another, and everyone saw that even Zhao Wuliang had become very serious, and they were all ready to fight.

  Su Xin saw that everyone had expired, and directly regarded it as a reprimand.

  "I found that some people gave him shame and he was ashamed, but he actually took care of me. His power far exceeds my power! I want to ask, is it a scourge to keep such people?"

  Zhao Wuliang echoed with great discernment: "These people are black sheep, and we must fire the company immediately, or something will happen sooner or later!"

  Su Xin nodded with satisfaction and looked at Wang Kuo: "Manager Wang! Do you think such a person should be fired?"

  Wang Kuo immediately became nervous when he heard Su Xin's words, and said with some hesitation: "It should be investigated clearly, and if it is true, it should be fired!"

  "it is good!"

  Su Xin looked at Wang Kuo coldly: "Since Manager Wang said so, then ask Manager Wang to go to the personnel department to handle the resignation!"


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