"Go and get the documents that need my signature, I'll take care of the business first!"

  "Okay! Then I'll look for it first!"

  After Zhao Wuliang finished speaking, he walked outside, and after a while he walked in with a pile of documents.

  Su Xin frowned when he saw the pile of documents: "So many? It seems that some are busy!"

  Su Xin began to look at the documents. When it was near noon, Su Xin had only approved half of the documents. This was because the phone suddenly rang.

  Su Xin glanced at it. It was Hu Yifei's phone number. Su Xin didn't delay and answered the phone directly.

  "Hey! Yifei! What's the matter?"

  Hu Yifei's choked voice came from the phone.

  "Su Xin! Zhan Bo was in a car accident. He was hit by a truck! Do you have time to go to the hospital with me?"

  Su Xin asked suspiciously, "Bumped? What happened to Zhanbo?"

  "I don't know! The hospital just said it was hit by a car and is being rescued! I'm driving to the hospital now!"

  Hearing Hu Yifei's sad voice, Su Xin said comfortably, "Don't worry! Drive safe, I'll go to the hospital now!"

  "Okay! I'll be at the hospital soon! Let's meet in the hospital!"

  After Hu Yifei finished speaking, he hung up the phone. Su Xin recalled the plot of the original novel. The time line in which Lu Zhanbo was hit by a car has passed, and Lu Zhanbo was not injured at all, so how could he be rescued?

  Su Xin didn't have time to think too much. He called Zhao Wuliang, handed the approved documents to Zhao Wuliang, and then drove to the hospital.indivual.

Chapter 307

  Su Xin drove his car to the hospital and saw Hu Yifei's car parked in front of the hospital from a distance. Su Xin parked his car first, then glanced at Hu Yifei's car again, but he didn't take the car keys with him.

  Su Xin sat in the car and parked Hu Yifei's car, and then walked into the hospital. As soon as he entered the hall, he saw Tang Youyou in a costume and a very strange dress, holding a colorful circle in his hand and asking the nurse.

  Su Xin walked to Tang Youyou and asked, "Little aunt, how is Zhanbo?"

  Tang Youyou looked back at Su Xin with a sad look on her face.

  "I just arrived, I don't know what's going on, I just asked which ward I was in!"

  "Then don't talk nonsense, let's go!"

  Su Xin urged Tang Youyou to lead the way, Tang Youyou didn't talk nonsense, and went directly to the direction of the ward.

  "Wait a moment!"

  Zeng Xiaoxian and Guan Gu ran over miraculously and quickly.

  Zeng Xiaoxian asked anxiously, "How is Zhanbo?"

  Tang Youyou explained as he walked: "We just arrived, we don't know the situation of Zhanbo!"

  Tang Youyou led a few people to Lu Zhanbo's ward, and after opening the door, everyone walked in.

  At this moment, Hu Yifei was standing helplessly looking at Lu Zhanbo who was intact.

  Su Xin walked to the hospital bed and looked at Lu Zhanbo, nothing happened, so he couldn't help complaining.

  "Didn't you say rescue? Isn't that nothing at all?"

  Zeng Xiaoxian took a closer look and determined that Lu Zhanbo did not lack arms or legs.

  "Zhanbo! Didn't you get hit by a big car? Why is there nothing at all?"

  Lu Zhanbo looked at everyone with a black line: "It's a good thing I didn't get hurt! Why do you all look so sorry?"

  Guan Gu asked curiously, "What's going on?"

  Lu Zhanbo explained helplessly: "Today I took Jian Ning to the meeting point. When I came back, I received a call from Zi Qiao for help. When I was driving to save him, a big car suddenly came out of the side door and hit me. It's gone!"

  When Su Xin heard Lu Zhanbo's words, he secretly wondered: Did the plot start to be revised again?

  Zeng Xiaoxian looked at Lu Zhanbo in disbelief: "You were hit by a big car, and you didn't get hurt at all?"

  Lu Zhanbo covered his head and said sadly: "I was injured, my head was hit by an airbag, and I suffered a slight concussion. The most important thing was that I was stunned by the airbag and almost suffocated to death. After losing oxygen, I felt much better. !"

  Hu Yifei stared at Lu Zhanbo: "Fortunately there are airbags, you almost scared me to death!"

  Lu Zhanbo smiled with a regretful expression on his face.

  "I didn't expect to be hit by a big car! What a pity my new car!"

  Tang Youyou asked worriedly: "Could it be internal injuries? Many internal injuries cannot be seen from the outside, it is best to check them all!"

  Lu Zhanbo pointed at the infusion tube next to him with a helpless expression: "I had various tests done when I was first brought here, and the doctor has already prescribed me medicine!"

  Guan Gu glanced at him suspiciously: "Glucose? What disease do you need to lose glucose for?"

  Lu Zhanbo explained with a helpless expression.

  "Simply put, I'm not sick, but the doctor insists that I'm malnourished, so I can leave after I lose!"

  Zeng Xiaoxian agreed with Lu Zhanbo's words very much, and said in a low voice, "I bought some medicine here for a cold last time, but the doctor did all kinds of examinations for me without saying a word, and even took X-rays, and finally spent [-] yuan. I bought an extra box of cold medicine!"

  Guan Gu looked at Zeng Xiaoxian with a puzzled look on his face: "What X-rays are you taking when you have a cold?"

  Zeng Xiaoxian said very depressed: "How do I know, so I usually don't dare to come to the hospital to see a doctor!"

  Tang Youyou asked suspiciously: "Zhanbo! How much did you spend this time?"

  Lu Zhanbo shook his head: "I don't know! My old sister paid the fee!"

  Hu Yifei said angrily: "I get angry when I mention this, Zhan Bo was taken to the emergency room, and they actually made Zhan Bo wait like that, saying that if he didn't pay, he wouldn't see a doctor!"

  Zeng Xiaoxian said with contempt: "The doctor in the past called to save the dead and help the wounded! Today's doctors only see money to save people, otherwise they will die without doing anything. The kind of doctor played in the TV series does not exist in reality!"

  Guan Gu miraculously saw that the nurse looked at everyone with strange eyes, and quickly touched Zeng Xiaoxian to stop Zeng Xiaoxian from continuing to speak.

  "Teacher Zeng! We are in someone else's place, so let's be more restrained!"

  Lu Zhanbo moved his hands and feet and looked at the nurse: "Nurse sister! I think I'm fine, can I go?"

  The nurse gave Lu Zhanbo a displeased look: "Are you a doctor?"

  Lu Zhanbo was stunned for a moment, then shook his head...  

  "No! But does it have anything to do with me being a doctor?"

  "If you're not a doctor, just obey the doctor!"

  After the nurse finished speaking, she took out a bottle of glucose: "There are two more bottles! You can go after you lose!"

  "Two bottles?"

  Lu Zhanbo looked at the nurse in surprise: "Do I need to lose so much?"

  "The doctor ordered it! When you run out of this bottle, press the call button, and I will come and change it for you!"

  After the nurse finished speaking, Zeng Xiaoxian saw the nurse leaving and immediately began to complain.

  "It's obviously a scam! I'm going to sue them!"

  Everyone ignored Zeng Xiaoxian's complaints, Hu Yifei looked at Su Xin: "I'm watching here, you go ahead and do it!"

  Su Xin shook his head and directly rejected Hu Yifei's suggestion.

  "You can't be too tired now, let me watch it! Go back and rest first!"

  Tang Youyou saw that both of them asked each other to rest, and interrupted them directly.

  "Don't be humble, everyone who has something to do is busy. Yifei is pregnant and can't stay for too long. I want to act! Who among the three of you has time?"

  Zeng Xiaoxian sat on the chair beside him: "I only go to work at night, I have nothing to do now, let me watch!"

  Guan Gu said with an embarrassed look on his face: "I'm investigating the comics market recently, and I have to go, so I won't be with you!"

  Lu Zhanbo said helplessly: "I'm not a child anymore! You all go to work! I'll go back after I lose the glucose, and I'll pay the insurance company tomorrow!"

  Zeng Xiaoxian had an indifferent expression on his face.

  "I have nothing to do anyway. If I watch TV at home, I might as well accompany Zhanbo here!"

  Su Xin did not object to everyone's suggestion: "My company still has a pile of documents to sign, so I won't accompany you!"

  Zeng Xiaoxian waved his hand: "You all go to work! I'm watching here, everything will be fine!"

  Lu Zhanbo said thoughtfully, "Why do I feel like I have something important to do?"

  Su Xin was stunned when he heard Lu Zhanbo's words, and then asked: "You said that Ziqiao called you for help just now, did he say something?".

Chapter 308


  Lu Zhanbo recalled for a moment, and said uncertainly: "It seems that he met his ex-girlfriend, and his ex-girlfriend wanted to kill him, let me save him!!"

  Hu Yifei looked at Lu Zhanbo displeased: "Are you an idiot? Wasn't he chased by his ex-girlfriend one day? You almost put yourself in because of this trivial matter?"

  When Su Xin heard Lu Zhanbo's words, he probably guessed it. According to the original plot, Lu Ziqiao went to the hospital and met his ex-girlfriend.

  Tang Youyou angrily complained about Lu Ziqiao.

  "Zi Qiao is so annoying! I must talk about him well when I look back. You guys talk first, I'm going back to acting, and many people are waiting for me!"

  Su Xin looked at Hu Yifei and asked, "Yifei! Are you going back to school?"

  Hu Yifei shook his head depressedly: "Today's class is over! I'm not going!"

  "Let's go have a meal, and then you can go back to the apartment!"

  Su Xin led Hu Yifei to the outside, Hu Yifei nodded and followed Su Xin to the outside.

  After the two of them finished their meal, Su Xin drove back to Shakeshou Company. When Su Xin returned to his office, he found that someone had already packed his things in his office!

  Su Xin looked at the familiar figure in the office and asked aloud, "Dali! Have you finished your class?"

  When Zhuge Dali heard Su Xin's voice, he immediately turned his head to look at Su Xin with joy.

  "Su Xin! You're here! I thought you wouldn't come back today!"

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