Lu Zhanbo took a long breath and said, "It looks like it's time for a new computer!"

  Hu Yifei looked at Lu Zhanbo angrily: "Why are you so uneasy! You almost got caught, do you know that?"

  Lu Zhanbo said confidently: "Sister! Don't worry! I have erased all traces of me! They can't find me!"

  Su Xin took out his mobile phone and showed Lu Zhanbo the photo that Zhao Wuliang sent him.

  "When you hacked into our company's network, your photo had already been passed on to the company's technical department! If Zhao Wuqian didn't know you, we wouldn't be looking for you now!"

  Lu Zhanbo scratched his head embarrassedly: "I didn't expect your company's firewall to be so powerful, I just saw someone in the hacker group saying that a game's protection network is very powerful, I just wanted to try it, but I didn't expect the flood. rushed to the Dragon King Temple!".

Chapter 239

  Hu Yifei walked up to Lu Zhanbo and knocked on Lu Zhanbo's head.

  "You're good at it! Are you still a hacker?"

  Lu Zhanbo said innocently, "I didn't expect such a powerful firewall to come out in such a short period of time. It's even more powerful than the stupid firewall my brother-in-law made!"

  Su Xin gave Lu Zhanbo a helpless look: "Don't overestimate your strength in the future! Find someone to repair it yourself!"

  Lu Zhanbo nodded and asked tentatively, "Brother-in-law, can you help me install one of your firewall software?"

  Su Xin refused without thinking: "This software is top-secret and worth tens of billions! You should continue to use the cheating firewall!"

  Lu Zhanbo pointed to the laptop with the black screen: "This firewall is too scum! It's not an opponent of your firewall at all."

  "This is the top firewall on the market! As long as you don't attack our company's network, you'll be fine."

  Su Xin said I went outside, Hu Yifei reprimanded Lu Zhanbo a few more words, and then went out to look for Su Xin.

  Lu Zhanbo silently lifted the broken door: "What a big loss!"

  On the other side, Su Xin also received a call to deliver furniture. Su Xin added a little money to let the staff install it and take away the old creations.

  After working together, it was already evening. After Su Xin and Hu Yifei finished eating, Su Xin asked Hu Yifei to try on the clothes that Chen Meijia sent!

  The next morning, Su Xin drove Lu Zhanbo, Lu Ziqiao and Hu Yifei to the school.

  Hu Yifei sat in the co-pilot, dressed in white, looking immortal.

  Hu Yifei glanced at Hu Yifei and Lu Zhanbo in the back seat with a puzzled expression: "What are you doing here?"

  Lu Ziqiao pointed to Su Xin: "I received money and was hired by someone!"

  Lu Zhanbo had a helpless expression on his face: "I'm looking for someone to repair the door! I was pulled over inexplicably!"

  Hu Yifei looked at Su Xin suspiciously: "What's going on?"

  Su Xin smiled and comforted: "Don't worry, today you are just as beautiful as a goddess teacher, I promise to make your living room full~ˇ!"

  When Hu Yifei heard Su Xin's words, although he was a little puzzled, he didn't ask in detail!

  When he got to the school, Su Xin parked the car in the parking lot, asked Hu Yifei to point out the location of the classroom, and then asked Hu Yifei to go to work first, while he led Lu Ziqiao and Lu Zhanbo to the classroom.

  Several people arrived at the door and did nothing, but moved a chair in the classroom and sat beside the classroom.

  Lu Ziqiao looked at Su Xin blankly: "What are we going to do?"


  Su Xin said something and continued to wait.

  Ten minutes later, Su Xin's cell phone rang.


  Su Xin said and answered the phone.

  Zhao Wuliang's voice came from the phone.

  "Boss! Done!"

  "it is good!"

  Su Xin replied, hung up the phone, and made another call: "Start work!"

  Lu Ziqiao and Lu Zhanbo looked at Su Xin with bewildered expressions: "What kind of work?"

  After Su Xin finished speaking, he hung up the phone and looked at a passing student: "Little brother! Come on!"

  The student looked at Su Xin blankly: "Are you calling me?"

  Su Xin nodded and said with a smile, "Have you studied the Classics of the World?"

  The student shook his head: "No!"

  "Then don't listen to it! After you go, there will be no seats!" Su Xin started to fool directly!

  Lu Ziqiao looked at Lu Zhanbo and said reluctantly, "Why do I feel like this scene seems familiar?"

  At this time, people entered the classroom one after another, and the students who were listening to Su Xin's flickering saw that there were really more and more people, and hurried in.

  Su Xin looked at Lu Ziqiao and Lu Zhanbo: "Your mission is to fool all the students who are going upstairs into this classroom!"

  Lu Zhanbo said with an embarrassed expression: "If we do this, will the security kick us out?"

  "Don't worry! Just now, I have become the largest shareholder of this school! No one will bombard you! You slowly pull people, and I will take a good position first!"

  After Su Xin finished speaking, he went straight in and sat in the middle of the first row.

  Lu Ziqiao complained, "No one has a surname!"

  In the corner of the corridor, a short-haired girl stood there hesitantly when she saw Su Xin's back.

  "Meet again! Why does time pass so slowly! Forget it! I won't see him for now! I'll give him a surprise after a while!"

  The short-haired girl hesitated for a while, then walked downstairs.

  In order not to look awkward, Su Xin deliberately changed into casual clothes and sat directly opposite the podium.

  "Su Xin?"

  A familiar voice came.

  Su Xin looked at the door, he was an acquaintance, a little fat from the Taekwondo Club!

  Fatty walked over to Su Xin and sat next to him.

  "I guess you'll come!"

  Su Xin looked at Xiao Pang suspiciously: "Xiao Pang! You also study the classics of the world?"

  Xiao Pang said with an unhappy expression: "¨" I am not called Xiao Pang!I really don't know why you guys gave me such a stupid name! "

  Su Xin looked at Xiaopang in surprise: "Isn't your name Shi Xiaopang?"

  "Of course not! Forget it! You all like to call it that, so let's call it that!" Little Fatty said helplessly.

  With more and more people, there are no more seats in the classroom!

  But someone still came. Su Xin saw this situation, made a phone call and told everyone to withdraw.

  After another ten minutes, a bell rang and Hu Yifei walked in.

  Seeing Su Xin sitting across from the podium, Hu Yifei's originally uneasy heart also calmed down.Hu Yifei walked to the podium and began to introduce herself.

  "Hello everyone! I'm your new teacher. My surname is Hu! My name is Hu Yifei. It's a pleasure to meet you. Today is my first day of class!"

  Xiaopang saw that Hu Yifei didn't have the murderous aura he had when teaching Taekwondo, and looked at Su Xin beside him doubtfully: "Is this really Teacher Hu? Why does it feel a little different? When she was a teacher for us, she never made a sound. It's less than [-] decibels, (Zhao Wanghao) talking so softly now, why do I feel awkward?"

  Su Xin explained with a smile: "Teaching regular classes is different from teaching sports, and you get used to it gradually!"

  "Shi Xiaopang, classmate! Don't talk to other students!"

  Hu Yifei saw Su Xin and Xiao Chuan whispering, and directly reminded him.

  Xiao Pang looked like he was unlovable, and retorted: "Mr. Hu! My name is Shi Xiaoming!"

  Hu Yifei nodded: "Okay Shi Xiaopang! Please don't disturb the discipline in the classroom!"


  When Xiaopang saw that Hu Yifei still called himself Shi Xiaopang, he could only reluctantly admit the name.

  Su Xin listened to Hu Yifei for a while and felt a little sleepy.

  "Looks like I'm a senior student too!"

  Su Xin complained, and then fell asleep on the table!

  Seeing that Su Xin was actually sleeping, Hu Yifei was immediately depressed: Is my teaching so bad? .

Chapter 240

  Time flies, and a class was soon finished. Hu Yifei packed up the materials and looked at Xiaopang: "Shi Xiaopang, wake up the person next to you! Let him come to me after class!"

  "get out of class has ended?"

  As soon as Hu Yifei finished speaking, Su Xin woke up.

  Hu Yifei looked at Su Xin with a black line: "Follow me!"

  After Hu Yifei finished speaking, he walked out, and Xiao Pang looked at Su Xin with sympathy: "It seems that you can't avoid kneeling on the washboard, do you want me to help you choose a better washboard, at least kneeling won't hurt so much? !"

  "Fuck off! Do I need to kneel on the washboard?"

  Su Xin said disdainfully, and then walked out of the classroom.

  Seeing Su Xin following, Hu Yifei complained helplessly: "Did you make a mistake! You are here to help, not to spoil the place. You are the only one sleeping in the entire classroom!"

  Su Xin explained helplessly: "This is an instinctive reaction that was trained when I was in school. As long as I talk about class, I will feel sleepy!"

  Hu Yifei pinched Su Xin: "This time it's still a success, I won't pursue your sleep!"

  Su Xin said proudly: "That is, the resources I use will definitely make you the most popular teacher!"

  Hu Yifei nodded with satisfaction. Seeing no one around, she gave Su Xin a nod, "This is a reward for you. You wait for me in the parking lot first, and I'll put the information back!"

  Su Xin asked suspiciously, "Just one class?"

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