Everyone was busy until the night before Lu Zhanbo got married, Lu Ziqiao went to 3601 mysteriously.

  At this time, Hu Yifei and Su Xin were sitting on the sofa discussing tomorrow's wedding.indivual.

Chapter 277

  Lu Ziqiao walked to the sofa with a smile: "We're chatting!"

  Hu Yifei looked at Lu Ziqiao suspiciously: "If you don't prepare for tomorrow's affairs, what are you doing here?"

  "I'm here to find Su Xin!"

  Lu Ziqiao looked at Su Xin and waved: "Su Xin! Come out! I'll discuss something with you!"

  Su Xin stood up suspiciously: "What's the matter?"

  Hu Yifei grabbed Su Xin, turned to look at Lu Ziqiao, and threatened: "If you dare to take Su Xin and Zhan Bo to throw some messy parties, I will kill you!"


  Lu Ziqiao explained embarrassedly: "It's not a messy party, we're going to hold an ultimate bachelor party for Zhanbo to celebrate Zhanbo's marriage! Don't worry, it's definitely a formal party!"

  Hearing Lu Ziqiao's words, Hu Yifei directly pulled Su Xin back and let Su Xin sit on the sofa: "Last time you said to hold the ultimate bachelor night party for Zhang Wei, which caused Zhang Wei to miss his wedding! If Zhan Bo misses himself I'll just bury you and Zhanbo at your wedding!"

  Lu Ziqiao swore and assured: "Don't worry, we will control the amount of alcohol this time. Besides, with Su Xin watching, are you still afraid that we drink too much?"

  Hu Yifei glared at Su Xin: "I'm afraid Su Xin has drunk too much!"

  Su Xin said with an embarrassed expression: "Yifei, you have to believe me, I really didn't know that Mika gave me alcoholic chocolate! And I vomited after only one bite! I definitely didn't drink it!"

  Hu Yifei also knew that Su Xin didn't intend to eat boozy chocolate, so he didn't pursue it, but continued to look at Lu Ziqiao: "You can go!"


  Lu Ziqiao said with an embarrassed look: "If Su Xin doesn't go, we don't have the money to host the party!"


  Su Xin looked at Lu Ziqiao with a black line: "Fuck off! Use me as an ATM? I don't drink, so why should I pay for it! Give you three seconds and leave my sight immediately!"



  As soon as Su Xin finished counting, Lu Ziqiao slipped away.

  "What are you talking about?"

  Lin Wanyu came out with a blueprint and sat opposite the two of them.

  "We're talking about tomorrow's wedding!"

  Hu Yifei replied, then looked at the blueprint in Lin Wanyu's hand: "Have you finished designing your wedding dress?"

  Lin Wanyu nodded with a smile and put the drawing on the table: "I designed this wedding dress not only to facilitate the bride's escape from the wedding, but also equipped with some other designs, such as reducing the fluffy feeling, which can reduce the air resistance of the wedding dress. , run faster, and the material is also made of waterproof material, even if there is a wedding on the boat, you can jump off the boat to escape!"


  Hu Yifei looked at Lin Wanyu with a black line: "Do you really design such a wonderful wedding dress, does anyone really buy it? Will anyone really use it?"

  Lin Wanyu said confidently, "Why not! I just want to wear this wedding dress to the wedding!"

  After Lin Wanyu finished speaking, she saw Su Xin's face flashing with displeasure, and immediately explained, "I didn't want to escape from marriage. This is the first wedding dress I designed, and it has a special meaning!"

  Hu Yifei didn't say much, picked up the blueprint and handed it to Lin Wanyu.

  "I hope your work can pass the entrance test!"

  Lin Wanyu was full of confidence: "I will definitely pass!"

  Seeing that Su Xin didn't speak, Hu Yifei couldn't guess what Su Xin was thinking, so he looked at the time.

  "It's already so late! I'm going to rest early too, and there's a lot of things to do tomorrow!"

  Hu Yifei stood up and made an excuse to go to the bedroom.

  "rest early!"

  Su Xin said something to Lin Wanyu, also stood up, and followed Hu Yifei to the room.

  Hu Yifei stopped Su Xin and whispered, "You should have a good chat! Come back when the chat is over!"

  Hu Yifei said that he walked into the bedroom and shut Su Xin outside the door.

  Su Xin glanced at Lin Wanyu, walked to the sofa and sat down, picked up the TV remote control and turned on the TV.

  "I'll watch TV again!"

  Lin Wanyu sat beside Su Xin and leaned on Su Xin's shoulder: "I'm leaving in a few days! Will you still miss me?"

  Su Xin looked at the TV and said calmly, "Yes!"

  Lin Wanyu smiled and watched TV with Su Xin. After watching it for a while, Lin Wanyu began to doze off.

  Seeing that Lin Wanyu seemed to be sleeping but not sleeping, Su Xin woke Lin Wanyu up: "Wanyu! Go back to sleep! There's still a lot of things to do tomorrow!"

  Lin Wanyu hugged Su Xin's arm, her eyes full of anticipation: "Will you come to my place today?"


  Su Xin hesitated a bit, it was not because he couldn't go but there were more important things to do, but in the eyes of Lin Wanyu's expectation, Su Xin finally compromised......

  "Okay! I'll go to your place!"

  "Great! Let's go!"

  Lin Wanyu stood up and wanted to pull Su Xin, but her strength was too small to pull Su Xin.

  Su Xin pointed to the TV, and said helplessly: "The show will be over soon! Just wait!"

  Lin Wanyu picked up the remote control and turned off the TV: "If you want to watch it, just watch it online! I also want to whisper a few more words to you!"


  Su Xin stood up and followed Lin Wanyu to the bedroom.

  The next morning, when it was just dawn, before Su Xin woke up, Hu Yifei's shouts were heard outside.

  "All are up! All are up! Today is a good day! Everyone, hurry up and prepare!"

  Su Xin was awakened by Hu Yifei's voice, and Lin Wanyu patted Su Xin in a daze.

  "Su Xin! You go first, I'll sleep for a while!"

  Su Xin pushed Lin Wanyu: "Don't sleep too, what Yifei entrusts to you is also very important!"

  Lin Wanyu waved her hand and turned over: "You didn't bring the bride back, it's useless for me to get up so early! And I heard that Jian Ning's bridesmaid group is quite crowded, you must be back very late, I'll sleep later. Son, I'll go straight to the hotel in a moment!"

  Su Xin saw that Lin Wanyu was really unwilling to get up, so there was no need to urge him, he packed up and walked out of the room.

  Hu Yifei stood by the sofa in the living room, and Chen Meijia was already sitting on the sofa.

  Seeing that Su Xin was the only one, Hu Yifei asked suspiciously, "Where's Wanyu?"

  "She's still resting, let her rest more! Even if she gets up now, it's fine!"

  After Su Xin finished speaking, he sat down on the sofa, and the people from 3602 next door came one after another.

  In the end, only Lu Zhanbo didn't come. Hu Yifei looked at Lu Ziqiao and asked, "Where's Zhanbo?"

  Lu Ziqiao shook his head blankly: "I don't know! We didn't have any money last night, so we all disbanded and Zhanbo went back to sleep!"

  "No money?"

  Chen Meijia looked at Lu Ziqiao suspiciously: "It's normal to say that you have no money, don't Teacher Zeng and Guan Gu also have no money?".

Chapter 278

  "the two of them?"

  Lu Ziqiao laughed disdainfully: "The two of them are not as good as me! Guan Gu is still in negative assets! He can't even go to the bar for a drink!"

  Chen Meijia asked suspiciously, "Why?"

  Guan Gu miraculously looked at Tang Youyou with resentful eyes: "It's all your fault, she swiped eighteen credit cards in a row, if I don't pay it back, she will be taken away!"

  Tang Youyou pointed at Chen Meijia helplessly: "It's all Meijia's fault!"

  Chen Meijia pointed at herself with a confused look: "Because of me? How can you blame me?"

  Tang Youyou said meaningfully: "You will marry whoever bought you that wedding dress, have you forgotten?"


  Everyone looked at Tang Youyou with disgust, and Guan Gu Qiqi was even more stunned and said: "Yuyou! How can you do this! You actually want to marry Meijia, believe it or not I cut myself to death?"

  Tang Youyou looked at Guan Gu's magic with a black line, raised his hand and hit Guan Gu's magic: "Where do you want to go! I bought it for Meijia for Ziqiao!"

  Lu Ziqiao was stunned for a moment, then looked at Chen Meijia with disgust: "I don't want to marry her like this!"

  When Chen Meijia heard Lu Ziqiao's words, she immediately became angry: "You want to marry this girl, but you don't want to marry me at 28!"

  "That's great!"

  After Tang Youyou finished speaking, he immediately reached out and asked Chen Meijia for money: "I'll give you the bill, and you'll pay me back!"

  Chen Meijia immediately fainted: "Let Lu Ziqiao help me pay it back! What he owes me will never end in this life!"

  Just as Lu Ziqiao was about to speak, Su Xin preemptively said, "Give me the bill! Treat it as a wedding gift for the two of them!"

  Lu Ziqiao still wanted to talk, but Tang Youyou stopped Lu Ziqiao directly and began to change the subject: "Why does Teacher Zeng have no money?"

  Zeng Xiaoxian said helplessly: "Honglei's father is ill, she took my money to treat the illness, and the rest of the money Honglei said to save it for me first, and then take it out when I get married!"

  Lu Ziqiao persuaded earnestly: "Mr. Zeng, why don't you remember your surname? The ancients said it well, women are in charge, and houses collapse. Believe it or not, when you get married, you won't be able to keep a penny of your money!"

  Zeng Xiaoxian said hesitantly, "Isn't it?"

  Lu Ziqiao said with a serious face: "At the beginning, Fan Zeng persuaded Xiang Yu to kill Liu Bang, but Xiang Yu didn't say that. Later...he died!"


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