Zhuge Dali murmured somewhat blankly: "What should we do next?"

  Zhuge Dali seemed to think of something, took out a book from his backpack, and opened it hesitantly.

  …………The dividing line of all evil…………

  (I don't dare to drive now! I can only rely on your brain to make up for it!)

  The next morning, Su Xin, who was used to getting up early, woke up on time. Due to drunkenness, Su Xin was still a little confused when he woke up.

  Su Xin felt a little thirsty, and said something subconsciously.

  "Yifei! Pass me the water!"

  After a while, a bottle of mineral water was handed to Su Xin, who opened the lid and took two sips.

  After taking two sips, Su Xin realized that this was not his home. Su Xin looked to the side, and a familiar face appeared in front of Su Xin.


  The water that Su Xin was about to drink just now was sprayed out because of surprise.

  "Dali? Why are you here? No, why am I here? What's the situation?"

  Zhuge Dali didn't care, wiped the water from his face with his hands, and hugged Su Xin directly.

  "I'm already yours! I've been waiting for this day for almost two years!"

  Su Xin looked at himself and Zhuge Dali with a bewildered expression, not knowing what to say for a while!

  Zhuge Dali saw that Su Xin didn't speak, thought he was angry, and said nervously.

  "Don't worry! I don't need you to be responsible, I don't need you to support me, and I won't pester you, but I hope you can take a look at me every week, no, you can take a look at me every month, let's chat, Watch the movie, I don't want to watch you from a distance anymore!"

  Su Xin was silent for a while when he heard Zhuge Dali's words, because Zhuge Dali was too humble in front of her, she didn't even pursue love, but prayed that she could look at her more, even if it was just one, that kind of feeling makes people feel Can't help but feel a little sad. .

Chapter 313

  Seeing that Zhuge Dali was looking at him nervously, Su Xin sighed and patted her.

  "I promise you! Get up first!"

  Zhuge Dali sat up excitedly when he heard that Su Xin agreed to watch movies and go shopping with him every month.


  Immediately afterwards, Zhuge Dali stopped talking and frowned.

  Su Xin couldn't help sighing when he saw Zhuge Dali's appearance.

  "You rest for a while!"

  Zhuge Dali did not object, but Su Xin saw a book beside Zhuge Dali.

  "what is this?"

  Su Xin picked up the book and was about to open it, but Zhuge Dali directly reached out to grab it.

  "It's mine, you can't look at it!"

  Su Xin directly took the book in one fell swoop, Zhuge vigorously had difficulty moving, and could only look at the book in Su Xin's hand depressedly, and said with a slight pleading.

  "Su Xin! Give me back the book!"

  Su Xin opened the book curiously and looked at it. The more he looked at Su Xin, the more strange his face became. In the end, Su Xin's face was as black as the bottom of the pot.

  Zhuge Dali immediately hid himself 28. Su Xin grabbed Zhuge Dali with a black thread and reprimanded him.

  "I still wonder why you invited me to drink at your house last time. It turned out to be a premeditated plan. You are not allowed to read this kind of book again in the future!"

  Zhuge Dali nodded hurriedly, grabbed the book, and tore a few sheets.

  "I don't need to study this book anymore!"

  Su Xin pinched Zhuge Dali's face helplessly: "Tell me! When did you start plotting against me?"

  When Zhuge Dali heard Su Xin's words, he became very serious.

  "I've been watching you secretly since a year ago. Every time I see you shopping and eating with other people, I want to replace them, but you never look back at me!"

  "Silly girl! You don't even have the chance to regret now!"

  Zhuge Dali said very firmly: "I have no regrets, in this world, besides my mother, you are the only one who treats me the best! When I first met you, my father abandoned me and my mother, and my classmates looked down on me. , my former friends also excluded me, it was you who gave me warmth!"

  When Su Xin heard Zhuge Dali's words, he quickly corrected: "Your father abandoned you all before you knew me. If you say this, others will think that I am the god of plague, and others will think that because you know me, that is why Caused your father to abandon you."

  Zhuge Dali didn't care about Su Xin's words, but hugged Su Xin and spoke slowly.

  "Whenever I feel like I can't hold it, you are always there for me, helping me and encouraging me."

  Su Xin was stunned for a moment, then looked at Zhuge Dali with a bewildered expression: "So coincidental?"

  Zhuge nodded vigorously: "After that, my mother and I were in good condition, and there were no more troubles, and then you disappeared again!"


  Su Xin said slightly embarrassedly, "It's all a coincidence!"

  Zhuge Dali looked at Su Xin seriously.

  "No! It's not a coincidence! You said that we were destined, so I found you myself! In fact, we could have met long ago, but I'm afraid I'm not perfect enough to stand by your side, so I've been perfecting myself ."


  Seeing that Zhuge Dali regarded himself as the savior of the world, Su Xin could only explain helplessly.

  "Actually, I'm not as perfect as you think, I'm just an ordinary person!"

  Zhuge nodded vigorously and said with a smile: "I know, I am an atheist, but I believe that you are the one destined for me!"


  When Su Xin heard Zhuge Dali's words, he helplessly patted his head with his hand.

  "How can I tell Yifei now! With Yifei's temper, if she finds out, the world will be in chaos. She is still pregnant! I can't get angry! I have a headache!"

  Zhuge Dali's eyes dimmed for a while, his expression somewhat logical, but he still assured with a smile on his face.

  "Don't worry! I won't tell you about this, I won't bother you, and you don't have to tell Mr. Hu, just pretend that nothing happened, but you have to spend one day every month to go shopping with me. , watch the movie! Chat!"

  Su Xin looked at Zhuge Dali with a bit of guilt: "Now Yifei can't get angry, you should be wronged first, and when Yifei has given birth to the child and returns to normal, I will tell her about our affairs, and I will also give you an explanation. ."

  Zhuge Dali immediately shook his head: "I don't want it anymore. How can I see her after you said it? I'll find you when I want to announce it!"

  Su Xin thought about the scene for a while, and was indeed a little embarrassed. Su Xin didn't say anything else, but changed the subject.

  "It's getting late, I have to go to the company to deal with some things, you should rest more!"

  Zhuge shook his head vigorously: "I should go to work too!"

  Su Xin packed up and looked at Zhuge Dali: "This is my own company. Besides, you are my secretary. It's fine if you go, why don't you rest here!"

  Zhuge Dali packed up himself: "Yesterday's things haven't been done yet, so you can't leave it alone. You go first, and I'll take a taxi by myself later!"

  Seeing that she was inconvenient to move, Su Xin said unhappily, "What kind of car do you want, I'll drive you there!"

  Zhuge Dali hesitated a little: "It's not good! If someone spreads rumors and finally let Teacher Hu know, then it will be a problem!"

  Su Xin hesitated, and he can ignore other things, but Hu Yifei can't be stimulated now, so it's better to be cautious.

  Su Xin hesitated and Zhuge gave a vigorous effort.

  "I'm sorry for you!"

  Zhuge Dali said with a wide-eyed smile.

   "If you can accompany me every day, even if I am wronged, I don't care."

  Su Xin looked at Zhuge Dali with some embarrassment: "Yifei needs..."

  Before Su Xin finished speaking, Zhuge Dali interrupted Su Xin's words with a smile.

  "I know, I won't be greedy. It's just one day, and I'm happy for only one day. Compared to when I can only follow you and watch you secretly, it's better now! I'm very satisfied! "

  Seeing that Zhuge Dali made himself extremely humble, Su Xin said with some distress.

  "I will try to accompany you as much as possible!"

  Zhuge Dali nodded, turned on the phone, and for a moment the phone kept ringing, Zhuge Dali said with some guilt.

  "I didn't go back last night. My mother must be very worried about me. Don't talk. I'll make a call."

  "it is good!"

  Su Xin glanced at his cell phone, and it was turned off!

  Zhuge Dali called Zhuge Dasheng with his mobile phone.

  The phone rang twice and immediately connected, and the anxious voice of the Great Sage Zhuge came from the phone.

  "Lili! Are you alright? Where are you? Why didn't you come back all night and couldn't get through the phone!"

  Zhuge Dali said with a guilt expression: "Mom! I made you worry! I'm fine, my phone just ran out of battery, and it was too late when we finished dinner at the company dinner last night!".

Chapter 314

  When the Great Sage Zhuge heard what Zhuge Dali said, he breathed a sigh of relief, and then began to complain about Zhuge Dali.

  "You child, you don't know how to call to report safety! It made me worry all night!"

  "There is no charger in the hotel. I went to the company early in the morning to borrow a colleague's charger to charge it, and I called you back as soon as I turned it on! Don't worry, I will take care of myself. Stop talking, I have to go to work!"

  After Zhuge Dali finished speaking, he quickly hung up the phone, and then said with a guilty face.

  "I never lied to my mother! Did I do something wrong?"

  Su Xin turned on the phone and saw that there was no information, so he put it aside: "This should be a white lie! If your mother knew what happened yesterday, I would have been beaten to death by her!"

  Zhuge nodded vigorously and looked at the bloodstain on the creation list: "Can I take this away?"

  Su Xin was stunned for a moment, and looked at Zhuge Dali in confusion: "What are you doing with this?"

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