Zhuge Dali stood on the spot for a while, and then murmured with firm eyes: "There are still more than [-] days, I will definitely succeed!"

  Zhuge vigorously cheered himself up, and then left!

  In the cinema, Su Xin and Hu Yifei sat not far from Lu Zhanbo and Jian Ning, watching the movie boredly.

  After more than an hour, except for Lu Zhanbo and Jian Ning, who were very happy watching, everyone else fell asleep.

  On the big screen, photos of Lu Zhanbo and Jian Ning living together in the mountains also appeared.

  Jian Ning looked at Lu Zhanbo in surprise and seemed to have guessed something.

  Seeing that the plan had already started, Lu Zhanbo quickly took out the diamond ring he had prepared and knelt down in front of Jian Ning on one knee.

  "Jian Ning! Will you marry me?"

  Jian Ning's eyes were good, and she nodded quickly: "Okay! We have already agreed, you don't need to waste your money proposing marriage! "

  Lu Zhanbo put the ring on Jian Ning, stood up and hugged Jian Ning: "I don't want to leave us regrets!"

  Lu Zhanbo saw that there were no petals around, and no one brought flowers to him, so he looked at Su Xin and the others helplessly.

  Jian Ning followed Lu Zhanbo's line of sight, and when she saw that they were all asleep, she couldn't help laughing.

  Lu Zhanbo shouted with a black line: "Sister!"

  Hu Yifei woke up immediately when she heard the sound. Seeing Lu Zhanbo and Jian Ning standing together, she immediately pushed Su Xin: "Why did you fall asleep? Start!"

  Su Xin also woke up, and when he saw this, he immediately threw the roses into the air.

  Because there are too many roses, it looks like a rain of roses, and there is no romantic atmosphere at all.

  Lu Zhanbo took the roses off his head and looked at Su Xin speechlessly: "Are you here to help me? Why do I think you are here to make trouble?"

  Hu Yifei patted Su Xin, and said displeasedly, "Will you spread roses! How can you spread all of them at once?"

  Su Xin put the bag aside and said innocently, "I can't blame it, I haven't sprinkled it before. I sprinkle it like this on TV!"


  Hu Yifei didn't complain about Su Xin anymore, but looked at Lu Zhanbo and asked expectantly, "Zhanbo! How's it going?"

  Before Lu Zhanbo spoke, Jian Ning shook the ring on her hand.

  Hu Yifei patted Su Xin hard: "Success, great!"

  "Cough, cough, cough!"

  Su Xin coughed twice and looked at Hu Yifei speechlessly: "You are happy, but don't hit me!"

  "Accident! Accident!"

  Hu Yifei said with a smile, then looked at Lin Wanyu and Chen Meijia: "Wake up, don't sleep! Hurry up and take the flowers!"

  Several people woke up in a daze, and Chen Meijia shouted with a depressed expression when she saw that the marriage proposal ceremony had been completed.

  "We didn't see such a classic scene!"

  Tang Youyou picked up the flower, walked over to Lu Zhanbo and handed it to Lu Zhanbo: "Can you ask again?"

  Guan Gu came in miraculously and complained: "Yuyou! Do you think this is a child playing the house? Stop making trouble!"

  Everyone went to Lu Zhanbo and started to congratulate. Hu Yifei took out his mobile phone and called Yuan Chunli.

  Lin Wanyu walked up to Su Xin and whispered, "Su Xin! I want to watch the Peach Blossom Man vs. the Chrysanthemum Monster! Can you watch it with me?"


  Su Xin looked at Hu Yifei with some embarrassment. Since Lu Zhanbo's marriage proposal was successful, then the elders of the two sides will meet next, and he should also attend.

  Hu Yifei stood beside the two of them, and naturally overheard their conversation. Hu Yifei hung up the phone and looked at Su Xin: "Just watch with Wanyu! She will be leaving in a while, so stay with her more. !"

  Seeing that Hu Yifei agreed, Su Xin didn't object anymore: "Wait a minute, let's go buy tickets!"

  Lin Wanyu nodded very happily: "That's great!"

  Lu Ziqiao also came over. As for the woman he approached, she probably thought that Lu Ziqiao was too boring, so she left.

  "Zhanbo! Your marriage proposal is successful, do you want to invite us to dinner?"

  Lu Zhanbo explained with an embarrassed expression: "My mother and Jian Ning's mother have already made an appointment for dinner tonight, otherwise I'll invite you guys another day!"

  Jian Ning looked at Lu Zhanbo suspiciously: "Why didn't my mother tell me?"

  Lu Zhanbo explained: "Of course it's to surprise you! It's estimated that our marriage will be decided tonight!"

  Jian Ning blushed and nodded.

  After chatting for a while, Hu Yifei took Jian Ning and Lu Zhanbo to the restaurant they had made an appointment with. Everyone else went to work on their own affairs. Tang Youyou and Guan Gu went on a date miraculously.

  And Su Xin bought two more movie tickets, popcorn and fat house water. The two walked to another movie hall and waited for a while after finding their seats...  

  Lin Wanyu took a bite of a popcorn and asked hesitantly, "Su Xin! I will study this time for three years at the earliest. You won't blame me, will you?"

  Su Xin shook his head and took a sip of fat house water: "No! Let's not talk about these topics, let's watch a movie!"

  Seeing that Su Xin didn't want to talk about this topic, Lin Wanyu said helplessly: "Some things cannot be avoided, you always have to face them!"

  Su Xin was stunned for a moment and looked at the movie screen: "Three years are enough for a lot of things to happen, who knows what will happen in the future!"

  Lin Wanyu's eyes were full of determination, she stopped watching movies, and turned to look at Su Xin: "Su Xin! If, I said, if I have other plans in three years, will you stop me? "

  Su Xin was silent for a while: "No! I know what you think, you won't stay in one place for too long, and I won't stop you, maybe this time we say goodbye, when we meet again, it's already vicissitudes of life. Maybe this is the last time we meet, maybe..."

  Lin Wanyu's eyes slowly turned a little red: "No, we will meet again!"

  "Maybe! Keep watching the movie!"

  Su Xin made a perfunctory sentence and continued watching the movie.

  When Lin Wanyu heard Su Xin's words, she didn't want to read any more.

  "Su Xin! If I come back in three years, will you still be as nice to me as before?"

  Su Xin was silent. He didn't know how to answer Lin Wanyu's question. The love apartment would be demolished in a few years.

  Seeing that Su Xin was silent, Lin Wanyu stopped asking.

  Su Xin saw that the atmosphere was a little embarrassing, so he said what was in his heart: "I will definitely treat you as always, but will you really come back?"

  Hearing Su Xin's words, Lin Wanyu said quickly, "Yes! I will definitely come back, whether I pass the exam or not, I will come back!"

  Su Xin sighed: "As long as you don't do anything wrong to me, my home will always have your place!"

  The book of the boss, if you are interested, you can learn about entertainment: starting from yearning to fight monsters and upgrade, it is much better than what I wrote. .

Chapter 273

  When Lin Wanyu heard Su Xin's words, she immediately became very excited and said loudly, "Even if I die, I won't do anything wrong to you!"

  The people watching the movie around looked at Lin Wanyu instantly, Su Xin comforted: "Calm down! We are in the cinema!"

  Lin Wanyu saw that the people around her were looking at her with strange eyes, and immediately apologized to everyone: "I'm sorry!"

  Lin Wanyu pinched Su Xin: "It's all your fault! How can you think of me so much!"

  "My fault! Keep watching the movie!"

  When Su Xin arrived, he apologized and continued watching the movie. Lin Wanyu knew that it was not suitable for chatting in the cinema, so she didn't chat anymore.

  The two watched the movie calmly, then drove to the apartment. On the way back to the love apartment, Lin Wanyu was still discussing with Su Xin about going abroad.

  Su Xin never wanted Lin Wanyu to go abroad, but Lin Wanyu kept mentioning it, and Su Xin could only perfunctory.

  The two returned to the love apartment, and Su Xin had to deal with company affairs, so he asked Lin Wanyu to rest.

  At noon the next day, several boys sat on the sofa in the bar chatting.

  Zeng Xiaoxian looked at Lu Zhanbo with envy, looking at Lu Zhanbo: "Zhanbo, you have made a lot of money! A sports car of more than one million yuan! This is my dream!"

  Lu Zhanbo took a sip of wine with interest: "It was given by Su Xin! I used to plan to buy a car for [-] to [-] yuan!"

  Lu Ziqiao looked at Su Xin expectantly: "Su Xin! Our relationship is even better than Zhan Bo's relationship. What do you get when I get married?"

  Su Xin glanced at Lu Ziqiao with contempt, and mocked: "Give me a hammer!"

  Guan Gu asked curiously, "Zhanbo! Have you agreed on when to get married? Where?"

  Lu Zhanbo said with a sad face: "After a week, due to the lack of time, we can only keep it simple. The wedding venue has not yet been decided!"

  Lu Ziqiao rolled her eyes, looked at Lu Zhanbo, and immediately began to fool: "Zhanbo! Your dresses haven't been decided yet?"

  Lu Zhanbo immediately looked at Lu Ziqiao alertly: "What do you want to do?"

  Lu Ziqiao took out a business card with a smile on his face: "I know a famous foreign fashion designer, you can ask the designer to tailor a suit for you! It's purely handmade, so you have more face, you see Su Xin's suits are all made by hand."

  When Zeng Xiaoxian heard Lu Ziqiao's words, his eyes lit up and he asked curiously.

  "So good? Is it expensive?"

  Lu Ziqiao immediately vowed: "With my face, I will never exceed [-] soft sister coins. From the appearance, it will definitely not be worse than Su Xin's clothes!"

  Lu Zhanbo shook his head and refused directly: "Forget it! My old sister has already taken Jian Ning and the others to see the wedding dress! As for me, I will just buy a set in the mall at that time!"

  Lu Ziqiao reluctantly continued to fudge: "How can the clothes produced by the assembly line be compared with those made by hand? As your best man, if I dress very stylishly, then you will become the worst groom ever!"

  Zeng Xiaoxian also began to persuade Lu Zhanbo: "Zhanbo, let's go and have a look! If it's really good, I'll order it too."

  Guan Gu miraculously picked up the wine and took a sip: "With Su Xin here! No matter how much you dress up, it's useless!"

  Su Xin took a sip of the drink: "I am not the best man, I am attending the wedding as my brother-in-law!"

  Guan Gu miraculously heard that Su Xin was not the best man, and immediately smiled.

  "I want to make a set too!"


  Everyone looked at Guan Gu's magic with contempt.

  Lu Zhanbo thought about it for a while, then finished the wine: "Let's go! Let's order the suits!"

  Su Xin knew why Lu Ziqiao recommended handmade suits so much, because Su Xin had used this kind of routine before.

  Su Xin looked at Lu Ziqiao and reminded: "Ziqiao! Everyone is friends, don't cheat on them!"

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