Su Xin, who was eating pig's trotters, was stunned for a moment, and looked at the short-haired girl suspiciously: "Who are you? Do we know each other?"

...... 0

  The short-haired woman walked to the dining table and reminded Su Xin, "You don't remember me? I had a mission with Captain Xiao before, we met!"

  Su Xin didn't remember this woman at all, so he could only nod his head awkwardly: "Hello!"

  Lu Ziqiao looked at the two with a bewildered expression: "Do you really know each other?"

  The short-haired girl sat opposite Su Xin, and did not dislike the greasy food, she explained while eating: "I used to follow Captain Xiao, but I didn't even have a partner for so many years, so I quit the group, the day before yesterday I quit I also discussed with Captain Xiao how to deal with you!"

  Su Xin looked at the short-haired girl with a bewildered expression: "What are you doing against me? I didn't break the law!"

  The short-haired girl explained: "It's not to catch you, but Captain Xiao said that you haven't seen each other for nearly half a year, and discuss how to deceive you back!"

  Su Xin looked at the short-haired girl in confusion: "Who said that for half a year! We haven't seen each other for a few months. She has been busy all the time. Besides, she can just call me if she wants to see me! What tactics are there to discuss!"

  The short-haired girl hesitated for a moment and said slowly, "I know a little about this matter. Captain Xiao seems to have a conflict with you. She doesn't want to retreat, so she called us to discuss."

  Su Xin put down the pig's trotters in his hands helplessly: "I already agree with her statement! What other contradictions are there? It seems that I need to talk to her, lest she make another mess!"

  Guan Gu magically whispered to Zeng Xiaoxian: "I know some engines! Youyou told me!" (This is not a typo!).

Chapter 222

  Zeng Xiaoxian asked in a low voice with a face full of gossip, "You are talking about hidden feelings! Tell me now!"

  Guan Gu started to explain Su Xin and Xiao Qing to Zeng Xiaoxian.

  Su Xin ignored Guan Gu's miraculousness, but looked at the short-haired girl suspiciously: "This is you?"

  The short-haired girl pointed at Lu Ziqiao next to her: "I have more free time after I quit the group, and now I don't have a boyfriend. He appeared yesterday when I was looking for a target! I think he looks okay, so I chose him to relieve the boredom. !"

  Lu Ziqiao looked at the short-haired girl with a bewildered expression: "I can't tell, you are also a middle-aged person!"

  The short-haired girl ignored Lu Ziqiao and took a quick bite: "I'm going to work! Goodbye! No! Goodbye!"

  Lu Ziqiao said with an unfortunate face: "I met another old sea king again!"

  Su Xin saw the short-haired girl walking outside, and asked, "I'll go to the police station later, do I need to take you with me?"

  The short-haired woman shook her head and refused directly: "Forget it!"

  After speaking, the short-haired girl walked directly outside.

  Lu Ziqiao picked up his chopsticks and took some dishes with a gloomy face: "These days, it's not enough to be an honest person! The more honest you are, the easier it is to meet Sea King!"

  Su Xin Xin wiped his hands: "I'm full! Eat slowly! I'll go first!"

  When Zeng Xiaoxian heard that Su Xin was leaving, he quickly said, "You haven't said your wish yet?"

  "I'll tell you when I get back!" Su Xin said perfunctorily, walked directly back to 3601, changed his clothes, and said to Hu Yifei, then walked out of the room with the key, got in the car and drove to the police station.

  After arriving at the police station, Su Xin parked the car and walked to Xiao Qing's office with ease. Xiao Qing was not in the office, and Su Xin was not in a hurry. He sat in front of Xiao Qing's office computer, turned on the computer, and found a game to start. kill time.

  Two hours later, Xiao Qing came back with a document. As soon as Xiao Qing entered the door, he saw Su Xin sitting in front of the computer.

  Xiao Qing looked overjoyed, walked over to Su Xin and asked, "Why do you have time to see me?"

  Su Xin watched TV intently: "Wait a minute, I'll clear the customs right away!"

  Xiao Qing moved a chair and sat beside Su Xin to watch him play games. After a few minutes, Su Xin played games and looked at Xiao Qing.

  "How did I hear that someone was planning to target me, you know?"

  Xiao Qing was stunned when he heard Su Xin's words, and said with a slightly embarrassed expression: "You already know!"

  Su Xin nodded and looked at Xiao Qing helplessly: "You can just call me if you want to see me! What else are you planning to do, you are not ashamed!"

  Xiao Qing said slightly resentfully: "I'm afraid you won't come. You haven't come to see me since the last incident, not even a phone call!"

  Su Xin made an excuse: "You are busy with work, I'm afraid to disturb you!"

  Xiao Qing heard that Su Xin was perfunctory, and did not continue to discuss this issue, but changed the subject: "My father wants to see you! Do you have time recently?"

  "Uh~ there is time! You can arrange the specific time!" Su Xin hesitated for a while, but did not refuse.

  Xiao Qing poured a glass of water for Su Xin and asked hesitantly, "I, my father asked me to ask you when we will get married! Although we got a marriage certificate, we didn't hold a wedding!"

  "This one……"

  Su Xin was also starting to worry. If they were to get married, they would definitely have to get together. However, Lin Wanyu was abroad and would not be able to return for a while. Qin Yumo had just flown away, so it would not be good to call back now. .

  "We're going to hold the wedding together. If it's just the two of us, Yifei and the others will definitely not agree! Why don't we talk about it after a while?"

  Su Xin discussed with Xiao Qing with a sad face, Xiao Qing sighed: "Actually, I don't want to get married, but my family has been urging me, and I was so annoying that I had no choice but to discuss it with you!"

  Su Xin thought for a while, and asked tentatively, "How about finding a reason to prevaricate the past?"

  Xiao Qing looked at Su Xin helplessly: "I tried it! I tried several reasons, but it was useless!"

  "The reason you told me last time was that you are very busy now and your career is on the rise, and you will consider marriage after you are stable!"

  Xiao Qing said very depressed: "I tried it! No, my father said that women should focus on family, and career is not the only one, and he also used my best friend to scold me!"

  Su Xin asked curiously, "What did they scold you for?"

  Xiao Qing took out his mobile phone, opened the album, and found a photo of a family portrait, a couple and a child who was a few years old.

  Su Xin looked at Xiao Qing suspiciously: "This is?"

  "The woman inside is my best friend since childhood, and that child is her son, who is already in elementary school..." Xiao Qing explained.


  Su Xin did not believe in talking about this topic with Xiao Qing: "In the future, if your father asks you to urge you to get married, you can just take out the marriage certificate and put the responsibility on me!"

  Xiao Qing said weakly: "I think so too, that's why my father wants to see you, he wants to talk to you!"

  Su Xin looked at Xiao Qing with a black line: "Hit! I think it's better to delay the matter of seeing your father! I'm afraid he will take action when he sees me!"

  Xiao Qing comforted: "Don't worry! My father's character is still very good! Basically, he is a character who can do things and never say anything!"


  Su Xin stood up: "I think I should hide for a while! If your dad really does it..."

  Xiao Qing grabbed Su Xin: "Don't worry! My father is not in this city!"

  Su Xin breathed a sigh of relief and sat back in the chair: "You said it earlier! You startled me!"

  Xiao Qing looked at the time: "Just wait for me for a while, I'll deal with the case and we'll go home!"

  Seeing that Xiao Qing had something to do, Su Xin stood up directly: "I won't bother you if you have something! I'll see you another day!"

  When Xiao Qing heard that Su Xin was going to leave again, he was immediately unhappy: "You said the same last time, but you didn't contact me for half a year, and now we finally meet, you leave again before you say a word, no! You must wait for me today!"

  Su Xin asked suspiciously: "How do you calculate it? It's only been a few months since we last met. You all talked about it for half a year. Is it that long?"

  Xiao Qing nodded and said seriously: "Except for the last time I asked you to accompany me to check, you haven't taken the initiative to find me this year. The last time you found me was during the New Year!"

  Su Xin complained helplessly: "What's the use of me looking for you? You go back after eleven o'clock in the evening and leave at seven the next morning. You are always busy here, and I may be caught by you when I come. Complaining, I don't show up just in line with your wishes."

  Xiao Qing was stunned for a moment, and thought about it carefully at the beginning, Su Xin did often go to the house to look for it, but he fell asleep after chatting for a while, and he had to go to work early the next day, and when he went to work, he seemed to be genuine complained about him. .

Chapter 223

  Xiao Qing breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Su Xin's explanation.

  "So that's how it is! I thought I was getting older, and you don't like me anymore!"

  Su Xin looked at Xiao Qing displeasedly: "Am I such a superficial person?"

  Xiao Qing nodded seriously: "Yes!"


  Su Xin looked at Xiao Qing with a black line, but did not reply.

  Seeing that Su Xin was depressed, Xiao Qing smiled: "Just kidding! You wait for me here first, I'll deal with something!"

  Xiao Qing stood up, walked to the filing cabinet, put away the documents he just brought in, and took out another document.

  Su Xin didn't want to wait until the evening, so he asked, "How long will it take?"

  Xiao Qing walked to Su Xin's side and comforted him: "Don't worry, just help an old man go through the retirement procedures! It will be done in one or two hours!"

  Su Xin nodded and continued to open the game. Xiao Qing walked out of the office and specially ordered someone to look at Su Xin.

  Two hours later, Xiao Qing walked back with the portfolio, and Su Xin, who was almost bored to the point of falling asleep, immediately woke up: "Can we go?"

  Xiao Qing walked to the filing cabinet, put the documents in his hand, and took out another copy: "This is really the last copy! Just wait! 28"

  After Xiao Qing finished speaking, he walked out in a hurry, Su Xin checked the time, it was already afternoon, Su Xin thought about it and decided to slip away first, and then come back to pick up Xiao Qing in the evening.

  Su Xin turned off the game, drank the water, and walked outside.

  As soon as Su Xin went out, an acquaintance stopped Su Xin: "Deputy Director Xiao told you to wait! She will be back soon!"

  Su Xin looked at the acquaintance with a confused expression: "Why is there still someone watching? I just went out to buy something and I'll be back in a while."

  The acquaintance still stopped Su Xin: "If you want to buy something, you can tell me, and I will find someone to buy it for you!"

  "Depend on!"

  Su Xin breathed out a fragrant sentence, and returned to the office depressed.

  "I just came to have a look, why is it still guarded!"

  Su Xin went back to the office and waited for another hour. When he was about to fall asleep, Xiao Qing finally came back.

  Xiao Qing walked to the filing cabinet, continued to hold the document, and explained by the way: "This is an urgent document, it is really the last one, just wait a minute!"

  Su Xin waved his hand, and then began to close his eyes and rest.

  At ten o'clock at night, when Su Xin was sleeping, Xiao Qing woke Su Xin: "Su Xin! My business is finished! Let's go!"

  Su Xin looked at the time and complained: "I didn't do anything this day, so I was in a daze!"

  Xiao Qing looked at Su Xin pitifully: "I don't want to either! But there are many things that are urgent, so I can't do anything about it. I also want to go shopping with you and watch movies, but the conditions don't allow it. !"

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