Su Xin caught the grapes and said comfortably, "Don't worry! My parents are very enlightened, they won't care!"


  Hu Yifei turned angrily to look at the TV and stopped paying attention to Su Xin.

  Su Xin handed the grapes to Hu Yifei again: "Don't worry! I will solve them there, you can continue to eat! I have to prepare a speech!"

  Hu Yifei took the grapes and said angrily, "If they blame me, you'll be dead! Hurry up and go! Get angry when you see you!"

  Su Xin stood up helplessly and walked to his room. Su Xin first prepared a speech. Although it was a celebratory reception, the chicken soup for his soul still had to be instilled.

  The next day, Su Xin drove to the Twin Towers and parked the car in front of the door. There was a special parking person in charge of parking. Su Xin got down and saw the red cloth decorated in front of the door, and looked at the security guard next to him with a black line.

  "Who designed this?"

  The security guard shook his head blankly: "I don't know!"

  Su Xin walked inside, and the whole hall was covered with a lot of red cloth, which looked like a wedding scene.

  Su Xin got on the elevator with a black line and walked to his office. At this time, Zhuge Dali was spraying with a bottle of perfume.

  When Su Xin saw Zhuge Dali's outfit, he felt very familiar. He was wearing a white evening dress, his hair was still neatly short, and he had light makeup on his face.

  Zhuge Dali saw Su Xin walk in and immediately went up.

  "Hi boss!"

  Su Xin nodded. He always felt that Zhuge Dali seemed a little weird today, but he couldn't tell where it was.

  Su Xin sat at the desk and informed Zhao Wuliang to come over by phone.

  Seeing Su Xin's unhappy appearance, Zhuge Dali asked tentatively.

  "Boss! Do you have any orders?"

  Seeing Zhuge Dali's cautious look, Su Xin couldn't help but smile.

  "You don't have to be restrained! I'm not a tiger, I won't eat you, you can do it as usual!"

  Zhuge Dali smiled, walked aside and started making coffee for Su Xin.

  Su Xin stopped and said, "You can make me some tea! I'm going to drink a lot of alcohol tonight. It will be very uncomfortable after drinking coffee. I'd better drink some tea!"

  When Zhuge Dali heard Su Xin's words, his eyes lit up. He walked to the sofa very happily, took out the tea set, and then skillfully began to clean the tea set, wash the tea, wake up the tea, filter the tea, and finally brew the tea. It looks very beautiful!

  Su Xin looked at Zhuge Dali and asked curiously, "Have you learned the art of tea?"

  Zhuge nodded vigorously: "I learned it a long time ago!"

  Su Xin walked to the sofa, sat down, picked up the tea Zhuge Dali made, and took a sip.

  "Well! It's pretty good!"

  As soon as Su Xin finished speaking, Zhao Wuliang hurriedly ran over from the elevator.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????????????

  "Boss! What's the urgency for me?"

  Su Xin put down the teacup and looked at Zhao Wuliang, who was standing opposite him, displeased.

  "Did you hire someone to do the design in the hall?"

  When Zhao Wuliang heard Su Xin's words, he immediately took himself out and explained.

  "Boss, although this matter should be done by me, I am not responsible for this matter. Wang Kuo himself asked to design the layout of the hall, and I don't want to rob him!"

  Su Xin suddenly realized that he looked at Zhao Wuliang: "I thought it was because your taste has deteriorated, so there is someone else!"

  Su Xin thought about it, and then began to order: "The current design is simply too low, you go and replace Wang Kuo, if he doesn't agree, you can say that I ordered it, remember to find a more reliable team , don't embarrass our company!"

........ 0

  Zhao Wuliang vowed: "Boss, don't worry! Don't you know my abilities? I'll find someone first, or it will be too late!"


  After Su Xin finished speaking, he took a leisurely sip of tea, and Zhao Wuliang walked directly to the elevator, and began to find someone to prepare the hall to rearrange.

  Suddenly, Zhuge Dali's cell phone rang, Zhuge Dali glanced at it, and stood up a little depressed.

  "Boss! I'm going to work first!"

  Su Xin looked at Zhuge Dali suspiciously: "You are my secretary, what do you need to do when I don't have a job?"

  Zhuge vigorously struggled for a while: "A little private matter, I'll go to work first!"

  After Zhuge Dali finished speaking, he went out, but Su Xin didn't care, he took out his mobile phone and looked at it while drinking tea.

  It was after [-] o'clock in the afternoon, and the shaking hands company had officially finished get off work. Those who were in a hurry left one after another, and everyone else gathered in the lobby on the first floor.

  Su Xin came out of the elevator, Zhuge Dali followed behind Su Xin, Su Xin walked to the stage and started to speak according to the script.

  After Su Xin finished speaking, he drew a big cake for everyone, so that everyone was motivated to work hard, and then asked Wang Kuo to talk about his inauguration experience.

  The two talked for more than an hour. When Su Xin announced the start of the party, the managers of various departments came over, and a group of people followed Su Xin to the dining place. Since it was an internal celebration in the company, it was not like a regular reception. Instead, it looked like a dinner party.indivual.

Chapter 312

  Su Xin followed the high-level executives of DouShou Company to a separate room. At this time, food and drinks were already prepared in the room.

  Su Xin looked at Zhao Wuliang and began to complain.

  "It seems that your taste is not very good! I asked you to hold a reception, but you held a banquet. Next time there is such an event, I can't use you to kill!"

  Zhao Wuliang explained innocently: "Boss, it's not my fault, it's the high-level request that made this happen!"

  Wang Kuo stood up at the right time to help Zhao Wuliang explain.

  "Mr. Su! Don't blame him, everyone thinks so. If we hold a regular reception, other people will definitely be nervous when they see us and won't dare to relax. Instead, it's even more awkward. It's better to eat our own food separately!"

  Su Xin saw that the managers of various departments nodded, so he did not pursue any further investigations. Su Xin sat on the main seat, and Zhuge Dali sat beside Su Xin.

  Zhao Wuliang rolled his eyes, and immediately began to let Wang Kuo fill Su Xin.

  "Wang Kuo! You can take the position of manager again, and I would like to thank Boss for his magnanimity, otherwise you are still writing the plan at the bottom! Hurry up and toast Boss!"

  When Wang Kuo saw that he was pushed out by Zhao Wuliang, he could only admit it. Wang Kuo raised his wine glass and looked at Su Xin.

  "Mr. Su! Thank you for your cultivation for so many years, I'll give you a toast!"

  Su Xin looked at the crowd helplessly: "I haven't had a drink for a long time. Today is moderate, and I can't get drunk!"

  Zhao Wuliang swore and assured: "Boss, you can drink it with confidence. If you drink too much, Secretary Zhuge will send you back!"

  Zhuge Dali nodded immediately: "I have already passed the driver's license test, don't worry!"


  Su Xin saw that everyone had arranged everything about his drunkenness, and sneered.

  "Then you have to be careful, don't drink yourself to the hospital, you have to go to work tomorrow!"

  Zhao Wuliang said proudly, "I've worked hard for so long, and I can finally be ashamed!"

  Everyone began to toast Su Xin, and after three rounds of drinking, there was no big deal for everyone, but Su Xin, who had not been drinking for too long, was already a little drunk.

  When Zhao Wuliang saw that Su Xin was a little drunk, he immediately jumped out to fight with Su Xin, so Zhao Wuliang became the first person to get drunk.

  Zhuge Dali saw that Su Xin seemed to be confused, and spoke out to stop everyone.

  "The boss is already drunk! I'll send him back first! Keep drinking!"

  Wang Kuo, on the other hand, was cowardly with wine and had to fight with Su Xin, but was stopped by everyone.

  Su Xin was just in a daze, not losing consciousness. He felt that he had reached the limit, so he ordered Zhuge Dali to send him back.

  "Come here today! Vigorously send me back, and Zhao Wuliang will leave it to you!"

  After Su Xin finished speaking, he stood up unsteadily, and Zhuge Dali quickly supported Su Xin.

  The two walked outside, and the managers of each department saw that the boss had withdrawn, and they had no interest in drinking, so they dispersed, and Zhao Wuqian, who was already drunk, was forgotten by everyone.

  Zhuge vigorously supported Su Xin to the side of the car, took out the car key from Su Xin's pocket, opened the door and put Su Xin in the co-pilot.

  Su Xin, who was still a little sober at first, felt the urge to drink up as soon as he sat, and his head began to feel dazed!

  Zhuge Dali saw Su Xin sleeping with his eyes closed, and a hint of slyness flashed in his eyes.

  "The plan went well!"

  Zhuge Dali sat in the driver's seat, first studied how to drive, and then started the car.

  The car was driving smoothly, and Zhuge Dali drove to the destination according to the route he planned.

  If Su Xin was still awake, he would find that the direction of the car was not the love apartment.

  Half an hour later, Zhuge Dali drove the car to the front of a hotel. Zhuge Dali got out of the car and helped Su Xin get out of the car, but Su Xin seemed to have fallen asleep, so Zhuge Dali supported Su with great difficulty. The letter entered the hotel.

  Zhuge Dali handed over the key to the person who parked the car, and then took Su Xin to the front desk.

  Zhuge vigorously took out his ID card and handed it to the front desk clerk: "A standard room!"

  The waiter glanced at Su Xin, who was a little confused: "His ID card!"

  Zhuge Dali put Su Xin on the chair, rummaged, took out Su Xin's wallet, and found Su Xin's ID card.

  Zhuge vigorously handed the ID card to the waiter.

  "Is it alright now?"

  "Yes! Six hundred and ninety-nine!"

  Zhuge Dali took out his wallet and found that the money was not enough. Zhuge Dali looked at Su Xin's wallet, and there was a lot of cash in it.

  Zhuge Dali didn't hesitate, took out seven soft sister coins and handed them to the front desk: "Don't look for it!"

  The front desk put away the money expressionlessly and handed Zhuge Dali a card......

  "Five and six on the fifth floor!"

  Zhuge vigorously put Su Xin's wallet into Su Xin's pocket, picked up the room card, and helped Su Xin to the elevator.

  Zhuge Dali supported Su Xin all the way to [-]. After entering the room, Zhuge Dali put Su Xin away.

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