It was said that everyone looked at Su Xin in surprise, and one of the chubby men first began to speak: "Your League of Legends is too pitiful! There are so many skins, my pocket money for a year is almost exhausted, and I still haven't collected it all. All skins!"

  Hu Yifei interrupted him with a displeased expression: "It is not allowed to discuss the game now! I want you to follow him as an example and make changes. You are college students, the future talents, and you will definitely be stronger than him in the future. , so you have to make changes, and only when you stand at the top can you experience what it feels like to be at the top!"

  The tall and thin man with glasses asked suspiciously, "What does his success have to do with us learning Taekwondo?"

  Hu Yifei frowned slightly and continued: "I want you to learn the spirit of continuous improvement in him!"


  Everyone in the Taekwondo club began to discuss with each other.

  Seeing everyone's reaction, Hu Yifei was a little disappointed, so she pulled Su Xin secretly and whispered, "Just say a few words!"

  Su Xin nodded and looked at the chubby man who was talking just now: "Little fat! You complain about a lot of skin, do you know why you can't afford all the skins?"

  When Xiaopang heard Su Xin ask himself, he asked suspiciously, "Is it because I am poor?"


  Su Xin directly rejected Xiaopang's statement: "You can't afford skins because you are a loser! If you have a girlfriend, you don't have time to play games. If you don't play games, why do you feel that skins are expensive?"

  Xiao Pang said with a look of loss: "I only play games because I don't have a girlfriend!"

  Hu Yifei reminded in a low voice, "Su Xin! Digress!"

  "Don't worry! Just watch my performance!"

  After Su Xin finished speaking, he looked at Xiaopang: "Just like you, you still want to find a girlfriend. Which girl would like a waste!"

  Xiao Pang shouted angrily: "I'm not a waste!"

  Su Xin looked at everyone mockingly: "You guys are zero to eighteen, so you're still not a waste? Some of you may have girlfriends, but if you keep losing, your girlfriends will follow the winner in the end! Because no one likes losers!"

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????????????

  A boy standing in the middle looked at the girl next to him: "Will you follow others?"

  The girl replied without thinking: "How come! Whether you win or lose, I will love you!"

  Su Xin fooled the boy at the right time: "Don't believe it! If you exchange it, do you think the winner is better or the loser is better?"

  The boy began to hesitate, Su Xin looked at the other boys, only a tall and thin man with glasses did not think deeply, Su Xin immediately realized that this man must be a sea king.

  Su Xin ignored this Sea King, as long as he transformed the others, he was just a Sea King, nothing to worry about.

...... 0

  Su Xin shouted: "For the girl! Bah! For the victory! Aiwu Club, come on!"

  Everyone started shouting: "For the sake of the girl (handsome guy), Aiwu Club, come on!"

  Su Xin saw that only Sea King didn't shout, everyone else shouted, and turned to look at Hu Yifei: "It's done, you can start training!"

  Hu Yifei looked at Su Xin with a black line: "What kind of crooked way are you? I taught them to win, but now one by one..."

  Hu Yifei was embarrassed to say it directly, but seeing that the effect was not bad, she did not pursue it any further.

  Hu Yifei asked the president, that is, the sea king, to bring a few people to start the training of moving things.

  After Su Xin helped set up the training equipment, he saw that everyone was actively training, so he walked to Hu Yifei's side.

  "Yifei! They have found their goal, can I withdraw?"

  Hu Yifei held Su Xin back: "Don't go! You should train with them for a few days first, and then leave after they really make progress!"


  Su Xin was a little hesitant, he had a lot of things to do, not to mention it was boring to practice with a group of scumbags!

  Seeing Su Xin hesitate, Hu Yifei said quickly, "You said you helped me last night!"

  "All right!"

  Su Xin reluctantly agreed, and went to the most useless person and started pointing.

  "The starting hand is too high, and the strength cannot reach the maximum at all."

  Hu Yifei saw that Su Xin began to give pointers, and she was not idle, she walked to a girl and began to teach.indivual.

Chapter 212

  After the Taekwondo Club had a goal, they seemed very motivated, especially Xiao Chuan, who kicked a sandbag and shouted.

  "For the girl!"

  Everyone practiced for a few hours, and Hu Yifei was still very satisfied with their progress.

  Seeing that they were almost done practicing, Hu Yifei directly called everyone to gather, and after a few words they disbanded.

  Su Xin and Hu Yifei walked to the parking lot and drove to the love apartment.

  Hu Yifei sat in the co-pilot and began to praise Su Xin: "I didn't expect your ability to fool people to be quite powerful!"

  Su Xin said triumphantly: "I used to make a living by fooling people. This is a housekeeping skill. If it wasn't great, I would have starved to death!"

  Hu Yifei said contemptuously: "Shameless, not ashamed but proud!"

  Su Xin didn't care about Hu Yifei's ridicule: "No matter what! At least I mobilized their motivation!"

  Hu Yifei asked worriedly: "They won't shout on the field, right?"


  Su Xin said with some uncertainty: "It shouldn't be... it!"

  Hu Yifei didn't care: "Shout it! As long as they can win!"

  Su Xin asked with some doubts: "You are only teaching them temporarily. Is it necessary to be so serious?"

  Hu Yifei said firmly: "As long as they are my students, I will teach with my heart, even if they only teach for one day, they are my students, and I will teach with my heart!"

  Su Xin smiled: "You are so great! You will definitely be a good teacher in the future!"

  "Don't compliment me, let's find a place to eat! I'm starving to death!" Hu Yifei began to urge Su Xin.

  With a helpless expression on his face, Su Xin opened the navigation.

  "I've been starving to death for a long time! There's only one breath left. If you don't go to breakfast in the morning, you have to be hungry until evening."

  Su Xin found the nearest restaurant in the navigation and drove to the restaurant!

  Hu Yifei explained helplessly: "I'm a teacher. To set an example, I can't be later than them!"

  "Assistant teacher, and your teaching Taekwondo is temporary!" Su Xin corrected!

  Hu Yifei looked forward dejectedly: "Drive well! I'll be able to change to normal soon! But I don't know whether to change to normal or not. If I don't, I can go to your company to help you!"

  When Su Xin heard Hu Yifei's words, he immediately helped Hu Yifei make up his mind: "Is this worth thinking about? In such a big company, I am the only person handling important matters. If you come to help, I will be much more relaxed!"

  Hu Yifei glanced at Su Xin and said contemptuously, "I think you just want to be lazy!"

  Su Xin said seriously: "How come! I just want to work with you!"


  Hu Yifei said disdainfully: "I don't know you yet? When I can handle the work, you will definitely leave the work to me!"


  When Su Xin saw that he was dismantled, he was not embarrassed at all: "How could it be! How can I bear to let you work alone!"

  Hu Yifei interrupted Su Xin: "Is it that restaurant?"

  Su Xin glanced at it, it was indeed a restaurant for navigation, Su Xin drove the car to the parking space.

  "Yes! I'll stop the car first!"

  When Su Xin was about to enter the parking space, a car stopped directly.


  Su Xin immediately began to complain: "Are all young people today so unqualified?"

  A stylishly dressed young man stepped out of the car, and walked to Su Xin's car with a wad of money in his hand: "This parking space belongs to me, you can take the money to park elsewhere!"


  Su Xin looked at the young man with a black line: "Are you showing off your wealth?"

  The young man arrogantly handed the money to Su Xin: "I'm not showing off my wealth, I just can't spend too much money!"

  "Ha ha!"

  Su Xin sneered, and directly took the money from the young man: "Okay! I'll stop in another place!"

  The youth's expression froze, and he looked at Su Xin in disbelief: "You!"

  Su Xin looked at the young man with contempt: "What is the age, you still use this method to make money! You also borrowed that car! What is your relationship with Wang Kuo?"

  "I don't know Wang Kuo! Unlucky! Today's work is in vain!" The young man walked towards his car with a bad look on his face.

  Su Xin raised the window and drove to another parking space.

  Hu Yifei asked suspiciously, "Su Xin, what happened to that person just now? Why did you ask him if he knew Wang Kuo?"

  Su Xin parked the car in another parking space: "That car belongs to Wang Kuo, and it's probably borrowed by that person!"

  Su Xin and Hu Yifei walked to the car and to the restaurant, Hu Yifei was still puzzled: "Why did she give you money!"

  "Routines! It's all routines. That person saw that we were driving a luxury car and wanted to smash us with money. If the average rich man would definitely throw more money back, it's a pity that he met me! "

  Su Xin held a stack of banknotes and counted them very much. . . . . . .

  "More than three thousand, enough for us to eat!"

  Hu Yifei asked suspiciously, "Will someone really throw more money back?"

  "Of course there are, especially those who get rich, they will make big money, but if I don't eat this, what's the use of face? Not to mention that no one knows!"

  Su Xin and Hu Yifei walked into the restaurant, and a waiter came over: "Welcome! Are you two in the lobby or the box?"

  Su Xin looked at Hu Yifei and asked, "You choose!"

  Hu Yifei glanced at the hall, there were not many people: "Let's eat outside!"

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