An hour later, Su Xin finished making the soup and drank a bowl by himself, while Qin Yumo drank more than two bowls.

  Qin Yumo put the bowl on the table and began to praise Su Xin: "Why is the same material Yifei makes so bad, but yours tastes so good?"

  "Cooking skills, you need to exercise yourself, or you will be prone to overnutrition!"

  Su Xin said something, picked up the bowl and walked to the kitchen.


  The door of 3601 was opened, and Hu Yifei walked in with a basket of taekwondo uniforms. Hu Yifei was stunned when she saw Qin Yumo, and then said angrily: "You two went on a tour, and you left me alone, and now I still have it. Do you know how to come back?"

  Qin Yumo spoke out the remarks prepared in advance with a little embarrassment.

  "At that time, you only cared about Zhang Wei's affairs! You didn't pay attention to us at all. Su Xin and I also went on a trip to avoid Zhang Wei!"

  Hu Yifei put a basket of taekwondo uniforms on the carpet: "You didn't even ask me to go! Su Xin, come here, I want to discuss with you, I think you are partial!"

  Su Xin walked to the sofa helplessly: "I can take you on a trip alone another day!"

  "I pick the travel route!"

  When Hu Yifei heard Su Xin's words, his face softened a little and he made a condition.

  "no problem!"

  Su Xin sat on the sofa and looked at the taekwondo uniform: "Why is the pattern on this taekwondo uniform an icon of shaking hands!"

  Hu Yifei nodded, took out a Taekwondo uniform and opened it: "This is what I asked your company to do, it's a sponsor!"


  Su Xin knew that this part of the students taught by Hu Yifei were the legendary Zhan Wu scumbags, no, they were not even the Zhan Wu scumbags.

  Su Xin could imagine how he would write about the hot topic. Shaking Hands Company funded the taekwondo club of a certain university. After he played, he was ko in a second.

  Su Xin's face turned dark, and he began to discuss with Hu Yifei: "Yifei! Sponsor us out, can this trademark be removed? I'm afraid of shame!"

  Hu Yifei looked at Su Xin displeasedly: "Don't worry, my students are all proud of the heavens, and they won't embarrass your company!"

  After Hu Yifei said that, her tone gradually became weaker, and in the end, she was a little suspicious of those deceitful students.

  Su Xin looked at Hu Yifei responsibly: "Are you sure? If I guessed correctly, those students of yours have never even participated in regular competitions!"

  Hu Yifei's eyes dodged a little, and retorted: "Who said that, they also won five awards!"

  Qin Yumo looked at Hu Yifei in surprise: "Are your students so strong?"

  "Of course!"

  Hu Yifei said with some lack of tone.

  Su Xin directly debunked Hu Yifei's lie: "The five certificates of merit were won in the chorus competition!"

  Hu Yifei's face darkened, and she glared at Su Xin: "As far as you know!"

  Qin Yumo asked in surprise, "Aren't you from the Taekwondo Club? Why are you still participating in the singing competition?"

  Hu Yifei explained helplessly: "The former coach of the school was an old teacher who didn't teach Taekwondo at all, but taught them to sing!"


  Qin Yumo looked at Hu Yifei in surprise, and Su Xin waved his hands helplessly: "That's why I don't dare to let them wear clothes with the shaking hands logo, in case they don't last a round when they come to power, It is estimated that the next day my company will be in the headlines again!"

  Hu Yifei retorted unconvincingly: "Don't worry! As long as they wear this holy garment, they will definitely win!"

  Su Xin sneered: "It's just a bunch of clothes, you still want to have special bonuses! Do you think you are shooting anime? Change the equipment and you will be invincible? Save it!"

  Hu Yifei looked at Su Xin displeasedly: "Are you looking down on them?"

  Su Xin waved his hand: "Don't get me wrong, looking at them is a waste of my time, so I won't look at them at all!"


  Hu Yifei said angrily: "Okay! Since you look down on them, why don't we make a bet, do you dare?"

  Su Xin's face flashed a hint of joy, and then he hid it. His original intention was to make Hu Yifei bet with him.

  "How to bet! What to bet?"

  Qin Yumo saw that the two were going to quarrel, and persuaded: "We are all family, what kind of bet are you going to bet!".

Chapter 209

  Hu Yifei looked at Qin Yumo and comforted: "Don't worry, we're just betting, it won't hurt our feelings!"

  Qin Yumo was still a little reluctant, but seeing that Su Xin and Hu Yifei both wanted to gamble, he didn't say anything!

  Seeing that Qin Yumo was no longer blocking her, Hu Yifei looked at Su Xin confidently: "How about betting on my students to participate in the competition? If my students win, you promise me one thing!"

  Su Xin had read the original book and knew that it was a matter of [-] percent, so he agreed.

  "No problem! If your student loses, you won't let me drink that mess of soup again, how about that?"


  Hu Yifei and Qin Yumo shouted at the same time.


  Su Xin looked at Hu Yifei helplessly: "You are the one who wants to bet, but I say you don't agree to bet!"

  Hu Yifei shook his head firmly: "No! Except for this, other conditions are fine!"


  Su Xin saw that Hu Yifei firmly disagreed, and knew that the plan had failed, and then changed the conditions.

  "This won't work! Then give me a massage! The time is only one month, and you can't take revenge."

  "Okay! It's a deal!"

  Hu Yifei agreed immediately.

  "You don't want to know what I want you to do?" Hu Yifei looked at Su Xin with some doubts.

  Su Xin sat on the sofa without caring: "I won't lose again! It's useless to know!"

  Hu Yifei put the Taekwondo uniform back into the box: "Just wait and lose!"

  After Hu Yifei went to her room, Qin Yumo asked worriedly, "Su Xin! Don't you think this bet is not good for you? If you win, Yifei will definitely be angry!"

  "Don't worry! I know what to do!"

  Su Xin said something, signaling Qin Yumo to rest assured, then picked up the TV remote control to turn on the TV.

  Three days later, while Su Xin was processing DouShou's documents on his laptop, Guan Guqi and Tang Youyou came over.

  Guan Gu said with an embarrassed look on his face: "Su Xin! How about you help me get a work visa~ˇ!"

  Su Xin didn't even air-conditioning to talk about the magic of Guan Gu: "Okay! Just contact Du Jun directly! He will help you with everything!"

  After Su Xin finished speaking, he continued to process the documents, and Tang Youyou patted Guan Gu for a miraculous look: "You just want to save face, Su Xin has no time to compete with you, you have to be on the air!"

  Guan Gu looked at his hands with a puzzled look on his face: "I'm not carrying a clip!"

  Tang Youyou gave Guan Gu a magical look, and then looked at Su Xin: "Su Xin! You have already helped Guan Gu get the visa, what about the job?"


  When it comes to work, Su Xin is embarrassed again. Guan Gu's miraculous identity is here, and his position must not be low, but Du Jun has followed him since the early days of his business, and he is also Guan Gu's miraculous senior brother. Low.

  Su Xin frowned worriedly. Tang Youyou saw that Su Xin was worried and thought he didn't want Guan Gu's magic, so he immediately started to help Su Xin find the stairs.

  "I know that Guan Gu's major is not enough, as long as he can get a visa! As for work, let Guan Gu find a way!"

  Guan Gu looked at Tang Youyou with a bewildered expression: "Who said that my professional ability is not enough?"

  Su Xin knew that Tang Youyou had misunderstood, and explained: "It's not that I don't want to recruit Guan Gu, but that your relationship with him is here, and his position must not be low, but Du Jun has followed me since the beginning of his business, and it is him again. If Guan Gu can accept the deputy manager, then there is no objection!"

  Guan Gu waved his hand miraculously and refused directly: "No! I just want to find an idle job, preferably no job, so that I can draw my new comics with peace of mind!"

  Su Xin looked at Guan Gu miraculously with a black line: "Simply put, don't work with money!"

  Tang Youyou pushed Guan Gu and explained to Guan Gu, "Guan Gu still hasn't given up on his comic dream, don't worry about it."

  "I see! Guan Gu can go directly to our company's personnel department to report! If you don't have a position, you don't have to go to work. Anyway, no one in the comics department is in the company on time."

  Su Xin perfunctoryly gave Guan Gu some privileges, which was considered to take care of Tang Youyou's face.

  Tang Youyou asked suspiciously, "Don't everyone in your company have to go to work?"

  "Of course not, it's just that people in the comics department have such privileges. As long as they complete the tasks I explained within the stipulated time, I don't care about other things!"

  After Su Xin finished speaking, he continued to handle official business. Qin Yumo came over with a cup of coffee and put it next to Su Xin.

  "Take a break!"

  Hearing Qin Yumo's words, Su Xin glanced at the time, then stopped working and rested on the sofa.

  Qin Yumo massaged Su Xin's shoulders and looked at Guan Gu's miraculous.

  "Guan Gu, I watched your job search video! It's very characteristic!"

  Tang Youyou's eyes lit up when he heard Qin Yumo's words: "¨" You also think it's good!That was taken by me for Guan Gu! "

  Qin Yumo suddenly realized that he looked at Tang Youyou: "So that's the case, no wonder Guan Gu's job-hunting resume can be ranked first in the top ten embarrassing posts of Du Niang!"

  Su Xin had seen Guan Gu's magical job search video in the original book, but he still searched it on the computer.

  A familiar video with music, Su Xin recalled the time when he used to sit in front of the computer and scan the video of the love apartment.

  Su Xin took Qin Yumo's hand, turned his head to look at Tang Youyou, and joked: "This job search video combines several movies, so it's hard not to be an embarrassing post!"

  Tang Youyou said embarrassedly: "I thought there would be many bosses who would like this job search video! In the end, there was none!"

  Su Xin didn't comfort Tang Youyou either. After all, this job search video is really weird, if it's a funny video, it's okay!

  Guan Gu looked at the time magically: "I'll go to Du Jun to apply for a visa first!"

  Su Xin nodded, but without holding back, Tang Youyou followed Guan Gu out of 3601 miraculously.

  Qin Yumo looked at Su Xin's computer: "Is there anything I can help you with these documents in your office?"

  Su Xin shook his head and patted Qin Yumo's hand: "These documents are different from cosmetics. You haven't studied them before, so I'm afraid you can't understand them. You better massage me!"

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