Lu Ziqiao looked curiously at the college student employment guidance in Hu Yifei's hands, and asked, "Yifei, how much does this book sell for?"

  Hu Yifei turned the book over and looked at the single machine: "Fifty yuan each!"

  Lu Ziqiao looked like a lemon essence, and complained: "Fuck you! A completely useless book can be bought for fifty, and we can make more money than selling Dali Pills!"

  Su Xin looked at Lu Ziqiao unhappily: "Actually, the profit of Dali Pill is not low. If it wasn't for your extravagance, would we be so miserable?"

  Lu Ziqiao shrugged innocently: "I admit that I spend a bit too much, but you also..."

  Seeing that everyone was talking more and more, Chen Meijia immediately corrected everyone: "We are discussing helping me find a job! It's not for the two of you to turn over the old accounts!"

  Su Xin knew Chen Meijia's ability well, and naturally it was impossible for her to harm his company. Su Xin thought about the plot of the original novel, so he pushed Chen Meijia to Hu Yifei.

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  "Yifei! Do you have a suitable job to recommend to Mika?"

  Hu Yifei thought for a while and looked at Chen Meijia: "Our school is indeed short of people! But our school is all short of highly educated people, you are not suitable!"

  Chen Meijia looked at Hu Yifei begging: "Sister Yifei! If you don't help me, I can only go to the street to beg for food!"

  Hu Yifei said with an embarrassed look: "Okay! I'll try it. You go to school with me now and see if there is a job that suits you!"

  Chen Meijia jumped up: "That's great! I'll treat you to dinner when I get paid!"

  "First see if there is a suitable job for you, and then talk about the treat!"

  Hu Yifei picked up the bag on the side, stood up, and said something to Su Xin.

...... 0

  "I'm going to help Meijia find a job first!"

  Su Xin nodded, and Hu Yifei led Chen Meijia to the outside.

  Lu Ziqiao laughed loudly: "Chen Meijia! Don't forget to tell me if you can't find a job! I can introduce you to a cleaning job!"

  Zeng Xiaoxian stopped Lu Ziqiao: "Okay! Don't fall into the trap! It's not easy for Meijia, don't target her!"

  Lu Ziqiao smiled disdainfully: "I'm targeting her? I don't have time to spare, I might as well pick up girls when I have time! Look at the direction of three o'clock, a rare new face, I'll go first!"

  After Lu Ziqiao finished speaking, he went to strike up a conversation.

  Su Xin looked at Zeng Xiaoxian curiously: "Mr. Zeng! Ever since you had a girlfriend, I haven't seen you go to strike up a conversation! Do you follow the rules?"

  Zeng Xiaoxian didn't explain too much, but said with a smile, "You too!"

  "Everyone! Great news!"

  Tang Youyou ran in with the notebook, and Guan Gu followed Tang Youyou with a helpless expression.

  Tang Youyou sat on the sofa, saw only Su Xin and Zeng Xiaoxian, and asked suspiciously, "Why are you two left alone?"

  Su Xin explained: "Yi Fei helped Mei Jia find a job. The two of them should be on their way to school! Zhan Bo and Jian Ning have a date. As for Zi Qiao!"

  Su Xin pointed at Lu Ziqiao's figure: "It's there!"

  Guan Gu miraculously complained with a worried look: "Yuyou! Will our children be like Su Xin and the others, a big radish with a big heart?"

Chapter 252

  Tang Youyou looked at Guan Gu's miraculously blankly: "Why do you think so?"

  Guan Gu pointed at Su Xin miraculously, and then at Lu Ziqiao who was picking up girls not far away.

  "These two are living examples! This is your own sister's child. If it's just one person, I'm not worried. The key is that both of them are concerned! I guess our children are likely to be like them!"

  Tang Youyou nodded thoughtfully: "Indeed! We have to educate our children well in the future, so as not to follow Su Xin's old path!"

  Guan Gu nodded in approval, while Zeng Xiaoxian on the side held back his smile, his face almost cramping.


  Su Xin stared at Guan Gu Weiqi and Tang Youyou with a black line: "My client is here, should you avoid me when you speak ill of me? Also, if your so-called great good news is to hurt me, you Needless to say!"

  Tang Youyou heard Su Xin's words and remembered the business: "I almost forgot about it! I'm going to be angry!"

  Su Xin eagerly picked up a bottle of drink: "Isn't that a trivial matter? If you want to be popular, I can make you burst into flames within three days!"

  Tang Youyou put the laptop on the table: "That's you helping me! It's not my own efforts! This time I got the heroine's script with my own efforts! This is a big production, it will definitely make me become Celebrity!"

  Zeng Xiaoxian looked at Tang Youyou suspiciously: "The big production will make you the heroine?"

  Tang Youyou said proudly: "Why can't I be the protagonist? I'm an old actor anyway!"

  Su Xin made a statement to dismantle Tang Youyou, and hit her by the way: "It's an old actor! It's been a trick for many years. He specializes in dead people, and any TV series can't survive an episode!"

  Tang Youyou said with embarrassment: "This time is really different! I don't have to die! Not only do the characters I play don't have to die, but I will become a concubine later!"

  Zeng Xiaoxian said nonchalantly: "If you don't finish filming, you will never know which episode you will die in. Last time, you were the protagonist of the reversal hero, and then you died! So, you will be happy after you finish filming. urgent!"

  Tang Youyou pondered for a while: "Last time, the investor was too unreliable, and the actors were temporarily changed. This time it is different. The investor's role is the emperor, and they won't steal the show from me!"

  Su Xin looked at Tang Youyou suspiciously: "You came to the bar just to show off, right?"

  Tang Youyou scratched his head embarrassedly: "This time I participated in a big production. There are many famous people, and they all have cars. It's not good for me to walk, so I want to use your car!"

  Su Xin took out the car key and handed it to Guan Gu Jiji: "You drive your little aunt! She doesn't have a driver's license."

  Guan Gu waved his hand miraculously: "I can't drive it. If you bump into it, it won't be enough to sell me!"

  Tang Youyou began to play emotional cards: "Guan Gu dare not open, you can only send me there, after all, I am your aunt!"

  Su Xin didn't refuse either, picked up the drink and finished drinking, then stood up: "Let's go!"

  Tang Youyou handed the laptop to Guan Guqi, and looked at Su Xin: "You wait for me in the garage first, and I'll get my luggage!"

  Zeng Xiaoxian asked suspiciously, "Are you still living in the crew?"

  Tang Youyou said with a smile: "Of course! This is a big production. I rented a hotel directly, and I live in a room by myself!"

  Su Xin walked to the garage, and after waiting for a while, Tang Youyou came over with a suitcase.

  After Tang Youyou put the suitcase away, he sat in the co-pilot and used the navigation to determine the location.

  Su Xin looked at it and said in surprise, "More than [-] kilometers?"

  Tang Youyou nodded embarrassedly: "Yes! The transportation nearby is very inconvenient. If you take a taxi, it will cost you at least a month. It happens that you have a car and you are fine, so it will give me face! "


  Su Xin reluctantly started the car and drove to the destination.

  In the evening, Su Xin drove back to the apartment, and after parking the car, it happened that Hu Yifei also drove back.

  Su Xin got out of the car and saw Chen Meijia get out of Hu Yifei's car with a guilty face.

  Hu Yifei got out of the car angrily, and Su Xin asked, "What's wrong?"

  Hu Yifei pointed at Chen Meijia unhappily: "I kindly found her an easy job. Usually, there is nothing to do, just enter the grades and it's over. She can screw up such an easy job!"

  Chen Meijia said weakly: "It's the ink problem. The ink bottle was poured, so the transcript can't be seen!"

  Hu Yifei was even more angry when she heard Chen Meijia's defense: "Is this the reason why you reported grades casually? This afternoon, more than [-] students complained about you, and the principal reprimanded me!"

  When Su Xin heard that the principal dared to reprimand Hu Yifei, he was immediately displeased. His own wife, he had never reprimanded, and an unknown scumbag dared to jump around...  

  Su Xin comforted and said, "It's okay! I'll take revenge for you. I now have absolute control. I'll have a meeting tomorrow and let him get out of the way!"

  Hu Yifei rolled her eyes at Su Xin: "Don't make trouble! This is Mika's fault. As the introducer, it's okay to be told a few words!"

  "The reason why I became a shareholder of your school is to prevent you from being wronged, or would I vote for a school that basically sees no benefits?"

  After Su Xin finished speaking, he took out his mobile phone and prepared to notify the school to hold a general meeting of shareholders.

  Hu Yifei grabbed Su Xin's cell phone: "Forget it! The current principal is still pretty good, I don't care, and you are not allowed to pursue it! Besides, the principal has helped me before, I don't want to retaliate!"

  Su Xin was stunned for a moment, and asked curiously, "What has he helped? I haven't heard you mention it so much?"

  Hu Yifei put Su Xin's mobile phone in his bag: "When I stayed at school, a teacher made trouble, and it was the principal's help! In short, this matter has passed! You are not allowed to take revenge!"

  Su Xin was slightly depressed: "Forget it! Since you said it all, I won't bother him anymore!"

  The three walked to the elevator, Hu Yifei looked at Chen Meijia, and continued to educate Chen Meijia.

  The three walked into the 3601 living room. Su Xin saw that Hu Yifei was still educating Chen Meijia, and he probably didn't have time to cook.

  Su Xin went to the kitchen to wash his hands, and was reprimanded by Hu Yifei as soon as he took out the food from the refrigerator.

  "You cook again? How many times have I said it! Cooking is my business! If you're hungry, eat some fruit first, I'll say Perfect Jia before cooking!"

  Chen Meijia said with a gloomy expression: "Sister Yifei! Why don't you cook first? Anyway, I have been fired!"

  "The mud can't support the wall!" Hu Yifei looked at Tang Youyou with hatred for iron.

  "Knock knock knock!"

  There was a knock on the door, and Chen Meijia seemed to be looking for hope, and quickly said: "Sister Yifei! I'll open the door first!".

Chapter 253

  Chen Meijia walked to the door and opened it, a young man with a dull face stood outside the door.

  Seeing the dull young man, Chen Meijia immediately stepped back to Hu Yifei's side, and looked at him alertly: "I've already been humbled! I've also been fired! You don't need to chase after my house to find me!"

  The dull young man pointed at himself gratefully: "Mr. Chen! Don't you remember me?"

  Chen Meijia saw that he had no intention of making a move, so she strengthened her courage and looked at it carefully.

  "It's you! I remember you, eighty-three! It scared me to death, and I thought it was someone who was looking for trouble!"

  "Mr. Chen! My name is Zhang Xiaofeng!" Zhang Xiaofeng looked at Chen Meijia with a black line.

  Chen Meijia nodded and said seriously, "I remember! You're the one who is going to jump off the building, Zhang Sanmad! What's the matter with you coming to me?"

  Zhang Xiaofeng said with a look of loss: "The school has already changed the information back, and I took the exam for thirty-eight!"


  Chen Meijia looked at Zhang Xiaofeng warily again: "It doesn't matter to me that you have so few exams. If you want to jump off the building, please change your place! I'm afraid of ghosts!"

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