Everyone looked at Wang Kuo in surprise.

  Wang Kuo also looked incredulous, and quickly asked: "President Su! What did I do wrong? Even if I am fired, I should give a reason!"

  Zhao Wuliang quickly began to help: "Boss, is there any misunderstanding? I've been staring at him all this time, he didn't make any mistakes!"

  Su Xin tapped lightly on the table with his fingers: "Since you don't understand, then I'll make it clear. Others in the province think I'm killing the donkey and squeezing out the old employees."

  After Su Xin finished speaking, he looked around the crowd and said slowly, "I was already magnanimous when you used power for personal gain last time, but this time you actually came to me, not only that, but you also suppressed newcomers, like you Talented people, our company can't accommodate a small temple, you can find another job!"

  Wang Kuo looked at Su Xin with a bewildered expression: "President Su, I didn't suppress the newcomers! Is there any misunderstanding?"


  Su Xin pointed to Zhuge Dali: "Did you arrange her to the [-]rd floor and let the people there "take care" of her? This is my secretary, what qualifications do you have to arrange her?"


  Wang Kuo looked at Zhuge Dali with a bewildered look on his face, with an expression of disbelief.

  "Just because of this? President Su! Listen to my sophistry, no, listen to my explanation. I arranged for her to do some other work just because she was okay. I was thinking of the company! It has nothing to do with using power for personal gain!"

  Su Xin said displeasedly, "Are you in charge of personnel transfers? You are overstepping your authority!"

  Wang Kuo said without tears: "President Su, just because of this trivial matter, won't you fire me! I used to take care of this when the company didn't have a human resources department!"

  Zhao Wuliang seemed to have guessed something, looked at Zhuge Dali with complicated eyes, and then interceded for Wang Kuo.

  "Boss, although Wang Kuo is indeed overstepping his authority by doing this, he is also thinking of the company. I think it's enough to punish him, and it's not enough to fire him!"

  Su Xin waved his hand to interrupt Zhao Wuliang's words: "You don't need to say good things for him. Since you think this reason is not enough to fire him, well, today he is the advanced company with his right foot. Is this reason enough?"


  Everyone else thinks this reason is ridiculous, but Wang Kuo, Zhao Wuliang, and Li Yating from the Human Resources Department all know what this reason means. I've seen them all, but it's been a long time.

  When Zhao Wuliang saw that Su Xin brought this reason out, he stopped talking immediately.

  Wang Kuo said with a gloomy expression: "I see! I'll go through the resignation formalities in a moment!"

  Su Xin didn't look at Wang Kuo again, and turned to look at Zhao Wuliang: "I have already inspected a good operational talent. I will send you the email address and information, and you are responsible for recruiting him to our company!"


  Zhao Wuliang was a little embarrassed when he heard Su Xin's words. He had become accustomed to fighting with Wang Kuo for so many years, and he suddenly let himself push his opponent away, recruiting a newcomer, and he was also a little at a loss for a while.

  Zhao Wuliang just wanted to say something, but when he saw Su Xin's displeased expression, he immediately vowed to say it.

  "Boss, don't worry, I will handle this matter!"


  Su Xin nodded with satisfaction and looked at the others.

  "Zhuge Dali is my secretary. Her work can only be arranged by me. You just need to sit down with your own work! Do you all know that?"


  Everyone replied, Su Xin looked at Wang Kuo regretfully. After all, he had been with him for so many years. Although he was a little reluctant, Wang Kuo's eyesight was getting worse and worse, and his ability to do things was also much worse!Plus there are big and small mistakes.


  Su Xin sighed and waved his hand.

  "Go get busy!"

  Wang Kuo said with red eyes.

  "Mr. Su! I'm leaving! You can contact me anytime if you need anything!"

  After Wang Kuo finished speaking, he walked towards the elevator, his figure was full of loneliness. He has been at this scale from the time when there were only a dozen people shaking his hands. Naturally, he was still a little reluctant!


  Su Xin looked at Zhao Wuliang and instructed: "Wang Kuo is also a company veteran, you go to the finance department to get him one million in severance pay, and then send it to him!".

Chapter 316

  Zhao Wuliang, considering his long-term friendship with Wang Kuo, asked again unbearably.

  "Boss! Wang Kuo worked hard with us from the bottom anyway. Isn't it bad to just dismiss him like this?"


  Su Xin sighed: "I know, it's all an old man, but now he's making more and more mistakes, a lot of big mistakes, and it's not just this time that he oversteps his authority, if I turn a blind eye again Hey, will anyone still abide by the company's rules?"

  Zhao Wuliang also knew that without rules, a circle cannot be formed, and the company's regulations must be followed. Zhao Wuliang didn't say anything else and went outside to chase Wang Kuo.

  Zhuge Dali said with some worry: "You don't need to fire him, I'm bored in the top floor myself, and I'll pass the time by helping them down below!"

  Su Xin sat next to Zhuge Dali: "You just need to take care of your own studies. The company's affairs are very complicated! There are a lot of things here..."

  Zhuge vigorously interrupted Su Xin's words: "I just want to help you, I want to learn more about work!"

  "Your most important job is to study hard. After you officially graduate, consider helping me!"

  Zhuge Dali nodded dejectedly: "Okay!"

  "Ding Ding Ding!"

  Su Xin's cell phone suddenly rang. Su Xin took out his cell phone and glanced at it. It was Hu Yifei who was calling. Su Xin looked at Zhuge Dali.

  "The call from Yifei, please don't talk!"

  Su Xin answered the phone: "Hey! Yifei! What's the matter?"

  Hu Yifei's lazy voice came from the phone.

  "Are you busy? I'm so bored at home! Yoyo and the others won't let me go to the bar."

  "Not busy! I'll be back now!"

  After Su Xin finished speaking, he hung up the phone and looked back at Zhuge Dali and asked.

  "Dali! I have to go back, you should get off work too! By the way, do you need me to take you home?"

  Zhuge Dali's expression dimmed a little, but it was not uncomfortable. She had already prepared for it. Even if Su Xin was irresponsible, she would not regret it.

  "No need! I'll rest in the office for a while, and I'll go back now. If I meet my mother, she'll definitely find out what's wrong with me and take me to check it out. By then, it'll really be revealed!"

  Su Xin nodded: "You rest for a while, I'm going back, I'll take you to a movie another day!"

  "it is good!"

  Zhuge vigorously replied, and then looked at Su Xin calmly.

  Su Xin walked to the desk in embarrassment, picked up his things and walked outside. When he was about to reach the elevator, Su Xin seemed to remember something and returned to the office.

  Zhuge Dali saw that Su Xin was back, and asked suspiciously, "Did you forget to take something?"

  Su Xin walked to Dali's side and said nothing to Zhuge Dali.

  "This is compensation for you! I'll definitely take you shopping someday!"

  Zhuge Dali immediately nodded with a wide-eyed smile.

  "Ok, I will wait for you!"

  Seeing that Zhuge Dali was really happy, Su Xin didn't say anything else and went out directly.

  Zhuge Dali covered his face blushing: "My heart is beating so fast! My face is hot, do I have a fever?"

  Zhuge Dali calmed down for a while, and pinched his arm vigorously.

  "Hey! I didn't dream! Great, this is me who took the initiative to say no to me. It seems that the book is quite useful, but unfortunately it was torn up, and I don't know if I can still buy it!"

  The original Bingshan Xueba seems to have taken a strange path and has become a small fan of Su Xin!

  On the other side, Su Xin drove back to the love apartment and walked into 3601's living room to see Hu Yifei leaning on the sofa bored, throwing two oranges in the air.

  Su Xin directly caught the orange: "Are you bored recently?"

  Hu Yifei did not answer Su Xin's words, but sniffed beside Su Xin.

  "Jasmine? Nolan's perfume doesn't smell like this. Xiao Qing doesn't spray perfume. Did he find another little fox?"

  Su Xin's heart thumped, and he secretly complained: Come on!This sixth sense is too accurate!Guess it just by taste?Is it a dog?

  Su Xin didn't look flustered at all: "What fox spirit am I looking for! I'm dealing with things in the company, and the scent of this jasmine flower is the air freshener in the office!"

  Hu Yifei looked at Su Xin suspiciously: "Am I thinking too much? But why do I feel that this fragrance is familiar?"

  "You must be thinking too much, jasmine-flavored air fresheners are very common, don't be suspicious, let me hear baby!"

  After Su Xin finished speaking, he put his ear on Hu Yifei's moon soil.

  Hu Yifei said with a sad face: "I am so fat now! How fat will I be in ten months! Can I still lose weight?"

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????????????

  Su Xin raised his head and comforted: "Don't worry! Even if you can't lose weight, I will still love you as always!"

  Hu Yifei rolled her eyes at Su Xin: "It will be hard to say then! Let's go to the bar to chat with Youyou and the others!"

  Su Xin helped Hu Yifei and asked suspiciously, "Why didn't they let you go?"

  "Yuyou said that children should not be allowed to listen to music in bars during prenatal education, otherwise it will become non-mainstream!"

  When Su Xin heard Hu Yifei's words, he complained with a black line: "The non-mainstream is the acquired reason, how can a child be non-mainstream as soon as they are born! Don't listen to their nonsense, I'll take you to the bar! You have to try your best to stay happy now. Mood, this is the best for the baby!"


  Hu Yifei nodded and pulled Su Xin to the outside: "Got it! Let's go!"

  The two walked to the bar and found that everyone was sitting on the sofa and chatting with their mobile phones.

  Su Xin walked to the sofa and saw that everyone had taken up their seats, Su Xin looked at Lu Zhanbo.

  "Zhan Bo, why are you so blind? Didn't you notice that your old sister is still standing?"

  Lu Zhanbo stood up and gave Hu Yifei the sofa where he sat alone.

  "I'll give it to you!"

  Su Xin helped Hu Yifei to the sofa, and Lu Ziqiao looked at the two with contempt.

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