Hu Yifei said worriedly: "I won't eat to become fat, will I?"

  "No! You need to eat more nutritious food now!"

  As soon as Jian Ning finished speaking, the phone rang. Jian Ning took out her phone and walked to the side to start answering the phone.

  Hu Yifei stood up and dragged Su Xin to the apartment. She was really hungry.

  The two walked back to 3601, and Su Xin washed his hands and started cooking.

  At noon the next day, everyone drove to Sheshan. Su Xin learned the lessons of the original book and brought some food, enough for a few people to eat.

  Everyone drove to the bottom of the mountain. Since the car could not go in, everyone got out of the car.

  Lu Zhanbo looked at Hu Yifei with a worried face: "Sister! Are you okay to climb the mountain now?"

  Hu Yifei said confidently: "Don't worry! This mountain is like a mound in my eyes, it's not a problem at all!"

  Everyone looked at Su Xin, and Su Xin nodded: "I will be optimistic about her!"

  After Su Xin finished speaking, he took out a backpack from the car, which contained food.

  Everyone handed over all the tents to Zeng Xiaoxian, and Lu Ziqiao even encouraged them: "Mr. Zeng! It's time to show your talent! Rush up with the tent!"

  Zeng Xiaoxian looked at everyone with a black line: "Even if I promise to help you set up a tent, you can take it up by yourself! I can't take so much by myself!"

  Everyone ignored Zeng Xiaoxian and walked directly to the top of Sheshan Mountain. Hu Yifei followed Su Xin, pointing at the flowers for a while, and the small animals that ran out for a while...  

  Su Xin saw that Hu Yifei was not in the slightest discomfort, so he did not disturb her good mood.

  Tang Youyou and Chen Meijia looked around making a fuss all the way, and started shouting every time they saw something.

  When everyone saw the tree-lined mountain, their mood became very good, only Jian Ning looked preoccupied.

  Hu Yifei pulled Su Xin to the top of the mountain quickly, Su Xin discouraged: "Go slower!"

  Hu Yifei didn't care about Su Xin's words, and said with a smile: "I know my situation, you don't have to worry, you see that the scenery here is so good, it will definitely look better when you reach the top of the mountain!"

  Su Xin looked helpless: "You are fine, but children are different!"

  When Hu Yifei heard Su Xin's words, he became a little more honest, and followed Su Xin to the top of the mountain slowly.

  A few people reached the top of the mountain without much effort, only Zeng Xiaoxian was as tired as a dog because he was carrying a bunch of tents!

  Several people found a relatively open place, Hu Yifei stopped and looked around.

  "It's nice here! Let's camp here!"

  When Zeng Xiaoxian heard that he was going to camp, he immediately walked to the open space excitedly and put down the tent directly.

  "You guys go around first, take pictures, chat, and leave the tent to me. I can finish it in minutes!"

  Hu Yifei took out a camera from Su Xin's backpack: "Mei Jia! You help me and Su Xin take pictures first, and then we can take pictures for you when we're done!"

  Just as Chen Meijia was about to agree, Lu Ziqiao pushed Chen Meijia away directly, as if licking a dog.

  "Let me take pictures for you! I am a professional, and I will definitely take beautiful pictures for you!"

  Su Xin looked at Lu Ziqiao suspiciously: "What do you want to do?"

  Lu Ziqiao said with a smile, "You still know me best. I want to borrow your camera to use it after you finish shooting!"

  Hu Yifei looked at Lu Ziqiao with a question mark: "What are you doing with the camera? You don't have a girlfriend! Do you still need to take pictures?"

  Chen Meijia directly kicked Lu Ziqiao away: "There are still people camping in front of him, he must want to pick up girls! Can't lend him!".

Chapter 303

  Lu Ziqiao was kicked by Chen Meijia, and immediately became unhappy.

  "It's none of your business for me to pick a girl? You can take a camera according to your ability, and you can buy one if you have the ability. I will never stop you!"

  Chen Meijia stared at Lu Ziqiao and began to roar, "If you hadn't dragged me down back then, I would definitely be able to afford it now!"


  Lu Ziqiao looked at Chen Meijia contemptuously and laughed, "Just you? Still buying a camera? You can't afford this camera in your next life!"

  "Lu Ziqiao!"

  Chen Meijia directly hit Lu Ziqiao, and Lu Ziqiao shouted not to be outdone.

  "Chen Meijia!"

  Hu Yifei looked at the two who were fighting again with a black line: "Are they like this?"

  Su Xin smiled and said with some emotion: "They are happy friends. If they don't quarrel for a day, it will be abnormal!"

  Hu Yifei looked at the camera and asked depressingly, "Who will help us take pictures? I want to take a few more pictures!"

  Su Xin looked around, Zeng Xiaoxian was busy setting up a tent, Chen Meijia and 28 Lu Ziqiao were still scolding each other, Tang Youyou and Guan Gu miraculously disappeared, only Lu Zhanbo and a pair of strange looking standing not far away. Jane condensed with a heavy heart.

  Su Xin patted Hu Yifei's shoulder and pointed to Lu Zhanbo: "How about the two of them?"

  Hu Yifei looked at Lu Zhanbo and Jian Ning, and said thoughtfully, "Su Xin! Do you think Jian Ning seems to have something on her mind?"

  "I'm not Zhanbo, so how can I not see it! We can just ask! It's impossible for Zhanbo to find out that Jian Ning has something on his mind!"

  After Su Xin finished speaking, he walked behind Lu Zhanbo and Jian Ning with Hu Yifei.

  Hu Yifei interrupted the two: "Zhanbo! Jian Ning! Let's take pictures together!"

  The two looked back at Hu Yifei, Jian Ning frowned, not in the mood to take pictures at all, and directly pushed the matter to Lu Zhanbo.

  "Zhanbo! Help your sister and brother-in-law take pictures! I'll go ahead and take a look first!"

  After Jian Ning finished speaking, she was about to go to the place where the crowd gathered in front of her. Hu Yifei saw that Jian Ning was going to leave, so she called Jian Ning directly, and asked directly without beating around the bush.

  "Jian Ning! Do you have something on your mind? If you have something on your mind, you can tell us, and we will try our best to help you!"


  Jian Ning looked embarrassed and turned to look at Lu Zhanbo.

  Hu Yifei immediately understood and looked at Su Xin: "Su Xin! You take Zhanbo to hunt, I want to eat roast rabbit!"

  Su Xin also saw what Hu Yifei meant and did not object.

  "Okay! I'll definitely catch you back!"

  When Lu Zhanbo heard that he was going to catch the hares, his face darkened: "Where are we going to catch the hares? Even if we find them, but we don't have the tools, how can we catch them?"

  Hu Yifei waved his hand impatiently, and Su Xin directly dragged Lu Zhanbo to the depths of the jungle.

  Seeing that Su Xin dragged Lu Zhanbo away, Hu Yifei turned to look at Jian Ning: "They're gone! You can talk now!"

  Jian Ning sighed, and said something a little depressed.

  "My colleagues called me, they said they found an ancient tomb, they are calling for experienced archaeologists to excavate, they asked me if I wanted to go, I really want to go, but I just got married to Zhan Bo, I'm afraid of him disagree!"

  Hu Yifei smiled and said very relaxedly: "I thought what was going on! It turned out to be such a trivial matter! You don't have to worry at all, Zhanbo will definitely agree with you to go!"

  Jian Ning looked at Hu Yifei in disbelief.

  "Zhanbo will really agree?"

  Hu Yifei nodded and said with certainty: "I don't know what my brother is like? He will definitely support you! Don't worry!"


  When Jian Ning heard Hu Yifei's words, she immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

  "That's great! I'm still worried that the fair will object! Since you said so, then I'll give my colleague a call!"

  Jian Ning took out her mobile phone, walked aside and started to make a call.

  Hu Yifei stood there and waited for a while, and Jian Ning came over looking very happy.

  "My colleague signed up for me. I'm in a hurry this time. I'm going to leave the day after tomorrow. I'll pack my things tomorrow!"

  Seeing that Jian Ning was so happy, Hu Yifei couldn't help but smiled, and Jian Ning looked at Hu Yifei's moon soil.

  "It's a pity not to see your child born!"


  Hu Yifei looked at Jian Ning in surprise, and asked suspiciously, "How long are you going to go? Why can't you come back in a few months?"

  Jian Ning thought for a while, and said uncertainly: "It may take three or four years. This time we encountered a large ancient tomb, and we have to dig there for a long time! The most important thing is that it takes time to protect cultural relics!"

  "Three or four years?"

  Hu Yifei was stunned when she heard that Jian Ning was going to go for three or four years, and said quickly.

  "I think you'd better discuss this matter with Zhanbo!"

  Jian Ning looked at Hu Yifei with a question mark: "But you said just now that he would agree, not to mention that I have already signed up. This does not mean that cancellation can be cancelled!"

  Hu Yifei complained with a gloomy face: "The devil knows that you are going to go for three or four years, I thought you would go for three or four months at most!"

  Jian Ning was immediately stunned when she heard Hu Yifei's words: "Then what should I do? I've already signed up, and it's probably too late to withdraw now!"


  Hu Yifei hesitated for a moment: "You call your colleague first and ask if you can withdraw it!"

  When Jian Ning heard Hu Yifei's words, she immediately hesitated. She really wanted to go to the archaeology this time. Jian Ning hesitated for a long time, and finally decided to kill first and then play, and wait for Zhan Bo to come back and directly showdown.

  Seeing that Jian Ning didn't call, Hu Yifei hurriedly urged, "Hurry up and call!"

  Jian Ning shook her head and looked at Hu Yifei seriously: "I think this is an opportunity! I'll tell him when Zhanbo comes back!"

  Seeing Jian Ning, Hu Yifei felt that she was going to go to archaeology, and she thought with a "squeak" in her heart.

  "I'm a pit brother!"

  On the other side, Su Xin and Lu Zhanbo were walking in the jungle, and Lu Zhanbo suddenly sneezed twice.

  "The smell in the woods is too bad, let's go back!"

  Su Xin refused without thinking: "No! The hare hasn't been caught yet!"

  Lu Zhanbo looked around and said speechlessly, "How could there be hares here!"

  "Shh! Don't talk!"

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