Su Xin sat at the desk: "I had something to do, but it turned out to be a false alarm, so I came back to deal with the documents!"

  After Su Xin finished speaking, he picked up a document and began to look at it. Zhuge Dali was tidying up the chaotic house while peeking at Su Xin. From time to time, he poured a cup of coffee for Su Xin or brought Su Xin the documents that should be signed.

  It was not until the evening that Su Xin finished processing all the accumulated documents, while Zhuge Dali was sitting on the sofa and looking at the book in her hand, but her eyes were not on the book.

  Zhuge Dali saw that Su Xin had signed all the documents, and immediately put the book aside and walked across from Su Xin.

  "Su Xin! All the documents have been processed!"

  Su Xin looked at the time and put the documents away: "It's already past the time for you to get off work, why haven't you left yet?"

  Zhuge Dali said as a matter of course: "I am your secretary, how can I mention getting off work when you are not off work!"

  Su Xin turned off the computer and stood up: "Okay! I'm done with it too, you should get off work too! Do you need me to escort you?"

  Zhuge Dali nodded immediately: "Okay! It's not easy to take a taxi at this time, so please send me!"

  Su Xin picked up the car keys and walked outside: "Let's go! By the way, these documents will be handed over to Zhao Wuliang tomorrow!"

  "it is good!"

  After Zhuge Dali finished speaking, he picked up his backpack and quickly followed Su Xin to the elevator.

  The two went downstairs and got into the car. Su Xin asked for the address and drove Zhuge Dali to the door of her community.

  Su Xin looked at Zhuge Dali who was hesitant to say anything: "It's here! Go home early!"

  Zhuge Dali said nervously, "Su Xin! I have a good wine in my house, would you like to try it?"


  Su Xin was stunned when he heard Zhuge Dali's words. If someone else said this, Su Xin must have thought of hooking, quoting, but in Su Xin's impression, Zhuge Dali was not such a person, plus Zhuge Dali She also had her mother at home, so Su Xin didn't think about that, but simply thought that Zhuge Dali just invited him to sit down to express his gratitude to him for sending her home.

  Su Xin smiled and gave Zhuge a head-scratcher: "Another day! I still have something to do today!"

  "All right!"

  Zhuge Dali replied a little disappointed and a little depressed, and then got out of the car.

  Su Xin waved to her, then started the car and drove to the love apartment.

  As soon as Su Xin left, Zhuge Dali immediately took out a book from his backpack and read it.

  Zhuge Dali looked at the contents of the book with a question mark on his head: "That's right! The book says that scumbags will definitely be hooked! Why doesn't it work? Isn't he a scumbag? It's not right! Could this book be fake? "

  Zhuge Dali walked towards the direction of his home with doubts, and said to himself as he walked, "It seems that we can only use the old method! Look for opportunities to directly..."

  Early the next morning, Tang Youyou called everyone to the bar and looked at everyone with anger.

  Since Lu Zhanbo didn't come, Tang Youyou didn't speak, Su Xin looked at Lu Ziqiao who was sitting opposite, and joked.

  "Zi Qiao, did your ex-girlfriend saw you yesterday?"

  When Lu Ziqiao heard Su Xin's words, he looked at everyone with a livid face: "I asked you for help yesterday, but you didn't save me?"

  Hu Yifei said displeasedly: "You still have the face to say, if it weren't for you, how could Zhanbo have a car accident?"

  Lu Ziqiao's livid face immediately became a little embarrassed: "I didn't know such a thing would happen, who would have thought that he would be so unlucky!"


  Hu Yifei snorted coldly, her eyes full of murderous intent: "If Zhan Bo accidentally hangs up, I will definitely send you to accompany him, so that he won't be lonely on the road alone!"

  Just as Su Xin was about to speak, he was interrupted by Tang Youyou.

  "When will Zhanbo come?"

  Zeng Xiaoxian said with a smile: "We don't have to wait for him, I guess he still refuses to meet people!"

  Hu Yifei asked worriedly: "What happened to Zhanbo? Why don't you dare to see people?"

  Zeng Xiaoxian took out his mobile phone and pulled out a photo of Lu Zhanbo.

  Hu Yifei looked at the photos on Zeng Xiaoxian's phone and asked suspiciously, "Is this fat man Zhanbo?"

  Su Xin said uncertainly, "It can be vaguely seen from the earth-shell temperament between his eyebrows, but why is he swollen like this?"

  Zeng Xiaoxian said with a sigh: "After inspection, it was because too much glucose was lost, which caused some edema, and it will be fine in a few days!"

  Hu Yifei slapped the table and stood up angrily: "This black-hearted hospital, I'm going to dismantle it now!"

  Su Xin held Hu Yifei: "Calm down, it's not worth doing, just sanction them financially! Just leave this matter to me!"

  Hu Yifei calmed down after hearing Su Xin's words: "I'll leave this matter to you, I must help Zhanbo vent his anger!"

  Tang Youyou looked at everyone with a black line: "Have you finished talking about your affairs? If you have finished talking, let's talk about mine!"

  Lu Ziqiao looked at Tang Youyou suspiciously: "Little aunt! What's the matter with you?"

  Tang Youyou gritted his teeth and said, "A crew called me two days ago and told me to go for an interview. Who of you answered the call?"

  Everyone shook their heads, and Chen Meijia, who had not spoken, was a little panicked, but returned to normal in an instant.

  Tang Youyou glanced around: "This drama is a very good one, and I also have the clues, admit it yourself! I'm giving you a chance by not finding out.".

Chapter 309

  However, no one took the initiative to admit that Lu Ziqiao pointed to Zeng Xiaoxian.

  "Only among us Teacher Zeng will receive a call without notice!"

  Everyone looked at Zeng Xiaoxian, after all Zeng Xiaoxian had a criminal record.

  Zeng Xiaoxian looked at everyone innocently.

  "It's not me! I didn't get the call at all!"

  Tang Youyou looked at the crowd and said, "I asked my broker, and he said that the person who answered the phone couldn't speak clearly!"

  Zeng Xiaoxian jumped up immediately: "I'm a professional host, how could I not speak clearly?"

  Everyone agreed with Zeng Xiaoxian's words, Tang Youyou said with some distress: "Who is it! Do you know Su Xin?"

  Su Xin nodded and looked at Chen Meijia: "Meijia, say something!"

  Seeing that everyone was looking at her, Chen Meijia quickly waved her hand: "It's not like me! It's not like me. I didn't receive any phone calls!"

  Tang Youyou looked at Chen Meijia with a black line: "It's really you! No! How could you answer the call from our suite?"

  When Chen Meijia saw Lu Xian, she no longer pretended: "I went to borrow something from Teacher Zeng that day, and the phone rang. After I answered the phone, I was afraid that I would forget it, so I wrote it on my hand. Who knows when I wash my hands? I accidentally washed it off! Then I forgot too!"

  Tang Youyou looked at Chen Meijia angrily: "This is the play I want to take the most, so you ruin it!"

  Chen Meijia said embarrassedly: "You can ask your agent to make another appointment for you!"

  Tang Youyou depressedly picked up a glass of wine, drank it in one gulp, and then complained helplessly.

  "He doesn't have time! He has more than [-] entertainers, three acrobats and one animal trainer. He doesn't care about me at all!"

  Chen Meijia thought about it, and then suggested: "You can go directly to the director!"

  Tang Youyou rolled her eyes at Chen Meijia: "We have regulations, artists cannot talk to the director without authorization!"

  Chen Meijia looked at Tang Youyou blankly.


  Zeng Xiaoxian smiled slyly: "I seem to know why! I suddenly regret it. Why did I choose to broadcast in the first place? If I choose to be a director, hehe!"

  Hu Yifei looked at Zeng Xiaoxian with contempt: "Fortunately, you didn't become a director!"

  Guan Gu miraculously also began to say good things to Chen Meijia: "Yuyou! Even if you beat her now, it won't help, so let's think of a way!"

  Tang Youyou said extremely depressed: "My agent won't help me, what can I do?"

  Everyone looked at Su Xin, and Su Xin saw that everyone looked at him, and said helplessly: "Can you guys come to me whenever you have something? I'm not omnipotent!"

  Guan Gu miraculously picked up a bottle of drink and handed it to Su Xin, flatteringly said: "In our eyes, you are omnipotent! Please help Yoyo find a way! She is your little aunt, dear! Blood is thicker than water. what!"

  Su Xin looked at Guan Gu's magic with a black line, took the drink and pointed at Chen Meijia.

  "You have to tie the bell to untie the bell, let Mika help you solve it!"

  Chen Meijia pointed at herself blankly: "Me? How can I solve it?"

  Su Xin directly explained the solution to the original work.

  "You can temporarily be the agent of the little aunt, and then ask the director out for another interview!"

  Tang Youyou looked at Su Xin suspiciously: "Is this okay?"

  Su Xin looked indifferent: "Use a dead horse as a living horse doctor! Is there anything worse than not acting?"

  Tang Youyou was stunned for a moment, then nodded and looked at Chen Meijia.

  "Meijia, you helped me solve the problem you caused!"

  Chen Meijia said embarrassedly, "Okay! I'll try it!"

  After Chen Meijia finished speaking, she started to call, while Su Xin was not interested in listening. Now that the matter was clarified, Su Xin didn't want to waste any more time.

  Su Xin pulled Hu Yifei and said in a low voice.

  "Yifei! You even asked Nuolan to go shopping, we should go, or it will be too late!"

  Hu Yifei looked at the time, stood up immediately, and said in a low voice, "I still have something to do, I'll go first!"

  Tang Youyou made an OK gesture, her original intention was to find out the murderer who tricked her. Now that the murderer has appeared, she will naturally not stop everyone if they want to leave.

  Su Xin and Hu Yifei walked out of the bar, and the two got into the car and drove to the Huayuan Community. After picking up Nuolan, everyone started to go shopping!

  The next day, in the early morning, Su Xin and Hu Yifei were having breakfast, and Chen Meijia walked over with a proud face.

  Seeing that everyone gathered together again, Su Xin couldn't help complaining.

  "What's the matter?"

  Chen Meijia said proudly: "I'm going to sign all of you. Recently, a friend of mine wants to make a movie. It's when there is a shortage of actors. Do you want to be a big star?"

  Lu Ziqiao refused without thinking: "Since I was fooled last time, I have sworn that I will definitely, definitely, definitely never enter the showbiz again!"

  Hu Yifei pointed to his moon soil: "¨" Conditions are not allowed! "

  Su Xin said with little interest: "My salary is too expensive, you can't afford it!"

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