Zeng Xiaoxian asked with a gossip face: "Su Xin! What does that have to do with that Nuolan?"

  Su Xin cast a displeased glance at Zeng Xiaoxian: "Knowing too much is not good for you! Don't ask other people's secrets casually."

  Zeng Xiaoxian nodded, did not ask any further, but poured himself a glass of water, and after drinking it, he began to complain: "Our game was not smooth, and we were abused in various ways. If we lose again tomorrow, we will miss the prize! How are you playing games? Are you good?"

  "It's okay! But I won't participate in the competition. It's not honorable to win a group of elementary school students, and it's even more embarrassing to lose!"

  Su Xin has read the original book, and knows that this game is a fairy battlefield at the end, with all kinds of plug-ins flying around, ordinary guns are scumbags, and no matter how good the technology is, it is useless!

  "Primary school students? Impossible? They are so skilled, how could they be elementary school students!"

  Zeng Xiaoxian obviously didn't believe Su Xin's words at all.


  As soon as Zeng Xiaoxian finished speaking, he saw a beautiful woman walking towards him, Zeng Xiaoxian's eyes lit up.

  And Su Xin heard the familiar voice, looked back, a woman with long hair, delicate appearance and a little baby face, wearing a khaki skirt, came over.

  "Nolan! Long time no see!..."

  Before Su Xin finished speaking, Nuolan hugged Su Xin directly and complained a little bit crying: "Why are you avoiding me?"

  Zeng Xiaoxian looked at Su Xin and Nuolan dumbfounded: "What's the situation?"

  Su Xin patted Nuolan and explained helplessly: "I didn't hide from you! Let go! There are still so many people watching!"

  Nuolan glanced at Zeng Xiaoxian, hugged Su Xin's arm directly, and sat beside Su Xin: "I won't let go, I'm afraid you will run away again!"

  Su Xin looked at Nuolan helplessly: "I'm here to make it clear to you today! I won't run!"

  Nuolan seemed to have guessed something, and immediately changed the subject to look at Zeng Xiaoxian.

  "Husband! Is this your friend?"

  Zeng Xiaoxian was even more confused when he saw that Nolan was called Su Xin's husband, but he still introduced himself.

  "My name is Zeng Xiaoxian! Your future colleague!"

  Nuolan nodded and said suddenly: "Oh! You are the handsome guy who received him! Hello! My name is Nuolan!"

  When Zeng Xiaoxian heard Nuolan call him handsome, he immediately said with a wide-eyed smile, "No way! It's all Lisa complimenting me, by the way! I heard you call Su Xin husband just now! You two?"

  Nolan smiled and nodded: "Well! We are husband and wife and have been married for several years!"

  "Cough, cough, cough!"

  Zeng Xiaoxian coughed twice and looked at Su Xin in disbelief. Seeing that Su Xin did not refute Nuolan's words, Zeng Xiaoxian also knew that what Nuolan said was true!

  Zeng Xiaoxian felt that the situation was not good, so he made an excuse to walk away: "I almost forgot! I forgot to turn off the gas in my house, you guys talk first, this is my invitation, and I'll take you to the radio tomorrow! I'll go first! "

  Neither Su Xin nor Nuolan stopped Zeng Xiaoxian. The two had been apart for many years. Nuolan had something to ask, and Su Xin had something to say, so they didn't stop Zeng Xiaoxian.

  After Zeng Xiaoxian left, Nuolan picked up the menu: "Husband! We haven't seen each other for so many years, let's chat while eating!"

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????????????

  Su Xin closed the menu, looked at Nuolan, and said directly: "Nuolan! I'm married to someone else! And we also have children!"

  Nolan didn't look surprised, and looked at Su Xin quietly: "I know! And there's more than one. The reason why I didn't go to you immediately was to investigate clearly!"

  Su Xin was stunned for a moment, then sighed, took out a card, and put it in front of Nuolan.

  "You must have also investigated the marriage certificate! There is some money in it, enough for you to live the rest of your life in abundance!"

  Nolan picked up the card and threw it on Su Xin's face without saying a word: "You bastard! I've been looking for you for the past few years, is it just for your broken money?"

  Su Xin saw that everyone around looked over and said in a low voice, "This is a restaurant! I don't want to quarrel! I know you don't care about money, but you always need money for shopping!"


  Nuolan glanced at the people around, calmed down, looked at Su Xin and asked, "Did you love me back then?"

  Su Xin did not tell lies, but told the truth!

  "Loved! But..."

  Nuolan interrupted Su Xin: "Since you love me, why do you need a fake marriage certificate? And you find so many actors to lie to me?"

  Su Xin explained helplessly: "I was so anxious at the time, and I didn't have a household registration book, how could I get a marriage certificate?"

  Nuolan was stunned for a moment, and looked at Su Xin incredulously: "Your account book is also fake?"

  Su Xin nodded and said helplessly, "I asked a friend to do it at the time!"

  When Nuolan heard Su Xin's words, she gritted her teeth angrily: "What else is fake? Let's talk together?"

  Su Xin said somewhat uncertainly: "Uh! It should be gone!"


  Nuolan looked at Su Xin angrily: "Many of the gifts you gave me are fake, and I was mocked by others when I took them back!"

  Su Xin looked at Nuolan suspiciously: "Take it back? Why did you retire?"

  Nolan didn't answer Su Xin's question, and continued to ask, "Why did you run away a few years ago?"

  Su Xin sighed, facing Nolan's questioning, Su Xin felt a little lack of confidence.

  "Because I ran out of money! Back then you had to buy a lot of bags and shoes every day, as well as a bunch of cosmetics, and my savings were all gone!" Gee.

Chapter 287

  Nuolan looked at Su Xin in disbelief and asked, "Just because of this?"

  Su Xin shook his head and explained, "Not exactly! The most important thing is that we have all obtained marriage certificates and are still splitting rooms. I don't even know if you are using me as a spare tire!"

  When Nuolan heard Su Xin's words, she immediately became unhappy.

  "We agreed that after we get married, we will take the last step, and you agreed at the time!"

  Su Xin looked at Nuolan suspiciously: "Isn't a marriage certificate considered marriage?"

  "I'm talking about finishing the wedding, not getting a marriage certificate, and it's still a fake marriage certificate!"

  After Nolan finished speaking, she took out the marriage certificate of the two from her bag and threw it in front of Su Xin.

  Su Xin looked at Nuolan with a question mark: "Have you packed all your belongings in your bag?"

  "I'm moving! I just finished moving things and haven't had time to pack!"

  Nolan said unhappily, and then continued.

  "You said I spent a lot of money. Did you see me carrying a brand-name bag and wearing brand-name shoes?"


  Su Xin suddenly realized that the things that Nuolan bought were only seen on the first day, and they never saw each other again after that. Su Xin looked at Nuolan suspiciously.

  "Yeah! You bought so many, why did they disappear later?"

  Nolan rolled her eyes at Su Xin, rummaging through the bag while complaining.

  "I'm not what someone thinks. I really didn't expect you to think of me as a gold-loving girl. Look at this!"

  Nuolan took out a real estate registration book from her bag, and then handed it to Su Xin very unhappy.

  Su Xin looked at the real estate certificate blankly, and asked suspiciously, "What do you mean?"

  Nuolan looked at Su Xin resentfully: "Open it and see!"

  Su Xin opened the real estate deed in doubt, with the names of himself and Nuolan written on it, Su Xin frowned and looked at the date, it was actually before he left Nuolan!

  Su Xin looked at Nuolan with a bewildered expression: "When did you buy it? Why don't I know?"

  Nuolan took the real estate certificate and put it in the bag: "I returned all the things you bought, plus my savings, I bought this house, although it's not big, but..."

  Before Nolan could finish speaking, Su Xin interrupted her and asked suspiciously, "You returned everything? Also, when did you add my name?"

  Seeing that Su Xin didn't know, Nuo Lan said, "The day before you ran away, I secretly took your ID card for it!"


  When Nolan mentioned this matter, Su Xin immediately remembered, not the day before the run, but the day. Su Xin had already run away with Lu Ziqiao, but when he was in the car, he found that his ID card was missing, so he When he went back, Su Xin thought he had forgotten it in the bedroom, but Nuolan took it away, and then put it back.

  Su Xin looked at Nuolan suspiciously and asked, "Since you want to buy a house, why don't you tell me directly? Do you want to think of this method?"

  Nuolan looked at Su Xin with complaining eyes and complained: "What kind of pills were you selling at that time, your income was so unstable, and your cousin often borrowed money, I don't know how much money you have, I I can only come up with this way to make you work hard to make money, it is best to find a stable job, but you just ran away! I have to pay the mortgage and find you alone!"


  Su Xin didn't dare to look directly at Nuolan. It was indeed difficult for her to pay off the mortgage and find herself.

  Nuolan continued to complain about Su Xin, as if to pour out all the hardships and grievances she had suffered in the past few years.

  "I called you after you left, but no one answered, and then it became an empty number!"

  Su Xin saw Nuolan's broken thoughts, and felt a little distressed for her. Su Xin hesitated for a while, and then Nuolan comforted him: "It's over! It will be all right in the future!"

  Nuolan pushed a few times, but Su Xin didn't let go, and then she stopped pushing, leaning on Su Xin's shoulder and sobbing slowly.

  "You bastard! You have been running for a few years, and you don't tell me if you have a wife, so I have been looking for you for so many years! If I hadn't seen your video by accident, I wouldn't even know who you are. Dead or alive!"

  Nuolan seemed to cry out all the grievances of the past few years, no longer caring about the eyes of the people around her, and scolded Su Xin while crying.

  Su Xin looked at the people around him helplessly, and apologized to everyone.

  After ten minutes, Nolan's mood gradually calmed down.

  Su Xin looked at the time, it was not too late: "Nolan! I have to go back, or we will talk tomorrow!"

  Nolan shivered a bit, then sat down and took out a tissue to wipe her tears. After she calmed down, she looked at Su Xin......

  "Don't worry! I'm not here to pester you! I know about you, they can accept each other's existence, but I can't, I'm here this time for the house, the names of the two of us are on it, I'm alone I can't sell it, I won't want more than the portion I deserve!"

  Su Xin handed her the card that Nuolan had thrown away: "The money in this is enough for you to buy another hundred such houses!"

  Nuolan took the card and smiled slightly mockingly: "Breakup fee?

  After Nuolan finished speaking, she broke the card and threw it to Su Xin: "I don't need these! Take time to go through the formalities with me tomorrow!"

  After Nolan finished speaking, she stood up and walked outside.

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