Su Xin did not continue to discuss these matters with Xiao Qing, but stood up: "Let's go! Let's go have a meal first!"

  Xiao Qing took the bag and walked outside holding Su Xin's arm: "There is no food at home, let's go buy some!"

  "No need! Let's just have a meal out!"

  Xiao Qing saw that Su Xin had made a decision and did not argue any more. The two drove to the nearest restaurant and had a peaceful meal. Even chatting was a matter of work.

  Su Xin drove Xiao Qing to Huayuan Community, and hesitated for a while: "Go back first! I still have some things to deal with! I'll see you another day!"

  Xiao Qing was stunned for a moment, and looked at Su Xin with some loss: "My friends are not as respectful as we are!"

  Seeing that Xiao Qing was unhappy, Su Xin explained helplessly: "Don't think too much! I've been staying with you today, and I haven't done anything that needs to be dealt with!"

  Xiao Qing looked at Su Xin silently, and said nothing, Su Xin said helplessly: "Okay! I'm not leaving today! Everything will be changed to tomorrow, alright!"

  Su Xin drove to the underground garage in Huayuan Community. Xiao Qing didn't say anything. She also knew that she often worked overtime and didn't have time to have a good talk with Su Xin. As a result, the relationship between the two became worse and worse. Not even a topic.

  The next morning, Xiao Qing packed up and went downstairs to buy breakfast for Su Xin.

  Xiao Qing came home with breakfast and saw that Su Xin was still awake, so he woke Su Xin.

  Su Xin opened his eyes in a daze and looked at the time: "It's only seven! Is there anything?"

  Xiao Qing hesitated for a moment, as if he had made up his mind: "I will take a leave of absence in a few days, how about we go shopping!"

  Su Xin said with a speechless expression: "You woke me up so early for this reason? Can you tell me when your holiday is over? I remember you asked for a leave last time, but it was three months later."

  "Don't worry! This holiday will be faster. In about a month, I'm afraid you have something to do, so I'll let you know in advance! I've already bought breakfast, get up early to eat it, or it will be cold! I'll go to work first! "

  Hearing Xiao Qing's words, Su Xin thought about it: "I will be staying here for a few days, come back early!"

  "Really? I'll be back sooner! I'm leaving first!"

  When Xiao Qing heard Su Xin's words, he immediately picked up his bag with a smile and walked outside.

  After Su Xin was woken up by Xiao Qing, he couldn't sleep, so Qi Chuang packed up and drove to Shakeshou Company after breakfast.

  What Su Xin said yesterday was true, not perfunctory Xiao Qing.

  When Su Xin arrived, he first held a meeting with everyone, set goals, instilled a wave of chicken soup for the employees, and then called the managers of various departments to the top floor.

  Su Xin sat in his office and watched as a group of managers began to assign tasks, striving to break through [-] billion a year ago.

  After Su Xin finished the assignment, Su Xin asked them to go back to their jobs.

  Su Xin suddenly remembered something, leaving Zhou Tiangang, Zhao Wuliang and Du Jun behind.

  After the other managers were gone, Zhao Boundless began to ask, "Boss! Is there anything else?"

  Su Xin took out a long-standing plan from the filing cabinet.

  "This is a plan prepared a year ago, the League of Legends finals! Invite all top players to compete, the champion can get [-] million soft coins! The runner-up is [-] million soft coins, and the third place is [-] million soft coins. Sister Coin, this plan will be launched soon, who of you is confident to make this plan well?"

  Du Jun said suspiciously: "Boss! This is about the game, it has nothing to do with our comics!"

  Su Xin glanced at Du Jun: "I didn't want to give it to you either, I have other things to keep you!"

  Su Xin looked at Zhou Tiangang and Zhao Wuliang: "Although this plan should be presided over by the operation department, but recently the operation department has been too strict with the rules. I have repeatedly emphasized that it is necessary to compete with each other. Now the whole company is dead and completely I don't have the scramble that I used to have!"

  Zhao Wuliang explained helplessly: "Boss! You have to understand me! I also want to fight, but Zhou Tiangang is too old-fashioned, he doesn't give a chance at all, my only opponent is now the team leader! I A manager should never bully a team leader!"


  Su Xin remembered that he hadn't paid attention to Wang Kuo since he lowered Wang Kuo last time. .

Chapter 224

  Su Xin was determined to bring Wang Kuo up, so he asked, "How has he been doing recently?"

  Although Zhao Wuliang and Wang Kuo often quarreled, he wouldn't fall into trouble at such a time, Zhao Wuliang told the truth directly.

  "Since he admitted his mistake, he has been abiding by his duties, working hard every day! No slacking off!"

  Su Xin began to think, and his fingers knocked on the table inadvertently.

  "Da da da!"

  Although Su Xin has the intention to raise Wang Kuo up, but Wang Kuo has a stain, and if he returns him to his original position, it is estimated that many people will not agree.

  Su Xin thought for a while, and decided to let him do the manager's job. The position and treatment were as deputy manager, and Zhou Tiangang was hung in front of him. With Zhou Tiangang's character, if Wang Kuo dared to use his power for personal gain, it is estimated that Zhou Tiangang would be the first. Report him.

  After thinking about it, Su Xin called the operation department: "Let Wang Kuo come to the top floor to meet me!"

  Su Xin informed Zhao Wuliang and Zhou Tiangang: "You guys stand aside and wait! I'll chat with Du Jun!"


  Zhou Tiangang and Zhao Wuliang walked to the sofa and sat down. Du Jun asked suspiciously, "Boss! Is there any task for me?"

  Su Xin shook his head: "Pirated comics are rampant recently! Just keep your job well done! I'm leaving you to ask, how is Guan Gu's miraculous performance?"

  Du Jun's face darkened, and he immediately started to complain: "Although this Guan Gu Wei has a name in our company, he never goes to work. He draws cartoons at home every day, and he doesn't give it to the company after he draws it. He just doesn't work for money."

  "As I expected, forget it, let him go! I guess he will leave after he draws a new comic!"

  Su Xin just wanted to ask, as for the dismissal of Guan Gu!Su Xin didn't want to be taught a lesson by Tang Youyou, so he just spent money to buy a clean.


  The elevator door opened, and Wang Kuo walked in: "Mr. Su! What's the matter with me?"

  Su Xin saw that Wang Kuo had gained some weight, and joked: "I see that you have gained weight in your spare time recently. I will give you a task. If you do well, I will promote you back to the deputy manager~ˇ!"

  When Wang Kuo heard Su Xin's words, his expression was a little excited: "Mr. Su, don't worry! You know my ability to do things. If I can't handle this matter, I will voluntarily lower one level, and I will go directly to be a cleaner!"

  "Okay! I appreciate your attitude!"

  Su Xin handed the plan to Wang Kuo: "Look at it first, and try to publicize it in the shortest possible time! If it is not done within a week, I can only hand over the plan to Zhao Wuliang! If Zhao Boundless to do this thing well, then one of the people in your operation department will count as one, and all of them will be cleaning."

  Wang Kuo took a quick look and said with a vow: "Don't worry, Mr. Su, I will handle everything within five days."

  Su Xin nodded and looked at Zhao Wuliang: "You are here to help, if you think there is something wrong with what Wang Kuo did, you can call me directly!"

  "OK, boss, don't worry, I will stare at him!"

  Zhao Wuliang looked at Wang Kuo and began to stare at Wang Kuo.

  Su Xin glanced at the documents on the table and looked at the four of them: "You guys go to work first! I have to deal with the documents!"


  The four of them walked to the elevator and began to discuss with each other. Su Xin picked up a document and began to read it quickly.

  After six o'clock in the evening, Su Xin finished processing all the accumulated documents, and drove back to the garden community. Su Xin bought vegetables and food and walked back to Xiao Qing's house.

  Su Xin returned home to help Xiao Qing clean up the house.

  Su Xin came back as soon as he started cleaning Xiao Qing, Su Xin looked at Xiao Qing suspiciously: "Why did you come back so early today?"

  Xiao Qing put the bag on the table and hugged Su Xin directly: "You told me to go back early! So I got off work on time!"

  Su Xin hesitated for a moment to Xiao Qing: "You take a break first, I'll clean up! Wait until I'm done cleaning up before cooking!"

  Xiao said displeasedly: "What to pack! Just go back and find someone to pack up! Let's go to the movies!"

  Su Xin thought about it for a while, and refused directly: "The movie theater doesn't allow conversations, we might as well watch TV at home! By the way, let's talk!"

  Xiao Qing thought about it and nodded in agreement: "Okay! I'll go wash the vegetables first!"

  The two walked into the kitchen and started to cook. The two were talking and laughing while cooking, and the gap between the two gradually faded.

  After the two finished eating, they huddled on the sofa and watched TV. Xiao Qing leaned on Su Xin and suddenly said, "I'm sorry!"

  Su Xin looked at the TV without any surprise, and said lightly, "Do you know that you are wrong?"

  Xiao Qing nodded immediately: "I know I'm wrong! I shouldn't be selfish! But I'm still so young, I don't want to have children so early!"

  Su Xin patted Xiao Qing: "You are not too young, you will be twenty-nine soon, you are not running three, you are already thirty, if you continue like this, I am afraid you will regret it later!"

  When Xiao Qing heard Su Xin's words, he immediately became very depressed: "¨" You really disliked how old I am! "

  Su Xin saw that Xiao Qing was tangled again, and immediately changed the subject: "If you don't want children, we don't want them anymore, this is the head office!"

  Xiao Qing just wanted to nod, but suddenly realized something: "No! The child still wants it! After another six years, we will want it again!"

  Su Xin refused without thinking: "Forget it! You will be in danger at that time, let this matter take its course! Or you can treat Yifei and their children as your own! They are all family anyway. Well!"

  When Xiao Qing heard Su Xin's words, she began to get into a tangle. She wanted a child, but she didn't want to delay her work.

  Su Xin saw that Xiao Qing was tangled again, but had no choice but to change the subject again: "This matter should be discussed later! For now, let's not think about it now! Watch TV!"

  "Okay!" Xiao Qing sullenly followed Su (Zhao Lehao) letter and continued to watch TV.

  Su Xin stayed at Xiao Qing's house for three days. The two resolved all conflicts and reached an agreement for the time being. The child's affairs will be discussed later.

  Su Xin received a call from Zeng Xiaoxian that his bar was about to open, so he had to go.

  Su Xin reluctantly called Xiao Qing. Unexpectedly, Xiao Qing didn't have time to listen more. He just hung up when he said something else!

  Su Xin drove the car to buy flowers and drove to the door of the bar with the flower basket. At this time, the bar had changed its name. After Su Xin parked the car, he walked into the bar with the flower basket.

  There were more than a dozen flower baskets on both sides of the bar, Su Xin walked inside, Zeng Xiaoxian was chatting with everyone.

  Su Xin put the flower basket by the door: "Mr. Zeng congratulates my brother!"

  Guan Gu magically corrected: "It's time to change your name to Boss Zeng!"

  Zeng Xiaoxian said embarrassedly: "Don't say that! I'm just a minority shareholder!".

Chapter 225

  Su Xin frowned slightly and asked suspiciously, "Mr. Zeng! Your bonus is still frozen?"

  Zeng Xiaoxian nodded helplessly: "Although I didn't stop shooting, other conditions still froze my bonus! The shares of this bar were also given to me by someone else!"

  Su Xin didn't care about Zeng Xiaoxian's affairs anymore, and a few people started chatting.

  Several people walked to the sofa and sat down. Hu Yifei sat next to Su Xin and said, "I have decided to be a real teacher!"

  Su Xin was not surprised: "Well! I support you as a teacher!"

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