Su Xin directly interrupted Lu Zhanbo's words and told him not to speak, because Su Xin had already seen a gray hare, and because the hare was motionless, it was difficult for ordinary people to find it.

  "You stay here, don't talk!"

  After Su Xin finished speaking, he tiptoed towards the hare. The hare felt the slightest danger and ran straight away.

  Seeing that the hare was about to run, Su Xin directly accelerated to grab the rabbit. One person and one hare ran wildly in the woods. However, Su Xin's speed was a little faster, and one accelerated jump and directly caught the hare. .

Chapter 304

  Su Xin grabbed the hare, but the hare jumped twice unwillingly.

  "You're unlucky!"

  Su Xin carried the hare to the place where Lu Zhanbo was waiting, and before he could go far, he saw Lu Zhanbo standing straight on the spot, motionless.

  Seeing Su Xin walking back with the hare, Lu Zhanbo immediately began to praise Su Xin.

  "Brother-in-law, you are really amazing. I said on TV that only a hound can catch up with a rabbit, but you can catch up too!"

  Su Xin looked at Lu Zhanbo with a black line: "If you don't know how to talk, don't talk hard! What does it mean that only me and the hound can catch up with the hare? Are you such a compliment?"

  Lu Zhanbo smiled awkwardly: "I'm really praising you, praising you for your speed, faster than a hare!"

  Su Xin ignored Lu Zhanbo, although he didn't know whether Hu Yifei and Jian Ning had finished talking, but the two had been out for so long, even if they didn't finish talking, it shouldn't be a problem to go back now.

  Su Xin carried the rabbit and walked back towards the way he came. Lu Zhanbo did not speak, and followed Su Xin to the place where everyone was camping.

  When Su Xin brought Lu Zhanbo back, Zeng Xiaoxian had not set up the tent, and Hu Yifei was instructing some strangers to set up the tent.

  Su Xin walked to Hu Yifei's side and asked suspiciously, "Where did you find someone?"

  Hu Yifei saw that Su Xin was back with a hare in his hand. Hu Yifei reached out and grabbed the hare.

  "I rented the tent in front of me, it's not only cheap, but the package is installed!"

  Seeing that Hu Yifei actually wanted the hare, Su Xin immediately took a step back.

  "There's a lot of bacteria on this hare, you can't touch it!"

  Hu Yifei was stunned for a moment, and immediately retracted her hand: "I didn't expect you to really catch a hare and bring it back!"

  "Of course! Since you want to eat it, of course I'll grab one for you! By the way! How's your chat with Jian Ning? What's on her mind?"

  Su Xin asked curiously.

  Hu Yifei said a little embarrassedly: "I seem to have pitted Zhanbo! Jian Ning said she was going to do archaeology, I thought she would go for a few months, so I encouraged her to go, who would have thought that she would have to go for three or four years. Now I'm going to make Zhanbo pit miserable~ˇ!"

  Seeing Hu Yifei's guilt, Su Xin persuaded him: "It's okay! It's a pit! If he has complaints, let him find me, and I'll educate him!"

  Hu Yifei nodded quite moved, and just as she was about to speak, she heard Chen Meijia's exclamation.

  "What a beautiful hare!"

  Chen Meijia ran to Su Xin's side and reached for the hare, but Su Xin avoided Chen Meijia directly.

  "This is dinner for Yifei! I can't give it to you, if you want, grab one yourself!"


  Chen Meijia looked at Su Xin in shock, and then began to despise Su Xin.

  "The hare is so cute, how can you eat it! How can you bear it!"

  Su Xin looked at Chen Meijia with a black line: "Don't be a virgin with me, if you have the ability, don't eat meat for the rest of your life, no, if you have the ability, don't eat any more food, flowers, plants, trees, grains, birds and beasts are all very common. Cute, how can you bear to eat?"

  Chen Meijia was stunned for a moment, and said with a displeased face: "If I don't eat it, I will starve to death! Besides, whole grains give life!"

  Su Xin replied displeasedly: "How do you know that whole grains have no life?"


  Chen Meijia was speechless by what Su Xin said, and immediately began to play rogue.

  "I don't care, the hare is so cute, you can't eat it!"

  Su Xin didn't talk nonsense either, and with a "click" force, the hare hung up.


  Chen Meijia looked at Su Xin in shock.

  Su Xin sneered and said: "It's all because of you. The hare could live a little longer, but because you kept nagging, it died in advance, so you are a murderer, no, a rabbit murderer!"

  Chen Meijia looked at Su Xin with a bewildered expression: "It's obviously yours, how can you blame me?"

  Su Xin ignored Chen Meijia, who was overflowing with the heart of the Virgin, and just sneered and went to deal with the hare.

  "You are such a virgin, don't eat it for a while!"

  Hu Yifei also ignored Chen Meijia, who was bewildered. Seeing that the tent was already set up, she took the big bag that Su Xin carried on her back, walked into the tent and started packing!

  On the other side, Lu Zhanbo and Jian Ning quarreled while chatting, and as time passed, both of them gradually calmed down.

  After handling the hare, Su Xin returned to the tent and found that the barbecue materials and equipment were not with him, so he walked to the barbecue stall not far away, gave the boss some money, and directly borrowed the fire and seasonings from the barbecue stall to bake.

  After being roasted for more than two hours in a row, the hare was just cooked, and people were already surrounded by people smelling the fragrance.

  And Hu Yifei had been sitting on the side waiting for a long time, Su Xin took the hare who had passed the test and walked to the table where Hu Yifei was sitting.

  Hu Yifei couldn't wait to tear off a small piece of roasted rabbit meat and taste it.

  "too delicious!"

  Hu Yifei praised Su Xin, then took a hare and started to eat it.

  The onlookers were a little hungry when they saw Hu Yifei eating so disregarding his image, and looked at the barbecue stall owner.

  "boss!I want to just roast hares too! "

  When the owner of the barbecue stall saw that everyone was going to eat roasted hare, he explained to everyone helplessly.

  Everyone else in the apartment was also sitting at the table, looking at Su Xin eagerly.

  Su Xin was embarrassed to be seen by everyone: "I don't know how much Yifei eats, so let's not share a share with you. It's an early adopter! I can't bear to snatch it from Yifei myself!"

  After Su Xin finished speaking, he cut a small piece for everyone.

  Lu Ziqiao looked at the finger-sized flesh in front of him and muttered speechlessly.

  "You're too picky, aren't you? It's not enough to stick between your teeth!"

  Su Xin looked at Lu Ziqiao with contempt, and sneered: "Then your teeth are quite big, go see a dentist when you have time! As for why you divide so much! Zhao) eat!"

  Tang Youyou glanced at the hare in Su Xin's hand: "Yifei can't eat so much alone! Let's cut more for us!"

  Su Xin said helplessly: "Yi Fei's food intake has grown terribly, otherwise why would I leave the whole one to her! But you can still eat barbecue, I'll treat you! You try to eat as much as you can!"

  And Chen Meijia didn't speak because of a few arguments with Su Xin. She just silently picked up the small piece of roasted rabbit and ate it, and then said something in her heart.

  "It's so fragrant!"

  Hu Yifei was soon full, leaving only a small part of the roasted rabbit meat. Su Xin directly distributed the rest to everyone, and only ate some barbecued meat himself.

  After everyone was full, they returned to the tent, while Zeng Xiaoxian was still working hard to set up the tent.

  Lu Ziqiao teased: "Mr. Zeng! Your talent for setting up tents is too bad! It's been a day and it hasn't been set up yet, do you want us to help you?" Or.

Chapter 305

  "No, I can handle it myself, and I'll be ready soon!"

  For the sake of face, Zeng Xiaoxian insisted not to let everyone help.

  Everyone didn't pay any attention to Zeng Xiaoxian, but Zeng Xiaoxian immediately shouted when he saw that everyone was planning to go back to the tent.

  "You guys help me buy some barbecue first! I'll set up the tent after I finish eating!"

  Guan Gu looked at Zeng Xiaoxian with sympathy: "You said it's too late, we have already eaten all the ingredients of the barbecue stall! The owner of the barbecue stall should also close the stall and leave!"


  Zeng Xiaoxian asked with a bitter face, "Then what should I do?"

  Su Xin just wanted to say that he had brought some, but Lu Zhanbo took out a backpack directly.

  "I brought some snacks, you can make do with it first!"

  Zeng Xiaoxian put the things in the tent: "You are still interesting!"

  Zeng Xiaoxian took the backpack and started rummaging, Su Xin looked at Hu Yifei.

  "Yifei, are you tired? Would you like to take a break?"

  Hu Yifei nodded and said with great doubt: "I don't know what's going on, I always feel tired easily, I checked it on the Internet, and it says that it takes at least six or seven months to feel tired. No one knows what's going on!"

   Su Xin said worriedly: "Then let's go to the hospital tomorrow to check!"

  "Okay! Let's go tomorrow afternoon!"

  Hu Yifei did not object, and the two walked into the tent.

  Everyone was busy with their own affairs. Lu Zhanbo and Jian Ning continued to discuss archaeological matters, while Guan Gu Qiqi was telling Tang Youyou ghost stories.

  As for Chen Meijia and Lu Ziqiao, they returned to the crowd and started talking to each other.

  Time passed quickly, and when Su Xin was chatting with Hu Yifei, someone shouted outside.

  "Meteor shower is coming!"

  Hu Yifei immediately stood up and pulled Su Xin up: "We're going to see the meteor shower!"

  Knowing that there would be dark clouds blocking it, Su Xin followed Hu Yifei out of the tent with little interest, and everyone gathered together.

  Chen Meijia took the wish list and looked at Lu Ziqiao provocatively: "I must make a wish before you! My first wish is to make you thunder!"

  Lu Ziqiao snorted disdainfully and took out a telescope.

  "It's too much! How can you compare with me? I can definitely make a wish earlier than you!"

  Lu Ziqiao looked at the sky with the telescope, and said suspiciously, "Why is it so dark? Not even a single star?"

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