"Don't you two have eyes?"

  Zeng Xiaoxian sat down on the sofa with a miserable face (Zhao Zhao's): "You old couples, don't worry, you can talk about what happened yesterday! I was scolded by Hong Lei all night yesterday!"


  Su Xin looked at Zeng Xiaoxian contemptuously: "You two have been together yesterday? So I helped you assist? Don't forget to invite me to dinner!"

  Zeng Xiaoxian complained resentfully: "Assist a goal! She scolded me on the phone all night. If things didn't turn around the next day, I'd be back to being a bachelor now!"

  Su Xin patted Zeng Xiaoxian on the shoulder and persuaded: "Mr. Zeng! Take action when it's time to take action, and don't let others give you a green hat!"

  Zeng Xiaoxian's face became a little blue, and he shouted angrily: "Am I discussing the green hat with you? Why do you all have to say it again? Every time I forget, someone of you always jumps out to remind me. , do you think I want to cuckold?".

Chapter 250


  Seeing that Zeng Xiaoxian was angry, Su Xin directly changed the subject: "Stop talking about this! You and Liu Honglei didn't quarrel over this matter!"

  Zeng Xiaoxian saw that Su Xin changed the subject, and his face softened a little: "No, I didn't know it was a misunderstanding at first, but after it was clarified on the Internet, Hong Lei apologized to me, and we are back to normal!"

  Su Xin raised his eyebrows: "She still apologizes! It's not easy! Yifei and the others, don't say sorry, even if they really did something wrong, they still blamed me in the end. It seems that I will choose for you. This one is good!"

  Zeng Xiaoxian's face gradually turned into a smile: "It's alright! Apart from being relatively dirty, other aspects are not bad. For the sake of you helping me so much, I won't bother you anymore and write it off!"

  Lu Ziqiao looked at Zeng Xiaoxian contemptuously: "You are too out of position. Yesterday, you were scolded like your grandson. You just said you taught Su Xin a lesson! It's over in a blink of an eye?"

  Su Xin frowned and looked at Lu Ziqiao: "What do you want to do? Hurry up, Yifei is still waiting for me!"

  Lu Ziqiao said hesitantly, "Yesterday I was scolded by Xiao Hei all night, do you want to pay some mental damage fee?"

  Hearing Lu Ziqiao's words, Su Xin started spraying without saying a word: "Damn your uncle! What did I pay you for? I really thought I could get [-] soft sister coins to lead the way! If you don't want to do it, I will Just change someone, I heard that Guan Gu’s life has become more relaxed recently, he must really want to make this money!”

  When Lu Ziqiao heard that Su Xin was going to give the odd jobs to others, he hurriedly said: "Don't! Guan Gu is still an outsider, how can we be so close! I won't bother you, I'll withdraw first, and get in touch with me!"

  After Lu Ziqiao finished speaking, he directly dragged Zeng Xiaoxian to the outside, which was regarded as helping Su Xin to clear the scene.

  Seeing that no one was disturbing, Su Xin walked directly to his room. After Su Xin entered the room, he saw Hu Yifei sitting at the computer and reading the paper.

  Seeing that Su Xin was finished, Hu Yifei stood up directly: "Let's go! It's estimated that Yoyo and Guan Gu have been waiting for a long time!"

  "I won't go today, since it's a couple's weekend, I'll go on Sunday!"

  Su Xin walked to Hu Yifei's side, lived with Hu Yifei in the building, and continued what he had just done.

  At noon the next day, Su Xin and Hu Yifei walked from the balcony to the living room of 3602. Guan Guqi and Tang Youyou were sitting at the dining table. The table was full of sushi. Guan Guqi and Tang Youyou were wearing couple jackets and holding ribbons in their hands. .

  Tang Youyou saw Hu Yifei and Su Xin coming from the balcony, and immediately stopped them: "Why don't you follow the script?"

  Su Xin looked at Tang Youyou with a bewildered expression: "What script? Do we still have a script?"

  Su Xin looked at Hu Yifei suspiciously, and Hu Yifei also looked at Tang Youyou blankly.

  Tang Youyou patted his head and said with a look of regret: "Forgot to tell you, you are honorable guests, you can't go to the balcony, you must go to the main entrance, and we have prepared a surprise for you!"

  Guan Gu looked at Tang Youyou with a speechless expression: "Yuyou! You said the surprise!"

  Tang Youyou covered her mouth and said quickly, "I haven't said what the surprise is! Come in from the front!"

  Su Xin reluctantly took Hu Yifei back to 3601 and walked to 3602 again.

  Hu Yifei said suspiciously: "Why do I feel something bad!"

  Su Xin nodded: "You feel right, it was a wrong decision for us to participate in this couple's weekend, but the little aunt is an elder, how can we refuse!"

  Hu Yifei nodded in agreement: "Let's take a step by step!"

  After Hu Yifei finished speaking, he knocked on the door.


  The door of 3602 was opened, Tang Youyou and Guan Gu miraculously waved the ribbons and danced a strange dance: "Welcome to Couples Weekend!"

  Su Xin and Hu Yifei smiled awkwardly. Tang Youyou didn't feel embarrassed at all, and dragged the two to the table: "You must have eaten at noon! Come and try the sushi made by Guan Gu!"

  Su Xin and Hu Yifei were dragged by Tang Youyou and ate a lot of sushi. Hu Yifei, who was losing weight, directly declared that the weight loss plan failed.

  After eating, Tang Youyou pulled the two of them to sing, and Su Xin crushed the audience alone. Tang Youyou saw that Su Xin could not sing, and immediately began to pull the two of them to play strange cards.

  Hu Yifei watched the three of them playing, not knowing what cards they were playing, some of them were big heads, and made an excuse to leave.

  "Su Xin! You play with Yoyo and the others for a while, I'll go first!"

  "Crush! Choke!"

  Tang Youyou ran directly to the door and closed the door, pulled out a fruit knife with a long arm, and said with a gloomy face, "I bought a celebration cake! I haven't cut the cake yet!"

  Although Hu Yifei is not afraid of the fruit knife in Tang Youyou's hand, but Tang Youyou is Su Xin's little aunt and her own elder, Hu Yifei doesn't want to do it.

  At night, Su Xin and Hu Yifei walked back to 3601 without any love, and Hu Yifei sat on the sofa and complained.

  "I will never go to couples weekend again! It's torture!"

  Su Xin also nodded in agreement: "This is my last time participating!"

  At this time, Chen Meijia walked out and saw the two sitting on the sofa chatting, and asked curiously, "Didn't you guys participate in Guan Gu and Yoyo's couple weekend? How is it?"

  After thinking for a long time, Su Xin said, "I'm very full! I ate a lot of sushi and cakes!"

  Chen Meijia said brightly, "So good? I want to participate too!"

  Hu Yifei said a little unhappily: "What a good thing! I worked so hard to lose a pound, and it will definitely rise again now!"

  Chen Meijia looked at Hu Yifei in shock: "Sister Yifei, do you still need to lose weight with such a perfect body? Do you know how much I envy you? You had some flaws before, but now, your flaws have become Advantages, can you tell me how you increased it?"

  Hu Yifei saw Chen Meijia looking at her Yuexiong with envy, and said slightly proudly: "I have a secret recipe! Do you want to know?"

  Chen Meijia nodded quickly, then remembered something, and asked, "How much did you spend?"

  Hu Yifei took out her mobile phone: "It's not expensive! It's all ingredients, except for two that are more difficult to buy, other things can be bought in the supermarket! As long as you stick to eating for a year, you can grow one or two models!"

  "One year?"

  Chen Meijia began to hesitate: "How much will it cost this year?"

  "Not much! Seven or eighty thousand! I think it's worth it!" After Hu Yifei finished speaking, she sent the secret recipe to Chen Meijia.

  Chen Meijia said embarrassedly: "I think papaya is also very good, economical and affordable, although the effect is a bit slower!"

  Hu Yifei nodded and said nothing, but took out the yoga mat from the TV.

  "I'm going to burn all those calories!".

Chapter 251

  Su Xin saw that Hu Yifei was trying to lose weight because of a joke he made at the beginning, so he couldn't help feeling guilty and spoke out to discourage him.

  "Yifei! You're not fat, so what to lose! Just run and dance. There's no need to think about how to lose weight every day!"

  Hu Yifei put the yoga mat away and started practicing: "Last time you said I was fat! Now you say I'm not fat anymore?"

  Su Xin looked at Hu Yifei with embarrassment: "I just said it casually! Don't take it seriously! At that time, it was because I was bored running alone, and I just made an excuse to drag you to run!"

  "You don't have to worry about me, you go to rest first! I - practice for a while!"

  Hu Yifei did not stop, but continued to practice yoga.

  Seeing that Su Xin wanted to persuade Chen Meijia, she stopped Su Xin: "Forget it! A woman is a person who pleases herself! This is not just a sentence. If you praise Sister Yifei after she loses weight, she probably won't. If she loses weight, you will damage her if she still loses weight, it will definitely work!"

  Su Xin nodded, and he found out that Hu Yifei was very concerned about his own opinion.

  "You practice first, I'll go back to rest!"

  Su Xin picked up a fruit, stood up and walked back to the room.

  At noon the next day, when everyone was sitting in the bar chatting, Chen Meijia handed Hu Yifei a tablet and asked cheerfully.

  "Sister Yifei! How about what I've done?"

  Hu Yifei took the tablet and looked at it suspiciously, and looked at Chen Meijia in shock.

  "Mika, you actually put yourself on the Internet?"

  Chen Meijia smiled and nodded: "This is the inspiration that Guan Gu gave me. If you want to find a good job, you must first sell yourself!"

  Hu Yifei handed the tablet to Su Xin, and Su Xin read the introduction: "Four-star recommendation, hard-working, good character, super beautiful Chen Meijia who can do all jobs, [-] free shipping! First come, first served!"

  Lu Ziqiao looked at Chen Meijia contemptuously and mocked: "Is this talking about you? It seems that none of them describe you! Be careful someone complains about you!"

  When Chen Meijia heard Lu Ziqiao's words, she immediately became angry: "You!"

  Seeing that the two were about to quarrel again, Zeng Xiaoxian hurriedly stopped them, and gave Chen Meijia a suggestion by the way.

  "Meijia! You can go to Su Xin's company to find a job! Their company has been recruiting assistants and secretaries! You have experience as an assistant, so you will definitely be competent!"

  Chen Meijia looked at Su Xin expectantly: "Can I apply?"

  Su Xin knew Chen Meijia's ability, and refused without thinking: "The staff recruited by our company must have at least one skill! You are not suitable!"

  Chen Meijia said hesitantly: "I also have technology, I... I play games well!"

  Seeing Su Xin's embarrassment, Hu Yifei took the initiative to help Su Xin out of the siege: "Mei Jia! Actually, you can find me about this matter! I'm an authoritative expert on employment!"


  Chen Meijia looked at Hu Yifei suspiciously.

  Zeng Xiaoxian sneered: "You have never been employed, what kind of authority are you?"

  Hu Yifei cast a displeased glance at Zeng Xiaoxian, then took out a book in her bag: "Working Guide for College Students! When I was a teaching assistant, I worked as an employment counselor for students!"

  Lu Ziqiao pointed at Chen Meijia with a look of contempt: "You are a college student! Heaven's favorite! A winner in life! This one hasn't even graduated from elementary school. Do you think they are on the same level?"

  Hu Yifei said indifferently: "Don't worry, there are thousands of roads, and they will always lead to the same destination. I will help you find them and see if anyone can teach people to find a job!"

  Chen Meijia looked at Hu Yifei expectantly, but Hu Yifei flipped through the book and couldn't find it. She looked at Chen Meijia in embarrassment: "There's no way to teach people how to find a job!"


  Chen Meijia looked at Hu Yifei in surprise.

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