"I know all your routines, do I need to be a rogue? I really have an interest in you. You said that you will consider having children after you retire. When you retire, Yifei and I will all go to primary school. If it was earlier, they would be able to go to middle school. When the two brothers meet, should they be called brother or uncle?"

  When Xiao Qing heard Su Xin's words, he was neither angry nor angry, just like watching a play.

  "You continue! I see how you anger me! In my opinion, you are deliberately angering me because you are afraid that I will interrogate you! I said why you keep urging me to take you to the police station! It turned out to be a premeditated plan!"

  Seeing Xiao Qing's return to normal, Su Xin asked tentatively, "Yifei wants to get a certificate from me, see if you can divorce me first, and I'll do it with Yifei first!"


  Xiao Qing punched Su Xin in the eye and said angrily: "You bastard! Don't say it anymore! I found that you know me too well! I want to talk to you with someone else, go to the police station first!"

  Xiao Qing didn't exert any force, and Su Xin's defense had increased, so Su Xin was fine at all, and he didn't even have a dark circle under his eyes.


  Su Xin breathed a sigh of relief. The reason why he was talking about was that Xiao Qing would not be interrogated. There are some secrets that should not be known to outsiders. That's why Su Xin disrupted Xiao Qing's mind on the way to the police station. Xiao Qing interrogated, I am afraid some small secrets will be asked.Her interrogation ability is still quite terrifying.

  Xiao Qing frowned when he heard Su Xin exhale: "You are relaxed! It means that some of your goals have been achieved! It seems that you don't want me to interrogate me! You still have a secret!"

  "Women should not be too smart! Self-righteousness may lead to unintended consequences!" Su Xin said meaningfully.

  Xiao Qing was stunned for a moment, then returned to normal: "Don't worry! I know what to do!"

  Xiao Qing could hear the meaning of Su Xin's words, but she knew that if she didn't interrogate Su Xin, she would probably get nothing.

  Xiao Qing began to feel a little tangled. One was her career and the other was her family. She couldn't choose this choice. She thought the two would not conflict, but now it is.

  Su Xin also saw Xiao Qing's entanglement, and said slowly: "You belong to the family of the suspect in this matter, and you have to avoid the normal process, so there is no need to tangle, you can just leave the matter to someone else!"

  Xiao Qing did not speak, but nodded lightly.

  When Lian personally arrived at the police station, Xiao Qing led Su Xin to find an acquaintance, and Su Xin greeted him skillfully.

  "Old Zhao! You, Captain Xiao, have eaten too much. You have to say that I have something to do with what happened last night. You want to interrogate me. She is a family member and needs to be avoided. It is up to you to interrogate me!"

  Xiao Qing kicked Su Xin: "You just ate too much! I haven't had breakfast yet!"

  Xiao Qing looked at Lao Zhao and told Lao Zhao all the clues.

  Lao Zhao looked at the two of them with a bewildered expression: "You two are not quarreling, are you? Are such a trivial matter going to come here?"

  Su Xin pointed at Xiao Qing, and mocked: "How could it be such a trivial matter! It's all so commotion to the point of getting a divorce! We'll go through the formalities when the matter is over!"


  Xiao Qing scolded, walked outside, turned back to Su Xin after taking two steps: "I'm going to have some breakfast, what do you have?"

  Su Xin thought for a while: "I'm really hungry! I have to stay here for a day, I'm a little bored, you can bring me some steamed buns, and two catties of melon seeds. I want spiced ones, and by the way, bring some fruits, what bananas, apples, oranges? It’s fine, just bring a few kilograms, and bring something to drink, if possible, it’s best…”

  Xiao Qing looked at Su Xin with a black line: "Are you here on vacation? Only breakfast, whether you like it or not!"

  After Xiao Qing finished speaking and walked out, Lao Zhao asked, "Are you going to the office or not?"

  Su Xin walked directly to the interrogation room: "Of course it is the interrogation room! Do you need to ask? Follow the rules! I don't want privileges!"

  After Su Xin walked to the interrogation room and sat down, she called Hu Yifei and asked her to buy the things she bought. If she stayed for a day, she would probably be bored to death.

  Lao Zhao sat opposite Su Xin and took out a file: "Hand over your phone first!"

  "Fuck off! I'm cooperating with the investigation, what are you doing with my phone? You're full!" Su Xin said angrily.


  Lao Zhao looked at Su Xin helplessly: "You said to cooperate with the investigation! I have to check your mobile phone!"

  Su Xin looked at Lao Zhao with contempt: "Do I look like a fool? Who would keep such an important clue? Can you ask something useful?"

  Lao Zhao looked at Su Xin with some collapse: "Name!"

  "Su Xin!" Su Xin replied with little interest.

  Lao Zhao continued to ask as usual: "Farewell!"


  Su Xin said feebly, "Can you ask some nonsense questions?"

  Lao Zhao put the pen on the table: "I don't want to judge! Let's change someone!"

  Su Xin said helplessly: "Don't! It's too boring to leave me alone here! If you keep asking, I'll definitely chat with you honestly!"

  Old Zhao helplessly picked up the pen and continued to ask, "Age?"

  "Speaking of this age! I think I'm still young. After I divorced Xiao Qing, how could I find someone better than her! My requirements are not too high, younger than her, better than her. gentle……"

  Ten minutes later, Su Xin was chattering, and Lao Zhao listened in love, his eyes were dull, obviously he was wandering in the sky.


  There was a knock on the door, and a policeman led Hu Yifei in. Hu Yifei was still carrying a pile of food in his hand.

  Hu Yifei put the things in front of Su Xin and asked suspiciously, "Are you allowed to eat here now?"

  "I'm assisting in the investigation, and I still have the right to eat!" Su Xin finished speaking and took out a bag of melon seeds.

  Lao Zhao stood up directly: "I can't do the trial anymore, I'm more verbose than Tang Seng! Let's try another person!".

Chapter 249

  (As for the question of asking Hu Yifei to deliver things, being taken to the police station and visiting are not the same concept, so don’t confuse them.)

  Seeing that Lao Zhao was about to leave, Su Xin hurriedly stopped him: "Don't go! It would be nice to have some melon seeds and chat together!"

  "I can't afford you melon seeds. I'm afraid I'll drive myself crazy. You can talk to someone else!"

  After Lao Zhao finished speaking, he hurried out.

  Su Xin looked at Hu Yifei and asked, "Yifei! Do you still have classes?"

  Hu Yifei shook his head: "I don't have class today, but Guan Gu and Youyou invited us to have a couple's weekend!"

  Su Xin pulled a stool and put it next to him: "Let's chat for a while! I'm a little bored when I'm alone!"

  Hu Yifei nodded and sat on the stool. The policeman standing beside saw the two of them chatting with each other, looking like they had eaten dog food, and ran away!

  After a while, Xiao Qing came back with a bag of things, saw Su Xin and Hu Yifei chatting and eating melon seeds, frowned and said, "You really think of this place as a tourist!"

  Su Xin waved his hand: "Let's chat for a while?"

  Xiao Qing put the things in front of Su Xin and asked, "Where's Lao Zhao?"

  "He doesn't want to try, let you find someone else!"

  Su Xin replied and brought a fruit to Hu Yifei. Hu Yifei shook his head and refused: "I ate a little too much! Eat it yourself!"

  Su Xin wanted to hand it to Xiao Qing, but he suddenly remembered, so he took it back and took a bite: "Officer Xiao! Do you have anything else to ask? If you don't have me, go first!"

  Xiao Qing glared at Su Xin: "I'll find someone!"

  Xiao Qing walked out angrily and began to find someone to interrogate Su Xin, but it was of no use, and he was all led astray by Su Xin!

  In the end, Xiao Qing interrogated himself, and it turned out that Su Xin did not talk about martial arts, and directly showed his affection to Hu Yifei. An angry Xiao Qing directly drove the two out of the police station, and all the troubles were solved.

  Su Xin drove Hu Yifei to the love apartment in his car. Hu Yifei sat in the co-pilot and asked worriedly, "You are so angry, are you really okay~ˇ?"

  "It's okay! At most, I'll be hammered next time we meet! Small problem!"

  Su Xin didn't care about this matter. After all, it was Xiao Qing who insisted on being truthful. If there was no evidence, he had to find evidence. If he was not angry with her, Su Xin would not eat well.

  The two returned to 3601. Hu Yifei received a message from Guan Guqi and Tang Youyou, inviting them to participate in the couple's weekend. Guan Guqi and Tang Youyou each sent one, and Su Xin also received two.

  Hu Yifei put the phone on the table and walked to her room: "I'm going to change clothes!"

  Su Xin thought of the couples weekend magically held by Tang Youyou and Guan Gu in the original book, and couldn't help but worry a little, and it was not enough if he didn't go.

  Su Xin sat on the sofa, opened his laptop, and looked at the information on the Internet. He had to say that although Zhao Wuliang didn't look very good, he did things quite beautifully!Not only did he clean up the school, but he also helped the police to clean up a wave. Even he himself started a live broadcast to apologize, and various platforms also calmed down the matter.

  Su Xin's computer started the video conference, Zhao Wuliang was the first to board, and he also needed finance and manpower!Only Wang Kuo didn't come up, and Su Xin didn't have any dissatisfaction, but asked Zhao Wuliang: "Is there a lot of things in the game? Is Wang Kuo so busy?"

  Zhao Wuliang explained, "The match went well at the beginning, but one player was so desperate that he beat his teammates!"

  Su Xin took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Wang Kuo.

  Soon Wang Kuo also boarded.

  Su Xin asked directly, "How's it going?"

  "It has been resolved, and all the media have done it! The impact of this incident has been minimized!"

  Su Xin frowned, and said with a slight displeasure: "You are becoming more and more stubborn! Why don't you use such a good opportunity for hype? There will be topics when there is controversy. , players who hit people, permanently banned!"

  Wang Kuo was stunned when he heard Su Xin's words, and then nodded: "I'll deal with it in a while!"

  Su Xin did not discuss these trivial matters, but changed the subject: "You should have heard about yesterday's incident! Zhao Wuliang did a good job, and things are done well. Although there are some flaws, it is not a big problem!"

  Zhao Wuliang complained with a bitter face: "Boss! You can't blame me! Those people are so sorry for the audience! Everyone in the audience is retching!"

  Su Xin interrupted Zhao Wuliang's words: "I can't blame you for this. Anyone who sees it will respond to it. Don't worry, your reward is indispensable, and we will reward you together at the end of the year!"

  "Thank you Boss!" Zhao Wuliang happily said thanks.

  Su Xin continued to ask about data and other things.

  After Hu Yifei came out, she didn't disturb Su Xin, and sat aside to listen to Su Xin's speech.

  After Su Xin finished speaking, Hu Yifei handed Su Xin a glass of water: "¨" Why do I feel that you are getting more and more handsome! "

  Su Xin took a sip of water and joked, "When did you start to become a nympho!"

  Hu Yifei sat next to Su Xin: "This proves that I have good eyesight!"

  Su Xin laughed at Hu Yifei: "I remember that I was the one who fooled first, bah! I chased you first! You gave me a slap, and I want to get back some interest!"

  After Su Xin finished speaking, don't stop Hu Yifei, and suddenly an inappropriate cough sounded.

  "Cough cough!"

  Su Xin didn't answer, just waved his hand symbolizing the surname.

  "Cough! You wait a second! I have something to say!" Lu Ziqiao's voice came from not far away.

  Hu Yifei pushed Su Xin away and stood up calmly: "I'll go get something!"

  After Hu Yifei finished speaking, she walked to Su Xin's room. Su Xin pretended to arrange her clothes and looked at Lu Ziqiao and Zeng Xiaoxian with displeased faces.

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