Chapter 280

  After Lu Zhanbo and Jian Ning got into the wedding car, Su Xin divided all the red envelopes into Lu Ziqiao.

  "There are some real red envelopes in here, you can divide them yourself!"

  Su Xin handed the red envelope to the three people whose eyes were shining, got into the car without saying a word, and locked the co-pilot's door.

  Zeng Xiaoxian and Lu Ziqiao also had a relationship with Gu Weiwei. The three stood happily beside the car to share the red envelopes. Since the real red envelopes and the fake red envelopes were mixed and could not be separated, the three began to split the red envelopes.

  Just as the three of them were having a great time dismantling, Jian Ning's relatives and bridesmaids came down. The chubby bridesmaids saw Zeng Xiaoxian and the three at a glance. People shouted.

  "The people who sent the fake red envelopes are there, they are opening the real red envelopes, rush!"

  Although the chubby bridesmaid was a woman, she exclaimed the heroism of a man, and ran to the three of Zeng Xiaoxian first. The one who ran was a hustle and bustle, and the four of Su Xin and a driver were dumbfounded!

  The driver immediately locked the door of the driver's seat, for fear that he would be pulled out and beaten, but Zeng Xiaoxian and the three were stunned by the crowd and were directly surrounded by the crowd, and everyone began to grab red envelopes.

  Three or four minutes later, Lu Ziqiao's three people's red envelopes were all robbed, and even the real red envelopes were robbed.

  The three quickly ran into the car and locked the door. Lu Ziqiao took out a crumpled red envelope: "These people are too scary! Just grab it!"

  Su Xin joked a few words, the driver saw the wedding car started, and started the car.

  Along the way, Zeng Xiaoxian and Guan Guwei have been complaining all the time!

  When everyone got to the front of the hotel, they all got off the bus one after another, but Jian Ning's relatives looked at the four of Su Xin with strange eyes.

  Several people walked to the front of the hotel, Hu Yifei and Hu Yifei's parents were standing in front of the hotel waiting.

  Su Xin walked to Hu Yifei and began to greet the guests. Su Xin had many tasks, not only to pick up the bride but also to welcome the guests, not only to be the master of ceremonies, but also....

  Seeing that everyone was staring at Su Xin, and some even gritted their teeth, Hu Yifei asked suspiciously, "Su Xin! Why do they all look at you? You won't provoke them, right?"

  Su Xin waved his hand: "I'm innocent!"

  This is the group of bridesmaids coming over, and the bridesmaids wearing glasses secretly stuffed a note to Su Xin with a blushing face.

  Hu Yifei naturally saw the little actions of the bridesmaids, and immediately glared at Su Xin after the bridesmaid group entered.

  "Bring it!"

  Su Xin reluctantly handed the note in his hand to Hu Yifei: "It's none of my business, she stuffed it for me!"

  Hu Yifei opened it and saw that it was a phone number. Hu Yifei tore the note directly: "If I see you calling her, you will be dead!"

  Su Xin raised his hands innocently: "I don't have her phone number, how could I call her!"

  Seeing that people were almost entering, Yuan Chunli looked at Su Xin and Hu Yifei: "Let's go in too, let Lao Lu greet the others here!"

  Hu Yifei nodded and did not object. She led Su Xin to the hotel and asked as she walked, "Are you ready? Have you remembered everything the emcee needs to say?"

  Su Xin nodded and said with oath: "Don't worry! There is no possibility of the car overturning when I am the master of ceremonies!"

  "Better this way!"

  The two walked to the side hall, and Lin Wanyu handed Su Xin a microphone: "Jian Ning is doing makeup, you go up and say a few words, sing a song, liven up the atmosphere, and I will show you when Jian Ning is ready. OK gesture, then you invite the bride and groom!"

  "it is good!"

  Su Xin took the microphone and walked up to the high stage, talking and singing for half an hour before Jian Ning finished her makeup.

  Everyone in the love apartment was sitting at a table, and Chen Meijia sighed: "If Su Xin goes to sing, he will definitely become a star!"

  Tang Youyou looked like a lemon essence: "I have worked so hard for so many years, but I can't compare to Su Xin singing a song!"

  Zeng Xiaoxian also complained very enviously: "Where there is Su Xin, we are like passers-by!"

  Lu Ziqiao pointed to the table where the bridesmaids were sitting: "I wanted to strike up a conversation! Look at those people, all of them are staring at Su Xin, we have nothing to do with us!"

  Lin Wanyu said angrily, "They just like that Su Xin is handsome!"

  Chen Meijia said thoughtfully: "As long as the face value is high enough, it doesn't matter if you love it or not!"

  Zeng Xiaoxian said sourly, "What's the use of being handsome? I can't eat it!"


  Lu Ziqiao nodded cautiously: "Shuai really can be eaten as a meal, I have seen him eat soft rice with my own eyes!"


  Zeng Xiaoxian immediately closed himself, and after Su Xin finished hosting, he went directly to Hu Yifei and sat down. The table was full of family members.

  Lu Zhanbo and Jian Ning began to toast to each table, Yuan Chunli looked at Su Xin and Hu Yifei: "I'm relieved to see that you are all married!"

  Lu Zhanbo's father looked at Yuan Chunli and said, "You can also open your marriage agency!"

  Hu Yifei suddenly remembered something and looked at Su Xin next to him: "Su Xin, my mother is going to open a dating agency. I remember that the building rented by the Twin Towers has not been rented out yet, do you think I can let my mother rent one? Fortunately, the rent is cheaper and the location is better?"

  Su Xin thought for a while, and said with some embarrassment: "There are only more than [-] floors, and the location is not good, but there is a place on the first floor, which is reserved for Yu Mo, and I want to help her open a cosmetics company. !"

  Hu Yifei thought about it for a while, and patted it for fear of Su Xin: "Rent the first floor to my mother, the rent will not be less, I will tell Yu Mo's place!"

  Su Xin saw that Hu Yifei was directly in charge, so he could only helplessly agree. After all, Hu Yifei and Qin Yumo were the same. If he gave Qin Yumo and not Hu Yifei, he would be biased, and he probably didn't have any good fruit to eat.

  Su Xin looked at Hu Yifei and said helplessly, "Let's use the place! But forget about the rent! It's all a family!"

  Yuan Chunli was very embarrassed: "You can help me find a good location. I'll pay the rent myself!"

  "I really don't need it!" Su Xin really didn't want it. That place was ridiculously expensive now. With Yuan Chunli's savings, he couldn't even pay the rent.

  Hu Yifei was very unhappy: "Su Xin! How much money should be paid! Although we are a family, we still need to distinguish clearly! Could it be that my mother can't pay the rent? It's such a biased place as your company, How much can it cost!"

  Su Xin hesitated for a moment, and then told the truth: "It used to be worthless, but Douhou has developed there for a long time, and it has driven the surrounding business. Now that shop is [-]!"

  Yuan Chunli's face was a little serious: "[-] a year is indeed a bit expensive, but it's acceptable!"

  Hu Yifei poured Su Xin a drink: "Did you see it? My mother doesn't miss your rent!"

  Su Xin said a little embarrassedly: "[-] is a month's rent!".

Chapter 281

  Yuan Chunli looked at Su Xin in shock: "[-] a month? So expensive?"

  "Cough, cough, cough!"

  Hu Yifei, who was drinking a drink, also coughed a few times because of surprise.

  Su Xin nodded helplessly: "That's why I said that I don't have to pay the rent. Anyway, it's my own place!"

  Yuan Chunli wanted to say something, but Hu Yifei stopped her by saying, "Mom! Just listen to Su Xin this time! When you make money, you can pay the rent again!"

  "All right!"

  Seeing that Hu Yifei had said so, Yuan Chunli could only agree.

  Several people chatted while eating, and the wedding went smoothly. After everyone finished eating, they began to leave one after another.

  (Lu Zhanbo's wedding is now over, it would be too long-winded to write about it in detail!)

  After Su Xin and Hu Yifei sent the guests away, they drove Lin Wanyu to the love apartment.

  Lu Zhanbo and Jian Ning were staying in the hotel, because it was the wedding night, so naturally they couldn't go back to the apartment.

  The three of Su Xin returned to 3601. Hu Yifei sat on the sofa and let out a long sigh: "Finally, Zhanbo's life-long event has been solved!"

  Lin Wanyu sat on the sofa, looked at Su Xin curiously, and asked, "Su Xin! I heard from Jian Ning's relatives that all of you are giving fake red envelopes? What's going on?"

  When Hu Yifei heard Lin Wanyu's words, she immediately looked at Su Xin: "Fake red envelopes? Impossible! Those red envelopes were made by me and my mother, and they have money in them! How could they be fake?"

  Su Xin said embarrassedly: "At that time, we were afraid that the woman's relatives would ask for red envelopes endlessly, so we bought some red envelopes and stuffed newspapers in them!"

  Hearing Su Xin's words, Hu Yifei looked at Su Xin suspiciously: "I remember when you first came to the love apartment, I helped my best friend hold the wedding, and a man named Zhang Wei gave a fake red envelope! Could it be you! "

  Su Xin smiled, without any embarrassment, sitting on the sofa: "I was also inspired by that "Zhang Wei". In fact, our red envelopes are useless at all."

  Hu Yifei didn't care about this matter anymore, after all, it's been a long time.

  Lin Wanyu hesitated for a moment, and was about to say something, but was interrupted by Hu Yifei.

  Hu Yifei frowned slightly and looked at Su Xin: "Have you dealt with that person?"

  Su Xin shrugged helplessly: "I want to deal with it too, but she doesn't show up at all, and I don't have her contact information, so I can't deal with it!"

  In fact, Su Xin was also a little hesitant. If that woman could really become the gentle woman in the original book, wouldn't it be a waste of her painstaking efforts to break up again.

  Su Xin struggled for a while, and made up his mind that if the woman really changed, then accept her directly. If she didn't change, she couldn't give up. In order to get the certificate directly, Su Xin took great pains and planned for a long time to let the two of them go. Got the certificate.

  Although in the eyes of outsiders, the two got together because of chance, but only Lu Ziqiao and Su Xin know the actual situation. All of this was planned. After all, there are so many coincidences in the world. All coincidences are just Just a trick.

  Hu Yifei heard Su Xin say that she had never seen the woman, so she didn't ask any more questions.

  Lin Wanyu hesitated for a while, and when she saw that the two of them had finished talking, she asked, "Yifei! Leave Su Xin to me today! I'll be leaving in a few days!"

  Su Xin looked at the two with a bewildered expression: "Isn't it up to me to decide where to go?"

  Hu Yifei rolled her eyes at Su Xin: "You said it doesn't matter! But I've been a little uncomfortable these two days. You should stay with Wanyu!"

  After Hu Yifei finished speaking, she walked to her room. Yuan Chunli had already returned to her own house. Naturally, Hu Yifei moved back to her room.

  Lin Wanyu looked at Su Xin with pitiful eyes again, and Su Xin was defeated in an instant.

  At noon the next day, Hu Yifei pulled Su Xin and drove to the Twin Towers, because Yuan Chunli had already gone to the Twin Towers to see the place.

  Since the storefront was reserved for Qin Yumo by Su Xin, the location is naturally the best, except for being larger, there are no disadvantages.

  Yuan Chunli was very satisfied after seeing the storefront. Since Lu Zhanbo was newly married, she had no time to help Yuan Chunli organize the storefront, so the decoration fell to Su Xin.

  Su Xin found a designer and then a decoration company. It took eight consecutive days to complete the decoration.

  Lin Wanyu's time to go abroad has also been set, and she will leave after attending the opening ceremony of the marriage introduction company.

  In a blink of an eye, it was the opening day, and everyone from the love apartment came.

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  Lu Zhanbo stared at the luxurious decoration: "How much does such a luxurious decoration cost!"

  Yuan Chunli explained with a smile on her face: "Su Xin helped to get these things done!"

  Zeng Xiaoxian leaned over to Su Xin and said in a low voice, "Su Xin, before I came in, I saw an advertisement for a matchmaking company playing on the advertising space of the Twin Towers. It doesn't take too long, just one day!"

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