After the doctor finished speaking, he looked at Tang Youyou and the others: "Come out with me! Then let them talk alone!"

  Several people comforted Su Xin, but Su Xin didn't hear it, and the doctor's words kept ringing in his ears.

  The doctor took everyone out. Hu Yifei saw Su Xin's unbelievable look, and felt even more self-blame in his heart.

  "Su Xin! It's all my fault! I thought I was fine!"

  Su Xin saw Hu Yifei's crying pear blossom with rain, and couldn't bear to blame her, and comforted her softly.

  "It's okay! Everything will pass!"

  Seeing Su Xin's red eyes, Hu Yifei blamed herself even more and cried even more.

  "It's all my fault! If I listen to you, nothing will happen to the child, it's all my fault!"

  Su Xin held Hu Yifei's hand: "It doesn't matter! We can regenerate in the future, as long as you are fine!"

  Su Xin suddenly remembered something, and quickly took out a porcelain bottle from his pocket.

  "Yifei! This is a medicine that can keep you young forever. It has a special effect and can heal wounds. I don't know if it will help. Do you want to try it? The decision is yours."

  When Hu Yifei heard Su Xin's words, he immediately stopped crying and looked at Su Xin hopefully.

  "Can it really save the baby?"

  Su Xin was not sure, but said helplessly: "Is there anything worse than now?"

  Hu Yifei nodded and stretched out her hand: "As long as I can keep the baby, I will never eat snacks again, I will listen to you in everything!"

  Su Xin poured one to Hu Yifei, and Hu Yifei saw that there was only one, and worried that the medicine would not be enough.

  "I'll take two more, I'm afraid the medicine won't be enough!"

  Su Xin shook his head: "You try one first, if there are no side effects, you can even eat it all!"

  When Hu Yifei heard Su Xin's words, he didn't refute any more, and took the pill directly.

  Hu Yifei closed her eyes, her pale face slowly became normal, and after a while, she suddenly opened her eyes.

  "never mind?"

  Su Xin looked at Hu Yifei worriedly: "Is it really okay?"

  Hu Yifei sat up directly and looked at Yuetuzi, who was already a little fatter: "It's really okay!"

  Hu Yifei was injured, jumped twice, and immediately became a little grinning: "I'm really fine!"

  Just as Su Xin was about to speak, Hu Yifei hugged Su Xin directly: "I knew, you will definitely have a solution!"

  Su Xin patted for fear of Hu Yifei: "Pay attention to the child!"

  Hu Yifei let go of Su Xin: "It's okay! I'm all alive and kicking, and the baby is definitely okay too!"

  Su Xin looked at Hu Yifei with a dark face: "Did you forget what you said just now?"

  Hu Yifei was immediately honest: "I know! I will listen to you in the future! I will never eat indiscriminately again!"

  Su Xin nodded with satisfaction: "¨" I'll go back with you in a while, and then let me see you stealing snacks and practicing yoga, don't blame me for being rude! "

  Hu Yifei nodded depressedly: "I see!"

  "Hu Yifei! I'm ready to test! Check the child's health. If it doesn't work, I can only kill it!"

  A nurse came in, talking as she walked.

  Seeing Hu Yifei stand up, the nurse hurriedly reprimanded, "Are you dying?"

  Su Xin leaned into Hu Yifei's ear and said softly, "You can't let others know about this medicine, so pretend it first!"

  When Hu Yifei heard Su Xin's words, he immediately started acting.

  "Sorry! Sister Nurse, I'm not going to die, Jie!"

  The nurse did not see Hu Yifei's poor acting skills: "Judging from the results of the emergency test given to you, there is a high chance that the child will not be able to be saved, young people today!"

  Hu Yifei pretended to be weak and said, "Sister Nurse! I feel much better, why don't you check it for me again?"

  (Qian Lihao) The nurse nodded: "Check the blood first, take a picture, and then test again..."

  The nurse said a bunch of tests, and then pulled Hu Yifei's wounds outside to prepare for testing.

  After Su Xin followed Hu Yifei to check, it was already dark, and finally came to a conclusion.

  "Everything is normal and very healthy. The initial inspection was caused by errors due to mechanical failure. In order to compensate, all the costs of the inspection were deliberately waived!"

  When everyone walked out of the hospital, Tang Youyou said with lingering fear: "Fortunately, Yifei is fine, it scared me to death!"

  Jian Ning looked at Hu Yifei with a puzzled face: "But when we sent Yifei, she was indeed pale, why is she feeling better now?"

  Hu Yifei was stunned for a moment, and made a random excuse to prevaricate: "The doctor said that my blood pressure was too low, so I should eat less snacks and eat more supplementary foods, it's fine, no big deal! Please everyone this time. It's gone!".

Chapter 300

  Lu Zhanbo looked at Guan Guqi with a look of resentment: "Guan Gu! Your family's secret recipes are too bad! The nutrition combination is completely incompetent! My old sister's blood pressure has been lowered!"

  Guan Gu explained embarrassedly: "There is no problem with our family's recipes, maybe I didn't learn it!"

  Lu Ziqiao also complained: "If you don't have that diamond, don't take on that porcelain work!"

  Hu Yifei saw the wonders of everyone's damage to Guan Gu, and explained: "Actually, Guan Gu's secret cooking is very good! This time it's really my own problem, and it has nothing to do with Guan Gu!"

  Su Xin spoke out and said, "I'll trouble everyone today, I'll treat you, let's go to the restaurant to eat!"

  When Hu Yifei heard Su Xin's words, he hesitated: "Will the restaurant be unsanitary? Otherwise, let's go back to eat!"

  Everyone looked at Hu Yifei in surprise, because usually Hu Yifei was the first to agree.

  Seeing that everyone was looking at herself, Hu Yifei was not ashamed: "I'm not afraid, but there are still children!"

  Su Xin comforted: "Don't worry! High-end restaurants have strict hygiene standards!"

  Hu Yifei reluctantly agreed after hearing Su Xin's words. After today's events, Hu Yifei did not dare to be careless at all, for fear of accidentally repeating the same mistakes!

  Su Xin drove Hu Yifei to the restaurant he often went to. Hu Yifei sat in the co-pilot, still a little scared.

  "Su Xin! Fortunately, I have you, otherwise I will regret it for the rest of my life!"

  Su Xin said helplessly: "I can't do anything, I just broke the jar! You should pay more attention to yourself in the future! There are only a few pills, and one for each person is gone!"

  Hu Yifei nodded hurriedly, made an oath, and even stretched out three fingers to make an oath gesture.

  "Don't worry! I will never let what happened today happen a second time!"

  Su Xin didn't say anything else. After all, he had to watch over her in the future, and it wasn't a big problem if he had his own eyes.

  The atmosphere was silent for a while, and Hu Yifei asked worriedly, "Su Xin! Can you come back today?"

  "Well! I want to watch you, lest you eat something you shouldn't eat again!"

  When Hu Yifei heard Su Xin's words, he immediately became wide-eyed and smiled.

  The two drove to the restaurant and had a meal with everyone, and then Su Xin took Hu Yifei to see Nuolan.

  Su Xin was driving to the Garden Community, and Hu Yifei looked at Su Xin suspiciously.

  "Didn't we go to see Nuolan? Why did you come to Xiao Qing's house?"

  "They're so close!"

  After Su Xin finished speaking, he parked the car in the underground garage, and then took Hu Yifei to the door of Nuolan's house. Su Xin took out the key to open the door, and the two walked in.

  At this time, Nuolan was practicing dancing, and when she heard the sound of the door opening, Nuolan looked towards the door and saw Su Xin and a beautiful woman standing in front of the door.

  Nuolan stopped and looked at Su Xin suspiciously: "Who is this?"

  Hu Yifei smiled and walked towards Nuolan: "You are Nuolan! You are really beautiful. My name is Hu Yifei. Like you, I am also a victim!"

  When Nuo Lan heard Hu Yifei's words, she was a little overwhelmed: "I am! What are you here for?"

  Hu Yifei sat down on the sofa very familiarly: "We have all been deceived by Su Xin, so I want to talk to you. I heard about you, and I feel that Su Xin is too bad! You are a woman who actually takes up the mortgage. The important task! He even ran away!"

  When Nuolan was told by Hu Yifei about the central matter, he immediately began to complain about Su Xin, while Su Xin, who was standing beside him, listened to the two of them hurting himself, and even said himself like a bad guy who was angry with each other.

  Su Xin interrupted the two of them: "My client is still here! Can you think about my feelings, please be a little more euphemistic!"

  Nuolan looked at Su Xin and started to take Su Xin away: "It's time for you to cook! Hurry up! I'll chat with Yifei for a while!"

  Su Xin stood up with a black line, complained and walked to the kitchen.

  "Women are in charge, and houses collapse! The ancients did not deceive me!"

  Second, Su Xin drove to the apartment with his luggage and Hu Yifei. Yesterday, Nuolan and Hu Yifei were happy to talk, so they didn't leave.

  Su Xin didn't want to listen to them hurting himself, so he went directly to Xiao Qing's house after eating.

  Su Xin and Hu Yifei returned to the love apartment, and as soon as they walked into 3601, they saw Tang Youyou and Chen Meijia watching TV excitedly.

  Hu Yifei looked at the two suspiciously: "What are you talking about? Are you so happy?"

  Chen Meijia said first: "It was just broadcast on TV that the Pegasus meteor shower will arrive tomorrow. This is a grand scene that can only be seen once in two thousand years!"

  Tang Youyou nodded and said with a sigh of relief: "We have encountered mudslides that are rare in [-] years, Qixing Lianzhu that is rare to see in [-] years, earthquakes that are rare to see in [-] years, and now two thousand years. We have encountered the rare Leonid meteor shower, and we must go and see it.”

  Hu Yifei said with little interest: "What's so beautiful about meteorites, it's better to watch TV at home!"

  Chen Meijia looked at Hu Yifei in surprise: "Sister Yifei, is this your line? You are usually the first to agree to this kind of activity!"

  Hu Yifei sat on the sofa and directly refused: "It used to be before, but now it's different. What if a meteorite falls and hits me? Or maybe it's the same as in the movie, my child is affected by the meteorite's radiation. What should I do if it mutates and becomes extremely ugly?"

  Tang Youyou complained helplessly: "This is reality, not a movie. You have been staying at home during this time, and you should go out to relax properly. I think Yushan is very good, not only is the scenery beautiful, the air is fresh, The most important thing is that you can also watch the Pegasus meteor shower, and you can also make a wish at that time!”

  Hu Yifei was a little moved, turned to look at Su Xin, and asked, "Su Xin! Shall we go?"

  Su Xin agreed directly: "Breathing fresh air is good for you, plus the environment there is okay, let's go!"

  Chen Meijia immediately stood up and walked to her room: "I want to write down all the wishes I want to make in case I forget!"

  Tang Youyou also stood up and walked to the balcony: "Let's gather at the bar at noon to see who is going! I'll go and prepare first!"

  Su Xin sat beside Hu Yifei and asked curiously, "Yifei, what is your wish?"

  Hu Yifei pointed to his moon soil: "I hope he will be safe, healthy and happy in the future..."

  Su Xin listened to Hu Yifei's words, and put her ear to her moon soil.

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