Zeng Xiaoxian said hesitantly, "This is not the same thing!"

  Seeing that Lu Zhanbo hadn't come yet, Hu Yifei called out, "Lu Zhanbo! What are you doing? The meeting is over!"


  Lu Zhanbo hurried over with a suit jacket in one hand and a needle and thread in the other.

  Hu Yifei saw a big mouth in Lu Zhanbo's suit, and asked suspiciously, "How did you get it?"

  Lu Zhanbo said with a gloomy expression, "It's because the quality of the clothes is too bad! I accidentally tugged it, and it ended up like this!"

  Lu Zhanbo handed the suits and needles to the crowd: "Who among you can sew clothes?"

  Hu Yifei took the suit and looked at it: "No! It's ugly after it is patched. I told you a long time ago that you bought a better suit, but you also bought a street stall! Hurry up and buy another set!"

  Lu Zhanbo looked at Lu Ziqiao resentfully: "Ziqiao recommended it!"

  "I have a new suit there. I'll get it for you! It's a bit big, but it's better than yours in rags!" Su Xin finished speaking and walked to his room.

  Hu Yifei stopped Su Xin and refused directly: "No! It was specially customized by you and will be used later!"

  Lu Ziqiao handed his coat to Lu Zhanbo: "You use mine first! I'm not clean! And we both have similar clothes!"

  Lu Zhanbo took the coat and looked at Lu Ziqiao suspiciously: "Give it to me, what do you do?"

  Lu Ziqiao said very confidently: "How could I, Lu Xiaobu, walk around the world without a few battle uniforms! Wait for me for a minute!"

  After Lu Ziqiao finished speaking, he ran to 3602. The crowd waited for Lu Ziqiao for a minute. Lu Ziqiao changed and walked over.

  "Let's go!"

  Hu Yifei looked at Su Xin and warned, "Su Xin! They are not reliable, you should watch them more."

  Su Xin smiled and nodded: "Don't worry!"

  Zeng Xiaoxian stood up and shouted excitedly: "gogogo! I heard that there are many beautiful women in the bridesmaids group, and they have prepared a lot of games. Let's go!"

  Several men walked towards the elevator, Guan Gu looked at Lu Zhanbo miraculously, and asked, "Zhanbo! Are the red envelopes ready?"

  Lu Zhanbo nodded: "It's all ready, my mother made it by herself at noon yesterday, and put it all on the wedding car!"

  Zeng Xiaoxian said very proudly: "When the time comes, we will open the way with red envelopes and smash them all the way in! Anyway, your family is not short of money! If it's not enough, just cash out the red envelopes!"

  Lu Zhanbo reminded: "Try to keep a low profile, our family doesn't have much money! Save if you can!"

  Guan Gu patted Lu Zhanbo miraculously: "What are you afraid of? With Su Xin backing you up, we'll throw money at it."

  Lu Zhanbo glanced at Su Xin and immediately refused: "No! They have already paid more than one million yuan, and I don't want to bother them anymore, just those red envelopes, there won't be any more!"

  Su Xin thought for a while, and reminded: "Those people in the bridesmaid group have endless red envelopes. This is a common problem. Why don't we pack some red envelopes!"

  Lu Zhanbo said with an embarrassed expression: "If you repackage it, it will be over budget. Jian Ning and I still want to save a little more money."

  Su Xin smiled and said, "Don't worry! Let's buy some red envelopes in the supermarket, then put some newspapers inside, and tell those people that if someone opens the red envelopes, they won't send them out, and they will find out after picking up the bride. It can only be incompetent and furious!"

  Lu Ziqiao pointed at Su Xin with a smile: "It's your fault!"

  Lu Zhanbo and Zeng Xiaoxian said with expressions on their faces, "Why does this routine sound so familiar?"

  Su Xin said embarrassedly: "Many people use this trick, and I saw it on the video too!"

  Zeng Xiaoxian suddenly realized and said: "When you first arrived at the love apartment, there was a guy named Zhang Wei who did this kind of thing. Later, Yifei beat Zhang Wei because of this!"

  Su Xin laughed dryly, just as the elevator reached the first floor, a few people walked out of the apartment, first bought more than [-] red envelopes in the supermarket, stuffed the newspapers, and then everyone went to the motorcade.

  Su Xin looked at the crowd and reminded: "We must distinguish the red envelopes. If the bridesmaids don't embarrass us, we will not send fake red envelopes. If they are endless, then be generous and send all red envelopes. go out!"

  Lu Ziqiao and Zeng Xiaoxian smiled and said, "Understood!"

  A few people walked to the convoy. Lu Zhanbo was naturally in the wedding car, which was also a wedding gift from Su Xin. Su Xin and the others sat in the second car. .

Chapter 279

  The convoy drove all the way to the community where Jian Ning was, and after the car was parked, several people gathered together.

  Lu Zhanbo took a bunch of flowers and distributed the red envelopes to everyone: "We are here to pick up the bride, and we will try to send the bridesmaids off as soon as possible!"

  Lu Ziqiao said confidently, "Don't worry, I'm a professional!"

  At this time, people from the wedding company also rushed over. Lu Zhanbo saw that everyone was gathered, and led them to Jian Ning's house.

  When everyone went downstairs, they found that there was actually a gatekeeper downstairs. Zeng Xiaoxian looked at Lu Zhanbo: "What floor does Jian Ning live on?"

  Lu Zhanbo was stunned when he heard Zeng Xiaoxian's words, and asked suspiciously, "They live on Eleven Road! What's the matter?"

  Zeng Xiaoxian had a solemn expression on his face: "I'm afraid there are people on every floor, and no elevators are allowed! You can only climb from the first floor to the first floor! I've heard of it before, and I may have to see it this time!"

  Su Xin took out a stack of red envelopes: "With this in hand, let alone the elevator, it's no problem to let them carry Zhanbo up! Let's go!"

  Several people walked to the door, Lu Zhanbo reminded: "These are Jian Ning's relatives, give me some red envelopes!"

  Several people did not object, Lu Zhanbo gave several red envelopes, and these relatives did not embarrass Lu Zhanbo.

  A few people walked in, and sure enough, as Zeng Xiaoxian said, four people guarded the elevator, but no one guarded the stairs.

  Su Xin directly gave more than a dozen red envelopes, and directly sent the person guarding the elevator away. Several people got on the elevator, and Lu Zhanbo was a little hesitant.

  "Will those who guard the corridor be angry?"

  Lu Ziqiao patted Lu Zhanbo: "You are stupid! What does it have to do with you when they get angry? When we take the bride away, they get angry when they get angry! It's none of our business anyway!"

  Guan Gu Weiqi agreed with Lu Ziqiao's words very much: "Rough words are not rude!"

  Several people reached the eleventh floor, and while everyone was still looking at the stairs, several people quietly walked into Jian Ning's house.

  A few people walked into the house, and five people dressed as bridesmaids were sitting and chatting. When they saw Lu Zhanbo coming in, they were stunned for a moment. Zeng Xiaoxian pushed Lu Zhanbo directly to Jian Ning.

  Su Xin stood behind Zeng Xiaoxian and Lu Ziqiao: "Stop them! As long as you don't give out red envelopes, the rest of the red envelopes will be yours~ˇ!"

  Zeng Xiaoxian and Lu Ziqiao's eyes lit up, and even Guan Gu Weiqi began to intercept the bridesmaids, because they were too poor recently, especially after giving Lu Zhanbo the ceremony.

  A chunky woman among the bridesmaids immediately began to shout: "Do you understand the rules! You must give a red envelope before picking up the bride!"

  Su Xin ignored her and turned to look at Lu Zhanbo. At this moment, Lu Zhanbo was helpless outside Jian Ning's room.

  "This door is locked!"

  The chubby bridesmaid immediately said proudly: "The keys are with us. If you want the keys, you must get ten, no, fifty red envelopes!"

  Lu Ziqiao immediately became unhappy: "Do you still want shame? The lion is open! There are fifty red envelopes, why don't you go grab it!"

  The other four bridesmaids also felt that the pudgy bridesmaids were a bit too much, and began to persuade the pudgy bridesmaids to reduce the points, and just make a point!

  Su Xin walked to the door and patted off the entire lock. Su Xin clapped his hands: "It's done! Zhanbo, let's go in!"

  Lu Zhanbo nodded, opened the door and walked in. At this time, relatives and friends outside the door also heard the sound and ran back.

  Standing behind Lu Ziqiao and Zeng Xiaoxian, Su Xin said calmly, "Stand up!"

  Lu Zhanbo went in for a while, and Su Xin wanted to watch at the door to prevent the crowd from rushing in. As for Zeng Xiaoxian, Lu Ziqiao, and Guan Guqiqi, it was even worse, being kicked and scratched by the chunky bridesmaids.

  Everyone waited for a while, and everyone outside calmed down, as long as the chubby bridesmaids were more persistent.

  Seeing that it was almost time, Su Xin urged: "Zhanbo! It's almost time! Haven't you brought the bride out yet?"

  Lu Zhanbo's helpless voice came from inside: "Jian Ning is saying goodbye to her mother!"

  Su Xin shouted to the inside: "It's not too far away, as for the difference between life and death?"

  At this time, Lu Zhanbo walked out with Jian Ning with red eyes. Seeing the crowd in front of the door, Lu Zhanbo asked with an embarrassed expression, "So many people, how do we get out!"

  Su Xin took the test and took out all the red envelopes he brought, most of which were fake, Su Xin shouted to the crowd: "All the red envelopes are here, I will throw them in the living room in a while, whoever of you can grab is whoever can get it. of!"

  When the crowd heard Su Xin's words, they all looked at Su Xin. At this time, Su Xin had at least thirty or forty red envelopes in his hand.

  Su Xin looked at Lu Ziqiao, Ziqiao and the others, and exhorted, "I will throw the red envelope and we will send each other the groom and bride out!"

  Several people nodded, Su Xin threw the red envelope directly to the living room, and the crowd rushed to grab the red envelope.


  Su Xin immediately took Zhan Bo and Jian Ning to the outside. Most of the people went to pick up the red envelopes. Only the chubby bridesmaid and a bridesmaid with glasses were still in front of a few people.

  The three of Su Xin went directly to the outer door. The chubby bridesmaids seemed to be in a hurry, and frantically squeezed towards Lu Zhanbo and Jian Ning.

  Like Tie Hanhan, Zeng Xiaoxian directly stretched out his feet and tripped the chubby bridesmaid. Zeng Xiaoxian also said innocently: "¨" She fell by herself, it's none of my business! "

  Several people walked to the elevator, and when Zeng Xiaoxian got on the elevator, several people directly pressed the first floor.

  Lu Zhanbo was still in disbelief at the moment: "We received a bride so easily?"

  Lu Ziqiao complained, "Is this easy? My arm was scratched!"

  Su Xin looked at Lu Ziqiao speechlessly: "Be content! We caught them off guard when we took the elevator up, otherwise we would still be climbing the stairs!"

  Guan Gu said with a worried look on his face: "Will there be someone blocking the downstairs?"

  Zeng Xiaoxian had an uncertain expression on his face: "Probably not!"

  Su Xin was silent for a while: "It's hard to say, you all give me the spare red envelopes!"

  Several people gave the fake red envelopes to Su Xin, while Lu Zhanbo gave both the fake red envelopes and the real red envelopes to Su Xin.

 (Zhao Nuo's) Jian Ning saw that Su Xin was holding more than [-] red envelopes, and said with some distress: "You have prepared so many red envelopes?"

  Lu Zhanbo explained: "These are all fakes, only the ones I gave are real! Not much money!"

  Su Xin reminded everyone: "If someone asks who came up with the idea of ​​the fake red envelope, don't say me, I don't want to be scolded as a donkey by others!"

  Zeng Xiaoxian joked: "Are you afraid of being beaten to death by them!"

  Su Xin didn't tease Zeng Xiaoxian because the elevator was about to open!

  Several people walked down and nodded and found that there were only a few people guarding the door, and they didn't mean to stop it.

  Several people looked at each other, not knowing what was going on!

  Jian Ning explained: "Only when you enter the door, it will be blocked, and when you leave, it will not be blocked!"


  A few people breathed a sigh of relief and walked outside. They were not in a hurry. Under the coaxing of several relatives, Lu Zhanbo carried Jian Ning and walked to the wedding car. .

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