Lu Zhanbo looked up at the sky and said thoughtfully, "If we can't see the stars, it means that there are dark clouds above our heads. It seems that we can't see the meteor shower!"

  "Ah! How is this?"

  Chen Meijia looked at the sky in disbelief.


  There was a sound of thunder and lightning in the sky, and Guan Gu stretched out his hand miraculously to feel it.

  "looks like it's going to rain!"


  Zeng Xiaoxian's face became bitter: "Don't rain, my tent hasn't been set up yet!"

  "Drip drip!"

  A drizzle of rain fell as soon as he said it, and it gradually became larger. Su Xin quickly used his jacket to block the rain for Hu Yifei.

  "Yifei! Let's go back!"

  Hu Yifei was also afraid of the rain, so she immediately walked back to the tent, and everyone went back to the tent, only Zeng Xiaoxian stayed under the wind and rain, standing still despite the wind and rain.

  Zeng Xiaoxian looked at Lu Ziqiao's tent.

  "Zi Qiao! It's up to you! It's time to show brotherhood, and it's inconvenient for others!"

  Zeng Xiaoxian went into Lu Ziqiao's tent with a cheeky face.

  It had been drizzling all night outside, and when it was just dawn, the rain stopped.

  After a while after the rain stopped, everyone began to walk out of the tent one after another.

  Chen Meijia came out first and saw that no one came out, so she decided to look around to see if she could meet a hare.

  Su Xin and Hu Yifei finally came out, and everyone found the tent renter to put it away, and after the security deposit was refunded, everyone found out that Chen Meijia was gone!

  Just when everyone was going to find Chen Meijia, Chen Meijia limped back.

  Tang Youyou stepped forward to support Chen Meijia and asked, "Meijia, what's the matter with you?"

  Chen Meijia said dejectedly: "I just saw a white hare, I think it's very beautiful, I was stabbed to the foot just after a few steps!"

  Lu Ziqiao sneered with contempt: "Can there be white hares in this mountain? Are you kidding me!"

  Tang Youyou glanced at Lu Ziqiao angrily: "Don't speak rude words, I feel like you have returned the tent to Meijia, Zhanbo, take us to the hospital!"

  Su Xin looked at Chen Meijia: "Me and Yifei are also going to the hospital for examination, I'll take you there!"

  Chen Meijia nodded without being polite. Hu Yifei walked to Chen Meijia's side and was about to help Chen Meijia, but Tang Youyou directly refused.

  "Yifei! You have to be careful now. It just rained and this place has turned into mud. Let Su Xin support you!"

  Hu Yifei said disapprovingly: "It's okay, I won't slip!"

  Su Xin's face darkened, and he said angrily, "Are you arrogant again? I'll help you, let's go down!"

  Seeing that Su Xin was unhappy, Hu Yifei could only helplessly agree!

  After going down the mountain, Su Xin drove the three of Hu Yifei to the hospital in a car.

  Chen Meijia's foot was just a simple sprain, just bandage it, and Hu Yifei had to check various data, and things were more complicated.

  After Chen Meijia was bandaged, she followed Tang Youyou back to the love apartment.

  It was already dark after Su Xin and Hu Yifei checked, and the results of the check were very, very good, and there was no problem at all.

  Su Xin and Hu Yifei breathed a sigh of relief subconsciously when they heard that everything was fine.

  When the two returned to the apartment, they happened to meet Jian Ning quarreling with Lu Zhanbo.

  Hu Yifei was embarrassed to see Lu Zhanbo because he said the wrong thing, but something happened because of him, so he couldn't ignore it, so he directly threw the blame to Su Xin, under the pretense that a man should help his wife settle the trouble.

  Su Xin saw that Hu Yifei threw the pot to himself, but he didn't want to care, so he spent a thousand soft sister coins and left the matter to the professional Lu Ziqiao to solve it.

  Lu Ziqiao didn't want to care either, so he asked Zeng Xiaoxian to settle the matter at the price of three hundred soft sister coins.

  Zeng Xiaoxian is still relatively reliable, and he didn't find anyone else. In the end, Zeng Xiaoxian successfully persuaded Jian Ning to leave.

  At night, in the living room of 3601, Hu Yifei looked at Su Xin with a displeased expression and began to complain.

  "How did you persuade? Why does Jian Ning still have to leave? When Jian Ning is gone, when will Zhanbo carry forward our family!"

  Su Xin turned to look at Lu Ziqiao and began to complain: "Can you still do it? I asked you to persuade others, but it was of no use at all! If you can't do it, return the money!"

  Lu Ziqiao looked at Zeng Xiaoxian with a sullen face: "Mr. Zeng! Are you a professional? Can you still do it? If not, return the money!"

  Zeng Xiaoxian pointed to Lu Zhanbo beside him: "I have already persuaded me! I don't want you to ask Zhanbo!".

Chapter 306

  Everyone looked at Lu Zhanbo, but Lu Zhanbo just nodded calmly.

  "Well! I have already thought about it. We are still young, only three or four years, and it will be over soon!"

  Hu Yifei stared at Su Xin angrily: "I asked you to persuade Jian Ning not to leave, but you turned away from Zhan Bo's persuasion?"

  Su Xin directly pushed the responsibility to Lu Ziqiao: "Lu Ziqiao! How did you do things? You actually got the wrong goal when you asked you to do things?"

  Lu Ziqiao looked at Zeng Xiaoxian and began to blame Zeng Xiaoxian.

  "Teacher Zeng! Are you a professional?"

  Zeng Xiaoxian looked at everyone innocently: "It's not my fault! Ziqiao just asked me to resolve their differences. I think Zhanbo is very persuasive, so I persuade Zhanbo!"

  Lu Zhanbo looked at Hu Yifei and explained, "Sister! Don't blame your brother-in-law! I've figured it out. Jian Ning has her own career. I shouldn't stop her, I should support her!"

  Hu Yifei glared at Su Xin: "I won't persuade it either! You can figure it out for yourself! I'm going to rest! ~ There is still a class tomorrow!"

  After Hu Yifei finished speaking, he walked back to his room. Su Xin looked at Lu Ziqiao displeasedly: "It's so bad, it's a bad review, remember - give me the money back!"

  After Su Xin finished speaking, he went to Hu Yifei's bedroom, while Lu Ziqiao started talking about Zeng Xiaoxian.

  The next day, Hu Yifei went to class early, and Su Xin was fine, so he drove to the company.

  Su Xin parked the car in the parking lot of the Twin Towers, walked into the company, and asked the managers of various departments to come to the top floor for a meeting.

  Su Xin took the elevator to his office, and as soon as he entered the door, he smelled the scent of jasmine flowers.

  Su Xin sat at the desk in confusion: "Is it because the cleaning has been replaced?"

  Su Xin turned on the computer and looked at the data for a while, and the managers of various departments came in one after another.

  Zhao Wuliang saw that everyone was gathered, so he reminded Su Xin aloud.

  "Boss! Everyone is here!"

  Su Xin closed the folder on the computer and looked at the managers of various departments.

  "Everyone has done a good job recently, especially Wang Kuo, who was ashamed and then brave. This time the company broke through [-] billion, and he also worked very hard!"

  Wang Kuo said with a big smile: "Mr. Su still gave me a chance!"

  Su Xin nodded with satisfaction: "I won't say more nonsense! This time I'm looking for everyone, firstly for the company's celebration reception!"

  Zhao Wuliang looked like he was eager to try.

  "Boss! We have learned the lesson from the last time. During this time, our alcohol consumption has increased greatly. We will definitely be able to get you drunk!"

  Su Xin said mockingly, "You said the same thing last time, but you were the first one who couldn't hold it, but this time I'll let you go. I've been giving up drinking recently, and I've been borrowing it for more than two months! Just drink with each other!"

  Zhao Wuliang immediately disagreed, and began to find various excuses.

  "Boss! You don't have to drink it at other times, but this time it's a celebratory party. If you don't drink it, is that a celebratory party?"

  Su Xin saw that everyone was booing, plus the business had passed, and it was okay to drink a little, so he agreed.

  "Okay! I'll have a drink at the celebration party, and now I'm going to get down to business. I plan to change the party to three days later, and all your departments will tell each other!"


  Everyone replied, Su Xin finalized the first thing and started talking about the second thing directly.

  "The second thing is about the manager of the operation department. Change Zhou Tiangang to deputy manager and Wang Kuo to manager. You can hand over in advance, and you can formally hand over and speak at the celebration reception three days later!"


  Zhou Tiangang said with a gloomy expression, compared to Zhou Tiangang's sadness, Wang Kuo can be said to be in high spirits and extremely proud!

  Su Xin mentioned a note by the way: "Since Wang Kuo has a history of using power for personal gain, he is only in charge of the operations department, and other departments don't need to listen to him. If I find out which department has a relationship with him without authorization, then this department will Follow him and be punished, and the department manager will follow him and get out of bed!"

  Everyone immediately began to worry about each other, only Zhao Wuliang looked at Wang Kuo proudly.

  Just in case, Su Xin deliberately said an addition.

  "Zhao Wuliang is responsible for watching Wang Kuo. If he has any behavior for personal gain, report it to me immediately. If you help him hide it, then the two of you will get out together!"

  Wang Kuo looked bitter, while Zhao Wuliang looked at Wang Kuo proudly.

  Su Xin gave everyone another assignment, and then asked everyone to do their own thing.

  Just as everyone was walking out, Su Xin suddenly remembered something and stopped Zhao Wuliang directly.

  "Zhao Wuliang! Wait a minute, I have something to ask you!"

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????????????

  Zhao Wuliang stopped with a blank look on his face, and everyone else walked towards the elevator one after another.

  Zhao Wuliang walked back to Su Xin's desk and asked suspiciously.

  "Zhao Wuliang, where is my secretary? Didn't she come today?"

  When Zhao Wuliang heard Su Xin's words, he was stunned for a moment.

  "When I came this morning, I saw that she had arrived. Maybe something went out temporarily. I'll call and ask!"

  When Su Xin saw that Zhao Wuqian took out his mobile phone and was about to make a call, he immediately stopped him!

  "Forget it! Maybe she is in class, so don't disturb her. Let's wait for the celebration reception in three days!"

  Zhao Wuliang nodded and put away his phone: "Boss! Do you have any other orders?"

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