Zhang Xiaofeng continued to explain to Chen Meijia: "I'm not jumping off the building anymore, I listened to your words, and I talked to my father for 28 times! He agreed with me to change departments. The purpose of my visit this time is for your work. I heard that you were fired, and it happens that my pet store lacks an assistant, do you think you are interested?"

  Chen Meijia's eyes lit up, and she nodded quickly: "I like small animals the most! I'm definitely qualified for this position, by the way! Is the internet speed of the pet store fast?"

  Zhang Xiaofeng said cautiously: "Don't worry! The speed of my family's internet is excellent!"

  Hu Yifei walked to Su Xin and said in a low voice, "Why do I feel that there is something tricky between the two of them?"

  Su Xin nodded with a smile on his face: "Young man is ignorant! You will definitely see more in the future!"

  Hu Yifei and Su Xin did not disturb their chat, Hu Yifei took the dish from Su Xin's hand: "I'm going to cook!"

  "Ding Ding Ding!"

  On the sofa, the phone ringing came from Hu Yifei's bag. Su Xin wiped his hands and opened Hu Yifei's bag. It was his own phone that rang.

  Su Xin took out his mobile phone and looked at it. It was Lu Ziqiao who was calling. Su Xin connected to the mobile phone and heard violent music and cheers.

  "Su Xin! Come to the bar! Something good!"

  Su Xin asked suspiciously, "What's the good thing?"

  "You'll know when you come! Hurry up!"

  After Lu Ziqiao finished speaking, he hung up. Su Xin said to the kitchen, "Yifei! Ziqiao has something to do with me! I'll go out first!"

  Hu Yifei didn't come out: "Go! Come back early, don't wait for the dishes to cool!"

  "it is good!"

  Su Xin responded, said hello to Chen Meijia and Zhang Xiaofeng, and walked outside.

  Seeing that Su Xin was leaving, Zhang Xiaofeng also began to say goodbye to Chen Meijia: "Mr. Chen! I still have something to do, I'll go first! You can go directly to the address I gave you tomorrow!"

  Chen Meijia stood up with a smile: "I won't give you away! I'll treat you to dinner another day!"

  Zhang Xiaofeng's face flushed, and he fled after replying.

  "it is good!"

  Su Xin walked outside, closed the door, and joked, "Young ignorant!"

  Zhang Xiaofeng didn't care about Su Xin's ridicule either. The two took the elevator downstairs without much communication, and they separated after getting out of the elevator.

  Su Xin walked to the bar. When he reached the door, Zeng Xiaoxian also came over. Su Xin asked suspiciously, "Mr. Zeng? Ziqiao called you too?"

  Zeng Xiaoxian asked blankly, "What do you tell me to do?"

  "Zi Qiao asked me to come to the bar and said it was a good thing!" Su Xin walked into the bar after finishing speaking.

  As soon as the two entered the bar, a burst of violent musicians came. Su Xin looked around suspiciously: "This bar is designed very well! No sound can be heard outside!"

  Zeng Xiaoxian said proudly: "Of course! Huang Baoqiang and I are both afraid of disturbing the people, so we specially asked someone to design it. No matter how noisy it is inside, you can't hear it outside. Except for the price, there are no other problems."

  At this time, Lu Ziqiao came over with a few bottles of wine: "Su Xin! You haven't been to a party for a long time! Come together!"

  Su Xin shook his head and refused directly: "Forget it! Yifei is still waiting for me to go back to eat! You came to me just to let me go to the party?"

  Lu Ziqiao threw a bottle of wine to Su Xin: "How do you live a home life? Are you so afraid of Hu Yifei?"

  Su Xin caught the wine and said displeasedly: "What is fear? I'm enjoying life! What's so good about participating in a party? It's all bragging and then jumping around, we're past that age!"

  Lu Ziqiao threw a bottle to Zeng Xiaoxian, and then touched Su Xin with the bottle: "I'm a few years older than you! I'm still swimming in this noisy world, but you have to escape into the empty door, you are worthy of your own Are you young?"


  Su Xin looked at Lu Ziqiao with a black line: "I just don't go to the party, how can I escape into the empty door?"

  Lu Ziqiao patted Su Xin on the shoulder: "Don't talk nonsense, you don't have to pay today, I'll treat you! Let's dance for our eternal youth!"

  Zeng Xiaoxian grabbed Lu Ziqiao and persuaded him, "It will close in more than two hours! You can't jump up anymore!"

  Lu Ziqiao put the wine bottle on the table beside him: "It's not closed today, just play!"

  Zeng Xiaoxian said with a displeased expression: "You said you won't close if you don't close! Where's Joey?"

  Lu Ziqiao took out a bunch of keys and shook it: "Joey's wife gave birth, he has already rushed to the hospital, I promised him that the door will close at twelve o'clock, but I didn't say it is twelve o'clock today! I can totally do it at ten tomorrow. It closes at two!"

  Zeng Xiaoxian began to persuade Lu Ziqiao: "If you really do this, aren't you afraid that Joey will kill you?"

  Lu Ziqiao had an indifferent expression: "People are floating in the rivers and lakes, how can they not be stabbed! It doesn't matter!"

  "Hello!" A soft and waxy voice sounded, and a few people followed the voice, and a woman who looked a little fat was standing not far from them.

  When the woman saw a few people looking at her, she quickly asked, "Is it really not closed tonight? I have a few friends coming over, and they are all beauties!"

  Lu Ziqiao pointed at Zeng Xiaoxian: "Ask him!"

  Zeng Xiaoxian smiled politely, then turned to look at Lu Ziqiao, and said with a serious face: "I have a girlfriend! Do you think I will follow you to fool around?"

  Lu Ziqiao winked and pointed at Su Xin, and then whispered to Zeng Xiaoxian, "Do you want to be like him? You're around your wife all day long, don't you dare to take a second look at beautiful women!"

  Zeng Xiaoxian immediately shook his head: "Hong Lei has never cared about these things! I think the beauty she just said a few words to me at most!"

  Lu Ziqiao patted Zeng Xiaoxian and said, "Then what are you afraid of! There are not many opportunities for this kind of carnival, so don't miss it!".

Chapter 254

  Just when Zeng Xiaoxian was thinking about it, Su Xin couldn't help complaining: "If you want to whisper, just go to the side and say it, and say it next to me, I'm not deaf, how can I not hear your words!"

  Lu Ziqiao said with a slight contempt, "We don't care about you at all. The reason why we whispered is that others will hear it. It doesn't matter if you hear it!"

  Su Xin frowned and said: "It seems that you have forgotten who is the man of the party! Today I will let you experience it again!"

  Su Xin walked to the woman opposite: "Mr. Zeng has agreed not to close! Let's go have a drink together!"

  The woman readily agreed, followed Su Xin to the side, Zeng Xiaoxian said dumbfounded, "I haven't agreed yet!"

  Lu Ziqiao patted Zeng Xiaoxian on the shoulder sympathetically: "I'll give you a chance! It's your own uselessness, you can't blame me, by the way! By the way, I advise you to find a good target to strike up a conversation with, or let Su Xin guide you. gone!"

  Zeng Xiaoxian looked at Su Xin suspiciously: "Is it so powerful!"

  At midnight, Su Xin was dancing, surrounded by many people on the inner three floors and the outer three floors, while Zeng Xiaoxian and Lu Ziqiao were standing by the counter, looking like lemon essences.

  Zeng Xiaoxian couldn't help but complain: "Why are there so many people at the scene surrounding Su Xin?"

  Lu Ziqiao took a sip of wine dejectedly: "I'm used to it. Before, one or two would stay to chat, but now I'm all watching him dance!"

  Zeng Xiaoxian put the wine on the bar, and said very unhappily, "All the beauties went to chat with him! What should we do? Are we just watching?"

  Lu Ziqiao smiled mysteriously: "Don't worry, I may not have been able to do anything before, but now I have a solution! Even if he is the king of the party, he will obediently leave when he encounters his weakness!"

  Zeng Xiaoxian asked curiously, "What can I do?"

  Lu Ziqiao took out his mobile phone and dialed Hu Yifei's number: "Of course he's summoning his nemesis! Let Yifei take him away, this party is still our home game~ˇ!"

  After the phone rang for a while, Hu Yifei answered the call.

  "Hey! Lu Ziqiao! What are you calling so late?"

  Lu Ziqiao said calmly, "I have important news to tell you! Su Xin is picking up girls at the bar!"

  "What? Reverse him!"

  Hu Yifei said a word and hung up the phone directly.

  Lu Ziqiao smiled sinisterly: "It's done!"

  Zeng Xiaoxian asked worriedly, "Will nothing happen?"

  Lu Ziqiao said disapprovingly: "Even if there is something, Su Xin has something to do, we must be fine!"

  Zeng Xiaoxian nodded worriedly: "That's right! However, will Su Xin take revenge on us?"

  Lu Ziqiao picked up the wine and took a sip: "That's a matter of the future. I kindly asked him to come to the party, but he came and caught him all in one go. We won't cheat on him?"

  Zeng Xiaoxian took a sip from the wine glass and didn't worry anymore: "Don't grab it when I strike up a conversation!"


  Lu Ziqiao gave an OK gesture.

  Ten minutes later, Su Xin was chatting and drinking with several beauties, and Hu Yifei walked into the bar with a cold face!

  Seeing Hu Yifei coming in, Lu Ziqiao hurriedly pointed to Su Xin's location: "The show is about to begin, get ready to chat up, don't be robbed by others!"

  Zeng Xiaoxian vowed: "Don't worry! I have already chosen my target! Just wait for Su Xin to be taken away!"

  Su Xin was chatting happily with the person on the opposite side, but suddenly someone behind him pulled him up. Su Xin said reluctantly, "Who is it? It's so rude,,,, so polite!"

  Su Xin looked back and saw that it was Hu Yifei, so he changed his words quickly.

  Hu Yifei said with a sullen face: "The old lady cooks for you at home and waits for you to come home for dinner. You are here to be cool!"

  Su Xin said slightly embarrassedly: "We are just chatting! There is absolutely nothing else!"

  "Stop talking nonsense! Come with me!"

  After Hu Yifei finished speaking, he dragged Su Xin directly outside. When Su Xin saw the two people at the bar giggling, he immediately understood that he had been tricked.

  Su Xin was dragged by Hu Yifei to the outside and passed the bar by the way, and he complained, "You two are cheating on me, I will write down this grudge!"

  Hu Yifei continued to pull Su Xin to the outside: "First think about how you will survive today, and then think about revenge!"

  Seeing Su Xin's depressed look, Lu Ziqiao sneered, "You used to be a king! Then your daughter-in-law came! You can't even compare to a passerby!"

  After Su Xin was pulled out by Hu Yifei, most people were stunned!I didn't know what to do for a while.

  Lu Ziqiao took the opportunity to shout, "The night has just begun! Let's continue cheering!"

  With Lu Ziqiao adding to the atmosphere, it quickly returned to a lively appearance.

  On the other hand, Su Xin was pulled back to 3601 by Hu Yifei. Hu Yifei pushed Su Xin to the table: "¨" Come to me after eating, don't make excuses! "

  After Hu Yifei finished speaking, he walked to his room. Su Xin looked at the cold food on the table, and with a helpless look on his face, he started to eat.

  The next day, Su Xin ran and sat on the sofa to rest in the early morning, while Hu Yifei was happily making breakfast.

  Su Xin drank a glass of water and asked Hu Yifei, "Yifei! Who called you last night?"

  Hu Yifei smiled and came out with breakfast: "Don't check it! It's a secret, hurry up and eat!"

  Su Xin took the breakfast and said displeasedly: "What kind of secret is this, it must be Zi Qiao or Teacher Zeng. Since you don't tell me, then I'd rather kill the mistake and let it go, and take revenge on it all!"

  Seeing that Lu Ziqiao had informed her, Hu Yifei began to say good things to them: "Everyone is a friend, why should you be angry for a trivial matter! Say it again! If you want to chat, talk to me! Why go to that party!"

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