"Five classes a week! One class a day!" Hu Yifei walked to the office after finishing speaking.

  Su Xin walked to the parking lot and looked around when he got there. When he got to the parking lot, Su Xin began to doubt again: "Am I the protagonist? Can't I meet them in a school? All the tricks are better than my chances. Zhuge Dali should be a junior or senior!"

  Su Xin closed himself for a while, then got into the car and sat in the car waiting for Hu Yifei.

  Ten minutes later, Hu Yifei sat in the co-pilot of the car and asked suspiciously, "Where are Ziqiao and Zhanbo?"

  "They've already taken a taxi back!"

  After Su Xin finished speaking, he started the car and drove to the love apartment.

  Back at the love apartment, Su Xin parked the car.

  "Yifei! They should be waiting for our news at the bar! Let's go to the bar!"

  After Su Xin finished speaking, he led Hu Yifei to the bar.

  The two walked to the bar and saw everyone sitting on the sofa chatting.

  When Zeng Xiaoxian saw Su Xin and Hu Yifei approaching, he joked, "Su Xin really has a lot of thoughts! The first class must be full!"

  Hu Yifei said very happily: "That's right! My first formal class has ended successfully. To celebrate, how about I invite everyone to eat barbecue?"

  Zeng Xiaoxian immediately asked with a wide-eyed smile, "Can I bring my family? It happens that I am worried about what to invite Hong Lei to eat."

  Hu Yifei didn't care about Zeng Xiaoxian taking more than one person, but readily agreed: "Of course!"

  Lu Zhanbo asked curiously, "Who is Hong Lei?"

  Guan Gu explained magically: "It's Teacher Zeng's girlfriend! It is said that the two get along very harmoniously!"

  "Since everyone has no opinion, let's go!"

  Hu Yifei greeted everyone to go outside. The barbecue restaurant Hu Yifei chose was not far away, just opposite the apartment.

  Guan Gu looked at the open space miraculously, and said to himself, "Do you need me to bring something?"

  Tang Youyou shuddered: "Guan Gu! You don't really have a mental illness, do you!"

  Guan Guqi saw that everyone was looking at him with surprise, and Guan Guqi quickly explained: "I'm not mentally ill! I'm talking to Maliao, you can't see him."

  Zeng Xiaoxian stayed away from the magic of Guan Gu: "You also said that you are not mentally ill! You should see a doctor! It happens that I know a good psychiatrist, and I will take you to see it another day!"

  Guan Guqi shouted with embarrassment on his face: "I'm not mentally ill!"

  Chen Meijia watched Guan Gu's miraculously warily: "Not only does he have paranoia, he also has violent tendencies!"

  Lu Zhanbo said hesitantly: "Should we find someone to control him first? To prevent him from biting people?"

  Guan Gu immediately raised his hands: "You guys won! I will never behave abnormally again!"

  Lu Ziqiao looked at Su Xin: "Su Xin, if Guan Gu has any abnormal movements, you can do it directly, just leave him a breath and make sure he doesn't die!"


  Guan Gu looked at Lu Ziqiao with a resentful look on his face.

  A few people walked to the barbecue shop while talking and laughing. There were two more people, but Jian Ning was working and couldn't leave. Hong Lei had time, and Teacher Zeng introduced it to everyone.

  The next morning, when Su Xin and Hu Yifei came back from their run, Tang Youyou started to pull up.

  Su Xin and Hu Yifei sat on the sofa and took a sip of water to replenish their water.

  Tang Youyou came out: "Su Xin! Help me move things!"

  Su Xin asked suspiciously, "Guan Gu agrees with you to move here?"

  Tang Youyou nodded with a smile: "Well! He agreed! By the way, we have also prepared an event. If you have time on Sunday, we can hold a couples weekend. Guan Gu and I have prepared a lot for you. delicious!"

  Hu Yifei asked curiously: "Couples weekend? It sounds interesting! Let's participate!"

  Seeing that Hu Yifei agreed, Su Xin said helplessly, "Yifei! You will regret it!"

  Tang Youyou smiled and pulled Su Xin to the bedroom: "Don't worry, it's definitely better than going to the movies for you. There are still two days until the couple's weekend. Help me get my things to the next door first!"

  Su Xin saw a lot of clothes that Tang Youyou had packed up, and asked suspiciously, "I remember that you only brought a gun prop when you first came. Why are there so many now?"

  Tang Youyou smiled awkwardly: "I bought some when I first came, and then bought some for convenience, and Guan Gu gave me some! Before I knew it, there were so many things!"

  After Tang Youyou finished speaking, he patted Su Xin on the shoulder: "Great nephew! It's up to you!"

  Su Xin looked at Tang Youyou with a black line: "I'm not the only nephew of yours!"

  After Su Xin finished speaking, he shouted to the outside twice: "Lu Ziqiao! Lu Ziqiao!"


  Lu Ziqiao hurried over: "What's there to do!"

  Su Xin pointed to Tang Youyou's things: "This time I'm helping my little aunt move things! Are you embarrassed to ask for money?"


  Lu Ziqiao said with a depressed expression, "I want a hammer!"

  Tang Youyou smiled: "Hurry up and move!"

  After Tang Youyou finished speaking, she walked to Hu Yifei's side and started chatting with Hu Yifei.

  Su Xin and Lu Ziqiao started to carry things, and later called Lu Zhanbo and Guan Gu Qiqi together, and it took half an hour to finish!

  After cleaning up, Su Xin took advantage of the crowd and renovated the room, and called to order the latest smart innovation. Although it was ordered for Lin Wanyu, he definitely lived there often. .

Chapter 241

  After Su Xin cleaned up the room with everyone, he sat on the sofa in the living room to rest.

  Hu Yifei walked out of the room with her mobile phone, sat beside Su Xin and asked, "Su Xin! Our school held a party, on the roof of the Bund, with free drinks, would you like to go?"


  When Chen Meijia heard the party, she immediately exclaimed and looked at Hu Yifei expectantly: "Sister Yifei~! Can I go?"

  Su Xin glanced at Hu Yifei who was dressed up and said displeasedly: "You didn't say everything! Are there many handsome guys, and only single female teachers are invited! You are not single, what are you doing?"

  Hu Yifei was stunned for a moment, then looked at the information on the phone: "They said there are many handsome guys, but they didn't ask for-ah!"

  Su Xin looked at the phone suspiciously, then relieved.

  "It's normal! They know you have a boyfriend! So they want to dig my corner. If you don't believe me, ask the ugly female teacher in your school!"

  Hu Yifei looked at Su Xin suspiciously: "You think too much!"

  Chen Meijia said with bright eyes: "It's very possible, this is the usual routine in the world! Yifei! They all have bad intentions, why don't I go to the party for you! It's the so-called! I won't go to hell..."


  Hu Yifei interrupted Chen Meijia: "This is our school's activity, you are not a teacher! What are you doing?"

  Chen Meijia said excitedly: "Of course I'm looking for a handsome guy to chat up!"

  Hu Yifei didn't go with Chen Meijia, who was a hair-cutting nympho, and made a call with her mobile phone.

  "Hello! Teacher Feng! Have you received the invitation to the school party?"

  Hu Yifei asked briefly and found that it was as Su Xin said, the content of the invitation letter was completely different!

  Hu Yifei hung up the phone and said angrily, "These people are really courting death! See if I don't interrupt their dog legs!"

  Seeing that Hu Yifei was really going to hit someone, Su Xin stopped Hu Yifei directly.

  "Okay! You kill them again! I have a way! Leave it to me!"

  Hu Yifei looked at Su Xin suspiciously: "What can you do?"

  Su Xin did not answer Hu Yifei's question, but took out his mobile phone and made a call, asking the school to fire some teachers who were "not doing their jobs properly".

  After Su Xin finished the call, Hu Yifei asked suspiciously, "You are the mysterious shareholder rumored in our school?"

  Su Xin did not deny it, but directly admitted: "It's me! I have a lot of money recently, so I invested in some projects. It just so happens that your school is quite good! I just invested [-] million points directly!"

  Hu Yifei looked at Su Xin with contempt: "You don't even believe Mika! But since your starting point is good, I won't care about you!"

  Su Xin looked at Hu Yifei with a bewildered expression: "What do you care about me? I didn't provoke you when I bought the shares?"

  Hu Yifei stared at Su Xin, her words full of threats: "Are you reasoning with me?"

  "Don't talk about it! Can't be offended! Can't be offended!"

  Su Xin immediately changed the subject: "We must find a few people to rectify these wicked people!"

  Chen Meijia volunteered very actively: "Me! Let me go! I will definitely make them remember for life!"

  Su Xin looked at Chen Meijia and refused directly: "You can't! You're not ugly enough! It's better to have someone who can make others have nightmares for a few days at a glance!"

  Hu Yifei said thoughtfully: "Maybe Zhanbo can help you! He has participated in a primitive animal association before, and the girls in it are more ridiculous than each other!"

  Su Xin looked at Hu Yifei suspiciously: "Isn't that in a foreign country? It's too late for air transport now!"

  "There are a few people in there who are from this city, and Zhanbo should be able to contact them!" Hu Yifei explained.

  Su Xin thought for a while, perfected the plan, and smiled maliciously after thinking about it.

  "Okay! I'll go to Zhanbo later! You call the person who sent the invitation and say to bring a few single beauties with you. If they don't agree with you, say you won't go too!"

  Seeing Su Xin's malicious smile, Hu Yifei immediately understood that Su Xin had come up with another way to harm others.

  Hu Yifei smiled slyly: "Are you looking for a group of women with "characteristics" to go to the party?"

  Su Xin nodded, Hu Yifei didn't talk nonsense, and dialed the phone directly.

  "Hey! Teacher Wang! I want to ask! Can I bring some friends? They are all single beauties!"

  The other side was silent for a while, and then refused: "Mr. Hu, I'm afraid this is not good! You also know that this party is all the teachers of the school, and it is not good to have outsiders!"

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  Hu Yifei pretended to be lost and said, "That's it! They are all my good sisters. If they can't go, I can't go either. After all, I have to accompany them to the party!"

  Teacher Wang on the opposite side of the phone immediately said: "Actually, it's not completely impossible! Let's do it! I'm in charge of this party. Let me tell the other teachers, you bring your sisters here!"

  "Okay! Let's go now!"

  Before Hu Yifei hung up the phone, it was normal, but after hanging up, her face changed, and her face was very gloomy.

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