Lin Wanyu looked at Su Xin resentfully: "He didn't go to my place at all. I've been back for so long, and he hasn't entered my room."


  Hu Yifei was stunned for a moment, then looked at Su Xin: "I will ask you one last time, are you the master of ceremonies or not? If not, you should live in the living room!"

  Su Xin looked at the date, calculated the time, and immediately stood up and shouted.

  "Of course! I am a professional master of ceremonies! Whoever dares to stop me is my enemy!"

  Seeing Su Xin standing up straight, Hu Yifei thought he was angry, just wanted to say that it was okay to disagree, but Su Xin shouted the most cowardly words in the toughest tone.

  Hu Yifei looked at Su Xin with a black line: "What are you calling! I can hear it!"

  After Hu Yifei finished speaking, he looked at the time. It was time to cook. Hu Yifei stood up and walked to the kitchen.

  "You wait! I'll cook!"

  Su Xin followed Hu Yifei to the kitchen: "I'll help you!"

  The next day, Hu Yifei and Yuan Chunli went to book a hotel. Su Xin and Zeng Xiaoxian were discussing the matter of being the emcee. Zeng Xiaoxian was a professional anyway... The announcer still knew some things about the emcee.

   The others were busy with other things. While Su Xin and Zeng Xiaoxian were rehearsing, Lu Ziqiao and Lu Zhanbo came in.

  Lu Ziqiao looked at Su Xin and Zeng Xiaoxian seriously: "What do you think of holding a model show at Zhanbo's wedding?"

  Lu Zhanbo had a gloomy expression: "You just give up! I can't let you hold that model show at my wedding!"

  Lu Ziqiao looked at Zeng Xiaoxian and began to fool Zeng Xiaoxian: "Mr. Zeng! During the audition, you are one of the judges!"

  Zeng Xiaoxian's eyes lit up, he coughed twice, and pretended to be serious and said, "I think the model show is necessary!"

  Lu Zhanbo looked at Zeng Xiaoxian in disbelief: "Mr. Zeng! How can you agree?"

  Lu Ziqiao looked at Su Xin, but considering that Su Xin was more than Liu Xia Hui, the judges of the audition must not be able to do it, and they could only take risks.

  Lu Ziqiao began to threaten Su Xin: "Su Xin! I heard that a woman came across two cities to look for her husband. I wonder if Yifei and the others know her husband!"

  Su Xin's face darkened, and he looked at Lu Ziqiao displeasedly: "How dare you threaten me? Believe it or not, I will hang you on a tree with a crooked neck now!"

  Lu Ziqiao immediately started shouting, "Yifei! Someone has a secret!"

  Su Xin kicked Lu Ziqiao: "Yifei is out! She won't hear you no matter how loud you shout!"


  Lu Ziqiao looked at Su Xin suspiciously: "Aren't you afraid? Aren't you afraid that Yifei and the others will kill you if they find out?"

  Su Xin looked indifferent, pretending to be very relaxed: "I have already laid the groundwork. Before the incident, I told Yifei secretly and openly that with her IQ, she must have guessed it long ago!"

  Lu Zhanbo and Zeng Xiaoxian looked at them curiously. Zeng Xiaoxian asked, "What is Su Xin's secret? Can you tell us about it?"

  "Stop asking!"

  Su Xin looked at Zeng Xiaoxian displeased.

  Seeing that Su Xin was confident, Lu Ziqiao gave up and turned to look at Lu Zhanbo.

  "Mr. Zeng agreed, Su Xin abstained! The minority obeys the majority. I will contact the contact now. I am going to hold a grand and unprecedented event at your wedding!"

  Su Xin looked at Lu Ziqiao contemptuously: "Aren't you afraid that Yifei will kill you? This is Zhanbo's wedding. If you dare to destroy it, you may be beaten to death. No, you will definitely be beaten to death by Yifei!"

  When Lu Ziqiao heard Su Xin's words, he was stunned for a moment: "It's very possible, it's better to arrange the model show on Zhanbo's single night, so that Hu Yifei has no reason to teach me a lesson!"

  As soon as Zeng Xiaoxian thought about the single night before Zhang Wei got married, he immediately refused.

  "I won't participate. If Zhanbo misses his wedding again, Hu Yifei will definitely bury us all!"

  Lu Ziqiao sat down on the sofa dejectedly, and complained, "This doesn't work either, that doesn't work either, then what's the point of this wedding?"

  Lu Zhanbo complained displeasedly: "Don't think about so many things about my wedding, I won't hold any events!"

  Zeng Xiaoxian saw that the judge's throne was ruined, and looked at Su Xin with little interest: "Let's continue the rehearsal!"

  "it is good!"

  Su Xin responded and continued the rehearsal.

  In the evening, after Hu Yifei came back, Su Xin decided to tell Hu Yifei in advance that after all, his other daughter-in-law had already found the company, and it was estimated that she would not be far away from appearing. Then I really have nowhere to cry!

  In order to prevent Hu Yifei from getting angry and taking action, Su Xin acted positively and made Hu Yifei happy first.

  In Su Xin's bedroom, Su Xin washed a fruit for Hu Yifei and asked carefully.

  "Yifei! How are you feeling now?"

  Hu Yifei took the fruit and nodded with satisfaction: "Not bad! I'm very happy! Zhanbo is getting married, and your recent performance is very good!"

  Su Xin saw that Hu Yifei was in a good mood, so he said beating around the bush: "Yifei, since you are so happy now, I will tell you something unhappy and let you calm down!"


  Hu Yifei directly stopped Su Xin's words and took a bite of the fruit: "Since it's something you're not happy about, don't talk about it!"

  Su Xin looked at Hu Yifei with embarrassment: "But it's not enough to not talk about this matter! Because it's coming soon!"

  Hu Yifei saw Su Xin's expression that he had to talk, and said helplessly: "Since it is absolutely necessary, let's talk!"

  Su Xin nodded, took Hu Yifei's bag, took out the kitchen knife inside, gathered all the lethal things around Hu Yifei, and put them outside.

  Hu Yifei looked at Su Xin suspiciously: "What are you doing?"

  While looking for something, Su Xin replied, "I'm afraid you will hit me with a weapon!"

  Hu Yifei rolled her eyes at Su Xin: "I've been practicing meditation recently, I won't hit you, tell me!"

  Su Xin made sure that there was nothing left, so he said slowly, "My ex-wife is here!"

  When Hu Yifei heard Su Xin's words, he instantly greeted: "Former wife? Xiao Qing?"

  Su Xin shook his head embarrassedly: "No, it was before I met Xiao Qing!"


  Hu Yifei looked at Su Xin in disbelief: "Didn't you say that you don't have any girlfriends except for the few of us? Why did another wife appear? How many things are you hiding from us?".

Chapter 276

  Su Xin sat next to Hu Yifei and explained to Hu Yifei by hammering his shoulder: "That's all! In fact, she and I got the certificate directly by chance, and we have never talked about love!"

  Hu Yifei pushed Su Xin aside and looked at Su Xin with contempt: "Are you fooling the ghost? You just got married without even talking about love?"

  Su Xin said a little embarrassedly: "Actually, this matter is simple and simple, and complicated and complicated. When I met her, I thought she was a gentle and considerate woman, but who knew that after we got the marriage certificate, she It has changed, scold me if I have something, and I will scold me if I have nothing, today I dislike me for not having a serious job, and tomorrow I will dislike me for not having a good skill!"

  Hu Yifei took a few deep breaths and calmed down her anger, her eyes flashing with a dangerous light: "You actually married her?"

  Seeing that Hu Yifei was about to get angry, Su Xin quickly explained: "It's fake, I asked Zi Qiao to do a fake certificate. At that time, I spent half of the private money I saved for many years for this scene. One of the reasons why I lived in Xiao Qing's house in the first place!"

  Hearing Su Xin's words, Hu Yifei calmed down a little: "I think that woman is right, and the shortcomings she said are also true. I'm more curious, why are you two separated? Is it because she told the truth, Hurt your largely non-existent self-esteem?"

  Su Xin looked at Hu Yifei with a black line: "What is self-esteem that doesn't exist! Am I the kind of person who runs away for a few words? The situation at the time was that after we got the fake marriage certificate, she started to spend money, Buy a bunch of skin care products today, buy a bunch of brand-name bags tomorrow, and buy a bunch of shoes the day after. If you don’t buy them, you will cry, make trouble, and hang yourself. In less than half a month, I squandered the money I saved before. Later, she looked at me even more unpleasantly, and talked all day about how her best friend's husband was doing. I tried my best at that time! Unfortunately, I still failed!"

  Although Hu Yifei was very angry with what Su Xin had done, he did not do anything like before, but asked patiently.

  "What have you been trying to do?"


  Su Xin looked embarrassed to say: "Don't talk about this! Let me talk about something important! I really have nothing to do with this woman, no matter which way we say it, we are obviously fake. The marriage certificate, in fact, at most we held hands, and there was no actual progress at all. Before I left, I also left a letter to her, and made things clear to her!"

  Hu Yifei looked at Su Xin with complicated eyes: "You got your marriage certificate without doing anything? You didn't do anything after getting married? Why do I not believe you?"

  Su Xin raised three fingers and started to swear: "I swear to our children that nothing really happened to us. At first, she disliked me for being incompetent! Then I was busy making money, and then I came with Zi Qiao- the city!"

  Hu Yifei kicked Su Xin very unhappily: "Swear to swear on yourself! If you swear on the child, I will kill you!"

  After Hu Yifei finished speaking, she calmed down and said thoughtfully: "That is to say, apart from getting a fake marriage certificate from this woman, nothing else happened, so it's easy to handle, doesn't she like money? Give her a sum of money and let her go! It's not allowed to come back in the future!"


  Su Xin said embarrassedly: "I'm afraid this is a bit difficult. She doesn't like money, she just likes shopping. She also said that unless I die, she will not give up!"

  Hu Yifei was even more unhappy when she heard Su Xin's words: "You confused what I said? She likes shopping, but not money. What's wrong with this? Also, have you met recently?"

  Su Xin waved his hand immediately: "No! The last time we talked was when I came to this city, she called me. Later, my mobile phone was stolen at the station, and we have not contacted since then!"

  Hu Yifei looked at Su Xin with a look of disgust: "I don't care what happened to you and her in the past. In short, you can solve the problem. I have to deal with Zhanbo's wedding recently, and I don't have time to help you!"

  Su Xin sat down beside Hu Yifei cheekily: "I also want to solve this matter, but I'm afraid of unexpected things, such as Yu Mo's incident! If I didn't agree at the beginning, I guess you want to see me now at the cemetery. I."


  Hearing Su Xin's words, Hu Yifei thought for a while: "If you really can't do it, you can take Xiao Qing with you!"

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????????????

  Su Xin refused without thinking: "Xiao Qing? Forget it! I'm afraid Xiao Qing will kill me first!"

  Hu Yifei looked at Su Xin displeasedly: "Why are you doing so much shit! Do you have anything else? Let's talk about it together!"

  Su Xin swore and assured: "Don't worry, there is absolutely no more! It's my fault that I was young and ignorant at the time, thinking things were too simple, I thought she was the same as on TV! I didn't expect the contrast to be so big!"

  Hu Yifei looked at Su Xin suspiciously: "TV? What TV?"

  Got it!Accidentally told the truth!

  Su Xin realized that he had said something wrong, and hurriedly said, "She is the host! I saw her on TV!"


  Hu Yifei didn't have any doubts, but turned the topic to the beginning: "You said you worked hard at the beginning, so why didn't you succeed at that time? With your ability, it's more than enough to build a small company, right?"


  Su Xin didn't know how to explain it for a while, but he couldn't say it was because of the system!

  Su Xin was silent for a while, and said with a sigh: "It may be because I chose the wrong path! I was a little famous at that time, because I often tried to sell the Qiao's magic pill, which led to many police officers staring at me. I couldn't buy it for a while, and eating became a problem, Zi Qiao really couldn't stand it anymore and advised me to change cities!"

  Hu Yifei asked some other things. Su Xin saw that Hu Yifei was not too angry, so he told the truth.

  Hu Yifei just asked Su Xin to draw a line with that woman as soon as possible, and didn't say anything after that. After all, Su Xin just got a fake marriage certificate with that woman, and nothing else happened.

  The two chatted for a while and then rested. The next day, Hu Yifei led Lu Zhanbo and Jian Ning to take wedding photos.

  After Su Xin learned about the master of ceremonies, he began to help Lu Zhanbo arrange the wedding scene. Yuan Chunli was also busy making invitations, and the others were more or less busy.

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