Su Xin shook his head and refused directly: "You can't afford that advertising space, it costs [-] a day, and it's still hanging! Are you sure you want to advertise?"


  Zeng Xiaoxian immediately wilted: "Forget it! I have drawn four sponsorships over the years, and even one day's advertising fee is not enough!"

...................... 0

  Lu Ziqiao came over with a piece of cake: "Mr. Zeng! There is absolutely no need to advertise your show on the midnight bell!"

  "Fuck off!" Zeng Xiaoxian looked at Lu Ziqiao displeased, and started to hurt each other with Lu Ziqiao.

  A few people walked to Yuan Chunli's office, and Lu Ziqiao went to Yuan Chunli's desk and started asking questions.

  "Auntie! I'm still single, can you introduce me to one?"

  Before Yuan Chunli spoke, Tang Youyou kicked Lu Ziqiao directly: "Don't make trouble, if you harm the matchmaking company, be careful to cut you off!"

  Hu Yifei handed Su Xin a piece of cake, looked at Yuan Chunli, and reminded: "Mom! Don't believe Lu Ziqiao's words, he's not a good person, it's purely harmful for you to introduce others to him... vomit!"

  Hu Yifei retched, put the pastry aside, and ran out.

  Yuan Chunli's eyes lit up, she looked at Su Xin, and asked, "Could it be Yifei?"

  Su Xin was stunned for a moment, then reacted with a happy face: "I'll go take a look!"

  Su Xin hurriedly ran outside to find Hu Yifei.

  Tang Youyou said thoughtfully: "It seems that there is another happy event!"

  Guan Gu looked at Tang Youyou with a blank face: "What's the happy event?"

  Chen Meijia looked at Guan Gu miraculously: "It's so stupid!"

  Lu Ziqiao said with a bitter look: "It's over! I'm going bankrupt again!"

  Zeng Xiaoxian looked at Lu Ziqiao suspiciously: "Why are you going bankrupt again?"

Chapter 282

  Lu Ziqiao explained with a sad face: "I cheated Su Xin with the money for many reasons, saying that I would save it for his child. When his child is born, I will give it back to him!"

  Chen Meijia looked at Lu Ziqiao with contempt: "You better forget it! Do you think Su Xin doesn't know about your little tricks? He gave it to you because he was afraid that you would starve to death! Su Xin told me at the beginning!"

  While everyone was discussing, Tang Youyou saw Lin Wanyu sitting by herself and eating pastries silently, without speaking.

  Tang Youyou sat next to Lin Wanyu and said, "Wanyu! Are you alright?"

  Lin Wanyu shook her head with a smile on her face: "I'm fine!"

  Tang Youyou didn't ask too much, but chatted with Lin Wanyu. Since Yuan Chunli was there, she could only speak in a low voice: "Are you thinking about going abroad?"

  Lin Wanyu was stunned for a moment, then nodded slowly: "I am also very confused now, I am reluctant to leave Su Xin, but I also want to complete my own ideas. After that, I'm a little scared again!"

  Tang Youyou looked at Lin Wanyu suspiciously: "This is a good thing! What are you afraid of?"

  Lin Wanyu was a little worried, and said with a bit of loss: "I'm afraid that when I come back, Su Xin will no longer have a place for me, I'm afraid that when we meet again, I've become the most familiar stranger, I'm afraid of him Don't remember me anymore! I'm afraid..."

  Lin Wanyu shed tears as she spoke. In order not to let others see the difference, she lowered her head and ate the cake.

  Tang Youyou patted Lin Wanyu's shoulder and comforted: "Don't worry! Su Xin is not that kind of person. I assure you, no matter when you come back, Su Xin will always have a place for you."


  Lin Wanyu replied softly, but still lowered her head, Tang Youyou continued to persuade Lin Wanyu, and after persuading Lin Wanyu, she was no longer confused.

  On the other side, Su Xin walked outside the bathroom and asked inside, "Yifei! Are you alright?"

  Hu Yifei's voice came from inside: "I'm fine! Maybe I ate the wrong thing!"

  "Eating the wrong thing?"

  Su Xin was a little disappointed, and then asked with concern, "Do you need me to take you to the hospital?"

  At this time, Hu Yifei walked out, looking uncomfortable: "No! It's just a small illness, it will be cured in less than two hours!"

  Su Xin saw that Hu Yifei was really fine, so he supported Hu Yifei and asked expectantly, "Isn't she really pregnant?"

  Hu Yifei was stunned for a moment, then shook her head: "It should be that I got cold from eating ice cream last night!"

  Su Xin said displeasedly, "Eating ice cream at night, you are making yourself guilty!"

  Hu Yifei smiled awkwardly: "Last night I was chasing a TV series, so I was bored and ate some snacks!"


  Su Xin helped Hu Yifei to Yuan Chunli's office in a dark line.

  When the two walked to the reception hall, Su Xin saw a familiar figure, Su Xin looked at Hu Yifei: "Yifei, go to the office first! I seem to see someone absent from work!"

  Hu Yifei nodded, and he didn't have any major business, so he didn't need Su Xin to take care of him, so he went to the office.

  Su Xin approached and heard Zhao Wuliang talking to the staff about his conditions.

  Su Xin walked to Zhao Wuqiang: "Zhao Wuliang! Are you absent from work again? This is the second time. You had an excuse last time, what excuse do you have this time?"

  When Zhao Wuliang heard Su Xin's voice, he looked at Su Xin with an embarrassed expression: "Boss! You're here too! I saw the promotion on the billboard, so I came to sign up, you know, I've always been single, My old Zhao family is the only seedling, and if I don’t think of a way, our old Zhao family will have no successor!”

  Su Xin looked at Zhao Wuliang suspiciously: "I saw you eating with a few beauties before! Isn't there a suitable one?"

  Zhao Wuliang said with a sullen look: "Don't mention it. At first, I thought they really appreciated me, but I didn't expect that they were all looking for a relationship with me. With Wang Kuo's lesson, how could I do stupid things again!"

  "You have a good reason. I can't seem to deduct your salary! But don't think about this month's bonus!"

  After Su Xin finished speaking, he picked up the information that Zhao Wuliang filled in.

  Zhao Wuliang nodded: "It should be! The company rules, I have no reason to refute it!"

  Su Xin also knew that Zhao Wuliang would not cheat for a little bonus. After reading Zhao Wuliang's information, Su Xin asked doubtfully, "Why is your profession a cleaning? And the salary is still so low, could it be that you are pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger?"

  Zhao Wuliang scratched his head helplessly: "I can't help it! True love is too hard to find now, I'm afraid of being used, so this is the only way!"

  Su Xin handed Zhao Wuliang's information: "Don't delay the business!"

  Zhao Wuliang nodded and asked tentatively, "Boss! You can see if this money can be reimbursed. I'm looking for a wife so that I can work for the company at ease. As long as I marry a wife, I will be able to contribute even more to the company! "

  Su Xin looked at Zhao Wuliang with a black line, Su Xin underestimated the thickness of Zhao Wuliang's face, Su Xin just wanted to scold, but then he thought, there are so many people in his company, and there are many single people, it is better to treat them as welfare Well, by the way, I can also help my mother-in-law...  

  Su Xin pretended to be embarrassed and said: "For the sake of your hard work for the company for so many years, I will reimburse you [-]%, and the same goes for everyone else. Go back and let me know! As long as you sign up for this matchmaking agency, all Thirty percent can be reimbursed!"

  Zhao Wuliang's face was overjoyed: "Really! That's great!"

  Su Xin walked to the staff of the matchmaking company and whispered, "Increase his fee by [-]%!"

  The staff looked at Su Xin with a different expression, but Su Xin was a relative of the boss and could only obey.

  Su Xin looked at Zhao Wuliang: "You fill out the form first, I still have something to do, I'll go first!"

  "it is good!"

  Zhao Wuliang said with a wide-eyed smile. He suddenly remembered something after speaking, and quickly said, "Boss! That Zhuge Dali will go to work the day after tomorrow, would you like to meet him?"

  Su Xin was stunned for a moment, and said doubtfully, "So soon?"

  Zhao Wuliang said suspiciously: "According to the information, she will be hired the day after tomorrow, doesn't Boss want her to be hired so soon? Do you want me to inform her and let her come back after a while?"

  "No, just follow the company's regulations!"

  What Su Xin wanted was to work with Zhuge Dali and slowly develop their relationship, but things were always unexpected, and everything was developing in an unpredictable direction.

  Su Xin suddenly remembered that the company's goal of [-] billion was about to be achieved, so he instructed Zhao Wuliang: "Wang Kuo has performed well recently, this time the plan has been accelerated by nearly half a month, you tell him, I will put it at the company's celebration party. He brought it back to the Operations Manager to have his speech ready!".

Chapter 283

  "This grandson, the boy is also lucky to catch up, and he climbed up so quickly, no, I want to invite him to dinner!"

  Zhao Wuliang complained a few words and looked at the staff: "Hurry up and go through the formalities for me, remember to invoice!"

  Su Xin didn't care about Zhao Wuliang's complaints, after all, the two of them often complained about each other.

  Su Xin walked back to the office, everyone sat and chatted, Su Xin sat at the desk and began to discuss cooperation with Yuan Chunli: "Auntie! There are many single social elites in my company, and I just gave them a benefit , as long as they pay for a blind date with you, I can reimburse them [-]%!"

  Yuan Chunli looked at Su Xin in surprise: "Is thirty percent a bit too much?"

  Su Xin nodded: "It's a bit too much, so you should increase the price by 28%, not just for our company, but for everyone's price increase by [-]%, and go directly to the high-end elite route. Of course, you can also do some ordinary routes, just divide the grades by [-]!"

  Yuan Chunli nodded, took out a blank document, and began to divide the plan that Su Xin said, divided into three types based on the shaking hands group, ordinary!Elite!Top!

  After everyone chatted for a while, Lin Wanyu saw that it was quite late and said goodbye to everyone directly.

  "It's getting late! I have to go back and pack my things! I'll go first!"

  Everyone came here to cheer on Yuan Chunli's matchmaking company. Since there is nothing to do, everyone is going to leave!

  When everyone walked out of the Twin Towers, Jian Ning and Lu Zhanbo went to see Louise and drove straight away!

  Su Xin drove the car and took Hu Yifei and Lin Wanyu back to the love apartment.

  The three returned to 3601 and all went to Lin Wanyu's room to help her pack up.

  While packing up, Hu Yifei asked, "Wanyu! Does your school have any holidays? You won't come back for three years, will you?"

  Lin Wanyu said uncertainly: "There may be a holiday! But I may not be able to come back. After all, I have zero foundation and must learn from scratch, and it is estimated that I will also learn during the holidays!"

  Su Xin looked at Lin Wanyu and Hu Yifei packing their things, and asked helplessly, "What do you want to eat? I'll cook!"

  Lin Wanyu no longer packs her things, and sits aside: "Let's chat!"

  "Let's talk! I'm going to prepare dinner!" Su Xin said and walked outside.

  Hu Yifei was immediately unhappy: "I'll cook the promised meal, can you not rob me of my job?"


  Su Xin pointed to Lin Wanyu's suitcase: "You guys still have to pack! Let me do it!"

  Hu Yifei grabbed Su Xin: "Forget it! Let's leave it alone. Since Wanyu wants us to chat with her, let's chat!"

  Su Xin sat down on the chair helplessly and looked at the two of them: "What are we talking about?"

  Lin Wanyu thought for a while and suggested, "Why don't we talk about the child! What name are you going to name the child?"

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