Su Xin knew Nuolan's character, so he grabbed Nuolan directly: "Don't go to the bar to get drunk! It's not safe!"

  Nuolan looked back at Su Xin and looked at Su Xin with resentment: "Thank you! I haven't been to a bar for four years! Because I don't have the money to go to a bar at all!"


  Su Xin knew that what Nuolan said was because of the mortgage problem, which had caused her to have some financial difficulties over the years!

  "Even if you drink it at home, it will hurt your body if you drink too much!"

  Nuolan shook off Su Xin's hand: "Why do you care about me! We have nothing to do with it anymore!"

  Su Xin continued to grab Nuolan and said in an unquestionable tone: "I haven't said divorce yet! You are still my wife now! If you dare to drink too much, don't blame me for punishing you!"

  Seeing that Su Xin was so strong, Nuolan suddenly became weaker, and said in a low voice, "It's fake! We have nothing to do with each other!"

  Su Xin saw that the people around were watching the excitement, so he pulled Nuo Lan and walked outside, talking as he walked.

  "I still have important things to do today. I'll take you back first! Let's talk tomorrow! Don't refuse, even if we break up, it's a matter of tomorrow!"

  Nuolan followed Su Xin to the outside displeased: "What else is there to talk about!"

  Su Xin looked at Nuolan and said seriously: "I said, you are not allowed to drink, and I will come to you tomorrow! Do you understand?"

  Seeing that Su Xin was so serious, Nuolan stopped refuting: "Got it! I want to see what flowers you can say tomorrow!".

Chapter 288

  "Where do you live now? I'll take you back!"

  Su Xin led Nuolan to his car, and Nuolan looked at Su Xin's car in surprise.

  "I didn't expect you to become so rich in just a few years!"

  Su Xin opened the car door and saw that Nuolan hesitated a bit. He joked: "When I took you to play on a bicycle, you didn't hesitate. Why are you hesitating now that you are driving a car?"

  Nuolan sat in the car and retorted displeasedly: "I have no hesitation! Building A, Garden Community!"

  "Ah? Such a coincidence?"

  Su Xin looked at Nuolan in shock, Xiao Qing lived in Building B, and the two of them actually lived in the same community.

  Nuolan looked at Su Xin suspiciously and asked, "What's so coincidental?"


  Su Xin perfunctory, then drove to the garden community.

  Nolan looked down at her bag, as if she was looking for something, Su Xin asked tentatively.

  "Nolan! If! I said yes, if I said I would marry you! Will you agree?"

  "will not!"

  Nolan no longer looked for things, and looked at Su Xin with contempt: "Although we can't do it! But don't make me look down on you! Your wife is still pregnant!"


  Su Xin saw that Nuolan refused very simply, and said helplessly: "Okay! I will come to you tomorrow, and we will make things clear! Handle the things that should be dealt with! Then get together and leave!"

  Nuolan was silent and stopped talking. Su Xin drove to the gate of Huayuan Community.

  "Go back first! Remember, don't drink too much. I'll see you tomorrow. If I find out that you're drinking, don't blame me for teaching you!"


  Nuolan got out of the car and walked directly into the garden community. Su Xin started the car and drove back to the love apartment.

  After arriving at the love apartment, Su Xin parked the car and hurried back to 3601.

  As soon as I entered the living room, I saw Hu Yifei sitting on the sofa watching TV. Since Su Xin had instructed not to eat junk food, Hu Yifei held an apple and nibbled at it, although Hu Yifei usually had no image at all!

  Seeing Su Xin coming back, Hu Yifei immediately began to complain: "You are finally back! If you don't come back, I will starve to death!"

  Su Xin put his coat on the sofa, and said Hu Yifei, "Wait a minute! I'll cook now!"

  Hu Yifei nodded, stood up, followed Su Xin to the kitchen, and asked tentatively, "Su Xin, discuss it! I eat a little snack every day, otherwise watching TV shows will be awkward!"


  Su Xin thought about it: "I don't let you eat snacks because some snacks are not suitable for you to eat, but you can eat melon seeds! But you need to be in moderation!"

  "OK!" Hu Yifei made an OK gesture and walked outside.

  Su Xin stopped Hu Yifei: "It's so late! Let's go tomorrow!"

  "All right!"

  Hu Yifei moved a chair and sat not far from Su Xin: "How is your discussion with her?"

  Su Xin's hand washing vegetables paused for a while, then resumed as usual and asked, "Yifei! What do you think a woman shows when she loves a person?"

  Hu Yifei was stunned when he heard Su Xin's words, and then thought for a moment: "How do you say this! Everyone's performance is different, but all goals are the same, for the good of the other party, and for the other party!"

  After Hu Yifei finished speaking, she looked at Su Xin suspiciously and asked, "Why do you ask that?"


  Su Xin sighed and told the truth he knew: "Nuolan has been shopping all the time. Although she spent a lot of money on the surface, she would secretly refund it and save money to buy a house!"

  Hu Yifei said with a question mark: "She wants to buy a house and tell you directly! Why do you want to think about this method?"

  Su Xin put the washed vegetables aside: "Because Zi Qiao kept asking me to borrow money at that time, she was afraid that I would lend all the money, but she couldn't say no, or she would get angry, so she used this kind of money. The method took the money, and then added her own savings, and finally had enough money to buy a house. She secretly bought a house with my ID card, for which she had to bear the mortgage for more than four years! But I secretly bought a house. Slip away!"

  Hu Yifei was silent for a while, and said with a bit of contempt: "You are indeed a little bit! If I were Nuolan! I would have left the house long ago, I will find you and bury you first! Then I will sell the house!"

  Su Xin looked at Hu Yifei and said hesitantly, "I also feel sorry for her, so I think..."

  Seeing Su Xin like this, Hu Yifei immediately became unhappy and interrupted Su Xin directly: "What do you think? Do you want to marry Nuolan? Then just think about it! I won't agree. !"

  Hu Yifei also knew that it was too much for Su Xin to tell Nuolan to break up directly. After thinking about it, Hu Yifei added.

  "After all, you have hurt others for a few years. Although you didn't take advantage of it, you still have to pay some compensation! You give her some more money, which is her youth loss!"

  Su Xin said helplessly: "I gave it, but she broke the card and threw it in my face!"

  "Beautiful!" Hu Yifei couldn't help but sighed in admiration. Seeing that Su Xin's face turned a little bad, he immediately explained: "I just admire her actions! There is no other meaning!"

  When Su Xin heard Hu Yifei's words, he did not pursue it, but asked helplessly: "I am very worried now! It can be seen that she has suffered a lot, and I am also very guilty, so I don't know what to do! Otherwise 803 Help me find a way!"

  Hu Yifei looked helpless: "Don't ask me! I don't know what to do!"

  Su Xin probed the surname and asked: "One sheep is to chase! Two sheep are also to let go! Don't worry if you have too much debt! Why don't you..."

  Hu Yifei's face turned a little angry: "So you want to drag her into your house? Are you trying to piss me off?"

  Su Xin walked to Hu Yifei's side and patted Hu Yifei for fear: "Don't be angry! It's not good for your health! You have to pay attention to peace of mind!"

  Hu Yifei pushed Su Xin away: "My mentality has collapsed! I can't be at peace! I'm pregnant now, and you actually told me about another person!"

  Su Xin vowed to comfort him: "Don't be angry! I'll make it clear to her tomorrow! We won't contact her in the future!"


  Hearing Su Xin's words, Hu Yifei spat with contempt: "You are such a person! She wasted four years for you, and she was looking for you wholeheartedly, you treat her like this, are you still human? ?"


  Su Xin was completely bewildered and looked at Hu Yifei doubtfully: "I marry her?"

  Hu Yifei said angrily: "No!"

  Su Xin looked at Hu Yifei helplessly: "This doesn't work either! That doesn't work either! What do you want me to do? Otherwise, teach me! Or can you help me think of a way?".

Chapter 289

  "you ask me?"

  Hu Yifei looked at Su Xin very unhappily.

  "You caused the trouble yourself! Why do you ask me to help you solve it every time? Wanyu, you asked me to persuade, Yu Mo, you also asked me to persuade me, and now another Nuolan pops up, and you want me to help you solve?"

  Su Xin gave Hu Yifei a hammer: "I'm not as resourceful as you! Give me an idea!"

  Hu Yifei rolled her eyes at Su Xin: "Aren't you good at fortune-telling? You can do the math yourself!"

  Su Xin said helplessly: "I can only calculate the result, but I don't know the specific process. At this time, it is up to you, the big sister, to solve it!"

  Hu Yifei looked at Su Xin with contempt: "You are the head of the family! Of course you have to deal with things! I don't care anyway!"


  Su Xin said a little depressedly: "It's really not easy to be the head of the family, this is not good, that is not good!"

  Hu Yifei kicked Su Xin: "I don't care how you solve it, I don't want to see her before I give birth to the child!"

  Su Xin heard Hu Yifei's compromise: "Just agree, I will never let her appear in front of you during this time!"

  Hu Yifei stubbornly retorted: "I don't agree, but I shouldn't be angry now, don't care about this with you, I must compare it with you again next year, if you lose, then I will tell you about this family in the future. Forget it, I am the head of the family!"

  Su Xin's face turned black, and he beat Hu Yifei into a head: "You have turned against you, and you have learned to usurp the throne!"

  Hu Yifei looked at Su Xin with gritted teeth: "Don't bully me and don't do it now. If you irritate me, I won't care about the child, and I will cut you directly!"

  Su Xin looked at Hu Yifei helplessly: "Okay! Don't be angry! I'm going to cook something delicious for you now!"

  When Su Xin turned his head, Hu Yifei flicked Su Xin: "Give it back to you! Still trying to usurp the throne! Are you the emperor? Still usurping your throne!"

  Su Xin was naturally able to escape Hu Yifei's fingers, but Su Xin didn't hide or care, and went back to the kitchen to continue cooking.

  Hu Yifei looked at Su Xin with his head on his hands, and complained, "Why did we have such a hard life, we met you~ˇ!"

  Su Xin smiled: "It's your fate to meet me!"

  "Cut! Shameless!"

  Hu Yifei sneered, and then looked at Su Xin quietly, even when Su Xin was cooking, he didn't shy away from the fumes.

  Su Xin also found that Hu Yifei was very attached to him recently, but Su Xin still tried to persuade Hu Yifei to sit on the sofa.

  After Su Xin made the meal, he put the meal away and ate with Hu Yifei. After the meal, Su Xin found another big problem, and it was a super big problem. It was the problem of Hu Yifei kicking people in the middle of the night, and Su Xin took one or two. The feet are fine, but things are different now.

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