Lu Ziqiao nodded with a smile: "Don't worry, I know what!"

  Zeng Xiaoxian looked at Su Xin thoughtfully: "Su Xin! Come with us! It just so happened that you didn't drink, and you were driving my newly bought car. The five of us were just right!"

  Guan Gu nodded miraculously: "Indeed, we all drank, but you alone did not drink!"


  Su Xin originally wanted to deal with personal affairs, but Zeng Xiaoxian and the others really couldn't drive, so they had no choice but to agree!

  "All right!"

  Several people stood up and walked to the underground garage.

  Seeing Zeng Xiaoxian's new car, Lu Ziqiao said helplessly, "So small? Will the five of us be too crowded?"

  Su Xin was in the driver's seat, so don't worry about it, while the other four started fighting for the co-pilot's seat.

  Zeng Xiaoxian was the first to speak and walked to the co-pilot's door: "This is my car, I should sit in the co-pilot!"

  Lu Ziqiao pushed Zeng Xiaoxian aside and stood by the co-pilot's door: "Do you know where we are going? I can lead the way in the co-pilot!"

  Lu Zhanbo also started earning: "I'm the protagonist! I should sit!"


  Guan Gu miraculously looked at the quarreling three people with a black line. He had no reason and could only do it in the back row.

  Su Xin took the driver's seat, started the car, and looked at the three people who were arguing outside: "Stop the ink! It's only a seat, if it really doesn't work, just PK!"

  "good idea!"

  The three agreed unanimously, and then looked at each other warily.

  Guan Gu miraculously said with a little worry: "Zhan Bo is about to get married, it would be bad if he was injured!"

  Su Xin was not worried at all, and said calmly, "Don't worry, their way won't hurt!"


  The three of them shouted at the same time and stretched out their right hand.

  Guan Gu looked at the three people outside in a stunned manner: "Fuck! I thought they were more powerless!"

  In the first game of Lu Ziqiao's three games, Zeng Xiaoxian lost. Zeng Xiaoxian sat in the back row and clapped his hands regretfully.

  "What scissors!"

  In the end, Lu Ziqiao won and sat directly in the co-pilot, so the three people in the back row were crowded.

  Since Zeng Xiaoxian's car had no navigation, Su Xin could only use his mobile phone as navigation.

  Su Xin followed the navigation to a relatively common store. The name of the store was a series of foreign languages, and at the end it said the words "customized suits"!

  Several people looked at the slightly dilapidated storefront, and Lu Zhanbo complained, "Is this place reliable?"

  Lu Ziqiao assuredly said, "Don't worry! The boss's skill in making suits is absolutely impeccable!"

  Su Xin parked the car, and a few people got out of the car and walked into the clothing store.

  A decadent old man is sitting behind a brand new office desk looking at a photo.

  The old man's eyes lit up when he saw Lu Ziqiao: "Ziqiao! You brought someone here again!"

  Lu Ziqiao reminded directly: "Boss! These people are my friends, I don't want to take a commission, you help us make some suits, the price must be favorable, and the quality must be the best!".

Chapter 274

  The boss thought that Lu Ziqiao wanted to earn some referral fees, and immediately said with a smile: "Don't worry! I will definitely give them discounts for the people you bring!"

  Lu Zhanbo stated his requirements for a suit, and others explained it one after another.

  Su Xin sat on the chair beside him and saw a physics book on the table, Su Xin remembered that the person in the original book was still a physicist.

  Su Xin flipped through the book and pretended to say unintentionally, "The boss is still reading such a profound book!"

  The boss took a measuring ruler and gave Guan Gu the magic data, and replied casually: "I used to be a physicist! These books are the basics!"

  Zeng Xiaoxian looked at the boss suspiciously: "How can physicists sell suits? These two professions seem to have nothing to do with each other, right?"


  The boss sighed sadly and continued to help Guan Gu miraculously.

  "They were all young and frivolous. Back then, I gave up my laboratory for the woman I liked and went abroad with her. We didn't need a physicist at all. In order not to starve to death, I became an apprentice in a tailor shop!"

  Lu Zhanbo looked at the boss with admiration: "Your courage is really admirable, but why are you back?"

  The boss put down the measuring stick, sighed, and took out a notebook to start recording the data: "Then the woman followed a bearded man who drove a sports car, and I had no goals to stay abroad, so I came back here, Open this suit shop!"


  Everyone was silent, and Su Xin continued to ask: "Boss! Do you understand the manufacturing process of cosmetics?"

  The boss was stunned for a moment, then raised his head to look at Su Xin: "I won't! But I have an old buddy who studied chemistry, so it's not a problem to make some cosmetics!"

  Zeng Xiaoxian looked at Su Xin suspiciously and asked, "You don't want to open a cosmetics company, do you?"


  Su Xin did not deny it, but told the truth directly: "Yu Mo is studying cosmetics now. I want to open a cosmetics company and bring her back~ˇ!"

  The boss reminded: "This old man of mine only mixes cosmetics, and does not innovate. All he knows are the cosmetics sold on the market!"

  When Su Xin heard the boss's words, he said with little interest: "Forget it!"

  The boss had no self, and continued to help a few people to measure the data. After finishing the measurement, he instructed a few people to pick up the clothes two days later.

  Several people returned to the car and drove to the love apartment.

  On the way back, Guan Gu asked curiously, "Zhan Bo! Did you move back to your house after you married Jian Ning?"

  Lu Zhanbo shook his head: "No! I've discussed it with Jian Ning! I'm still living in a love apartment for the time being!"

  Zeng Xiaoxian said depressedly: "We have six people living in our suite. If I bring Hong Lei back, do you think anyone will report us?"

  Su Xin drove the car and complained: "Of course I will, in case Ziqiao brings back another one, there are only eight people living in your suite, and the landlord will definitely talk to you when he finds out!"

  Zeng Xiaoxian said a little disappointedly: "Then forget it!"

  Several people returned to the love apartment. As soon as Su Xin returned to the love apartment, he saw Chen Meijia holding a wedding dress covered with cakes with aggrieved expression.

  When Lin Wanyu saw that Su Xin was back, she smiled and said, "Su Xin! I have received a notice that the school will start in fifteen days, and my entry work happens to be a wedding dress! After seeing the wedding dresses today, I discovered the imperfections of these wedding dresses. There!"

  Su Xin heard that Lin Wanyu had set the time for the start of school, and Su Xin's mood did not change much. After all, the two of them were arguing about it during this time.

  "Well! Say it when you leave! I'll see you off!"

  Seeing that Su Xin didn't congratulate herself, Lin Wanyu said a little disappointedly, "I thought you would be happy for me!"

  "as long as you are happy!"

  After Su Xin finished speaking, he sat down beside Hu Yifei and asked Hu Yifei, "Do you have a favorite wedding dress?"

  Hu Yifei said disappointedly, "No! But I'm quite interested in the wedding dress Wanyu mentioned!"

  Lin Wanyu's eyes lit up when she heard Hu Yifei's words, she sat on the other side of Hu Yifei and started selling.

  "Feifei! Do you really like the designs I'm talking about? If you really like it, I'll make one for you when you get married. It will not only allow you to escape the wedding with freedom of movement, but also allow you to swim!"

  Su Xin frowned and looked at Hu Yifei displeasedly: "I haven't said about holding a wedding yet! You have already started to study the wedding and run away?"

  Hu Yifei immediately waved her hand and explained, "I didn't think so, I just heard Wanyu say it's easy to move! That's why I'm interested!"

  Su Xin looked at the pitiful Chen Meijia not far away: "Meijia, what's wrong with you? Did you buy a wedding dress?"

  Hu Yifei explained: "She broke her wedding dress, and she can't even buy it! Fortunately, Yoyo helped her buy the wedding dress! But Yoyo's credit cards have all maxed out!"

  Although Su Xin wanted to help Tang Youyou pay off his credit card, he took the initiative to say that it was not good, so he could only wait for Tang Youyou to speak!

  Hu Yifei looked at Chen Meijia helplessly: "¨"Don't be wronged!Hurry up and wash the wedding dress!It's even harder to wash when it dries! "

  Chen Meijia walked to the bathroom with her wedding dress, Hu Yifei looked at Su Xin: "Su Xin, I want to discuss something with you!"

  Su Xin asked suspiciously, "What's the matter?"

  Hu Yifei said hesitantly, "Regarding Zhanbo's wedding, you may be required to be the emcee at that time!"

  Su Xin was stunned for a moment, and asked inexplicably, "Didn't you invite the emcee?"

  "The master of ceremonies must have been invited, but my mother thinks that you are a person of status. If you act as the master of ceremonies for them, they will definitely have more face!"

  After Hu Yifei finished speaking, he took Su Xin's hand and said pitifully, "Please!"


  Su Xin shuddered and asked doubtfully, "You still act like a spoiled child? Who taught you? Why do I feel so weird?"

  Hu Yifei shook off Su Xin's (Zhao Qianzhao) hand, glared at Su Xin and shouted, "My mother ordered you to be the emcee of the wedding!"


  Su Xin looked at Hu Yifei with a look of sigh: "This is your style! But it's not good for me to be the emcee! After all, I'm not familiar with the process!"

  Hu Yifei patted Su Xin on the shoulder: "You used to be the emcee! Did you forget?"


  Su Xin looked at Hu Yifei with a black line: "Why do I feel that you are not my wife, but my brother?"

  Hu Yifei kicked Su Xin and said, "Fuck off! Why are you talking so much nonsense, and you feel awkward when you are gentle to you, and you despise me when you are normal to you, why are you so hard to serve? If you have a chance, you should not be the emcee? "

  Su Xin directly refused: "No! I'm also a person with a high profile and status now, how can I be the emcee! Isn't this a joke? Even if you kill me, I'm not right!".

Chapter 275


  When Hu Yifei heard Su Xin's words, he snorted and stood up directly.

  "How dare I hit you! But you can sleep in the living room today! Wan Yu, don't let Su Xin go to your place!"

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