Seeing that Hu Yifei was angry, Su Xin comforted him: "Yifei! Why are you angry with him!"

  Hu Yifei said with a gloomy expression: "We are obviously earlier than Wanyu, why do everyone think that I robbed you?"

  Su Xin said thoughtfully: "It may be because you are too strong, so they all subconsciously think that you are the one who steals people!"

  When Lu Zhanbo heard the conversation between Su Xin and Hu Yifei, he stopped talking immediately. He felt as if he knew something secret.

  Su Xin drove to the furniture customization store, and the three got out of the car and walked inside. Su Xin and Hu Yifei chose a latest smart innovation with [-] functions. As for Lu Zhanbo, the two of them just chose for themselves and waited to choose. After finishing my own, I randomly helped Lu Zhanbo choose one.

  Lu Zhanbo complained after the two of them: "I agreed to buy it for me, but in the end you only cared about yourself!"

  Hu Yifei comforted: "The one we chose for you is also good! It has a simple appearance and suits your style very well!"

  Su Xin scanned the counter at the counter, filled in the address and walked back: "I didn't expect there to be a surprise! Buy two get one free!"

  Lu Zhanbo said with a gloomy expression: "My creation is a gift!"

  Su Xin smiled and comforted: "Don't say that! You won't live long before you leave! No matter how good it is, it's a waste!"


  Lu Zhanbo was completely speechless.

  The three found a restaurant nearby and returned to the love apartment after eating. Lu Zhanbo wanted to study the development of the times at home. After all, after staying in the mountains for a long time, Lu Zhanbo felt that he had derailed from society... ....

  Su Xin and Hu Yifei went to the bar because Chen Meijia said that the clothes she prepared for Yifei had arrived!

  The two walked into the bar and found everyone sitting on the sofa.

  "It's all there!"

  Su Xin walked to the sofa and sat down, while Hu Yifei sat beside Su Xin.

  Chen Meijia smiled and handed a bag to Hu Yifei.

  "Sister Yifei! Do you think it suits you?"

  Hu Yifei took the bag and asked suspiciously, "What clothes?"

  Hu Yifei opened it and took out a leather jacket. Hu Yifei looked at Chen Meijia with a question mark: "What does this mean? You don't want me to wear this to teach students?"

  Chen Meijia nodded hurriedly, as if I had experience: "The students today are all non-mainstream! If you want to get along with them, you have to follow their preferences!"

  Hu Yifei said with an embarrassed expression: "Is this...isn't it a bit bad?"

  Su Xin took the leather jacket and looked at it: "It's not bad! If you go to school like this, it is estimated that the principal of your school will be angry!"

  Chen Meijia watched the fun and persuaded her, "Sister Yifei! Try it first! Maybe this outfit is more suitable!"

  Hu Yifei looked at Su Xin hesitantly: "How about I try?"

  Su Xin took the bag in Hu Yifei's hand and packed his clothes: "What to try? Try again when you go back! As for going to school, just wear the one I chose for you!"

  Lu Ziqiao teased: "It seems that the title of Love Apartment Vinegar King is going to be given to Su Xin!"

  Su Xin ignored Lu Ziqiao and put his clothes aside.

  Zeng Xiaoxian saw that Su Xin wanted to enjoy himself and not let others see it, so he changed the subject very sharply: "Guan Gu! Yoyo! How are you thinking?"

  Guan Gu miraculously hesitated: "We're not ready yet! This kind of thing still needs to be considered carefully!"

  Tang Youyou nodded in agreement: "Guan Gu is right! This kind of thing needs to be carefully considered!"

  Lu Ziqiao looked at the two of them and complained: "What else are you thinking about? You have been together for so long! What else is there to think about?".

Chapter 238


  Tang Youyou was a little shaken when she heard Lu Ziqiao's words, and looked at Guan Gu miraculously.

  "Guan Gu! Otherwise, let's move in together!"

  Guan Gu said with an embarrassed look on his face: "I think it's better for the two of us to leave some space for each other!"

  Lu Ziqiao looked suspiciously at Guan Gu: "Guan Gu! My little aunt agrees! What are you hesitating about? Do you have any mental illness?"

  When Guan Gu miraculously heard Lu Ziqiao's words, he immediately retorted: "How is that possible! I'm healthy! The reason why I disagree is because one of my friends disagrees!"

  Zeng Xiaoxian looked at Guan Gu miraculously with a shocked expression: "Guan Gu! You won't be cheating!"

  "How is that possible! I'm very clean!"

  Guan Gu stood up excitedly and refuted Zeng Xiaoxian.

  Tang Youyou also looked at Guan Gu miraculously unhappily: "Who is that person? Why doesn't he agree?"

  Guan Gu said with an embarrassed look on his face: "He is not a human being, he is..."

  Guan Gu faltered magically for a while, then pulled Tang Youyou up and walked outside.

  "I'll take you to see him at 28, but you may not see him!"

  Tang Youyou was stunned when she heard Guan Gu's miraculous words, and was dragged away by Guan Gu miraculously!

  Hu Yifei looked at everyone suspiciously: "Did Guan Gu lose his mind?"

  Zeng Xiaoxian nodded thoughtfully: "It's very possible!"

  Everyone looked at Su Xin. Su Xin was a little troubled by the crowd. He subconsciously pulled his clothes and looked at everyone on guard.

  "What do you see me doing? I'm normal!"

  Hu Yifei interrupted Su Xin's words and asked, "Don't make trouble! We just want to ask why Guan Gu refuses to live with Youyou?"


  Su Xin breathed a sigh of relief and returned to his normal state: "I was startled, I thought you were planning to do something wrong!"

  Su Xin took a sip of the drink and said it according to the plot of the original book: "Guan Gu has an imaginary partner, the plumber who picks mushrooms!"

  Chen Meijia said with a look of fear: "It turns out that Guan Gu is really mentally ill! It's terrible! Should we call the police?"

  Lu Ziqiao said with a look of disdain: "Isn't he just a fantasy character? Who doesn't! Does this prove that he is mentally ill?"

  Su Xin explained: "This is not a mental illness, but a self-hypnotic fantasy. Most of the people who have this kind of fantasy are empty-hearted people!"

  "Who is empty!"

  When Lu Ziqiao heard Su Xin say that he was empty, he was immediately unhappy: "I am picking girls every day, how could I be empty! Just kidding!"

  Su Xin shrugged helplessly: "If you don't believe it, there's nothing you can do. Guan Gu was wrongly educated by his father since he was a child, so he has no friends. As for you! You just want to cover yourself up by picking up girls!"


  When Lu Ziqiao heard Su Xin's words, he didn't know how to refute it for a while.

  "Ding Ding Ding!"

  Su Xin's cell phone suddenly rang. Su Xin took out his cell phone and saw that it was actually called by Zhao Wuqian. Normally, Zhao Wuqian would not call Su Xin unless he was in a hurry!

  Su Xin directly connected to the mobile phone: "Hello! What's the matter?"

  Zhao Wuqian's hesitant voice came from the phone: "Boss! Someone just invaded our company's network, and the intelligent system sent a photo of the intruder, just..."

  When Su Xin heard Zhao Wuliang's words, he said displeasedly, "Our company's network is attacked more than a dozen times every morning. Are you going to call me? Follow the procedure and call the police to arrest people!"

  Zhao Wuliang heard the displeasure in Su Xin's words, and quickly explained: "You know this person! He was my former nemesis! Lu Zhanbo!"


  Su Xin glanced at Hu Yifei in disbelief, and then continued: "No need to call the police for now! I'll deal with it!"

  Seeing Su Xin looking at herself, Hu Yifei asked suspiciously, "What's wrong?"

  Su Xin hung up the call and put the phone back in his pocket: "Zhanbo invaded our company's network and was photographed!"


  Hu Yifei looked at Su Xin in shock: "How come? What did he do when he invaded your company's network?"

  Su Xin stood up and took the leather jacket Chen Meijia gave to Hu Yifei: "How would I know! Let's go back and have a look!"

  Hu Yifei picked up her bag and followed Su Xin out of the bar.

  The bartender came over in a timely manner: "Brother Xian! Your friend didn't pay for it!"

  "Depend on!"

  Zeng Xiaoxian couldn't help but gag, and then pointed to Lu Ziqiao: "Ask him, they are relatives!"

  Seeing that Zeng Xiaoxian asked him to help Su Xin pay, Lu Ziqiao immediately stood up and ran outside.

  "See you!"

  Before the bar could stop her, Lu Ziqiao already ran out of the bar!The bar looked helplessly at Zeng Xiaoxian.

  "Brother Xian! This?"

  Zeng Xiaoxian looked at Chen Meijia with a helpless expression: "Let's spread it out?"

  Chen Meijia looked at Zeng Xiaoxian speechlessly: "Where do I have money? I can't even pay the rent!"

  Zeng Xiaoxian gritted his teeth and took out his wallet: "Why do they ask me to pay every time they evade the bill?"

  On the other side, Su Xin and Hu Yifei returned to the apartment and walked directly to 3602, in front of Lu Zhanbo's door. Hu Yifei was a little angry and patted the door hard.

  "Lu Zhanbo! Come out for me!"

  Lu Zhanbo's voice came from the room: "Wait a minute! Come right away!"

  The two waited for a while, but Lu Zhanbo still didn't open the door. Hu Yifei thought that Lu Zhanbo was doing something illegal, so he slapped the door open.


  Su Xin fanned the dust with his hand: "Yifei! Try to calm down next time! Zhanbo shouldn't have done anything illegal!"

  The two walked into the room, Lu Zhanbo was sitting in front of the laptop, sweating profusely typing the code, and typing the code quickly with both hands!

  Hu Yifei shouted: "Lu Zhanbo! What are you doing! That's your brother-in-law's company! You want to rebel!"

  When Lu Zhanbo heard Hu Yifei's words, he was stunned for a moment. With this hesitation, Lu Zhanbo's computer went black!


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