Qin Yumo also knew that his major was not like this, so he didn't ask any more.

  Qin Yumo pressed for a while and asked, "Yifei has brought her students to the competition, aren't you worried that they will win?"

  Su Xin didn't care about this question, and replied, "Just those few singing students still want to win?"

  "What if you win? You already know Yifei's strength!" Qin Yumo reminded Su Xin that Hu Yifei's own strength was still against the sky.

  Su Xin still didn't care, closed his eyes and enjoyed the massage: "No matter how strong Yifei is, it's still useless to meet a few students who can't support the wall with mud. I guess she will cry when she comes back. I'll find a way to comfort her!" shape.

Chapter 210

  "Can Yifei cry? Impossible! I've never seen her cry in all the years I've known her!"

  Qin Yumo didn't believe Su Xin's words, because Hu Yifei had never cried in front of others.

  "It's normal that you haven't seen it before! She has such a strong personality, how can she cry in front of others! If I don't say anything, I'll hurry up to work and coax her in a while!"

  Su Xin opened his eyes and turned on the computer to continue working.

  In the evening, Hu Yifei walked back calmly. Although Hu Yifei did not show any abnormality, Su Xin still noticed the sadness in her eyes.

  Hu Yifei walked to the sofa, looked at Su Xin and said, "You won! I lost completely, zero to eighteen, I will abide by the bet and give you a massage for a month, I'm a little tired, I'll go back to rest first! "

  After Hu Yifei finished speaking and walked to her room, Qin Yumo pushed Su Xin: "It's your turn to play!"

  Su Xin stood up and followed Hu Yifei to her room. Seeing Su Xin following, Hu Yifei refused: "I'm a little tired today, go and find Yu Mo!"

  Su Xin shamelessly walked into Hu Yifei's room: "You promised to give me a massage! You won't regret it!"

  Hu Yifei was stunned for a moment, then walked into the bedroom: "Okay!"

  Su Xin walked to the edge and lay down directly: "Aren't you going to talk to me?"

  "Nothing to talk about, if you lose, you lose!"

  After Hu Yifei finished speaking, she started to massage Su Xin. Hu Yifei's eyes turned red, and finally she chatted with Su Xin.

  "Since I was born, I have never been as embarrassed as today, zero to eighteen. When the referee announced, I felt that everyone was looking at me differently!"

  Su Xin turned to look at Hu Yifei. At this moment, Hu Yifei's eyes were red and tears were flowing.

  Su Xin wiped away Hu Yifei's tears: "Yifei! You are a teacher, don't be discouraged when you encounter poor students, you can only show your teaching level by teaching the worst students to the strongest students, if you give them up now , they will carry the reputation of being a loser for the rest of their lives."

  Hearing Su Xin's words, Hu Yifei said resentfully: "Of course I know what you said, and I don't want to give up on them, I just don't know how to educate them! I want to let them ignite their fighting spirit through this competition. Think of it, they are even more decadent now!"

  Seeing that Hu Yifei didn't cry, Su Xin sat up directly: "They don't have the will to fight because they lack role models. You can help them find a role model. It's best to be about the same grade as them. Only after a role model will they have the fighting spirit!"

  Hu Yifei said helplessly: "The whole Taekwondo club is a pile of mud, where can there be an example!"


  In the original book, the Taekwondo club was still a pile of mud at the end. It was shameless to be brought by Zeng Xiaoxian to compete with elementary school students!

  Su Xin asked tentatively, "Why don't I find a professional coach?"

  When Hu Yifei heard Su Xin's words, he said contemptuously, "You are looking for a professional coach, so I teach you? This method won't work, just find a role model, you don't need to know taekwondo!"

  Hu Yifei thought about it, and suddenly his eyes lit up: "Yes! Find a role model, you are quite suitable!"

  Su Xin looked at Hu Yifei with a bewildered expression: "I have never practiced Taekwondo!"

  "You don't need to know Taekwondo, your story is very inspiring!" Hu Yifei looked at Su Xin with bright eyes.


  Su Xin pointed at himself suspiciously: "What inspiration do I have?"

  "Why not! You've changed from a counterfeit drug seller to a big boss, which is very inspiring! It's decided to be you! I'll go to school tomorrow for a play!"

  After Hu Yifei finished speaking, she pushed Su Xin aside and lay down by herself: "It's up to you to massage me!"


  Su Xin looked at Hu Yifei speechlessly: "I won the bet!"

  ...the dividing line of all evil...

  The next morning, Su Xin was pulled up by Hu Yifei early in the morning, and hurried to school without even running for a morning jog.

  Su Xin drove the car to the school, and complained about Hu Yifei by the way: "Come to school so early, don't talk about me, even those students haven't woken up yet!"

  Hu Yifei was searching for something with her mobile phone, and casually said: "We have to make a sign first, the Taekwondo club is too low! There is no murderousness at all!"

  "What name is murderous! Killer Training Club?" Su Xin teased.

  Hu Yifei handed the phone to Su Xin: "The signboard is ready, so it's called Aiwu Club! When you went to wash up last night, I found a company that made the signboard. I added money and let them do it overnight. Two signs!"

  Su Xin glanced at it, and it was just two pieces of cloth with the characters Aiwu written on them.

  "how much did you spend?"

  "over a thousand!"

  Su Xin looked at the road ahead, and complained, "You've been tricked! The signboard like this is [-] yuan, and it's only [-] yuan in an emergency. Let Ziqiao handle this kind of thing in the future!"

  Hu Yifei refused without thinking: "Zi Qiao is too unreliable! If she cuts corners, it will break down over time!"

  "You really want to teach taekwondo for the rest of your life! Teaching for a few years is done, and if you want to teach in the future, we will teach our own children!"

  Hu Yifei was a little reluctant: "Then become a housewife!"

  "How can you be a housewife! You can go shopping with Yu Mo and the others!"

  "Let's talk about it then!" Hu Yifei skipped this topic directly!

  The two arrived at the school, and after parking the car, someone was already waiting, and Hu Yifei walked to the gym with the signer.

  Hu Yifei asked the staff to put the billboard in place. After the billboard was installed, Su Xin realized that there was an advertisement with shaking hands next to Aiwu.

  The installer told Su Xin how to disassemble and assemble. After Su Xin learned it, the installer took the money and ran away.

  Hu Yifei used his mobile phone to notify all the people of the Taekwondo Club to gather.

  Su Xin walked to Hu Yifei and asked, "Will they come so early?"

  Hu Yifei looked at the time: "It's past nine o'clock, they must be coming over!"

  Su Xin asked suspiciously, "How come I heard that colleges only get up in the afternoon?"

  Hu Yifei looked at Su Xin with a black line: "That's a rumor! They'll be here in a while! You behave well!"

  "no problem!"

  Su Xin responded, and then asked, "How about we go have breakfast?"

  Hu Yifei directly refused: "No! In case other people come, we just went out, it seems that we are not punctual, I want you to set an example for them!"

  Su Xin looked a little bitter: "I don't want to be a role model!"

  Hu Yifei kicked Su Xin in disgust: "Yesterday you promised me that you would do this scene well!"


  Su Xin nodded helplessly: "If you don't eat a meal, you won't die of hunger! I can last for three hours!"

  Three hours later, the people from the Taekwondo Club still hadn't come, and Su Xin sat silently in the audience. .

Chapter 211

  Hu Yifei stood in front of the sign of the Aiwu Club and shouted angrily: "These guys have all lost like this, and they are still lazy if they don't hurry up to train. It seems that it is impossible not to educate them!"

  "Mr. Hu! We have arrived!"

  As soon as Hu Yifei finished speaking, a group of students in taekwondo uniforms walked in.

  Hu Yifei looked suspiciously at the students who came in at the same time: "Aren't you guys ~ negotiated?"

  A tall, thin man with glasses stepped forward and explained, "We just met by chance!-"

  Hu Yifei suddenly shouted: "All gather!"

  A group of students hurried to stand in front of the signboard of the Aiwu Club, and Hu Yifei walked over to them and began to lecture.

  "I don't care if you met by chance or not, you are all late, and everyone will run fifty laps around the stadium in a while!"


  All the students all had expressions of collapse on their faces.

  Hu Yifei waved to Su Xin, Su Xin stood up and walked towards Hu Yifei.

  Su Xin walked to Hu Yifei's side, and Hu Yifei began to introduce: "This is your new member, his name is Su Xin! Since you lost so badly last time, I found an example for you!"

  The tall and thin man with glasses joked: "Besides being handsome, does he have any real skills? In the taekwondo arena, being handsome won't give you extra points!"

  A female student looked at Su Xin with a crazy face: "You can get preferential treatment if you are handsome!"

  Hu Yifei coughed twice and corrected everyone's topic: "Su Xin is no worse than me, so don't underestimate him!"

  The tall and thin man continued to ask, "Mr. Hu, are you planning to let him teach us?"

  "Of course not! I'm looking for him just to inspire you!" After Hu Yifei finished speaking, he pushed Su Xin to the front.

  "Look at him, he is a model of successful counterattack!"

  The few girls started to boo: "Mr. Hu! Tell us his story!"

  Hu Yifei did not refuse, and immediately began to belittle Su Xin: "Before he succeeded, he was not full, did not wear warm clothes, often ate soft rice, and sold counterfeit medicines..."

  Su Xin looked at Hu Yifei with a black line, and said in a low voice, "Just say a little about the shortcomings! Say more about the advantages!"

  Hu Yifei replied in a low voice, "I'm here to motivate them!"

  Hu Yifei looked at the students of the Taekwondo Club: "Since he changed, he has made money, has a company, and has a sports car and a car. You have all seen shaking hands!"

  Everyone in the Taekwondo Club nodded: "We all play!"

  "That's the company he created!" Hu Yifei patted Su Xin on the shoulder after saying that.


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