Xiao Qing didn't say anything, just grabbed the collar of Su Xin's clothes and threw it to the ground.

  Su Xin responded quickly, and directly supported it with his feet, instead of being thrown directly to the ground, Su Xin supported it ninety degrees, and looked at Xiao Qing in surprise.

  "You are crazy!"


  Xiao Qing punched directly in front of Su Xin, these Su Xin could not stand at all, and were directly smashed to the ground.

  Su Xin stood up with a carp, and looked at Xiao Qing alertly: "What are you doing? What's the matter?"

  Xiao Qing didn't say a word, and kicked Su Xin directly with a whip leg. Su Xin ducked sideways, Xiao Qing refused to let Su Xin go, and the two immediately moved their hands.

  Half an hour later, the living room was almost smashed by the two of them, both of them standing in the middle of the rubble, panting.

  Su Xin said displeasedly: "What are you crazy about? Always give a reason if you want to do something!"

  Xiao Qing stared at Su Xin, and asked coldly, "Who is Nuolan?"


  Su Xin was stunned for a moment, and said a little embarrassedly, "You know that? Who told you?"

  Xiao Qing sneered: "The person who gave you the marriage certificate is my informant! Since I caught him last time, he has been my informant, and he will report on 4.6 after you get him the certificate today. It was given to me, but I was busy and didn't see it!"

  Su Xin complained with a black line: "Is Lu Ziqiao mentally retarded? You actually found your informant!"


  Xiao Qing snorted coldly: "I don't know if he is mentally retarded, but you will soon be marked as mentally retarded by me!"

  After Xiao Qing finished speaking, he continued to fight Su Xin, but Su Xin blocked them one by one, and complained helplessly: "Our force is about the same, you can't beat me, and I can't beat you, so why waste your energy!"

  Xiao Qing continued to hit Su Xin unwillingly: "Then see who loses the strength first!"

  Seeing that Xiao Qing didn't give up, Su Xin immediately started negotiating conditions: "Don't do it first, as long as you don't care about this matter, I will give you a treasure, a treasure that no one can refuse!".

Chapter 298

  Although Su Xin tried to persuade him for a long time, Xiao Qing didn't believe Su Xin's words at all, not even a punctuation mark.

  Xiao Qing threw his fists and kicked side by side, and Su Xin defended them one by one, until finally Xiao Qing saw that he couldn't help Su Xin, so he could only stop.

  Xiao Qing put the sofa that was kicked over, sat on it by himself, and looked at Su Xin who was standing opposite.

  "Your strength is growing a bit fast, I can't beat you!"

  Su Xin moved a chair with only three wooden legs left and sat on it: "I used to let you all! The only thing I'm afraid of is breaking the furniture. Look at this living room, there is no good furniture anymore! How much does it cost!"

  Xiao Qing gave Su Xin a clear look: "I have a lot of money, and I'm willing to spend it! You should explain the matter between you and that Nuolan clearly, or else it's over!"

  When Su Xin heard Xiao Qing's words, he was a little embarrassed: "I prepared a gift for you. Can you turn a blind eye to this matter?"

  Xiao Qing looked at Su Xin contemptuously: "Am I missing your gift? Hurry up and explain the matter clearly, or don't blame me for being rude!"

  Su Xin took out the small porcelain bottle and walked towards Xiao Qing: "You really lack this gift from me, you are slowly getting older now, although you can't tell from the outside, but sooner or later... it will be more beautiful, calm down. ,Do not impulse!"

  Before Su Xin finished speaking, he saw Xiao Qing take out a pocket pistol. For the safety of his life, Su Xin decisively changed his words.

  Xiao Qing said with a sad face: "I know I'm several years older than you, but you start to dislike me before I get old!"


  Su Xin interrupted Xiao Qing's words: "I don't dislike you. I bought a bottle of medicine at a high price, so I can stay young forever. I'll send it to you right away!"

  Xiao Qing put away the pistol and looked at Su Xin contemptuously: "You are no longer short of money, why haven't you put down the business of selling Dali Pills? And you still want to sell it to me?"

  Su Xin looked at Xiao Qing with a black line: "This is not a powerful pill, this is a genuine medicine, try it!"

  Xiao Qing waved his hand to stop Su Xin with a look of disgust: "You want to poison me?"

  Su Xin poured out a pill and swore and assured: "I have tasted it, and it is not poisonous. Not only is it not poisonous, even some injuries can be cured!"

  Xiao Qing still shook his head and refused. Su Xin saw that Xiao Qing was unwilling to eat, so he gave up.

  "It's just a few, and it's gone after you eat it. If you don't eat it, forget it, and we won't change in the future. You will grow old alone, don't say I dislike you!"


  Xiao Qing looked at Su Xin angrily, hesitated for a moment, then grabbed the pill and ate it in one bite.

  "If it doesn't work, don't blame me..."

  Xiao Qing was suddenly stunned and stopped talking. After a while, Xiao Qing stood up and waved his fist with a smile on his face.

  "This medicine is really good! Not only does it restore strength, but even some dark wounds are healed!"

  "Recover your strength??"

  Su Xin said with a question mark: "Isn't this a fool?"

  Su Xin ran out the door while Xiao Qing didn't pay attention to himself.


  Xiao Qing chuckled lightly, then jumped directly to Su Xin's side, reaching out and pressing Su Xin against the wall.

  Su Xin opened Xiao Qing's hand and continued to run outside. Xiao Qing stood in front of the door and kept hitting Su Xin.

  Su Xin's face turned even darker, he was trapping himself.

  As time went on, in the end, Su Xin ran out of energy and was restrained by Xiao Qing. Xiao Ming pressed Su Xin with one hand, and took out the porcelain bottle in Su Xin's pocket with the other hand.

  Xiao Qing looked at the porcelain bottle: "This medicine is very good for healing! How many do you have, just give me a few hundred pills!"

  Su Xin complained with a black line: "Hundreds? Are you dreaming? It took me a long time to get a few, and Yifei and the others haven't eaten it yet! Stop joking!"

  Xiao Qing looked at the pills in the bottle: "There are five more pills in it! Yifei and the others used four pills, and there is one extra, just in case I use it as a spare!"

  Su Xin grabbed the porcelain bottle directly: "One per person! Don't think about asking for more, it's not good to be too greedy! Also, you have already accepted the pill, so let me go!"

  Xiao Qing didn't grab the porcelain bottle anymore, but said with a smile: "I received your gift, and I'm quite satisfied with this gift, but I didn't say forgive you, scumbag! Go to hell!"

  Although Su Xin was able to beat Xiao Qing, his strength has been exhausted, and now he only has to be beaten.

  ...the dividing line of all evil...

  The next morning, Xiao Qing looked at Su Xin curiously: "Su Xin! I remember that you were beaten into a pig's head by me yesterday, how are you all right?"

  Su Xin was stunned when he heard Xiao Qing's words, and took a picture of himself with his mobile phone, and sure enough, he had already replied.

  Su Xin put down his phone and said thoughtfully, "It might be the effect of the pill!"

  Su Xin sat up, slapped Xiao Qing's arm, and a red slap print appeared.

  Xiao Qing was blinded by Su Xin's slap, and when he realized it, there was already a slap print on his arm.

  Xiao Qing looked at Su Xin in disbelief: "You actually hit me? You actually hit me?"

  Su Xin comforted: "Don't be angry! I just want to see if your injury will recover!"

  However, ten minutes later, before Xiao Qing's slap print went down, Xiao Qing gritted his teeth and looked at Su Xin: "I fought with you!"

  Su Xin avoided Xiao Qing's fist: "Calm down! It turns out that I'm just a special case!"

  "You hit me! It's not over!"

  Su Xin ran to the living room and said helplessly, "It's almost eight o'clock, and you'll be late soon! Are you sure you don't want to go to work quickly?"

  Xiao Qing looked at the time: "I'll let you go this time! I'll clean up you when I get back from get off work! Also, you are responsible for cleaning up the furniture in the living room!"

  After Xiao Qing finished speaking, he went to wash up. Su Xin looked at the destruction of the living room and said, "How to clean it up! Forget it, let's find a professional to clean it up!"

  After Xiao Qing left, Su Xin called the professional Lu Ziqiao directly and asked him to collect the garbage.

  Su Xin also followed to help. After cleaning up, he took Nuolan to the mall, bought some furniture, and bought some clothes. In this way, Su Xin lived in the garden community for half a month, and everything was fine, even shaking. The hand also rushed over [-] billion, so Su Xin specially asked Zhao Wuliang and Wang Kuo to prepare a celebration reception at the Twin Towers.

  However, accidents always come quietly. Just the day before the celebration reception, Su Xin received a phone call that he least wanted to receive.

  At this time, Xiao Qing was having a video conference with Nuolan's house and various department managers of the company. Everyone was sure about most of the celebration reception. Just after the discussion, Su Xin's cell phone rang. Su Xin took out his cell phone and looked at it. It was Hu Yifei. When the call came, Su Xin did not hesitate to answer the call.

  "Hey! Yifei! What's wrong?".

Chapter 299

  Hu Yifei's crying voice came from the phone: "Su Xin! My stomach hurts!"

  Su Xin immediately became nervous: "What's the matter? We were fine when we had a video call this morning. Why does it start to hurt now?"

  Hu Yifei shouted, and Tang Youyou's voice came from the phone: "Su Xin! We are rushing to the hospital in an ambulance now, come on! We don't know what to do!"

  "Okay! I'll be right there!"

  Su Xin hung up the phone and looked at the computer. Without talking nonsense, he directly gave an order: "The celebration wine is postponed, and the specific time will be discussed later."

  The managers of various departments were also very discerning, seeing that Boss was in a hurry, and no one dared to talk nonsense.

  Su Xin closed the notebook and walked to the bedroom, while Nuolan was still resting.

  Su Xin didn't bother her either. He picked up the car key and walked out the door. After closing the door, he ran all the way to the underground garage. As for why he didn't take the elevator, because Su Xin was on the second floor, he had already arrived at the garage when he had time to wait for the elevator. !

  Su Xin drove into the car, regardless of speeding or not, and drove directly to the hospital at extreme speed. As for the car accident?With Su Xin's driving skills, basically nothing would happen.

  Su Xin drove to the hospital without incident. Su Xin put the car in front of the hospital and had no time to park.

  According to the address sent by Tang Youyou, Su Xin ran all the way to the VIP ward, where a female doctor was standing in front of the bed and said something.

  And Hu Yifei has red eyes and tears, and everyone else is silent!

  Su Xin walked to Hu Yifei's bedside: "Yifei! Are you alright!"

  Seeing Su Xin coming, Hu Yifei couldn't stop her tears. She choked and said, "Su Xin! I'm sorry! I, I,,"

  The doctor glanced at Su Xin: "You are her husband! How do you look at her, don't you know that pregnant people can't eat things that are too cold? And let her eat so much junk food!"

  Su Xin was even more uncomfortable seeing Hu Yifei's appearance, and asked the doctor, "Doctor! What's the matter~ˇ?"


  The doctor sighed: "The child may not be able to keep it! You should spend more time with the patient! She needs you!"

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