Hu Yifei hesitated for a while, although she didn't want to go, but for the sake of the child, she could only go.

  Su Xin picked up Hu Yifei's bag: "Yifei! Let's go now!"

  "All right!"

  Seeing that Su Xin was leaving, Lu Ziqiao immediately stopped Su Xin and asked in a low voice, "What are you going to do with the donkey at Nuolan?"

  Su Xin pondered for a while (Zhao Nuo's): "Let's talk about it later! I have to take Yifei to check now!"

  Lu Ziqiao reminded: "Nuolan still doesn't know that the marriage certificate is fake. What if she makes trouble with Yifei? It's not like you don't know Nuolan's character! She sits down on this kind of thing!"

  Su Xin didn't want Hu Yifei and Nuolan to meet, so he could only say helplessly: "Tell Teacher Zeng! Wait for me, I'll go with him!"

  Lu Ziqiao nodded: "I told him, go to the hospital first!"

  Su Xin picked up Hu Yifei's bag and subconsciously wanted to support Hu Yifei.

  Hu Yifei looked at Su Xin with a black line, and complained, "I haven't reached the point where I need your support to walk!"

  Su Xin said embarrassedly: "It's all the fault of the TV series! I learned from TV!"

  The two walked out of 3601 and got on the elevator. Su Xin thought for a while and reminded: "Yifei! Leave your yoga and martial arts for now! Practice later!".

Chapter 285

  Hu Yifei was stunned when she heard Su Xin's words, and asked suspiciously, "Why?"

  "Of course it's for the children! In case you accidentally have an accident, we both have nowhere to cry! Just take a break!"

  Su Xin comfortably said that Hu Yifei was indeed in danger when she practiced martial arts. She practiced martial arts was not the same as Taekwondo gym, but only increased her strength.

  Hu Yifei looked at her moon soil and said dejectedly, "Okay! But running is always okay!"

  Su Xin had no objection, and put forward a condition by the way, "Well! I will accompany you to run during this time! You are not allowed to run after two months!"


  The elevator door opened, the two walked to the car, Su Xin drove the car to the hospital, Su Xin asked, "Yi Fei! When are you going to ask for leave?"

  Hu Yifei looked at Su Xin with a question mark: "What leave?"

  Su Xin drove the car attentively and replied, "Of course it's about the school! You are pregnant now and need a good rest! How about I call the Academic Affairs Office now?"

  Hu Yifei refused without thinking: "No! Wait until I am inconvenient! I don't want to stay at home all day! If I have nothing to do, I will go crazy!"


  Before Su Xin could say anything, Hu Yifei interrupted Su Xin directly: "Don't talk about your children! Now I have the final say! I will continue to teach students, but martial arts is indeed a bit dangerous, I will not practice for the time being, other Don't talk about it! Also, you can't be angry when you're pregnant, you'd better not make me angry!"


  Su Xin glanced at Hu Yifei speechlessly, then continued to drive without speaking.

  The two went to the hospital to hang up their numbers. Since they were not in a hurry, they sat quietly on the chairs in the waiting area.

  Hu Yifei looked at Su Xin curiously: "Do you want to be a girl or a boy?"

  Su Xin said without thinking, "Girl!"

  Hu Yifei looked at Su Xin in surprise: "Why not a boy?"

  Su Xin smiled: "Daughter is Dad's sweet little padded jacket!"

  Hu Yifei looked at Su Xin displeased: "What if it's a boy?"

  Su Xin stood at Hu Yifei and said softly, "I like it all!"

  A young couple sitting in front of Su Xin and Hu Yifei began to quarrel.

  Noisy, fight, fight!Su Xin protected Hu Yifei at the back. Although they couldn't hurt Hu Yifei, he still had to stand in front.

  Hu Yifei stuck his head curiously: "Su Xin! Why did they fight?"

  Su Xin said uncertainly: "It seems that the man doesn't want to be responsible!"

  Hu Yifei spat contemptuously, "Scumbag!"

  After a while, the security came over and pulled the two away!

  After a while, a nurse asked Hu Yifei to check, but Hu Yifei was not afraid and walked in directly with the nurse.

  When it was getting dark, Su Xin and Hu Yifei walked out of the hospital and drove to the love apartment.

  Hu Yifei took the checklist and began to scold Su Xin: "Look at it! The doctors told me to exercise more, as long as I have the right amount. Now you have nothing to say!"


  Su Xin didn't know these things, so he wasn't as professional as a doctor.

  "Yifei! Why don't we invite a professional escort to follow you?"

  Hu Yifei immediately refused: "Stop! Don't mention your wrong suggestions! Don't ask anyone to watch me!"


  Su Xin sighed helplessly: "Listen to you! Who made you the biggest now!"

  Hu Yifei took another look at the other precautions, and there were dozens of them. Hu Yifei complained depressedly: "There are too many precautions!"

  Su Xin remembered about Nuolan, and did not hide Hu Yifei: "Yifei! I'm going to see Nuolan later! I want to make it clear to her!"

  Hu Yifei frowned slightly and asked suspiciously, "Have you seen her?"

  Su Xin shook his head and explained, "No, Mr. Zeng's new colleague is Nuolan, and she has come to this city too!"

  Hu Yifei didn't ask any further, but just said lightly, "Go! I'll cook dinner for you at home and wait for you!"

  Su Xin smiled and joked: "The doctor said, let you eat nutritious food, don't eat messy food, or wait for me to come back and make it for you!"

  Hu Yifei pinched Su Xin depressedly: "I know that my cooking skills are poor. I won't cook during this time. I will wait for you to come back and cook at home! If you don't come back, I won't be the only one starving!"

  "Well! I won't starve you and the baby!"

  After Su Xin finished talking, he concentrated on driving, and Hu Yifei didn't say anything else, just looked at the precautions the doctor ordered, and didn't know if he was really watching or thinking about other things!

  Su Xin sent Hu Yifei back to 3601 and found Zeng Xiaoxian. As for Guan Guqi's lack of people in their team, they had to figure out a way by themselves!

  Su Xin drove Zeng Xiaoxian to the restaurant where the location had been reserved.

  Zeng Xiaoxian complained with a gloomy face: "It is estimated that Lisa will be scolded again tomorrow! Let Nolan doves for so long! She will tell Lisa a little bit!"

  Su Xin teased: "You are often scolded, it doesn't matter if you scolded again!"

  Zeng Xiaoxian looked at Su Xin, winked and said, "Su Xin! I heard that Nuolan has a lot to do with you, can you help me say something nice?"


  Su Xin said with an embarrassed look: "I can't protect myself, how can I beg you for mercy!"

  Zeng Xiaoxian asked suspiciously, "Are you enemies?"

  Su Xin shook his head: "No!"

  "Creditors?" Zeng Xiaoxian asked tentatively.

  Su Xin said impatiently: "No! Stop guessing! In short, it's not that I'm begging for you, but when she hits me, you must stop her!"

  Zeng Xiaoxian looked at Su Xin with an embarrassed expression: "I'll stop it? Forget it! I'm afraid she will beat me together!"

  Su Xin didn't force it either: "She pays the most attention to image! In a place like a restaurant where people move around, she shouldn't do it!"

  Zeng Xiaoxian said with some regret: "I really shouldn't have waited for you. Now I'm not only worried about being accused, but also worried about being beaten!"

  Su Xin said uncertainly: "It is possible that she has changed for the better! If she has changed, we don't have to worry about it. If she has not changed, we will find a reason to slip away!"

  Zeng Xiaoxian looked at Su Xin suspiciously and asked, "What reason are you looking for?"

  Su Xin said impatiently: "It's fine! As long as you can slip away!"

  Zeng Xiaoxian nodded: "If you find something wrong, you can hint to me, and I will say that the gas is not off when I go out. What do you think of this reason?"


  After Su Xin finished speaking, he immediately accelerated, he wanted to solve this matter quickly, after all, there was still one at home, no, there are two people now, and there are still two people waiting to go home and cook! .

Chapter 286

  Su Xin and Zeng Xiaoxian arrived at the predetermined restaurant, and after parking the car, the two walked to the entrance.

  Su Xin looked at the entrance and stopped. He didn't know what he should say when he saw Nuolan, and he didn't know how Nuolan would react. This feeling is probably no different from going to the execution ground.

  Seeing Su Xin standing at the entrance and not leaving, Zeng Xiaoxian asked suspiciously, "What's wrong?"


  Su Xin sighed and walked into the restaurant: "What should come will always come! Some things cannot be avoided! Let's go!"

  Zeng Xiaoxian followed Su Xin into the restaurant with a question mark. The two walked into the restaurant, and a waiter came over.

  "Do the two gentlemen have a reservation?"

  "I made a reservation, my surname is Zeng..."

  Zeng Xiaoxian said his information, and then started to talk.

  Su Xin looked around at the people eating around, and there was no familiar figure, Su Xin actually breathed a sigh of relief subconsciously.

  Zeng Xiaoxian saw that Su Xin was looking for something, patted Su Xin, and walked to the seat not far away!

  "Nolan hasn't come yet! She said to do something! It's estimated that she will come in a while! Let's sit and wait!"

  Su Xin followed Zeng Xiaoxian to the table, and the waiter handed them a menu: "What do you two want to eat?"

  Zeng Xiaoxian put the menu aside and looked at the waiter.

  "One more person hasn't arrived! Let's wait a while!"

  "Okay! Please call me anytime if you need it!"

  After the waiter finished speaking, he walked to another table.

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