Hu Yifei asked suspiciously, "Don't you object?"

  Su Xin asked back: "Why should I object? I said, I support your decision!"

  Guan Gu smiled miraculously and said, "I also decided to quit your company. I have already found a new publishing house!"

  Su Xin nodded and did not discourage him. After all, it was really embarrassing for Guan Gu miraculously to shake his hands in the cartoon.

  Hu Yifei asked suspiciously, "What about your credit card?"

  Guan Gu was not panicking at all: "I have already negotiated the manuscript fee. As soon as the money arrives, I can pay off the credit card!"

  Su Xin asked curiously, "What's going on? Guan Gu's credit card actually maxed out!"

  Tang Youyou said with a bit of resentment: "It's all to blame Mr. Zeng, he wrote us a bad check, Guan Gu and I went to the restaurant to eat Kobe crayfish, and when we paid the bill, all our cards were maxed out, but it was still not enough, so Guan Gu and I went to the restaurant to eat Kobe crayfish. Gu was invited to the back kitchen to wash more than [-] dishes!"

  Zeng Xiaoxian said embarrassedly: "I didn't expect the bonus to be frozen!"

  Lu Ziqiao pointed to his face: "I was slapped because of Teacher Zeng's empty check! It still hurts now!"

  Hu Yifei looked at Lu Ziqiao with contempt, and mocked: "You deserve it! Who asked you to promise to buy a car for someone else!"

  Everyone began to mock each other. Su Xin saw this familiar scene and looked at the bar subconsciously.

  Su Xin saw a familiar face, but Su Xin didn't make a sound.

  Su Xin whispered to Hu Yifei: "I saw Meijia!"

  "Mei Jia? Where is it?" Hu Yifei immediately began to look around when she heard Su Xin's words.

  And Chen Meijia, who was sitting at the bar and secretly watching the crowd, saw Hu Yifei looking around, and immediately lowered her head to make herself gloomy.

  Hu Yifei looked around without seeing Chen Meijia, and asked suspiciously, "Where? Why didn't I see it? And why didn't she come to us when she came back?"

  Su Xin explained in a low voice: "She doesn't want to come out yet, she will come out when she wants to come out!"

  Hu Yifei nodded suspiciously: "Okay! We're not discussing about Mika, tell me what you've done these days? Tell me the truth! Even if you secretly go to pick up girls, I won't hold you accountable. !"

  Su Xin looked at Hu Yifei vigilantly: "You are fishing law enforcement, as long as I say pick up girls, I won't think about life tonight!"

  A flash of coldness flashed in Hu Yifei's eyes: "Are you really going to pick up girls?"

  Su Xin quickly explained: "How is that possible! I have been spending the past few days with Xiao Qing!"

  "I believe you for now! I'll ask Xiao Qing later!" Hu Yifei didn't ask any more.

  Su Xin looked at Zeng Xiaoxian and asked, "Mr. Zeng! You want to give us a free order for this drink today!"

  Zeng Xiaoxian said proudly: "No problem! You can drink! I'll pay for it!"

  Hu Yifei picked up a bottle of wine and stood up: "I have to go back to study the recipe! I'll go first!"

  As soon as Hu Yifei left Tang Youyou, he began to complain: "In order to help Yifei taste the food these days, I almost lived in the toilet! If it wasn't for my sense of taste temporarily out of order! Yifei is still pulling me to taste the food!"


  Su Xin sighed sadly: "Now I'm back! I guess it's me who is unlucky!"

  Zeng Xiaoxian said gloatingly: "Drink more bars before you lose your sense of taste! Maybe you can't even taste the wine after you lose your sense of taste!"


  Su Xin picked up a bottle of wine and stood up: "I'm still drinking a ball, I'll go back and watch! Try to help her make something delicious!"

  Su Xin chased Hu Yifei with the wine: "Yifei! Wait for me!"

  At noon the next day, Su Xin received a call from Tang Youyou, saying that he had met a person who looked like Lu Ziqiao and asked Su Xin to identify him.

  Su Xin and Hu Yifei walked to the bar, and everyone was looking at one direction attentively at the bar.

  The two walked to the side of the crowd, and Su Xin asked suspiciously, "What are you looking at?"

  Tang Youyou glanced at Su Xin and pointed to a person not far away: "Look at that one is Zi Qiao! I can't tell the difference from my aunt!"

  Su Xin looked in the direction Tang Youyou pointed, Lu Ziqiao was wearing a pair of sunglasses and a beard, obviously well-dressed.

  "That guy is Ziqiao!" Su Xin knew that the bearded man was Lu Ziqiao.

  "Look at me knocking him back to his original shape!" Hu Yifei walked towards Lu Ziqiao after saying that.

  Zeng Xiaoxian joked: "If he is really not Ziqiao, then you are popular! University teachers bully the disabled!"

  Hu Yifei was stunned for a moment, then walked to Su Xin's side: "Zeng Xiaoxian is right, I'm a teacher now, I need to pay attention to my image, Ziqiao will leave it to you!"

  Zeng Xiaoxian suggested, "Let's just call Ziqiao and find out!"

  Tang Youyou suddenly realized that she took out her mobile phone: "Yes! I'll call now!"

  Su Xin knew that Lu Ziqiao had turned on the verbal reply, so he reminded Tang Youyou: "Don't speak after the call is made, and see if it is a verbal message!"

  The phone rang for a while, and then came Lu Ziqiao's voice.

  "Lu Xiaobu is here, what are you doing!"

  Just as Tang Youyou was about to speak, Su Xin stopped him, and the phone continued to think of Lu Ziqiao's voice.

  "I'm taking a shower! What's wrong?"

  Tang Youyou hung up the call and looked at Lu Ziqiao: "It's really a recording of the phone call. He really uses any method to pick up girls!"

  Su Xin said with some emotion: "This is normal. He used to wear a cane to ask Miss Nurse for help!"

  Zeng Xiaoxian asked suspiciously, "Are we still dismantling it?"

  "Forget it! Ziqiao's ways of picking up girls are endless, so let's just leave it alone!"

  After Su Xin finished speaking, he looked at Hu Yifei: "Yifei, there is an acquaintance behind us on the left, look!"

  When everyone heard Su Xin's words, they all looked back.


  Everyone looked at Chen Meijia in surprise.

  Chen Meijia saw that everyone found herself, and did not escape: "Hello everyone!"

  Everyone went to Chen Meijia and began to ask questions, Hu Yifei began to complain about Chen Meijia: "Yesterday Su Xin said that he saw you, but at first I thought he was joking with me! I didn't expect it to be true! How have you been recently?".

Chapter 226

  Chen Meijia forced a smile and said, "I'm fine too. After I left the love apartment, I went to join my relatives. After my unremitting efforts, I already have my own clothing store!"

  Everyone looked at Chen Meijia in astonishment. They couldn't imagine that a person who couldn't even count was able to open a store.

  Although Hu Yifei was puzzled, she still smiled and congratulated: "Congratulations! I didn't expect to see you for a while, and you also have a successful career!"

  Seeing that everyone didn't ask in detail, Chen Meijia breathed a sigh of relief subconsciously.

  "I'm going to call Ziqiao, he will be very happy to know that you are back!" Zeng Xiaoxian walked towards Lu Ziqiao after finishing speaking.

  Zeng Xiaoxian walked to Lu Ziqiao's side and dismantled him directly: "Ziqiao! Stop pretending! Meijia is back!"

  Lu Ziqiao continued to pretend to be blind: "This gentleman, are you calling me? I'm not Lu Ziqiao! You've got the wrong person!"

  Zeng Xiaoxian looked at Lu Ziqiao with a black line: "Stop pretending! Su Xin has already exposed you!"

  Lu Ziqiao saw that the face of the beautiful woman on the opposite side had darkened, and she knew that she was revealing herself, so she took off the fake beard.

  "Mei Jia will come back when she comes back! What are you doing to disturb me?" Lu Ziqiao walked directly to the sofa.

  When Chen Meijia saw Lu Ziqiao approaching, she didn't have a particularly big mood swing, but took out her mobile phone and looked at the time.

  "It's time for me to go, my boyfriend and I have an appointment to watch a movie, and I'll call him over to show you guys another day!"

  Hu Yifei looked at Chen Meijia in surprise: "You already have a boyfriend?"

  Chen Meijia nodded: "His name is Ai Paide, he is a painter, and he has an art exhibition here recently! If you have time tomorrow, I can bring him!"

  Hu Yifei said immediately: "Of course we have time, we will be here tomorrow, see you soon!"

  "it is good!"

  Chen Meijia said something and walked outside.

  Hu Yifei looked at Su Xin: "Is what Mika said true?"


  Su Xin said hesitantly, "I said can I not eat the supplements you made?"

  Hu Yifei immediately became unhappy: "No! You still have to eat what you should eat, but I also really want to know about Meijia!"

  Su Xin heard that Hu Yifei's dark food could not be avoided, so he didn't go around in circles.

  "It's basically not true! Meijia doesn't have a clothing store at all. Not only does she have no clothing store, but she also owes the clothing store a lot of money. This time she came out to sell clothing!"

  "Ha ha!"

  Lu Ziqiao laughed a few times, with a mocking expression on his face: "She's too miserable!"

  Zeng Xiaoxian took a sip from the bottle with a puzzled face: "Why does Mika owe a lot of money?"

  Su Xin explained: "Don't you know her arithmetic ability? Not only does she lose money selling clothes, but she also finds more money for others! As soon as the financial statement came out, she lost more than [-] yuan directly. Fortunately, that store was a street vendor. The place where the goods are, otherwise she can accompany herself in."

  Guan Gu miraculously nodded thoughtfully: "She used to make mistakes when she was my assistant!"

  Hu Yifei continued to ask, "What happened to her boyfriend?"

  Su Xin hesitated for a moment: "I won't talk about this question, I'm telling you about the money that Meijia owes, in order to collect money to help her repay the money, otherwise she will owe more and more! Now it's time for you to give your love. !"

  Lu Ziqiao directly refused: "I have no money!"

  Tang Youyou took out four hundred soft sister coins directly in Lu Ziqiao's pocket: "I've heard about you and Mika too! You should help her!"

  After Tang Youyou finished speaking, he took out the money from his pocket and handed it to Su Xin: "I only have a few hundred! More than a thousand in total!"

  Hu Yifei asked suspiciously: "We don't lack this money, why do we need to raise funds?"

  Su Xin explained helplessly: "This amount of money is not enough for us to eat a meal, but when we go out alone, she will always think about repaying the money. With her ability, it would be good not to starve herself to death. !"

  Hu Yifei nodded and looked at the others: "You just have to come up with some ideas, and Su Xin and I will pay the rest of the money! It's just a joint venture between us, so there's no need to pay it back!"

  Guan Gu miraculously took out a thousand soft sister coins with an embarrassed face: "I maxed out my credit card two days ago, and I can only take out so much!"

  Zeng Xiaoxian was still relatively generous, and took three thousand directly. Su Xin put the money together and began to talk about the last question, which is also the most important one!

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