Lu Zhanbo said with a little interest: "If I can choose the role myself, I can think about it!"

  Chen Meijia nodded immediately: "As long as you are willing to act, you can put forward some conditions appropriately, and I will discuss it with the director!"

  Lu Ziqiao was the first to raise his hand: "If you let me play Lu Bu, I can participate!"

  Chen Meijia said contemptuously: "Didn't you swear? Are you not afraid of thunder?"

  Su Xin teased: "If the swearing was really useful, Zi Qiao would have been struck by lightning long ago without even his ashes!"

  Lu Ziqiao looked outward: "You don't understand, my dream since childhood was to play the invincible Lu Bu in my lifetime!"

  Guan Guqi immediately put forward his conditions: "I want to play a man who is more ruthless than Lu Bu! (King Qian's)"

  Su Xin thought for a while: "This may be really hard to find, Lu Bu is among the people, Chitu is among the horses, Fang Tianhuaji, and he specializes in killing his adoptive father. A ruthless man, it's hard for anyone to compare with Lu Bu!"

  Guan Gu miraculously said immediately: "Then I will be Yue Buqun!"

  Tang Youyou rolled her eyes at Su Xin, and then said a few words in Guan Gu's miraculous ear.

  Guan Guqi immediately looked at Su Xin and complained, "Damn it! It turns out that Yue Buqun is a eunuch, you cheated on me!"

  Guan Gu looked at Chen Meijia miraculously: "Meijia, I want to be a killer, a cold-blooded number one killer in the world!"

  Lu Zhanbo said thoughtfully: "My requirements are relatively simple. I want to play a role that can perform from two aspects, so that my acting skills can be highlighted!"

  Chen Meijia was a little numb from the shock of everyone's conditions, and turned to look at Hu Yifei.

  "Sister Yifei! What role do you want to play?" Shi.

Chapter 310

  Hu Yifei thought about it for a while, and then said: "I want to play the queen, it's better to sit still, because I'm a little fat now!"

  Su Xin looked at Hu Yifei's moon soil and comforted him, "You're not fat!"

  When Chen Meijia heard Hu Yifei's conditions, she became numb again, turned to look at Su Xin, and asked, "What about your conditions?"

  Su Xin replied without thinking: "Yifei plays the queen, of course I want to play the queen's man!"

  Chen Meijia felt her head buzzing when she heard what everyone said. At this moment, Tang Youyou put forward her own conditions.

  "Mika, please tell the director for me, I want to act in a circus, it's best to ride a horse all the way, it's best to appear in front of everyone, and it must be the most dazzling appearance!"

  When Su Xin heard Tang Youyou's words, he couldn't help thinking of the sentence in the original book that Diaochan was still on his way.

  Su Xin chuckled twice, and Hu Yifei asked curiously, "Su Xin! What are you laughing at?"

  Su Xin shook his head and perfunctory: "Nothing!"

  Chen Meijia looked at the crowd with some confusion.

  "Let me take a look. Zi Qiao is going to play Lu Bu, Guan Gu is going to be a man who is more ruthless than Lu Bu, Zhan Bo is going to be a two-faced man, Yi Fei is going to be the queen, and Su Xin is going to be the queen's man! Since that's the case..."

  Everyone looked at Chen Meijia in anticipation: "We signed a contract?"

  Chen Meijia complained helplessly: "Let's all go away! Are any of the conditions you mentioned normal?"

  Seeing that Chen Meijia didn't agree, Lu Ziqiao immediately waved: "It's all gone!"

  Hu Yifei stood up first, put away the tableware, and walked to the kitchen.

  Su Xin also followed to the kitchen. Chen Meijia saw that the crowd was really about to disperse, and said quickly, "I will try my best, and if I can, I will sign you!"

  Everyone ignored Chen Meijia. Chen Meijia picked up her phone and started calling the director.

  In the kitchen, Su Xin washed the tableware and asked, "Yifei, our company will hold a celebration reception tomorrow, will you go?"

  When Hu Yifei heard Su Xin's words, she subconsciously agreed, but when she saw Yuetuzi, who had gained weight, although she really wanted to go, she would definitely be laughed at if she went like this, so Hu Yifei hesitated and refused directly. .

  "Forget it! I can't drink, so it's a waste of time standing there! You can ask Xiao Qing or Nuolan to go!"

  Su Xin didn't force it either: "Xiao Qing gets off work very late, so she probably doesn't have time. Nuolan works night shift, so she has to go to the radio early to prepare, so she probably doesn't have time. I'll call them and ask!"

  Hu Yifei didn't say anything, picked up the tissue and handed it to Su Xin.

  Su Xin wiped his hands, took out his mobile phone and gave Xiao Qing a call. Sure enough, as Su Xin expected, Xiao Qing had to work overtime and could not attend the celebration reception.

  Su Xin called Nuolan, and Nuolan also had to go to work, so she refused.

  Su Xin called Zhao Wuliang again and asked how the preparations were going.

  At night, Su Xin and Hu Yifei were sitting on the sofa watching TV, and Chen Meijia walked back with a document.

  Chen Meijia happily walked to the balcony and shouted to 3602 a few times.

  "Come here, your script is out! It's all written according to your requirements!"

  Everyone in 3602 ran over, and everyone sat on the sofa, looking at Chen Meijia expectantly.

  Su Xin was also more curious about his role and how much the original decisive battle on the Forbidden City had changed.

  Chen Meijia opened the script and began to read it.

  "Two moons are in the same sky, the heavens have changed greatly, time and space are disordered, and characters from different periods are gathered together because of the influence of time and space disorder! Among them, the leader Dongfang Invincible is the leader, that is, the queen role that Yifei wants, with a mysterious and extremely mysterious character. The man, the role Su Xin wanted,..."

  (This paragraph is too difficult to write, just skip it, if you are interested, read the original book yourself!)

  After Chen Meijia finished speaking, she looked at the crowd curiously: "What do you think?"

  Lu Ziqiao nodded with great satisfaction: "I don't care as long as I play Lu Bu!"

  Everyone nodded with satisfaction, as long as Tang Youyou looked depressed.

  "Why am I riding a horse from start to finish? Even the final appearance is a play-off!"

  Chen Meijia said helplessly: "This is what you asked for, riding a horse all the way, and finally appearing in the spotlight. This plot is wrong!"

  Seeing that everyone had no opinion, Chen Meijia took out her mobile phone and called the director.

  Chen Meijia chatted with the director a few words. When the actor was mentioned, Chen Meijia's face suddenly changed, and she walked aside with her mobile phone and started talking.

  After a while, Chen Meijia walked over with a frustrated look and looked at everyone.

  "Everyone, there is good news and bad news, which one do you want to hear first?"

  Hu Yifei said directly: "Let's talk about the bad first!"

  Chen Meijia looked very depressed: "The bad news is that you may not be able to play these roles, and there are already several big-name stars ready to play!"


  Everyone looked at Chen Meijia in shock, and Tang Youyou asked nervously, "Where is my character?"

  Chen Meijia looked at Tang Youyou sympathetically, and said slowly, "Diaochan you played accidentally fell off while riding a horse and fell to her death!"


  Tang Youyou said dully: "Am I dead again?"

  Lu Ziqiao asked expectantly, "What's the good news? Can I play Lu Bu?"

  Chen Meijia looked at Su Xin and Hu Yifei: "The good news is that the director heard that Su Xin is the owner of Shaking Hands, so he wanted to invite Su Xin and Yifei to play their roles. As for Yifei's request, the director agreed and gave The reason is that due to the confusion of time and space, the Sunflower Collection of the Undefeated in the East has an abnormality, and it has become paralyzed due to misunderstanding, and there is no need to stand up throughout the whole process!"


  Everyone looked at Chen Meijia in shock, and Lu Ziqiao complained directly.

  "Damn rich people! Rich is uncle, and rich is privilege."

  Chen Meijia continued: "I haven't finished yet! Considering that Yi Fei is pregnant, the director specially changed the script for her. You don't need to perform martial arts scenes, just throw a needle and kill the opponent!"

  Guan Gu's miraculous face turned black: "Damn! If I act like this, I will never participate!"

  Chen Meijia looked at Guan Guqi with disdain: "The director never thought of letting you participate!"

  Su Xin glanced at Hu Yifei: "Yifei! Do you want to act?"

  Hu Yifei shook his head: "We don't act, it would be too embarrassing as long as the two of us act! But I will listen to you. If you act, I will accompany you!"

  Su Xin shook his head: "This kind of has no main line! No story! If you make a movie with no deep meaning, you will be scolded! Let's forget it!"

  Hu Yifei looked at Chen Meijia and refused directly: "Meijia, help us reply to the director, we don't want to shoot!".

Chapter 311

  "Okay! It seems that my dream of being an agent is completely shattered!"

  Chen Meijia replied in a loss, and then walked outside with her mobile phone!

  When everyone saw that their roles had been robbed, they didn't want to discuss any more, so they each found an excuse and walked away.

  Su Xin and Hu Yifei are sitting on the sofa~ continue to watch TV and chat.

  Su Xin handed Hu Yifei a bunch of grapes: "Yifei! I won't be able to accompany you during the day tomorrow, and I may be back later at night, so pay attention to yourself - rest early!"

  Hu Yifei looked at the grapes in Su Xin's hands with some disgust: "I've been eating grapes every day for the past two days, and I'm about to vomit! Can you change fruits when you buy them again?"


  Su Xin said helplessly: "This is what my mother called and ordered. It is said to be a local remedies. Otherwise, I will call her and tell her?"

  When Hu Yifei heard Su Xin's words, he immediately took the grapes over.

  "Forget it! She's still traveling, so we won't disturb her. Besides, I haven't seen my mother-in-law yet, and I don't want to leave a bad impression on her!"

  Hearing Hu Yifei's words, Su Xin said a little embarrassedly, "Maybe he has already left a bad impression!"

  Hu Yifei looked at Su Xin with a bewildered expression.

  "What's the matter? I haven't seen them, so how can I leave a bad impression on them?"

  Su Xin pulled away, looked at Hu Yifei defensively, and explained weakly.

  "My mom and my dad heard that you were pregnant. They wanted to come back immediately. I stopped them. I said you were afraid to see them. They didn't come back because of you and the baby!"


  Hu Yifei threw the grapes in his hand at Su Xin frantically.

  "Su Xin! Why are you cheating on me like this! Originally I was worried that they would not like me, but now it's alright, don't worry, they definitely don't like me anymore! It's all your fault!"

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