Nuolan didn't push Su Xin away, it was a tacit agreement: "I originally planned to spend your money, fight..."

  Before Nolan could finish speaking, Su Xin stopped her speech, and suddenly the phone rang.

  Su Xin took out his mobile phone a little unhappily: "Who is so immoral!"

  Nuolan took the opportunity to leave Su Xin: "You answer the phone first, I'll clean it up, and you'll send me to the radio in a while!"

  Su Xin saw that Lu Ziqiao was calling, and after connecting the phone, Su Xin asked angrily.

  "It's done?"

  Lu Ziqiao's voice came from the phone, obviously Lu Ziqiao didn't hear Su Xin's displeasure.

  "It's done! I'm at the gatekeeper of the community now, come and get it!"

  "Okay! I'll come down now!"

  Su Xin hung up the phone: "Nolan! I'll go get something first, and I'll be right back!"

  Nolan did not come out, but told Su Xin where the key was: "Okay! I have the key in my bag, you can take it!"

  Su Xin found the key in Nuolan's bag and walked out with the key.

  Su Xin walked carefully to the guard all the way, for fear of running into Xiao Qing, Su Xin walked to the back of the guard room.

  Lu Ziqiao squatted in the corner and asked in a low voice, "Code!"

  Su Xin kicked Lu Ziqiao with a black line: "Getting a fake marriage certificate will make you look so good, it's the same as a joint!"

  Lu Ziqiao reluctantly took out two red books: "This is also for safety, I've been keeping an eye on it lately, they don't want to make it, but I paid a high price and they made it, a total of two thousand five hundred and sixteen, let's do it. Let me give you a zero for the relationship between the two!"

  Su Xin ignored Lu Ziqiao's lion's big opening, and took out a thousand soft sister coins from his bag: "That's all! If you don't want it, forget it!"

  Lu Ziqiao's eyes and hands were quick, and he grabbed the soft sister coins directly, with a big loss expression: "It's hard for me to do things for you because of the price! I'm losing money!"

  Su Xin didn't talk to Lu Ziqiao, but warned: "Don't tell anyone about this!"

  After Lu Ziqiao counted the money, he put the money in his pocket and swore a promise.

  "Our long-term cooperative relationship, my confidentiality ability is still very good, you can rest assured!"

  When Su Xin heard Lu Ziqiao's assurance, he didn't say anything else and walked back to Nuolan's house with the marriage certificate.

  At this time, Nuolan was sitting in the living room combing her hair. When Nuolan saw Su Xin coming back, she asked casually.

  "It's so late! Who's looking for you?"

  "My friend, I asked him to do something today, and it has just been delivered, look!"

  Su Xin sat beside Nuolan and put the marriage certificate in front of Nuolan.

  When Nuolan saw the marriage certificate, her face brightened, and then she asked hesitantly, "Whose?"

  Su Xin smiled and put the marriage certificate in Nuolan's hand: "See for yourself!"

  Nuolan opened the marriage certificate a little nervously, and when she saw that it was her and Su Xin's marriage certificate, she immediately became beaming, but it only lasted for two or three seconds.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????????????

  Nuolan's smile subsided, and she threw the marriage certificate to Su Xin directly, complaining with a displeased expression.

  "Do you want to fool me with a fake one again? I don't have time to joke with you!"

  Su Xin picked up the marriage certificate and joked: "You really don't think about it? This is true. If you don't believe it, you can check it online yourself!"

  Nuolan froze for a moment, put the comb aside, and asked uncertainly, "Is this really true?"

  "I also said that the tongue twister was opened! Is it true? You can find out when you check it! Use your mobile phone to check it!"

  When Nuolan heard Su Xin's words, she immediately took out her mobile phone and checked it. When Nuolan saw that she was indeed Su Xin's wife, she couldn't help but look overjoyed.

........ ...... 0

  Nuolan put down the phone and quickly snatched it from Su Xin: "You got the certificate with me! What about the others?"

  Su Xin said very counter to his heart: "Don't worry! They all feel that I owe you, so they gave you the only place!"

  Nuolan said a little embarrassedly: "I didn't expect them to be so reasonable, thank them for helping me!"

  Nolan had just finished speaking, and the long-lost system finally sounded a beep!

  "Ding! You succeed, score SS, get special potion, youth potion! (Youth potion is made by an unknown person, and the user can keep his face young. Be careful, it's just face life, not a longevity potion!)"

  Su Xin was immediately stunned when he heard the sound of the system prompt, and secretly complained in his heart: With such a high score, will you give me a medicine?Spicy chicken!

  Seeing Su Xin in a trance, Nuolan pushed Su Xin: "Why don't you speak? Are you alright!"

  Su Xin came back to his senses: "It's okay! I will convey your words!"

  After Su Xin finished speaking, he took out a white jade porcelain bottle from his pocket. Su Xin looked at the white jade porcelain bottle for a while.

  "It doesn't look like a potion bottle!"

  Seeing the bottle in Su Xin's hand, Nuolan's eyes lit up and she said in surprise, "What a beautiful bottle!"

  "The most precious thing is not the bottle, but the potion inside!"

  After Su Xin finished speaking, he opened the bottle and looked at it, and found that it was not a water-shaped medicine, but a round pill.indivual.

Chapter 297

  (As for the youth potion, there are mutated creatures like cockroaches in the original book. It’s okay for me to write a special potion! This is very reasonable!)

  Su Xin poured the pills into his hands, counted them, there were eight in total, Su Xin picked up one, hesitated for a moment, and then took a bite.

  The reason why Su Xin experimented directly was because the system wouldn't deceive himself, and the most important thing was to try to see if there were any side effects, in case other people would have side effects if they ate it.

  After Su Xin ate it, he didn't feel anything special. Su Xin looked at the pill in his hand suspiciously.

  "Is it expired?"

  Nuolan looked at the pill in Su Xin's hand curiously: "What kind of medicine is this?"

  Su Xin poured the pills back into the porcelain bottle, leaving a pill and handing it to Nuolan: "I asked this from an unknown expert. As long as I eat it, I will stay young forever!"

  Nuolan was just curious, then picked up the pill and ate it: "You must have been deceived! But you have taken it, and I have no reason not to take it, but if you encounter such a person in the future, you should call the police directly! These are People are more pitiful than you sell Qiao's magic pills, your pills are calcium tablets anyway, and this has no taste at all, just like breathing in. "

  Su Xin pinched Nuolan's face and looked carefully, but nothing changed.

  "It seems that we can only see the effect later!"

  Nuolan opened Su Xin's hand, stood up, looked stunned for a moment, then walked a few steps and said in surprise.

  "Your medicine seems to have some effect! I'm not uncomfortable anymore!"


  Su Xin looked at the pill in his hand with a question mark: "Is this for healing?"

  Nuolan looked at the time and picked up her bag: "I'm going to work. On the first day of work, I have to go early to leave a good impression on my colleagues!"

  Su Xin stood up: "I'll send you off!"

  Nuolan refused directly, and then quickly took a few steps: "No, I'm completely fine! I'll go first!"

  "Wait a moment!"

  Su Xin stopped Nuolan and handed her the car key to Nuolan.

  "You drive my car! I'm going to rest, I won't need it!"

  Nuolan hesitated for a while, then took the key: "My driving skills are not good, if I hit you, don't talk about me!"

  After Nolan finished speaking, she walked to the door and changed into a pair of high heels, then walked out.

  Su Xin was bored, and began to set up the scene, arranging the sofa to look like Xiao Qing's house. Although it was still a little different, he couldn't tell if he didn't look carefully.

  Su Xin took the mobile phone and sent Hu Yifei a video chat. After a while, Hu Yifei was connected.

  Looking at Hu Yifei's background, it should be watching TV in the living room.

  "Yifei! Are you still watching TV?"

  Hu Yifei nodded: "Well! I was about to go to bed, so you sent me a chat!"

  Su Xin asked with a little concern: "Try not to eat so many snacks! It's not good for your health!"

  When Hu Yifei heard Su Xin's words, his face immediately became a little depressed.

  "Okay! I get it! I'll pay attention, it's getting late, let's not talk for now, I'm going to rest!"

  After Hu Yifei finished speaking, he pretended to doze off, and then closed the video. After closing my video, Hu Yifei took out a bunch of snacks from under the table and continued to eat snacks and watch TV.

  "My physique is so good, how could something go wrong with a snack! What a fuss!"

  On the other side, Su Xin saw that Hu Yifei hung up the video directly, put the phone on the table helplessly, turned around and took out the laptop from the suitcase, and began to look at the financial data of Shakeshou.

  Su Xin just looked at it for ten minutes when the phone rang. Su Xin took out his phone and saw that it was actually Xiao Qing who called, and Su Xin answered the call.

  "It's rare! You actually call me!"

  Xiao Qing's cold voice came from the phone: "Where are you now?"

  Hearing Xiao Qing's voice, Su Xin noticed something strange: "I'm out there for a bit, do you have anything to do with me?"

  "Go back to the apartment now! I'll pick you up now!"

  After Xiao Qing finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

  Su Xin looked at the phone with a question mark: "What do you mean?"

  Su Xin called Xiao Qing, and then asked, "I'm near your house. Come and pick me up at home! By the way, can you tell me what's the matter?"

  "Good thing! Good good good thing! You wait for me at home!"

  Xiao Qing said a few words in a cold voice, then hung up the phone directly.

  Su Xin looked at the phone with a bewildered expression: "What's the matter? It's not her time to get off work yet!"

  Although Su Xin was puzzled, he did not delay, picked up his mobile phone and walked to Xiao Qing's house......

  Su Xin waited for a while at Xiao Qing's house, and when Su Xin was bored looking at his phone, Xiao Qing opened the door, walked in with a cold face, even returned his shoes, and walked directly to Su Xin.

  Seeing Xiao Qing's cold face, Su Xin asked suspiciously, "Who messed with you again?"

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