Chen Meijia's eyes lit up: "Sister Yifei! I have a dress that is absolutely suitable for you, but the clothes may not arrive until tomorrow, and I will bring them to you!"

  Hu Yifei hesitated for a while, but did not reject Chen Meijia's kindness: "Okay!"

  Su Xin thought of the clothes Chen Meijia gave him, and felt a chill.

  "I'm going to see what Zhanbo needs!"

  After Hu Yifei finished speaking, he walked to 3602, and Su Xin followed. After all, he had to take care of his future brother-in-law, eh!It's the current brother-in-law!

  The two walked to the living room of 3602, where Zeng Xiaoxian and Lu Zhanbo were working together to move the washing machine out. .

Chapter 236

  Seeing Hu Yifei and Su Xin walking in, Lu Zhanbo asked suspiciously, "Who lived in this room before? It's actually in the laundry room!"

  Hu Yifei looked into the room and explained: "Zhang Wei! I'm a lawyer, I'll introduce you to you when I have a chance! You didn't inform us in advance, so you didn't clean up. Today you'll be wronged first, and tomorrow let Su Xin accompany you to sell furniture. !"

  Lu Zhanbo didn't care about the environment: "This is already good! When I was in the mountains, it was called simple, panoramic sunroof, [-]-hour ventilation, and the air moved very fast!"

  Zeng Xiaoxian asked suspiciously, "How good are your treatments? Are there skylights where you live?"

  Lu Zhanbo had a sad expression on his face: "Of course it's fake! The so-called skylight is actually a leak in the roof. The air circulation is because there are holes everywhere. When the wind blows, it's hard to not want to circulate!"

  Hu Yifei looked at Lu Zhanbo sympathetically: "Who asked you to sign up for a special rescue team, regret it now!"

  Lu Zhanbo shook his head and said firmly, "I don't regret it, I learned a lot in the mountains, and I have eaten a lot of food that I have never eaten before!"

  Zeng Xiaoxian asked curiously, "What kind of food do you want? Is it delicious?"

  Lu Zhanbo's face became bitter: "It's unpalatable! It's especially unpalatable, but there is a lack of food in the mountains, some~ it's good to eat!"

  Hu Yifei comforted: "It's all right now! I'll take you to eat delicious food tomorrow! Tell me what you want to eat!"

  Lu Zhanbo glanced at Su Xin, and then said, "Sister! I want to ask you something, but I've been thinking about it for a long time, but I can't figure it out!"

  Seeing Lu Zhanbo glance at Su Xin, Hu Yifei probably guessed what Lu Zhanbo was going to ask, and casually perfunctory.

  "You are still young, and you don't understand many things! You will know later!"

  Lu Zhanbo said with a speechless expression: "Sister! I'm in my twenties! I'm not a child anymore!"

  Hu Yifei looked at Lu Zhanbo displeased: "As long as you are not married, you will always be a child, stop talking nonsense, and hurry up and clean up!"

  Lu Zhanbo said hesitantly, "Actually, I already have a girlfriend! She's urging me to get married!"


  Everyone looked at Lu Zhanbo in surprise, and Zeng Xiaoxian asked gossiply, "When did you have a girlfriend?"

  Lu Zhanbo scratched his head embarrassedly: "We met in the mountains!"

  Hu Yifei looked at Lu Zhanbo with relief: "It's okay, the people in the mountains are better, and their feelings are simple. Our family does not have the requirement of being a family member!"

  Lu Zhanbo blushed and explained quickly: "She is not from the mountains, she is also from this city! This time we came back together, I will bring it to you another day!"

  Su Xin looked at Lu Zhanbo curiously: "How did you meet?"

  "When I was searching in the mountains, I happened to meet her. At that time, she was separated from the team. I took her back to where we lived and helped her contact the team. In order to thank me, she wanted to invite me to dinner. , we are sure of the relationship! This is her photo!"

  After Lu Zhanbo finished speaking, he took out his mobile phone. The screen saver was a photo of Lu Zhanbo and his girlfriend.

  Su Xin glanced at it and said in surprise, "Jian Ning???"


  Lu Ziqiao looked curiously at Lu Zhanbo's phone.

  Hu Yifei looked at Lu Zhanbo in surprise: "Is it so bloody?"

  Lu Zhanbo looked at everyone suspiciously and asked, "Do you know her?"

  Su Xin said with a sigh: "It's more than knowing! It's still very familiar. This is Zhang Wei's ex-girlfriend. You should stop knowing Zhang Wei. I'm afraid he will strangle you directly!"

  Lu Ziqiao looked at Lu Zhanbo in disbelief: "You actually dug Zhang Wei's corner! How long have you been sure of your relationship?"

  Lu Zhanbo thought for a while: "About a month or so!"

  Hu Yifei suddenly thought of something and asked, "I remember she seems to be in her thirties! Did she tell you?"

  Lu Zhanbo nodded: "Yes! She told me! This is one of the reasons why she is so anxious to get married!"

  Hu Yifei didn't object to Lu Zhanbo, but clasped his hands together and said, "Our ancestors have appeared! Zhanbo is finally going to revitalize our family!"

  Hu Yifei said a few words, and immediately started to help Lu Zhanbo plan the rest: "Since Jian Ning has begun to urge! Don't hesitate! Buy a diamond ring tomorrow, propose marriage the day after tomorrow, and register for marriage the day after tomorrow!"

  Lu Zhanbo said with an embarrassed expression: "Let's talk about this after a while! I haven't thought about it yet!"

  Lu Ziqiao patted Lu Zhanbo on the shoulder: "It's a rare opportunity! Don't miss it! Otherwise, you will really be single for the rest of your life!"

  "Don't rush me, I have to think about it and stop talking to you! I'll go back to rest first!"

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????????????

  Lu Zhanbo directly avoided the question, walked back into the room, and closed the door directly.

  Hu Yifei took out his mobile phone and was about to make a call, but Su Xin stopped him: "Yifei! You don't mean to call your mother!"

  Hu Yifei nodded and said excitedly: "Zhanbo's marriage has always been the most troublesome thing for our family, now it's over! He has a girlfriend, of course I have to tell my mother!"

  Su Xin persuaded: "I think Zhanbo has some concerns. If the two of them split up in the end, wouldn't your mother just have fun?"

  Hu Yifei was stunned for a moment: "Yes!"

  Su Xin continued: "So, after Zhan Bo has figured it out, you will inform your family about the proposal!"

...... 0

  Hu Yifei frowned and looked at Su Xin: "Have you figured out something? Could it be that the two of them will break up in the end?"

  Su Xin immediately shook his head and made it clear what he meant.

  "I didn't give it to Zhanbo! I just made it for you just in case!"

  Hu Yifei thought about it for a while, and then decided to listen to Su Xin.

  Lu Ziqiao patted the washing machine: "Where is this?"


  Hu Yifei thought about it for a while and suggested, "Why don't you put it in your living room?"

  Zeng Xiaoxian looked at the small living room and complained: "Our living room is so small, so we put down such a large washing machine?"

  Hu Yifei gave full play to the profound meaning of harassment: "We bought the washing machine at our expense, and you have used it, so it should be placed with you. As for where to put it, you can decide for yourself, as long as it does not hinder the use of it!"

  After Hu Yifei finished speaking, she walked to the balcony and walked back to 3601 from the balcony.

  Lu Ziqiao and Zeng Xiaoxian all looked at Su Xin.

  Su Xin looked like he was hanging up high with nothing to do with him.

  "It's none of my business, if you have any opinions, just talk to Yifei!"

  Lu Ziqiao looked around: "Where is it?"

  Zeng Xiaoxian pointed to the balcony: "Or put it on the balcony! It doesn't take up space!"

  Lu Ziqiao hesitated: "We can't even use it on the balcony, it's not worth it, think of a way!"

  Su Xin pointed to the kitchen: "If you can't do it, you can put the washing machine in the corner of the kitchen. Although it affects the appearance, it can be used at least!"

Chapter 237

  Lu Ziqiao and Zeng Xiaoxian looked at each other and nodded at the same time.


  Lu Ziqiao and Zeng Xiaoxian lifted the washing machine, feeling a little laborious, Zeng Xiaoxian immediately greeted Su Xin.

  "Don't look! Come and help!"

  Su Xin stood in place and didn't move: "You two don't exercise often, and now you're both sub-healthy. Moving a washing machine is considered exercise! I'll just give you an inspirational halo!"

  Lu Ziqiao carried the washing machine wastefully and complained, "Who said I don't exercise anymore! I'm a super VIP in the gym!"

  Su Xin looked at Lu Ziqiao contemptuously: "Is your VIP for exercising? I'm embarrassed to point you out! You encourage those fat girls to exercise and lose weight every day, why don't you count yourself?"

  Lu Ziqiao and Zeng Xiaoxian put the washing machine in the corner, Zeng Xiaoxian said out of breath, "Where did Ziqiao get the money to get the fitness card? Or VIP?"

  "It must be a scientific experiment again! Forget it, I won't talk to you! I'm going to see Yifei, she is about to start the official class soon, I guess she is very uneasy now!"

  After Su Xin finished speaking, he walked to the balcony and walked back to 3601 from the balcony.

  The next morning, after Su Xin and Hu Yifei ran a lap, Hu Yifei wanted to continue running, but Su Xin stopped Hu Yifei: "Let's go here first! We have to help Zhanbo buy furniture!"

  Hu Yifei thought about it: "Then go shopping with Zhanbo first, and I will exercise to lose weight after I come back!"

  The two walked back to the apartment, and Su Xin suggested: "Yi Fei! You see, Yu Mo's weight loss is all practicing yoga and dancing! You can also learn if you want to lose weight!"

  Hu Yifei was a little reluctant: "Yoga is a bit difficult! If you want to dance, you can also think about it!"

  The two ate breakfast on the way, returned to the apartment, changed into a suit, and asked Shang Lu Zhanbo to walk to the elevator.

  When the three arrived at the underground garage, Lu Zhanbo asked suspiciously, "Isn't Su Xin's car only suitable for two people? How can the three of us get there?"

  Hu Yifei took out the car keys: "I have a car that can seat five people! Don't worry!"

  The three walked to the sports car, and Lu Zhanbo looked at Hu Yifei's car in surprise: "Su Xin bought you such a good car!"

  Hu Yifei handed the key to Su Xin, and looked at Lu Zhanbo unhappily: "Get in the car! Also, can you not be so small and small, each one of Su Xin's, how ugly! Su Xin and I have already received After the proof, you should call him brother-in-law!"

  Lu Zhanbo sat in the back row and asked in surprise, "Have you already obtained the certificate? When did it happen? Does Wanyu know?"

  Hearing Lu Zhanbo's words, Hu Yifei immediately began to warn Lu Zhanbo: "Wanyu still doesn't know about our certificate! She will be back in a few days, don't talk nonsense, or I will tear your mouth!"

  Lu Zhanbo said with a look of sigh: "If mom knew that you were a mistress, she would definitely be pissed off!"

  Hu Yifei hates others to say she is a mistress, but Lu Zhanbo said it. Hu Yifei looked at Lu Zhanbo with murderous eyes: "Say it again! My mother is not a mistress! If you keep talking nonsense, be careful I will slap you!"

  Seeing that Hu Yifei was angry, Lu Zhanbo immediately confessed and stopped talking.

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