Su Xin has a black line, Zhang Wei pushed him away: "Fuck off! I've only known you for over a year! We don't know each other well!"

  Zhang Wei continued to grab Su Xin like an old man: "If you don't help me, I'll have to keep pestering you!"

  Qin Yumo glanced at Zhang Wei with some disgust: "Su Xin! Otherwise, please help him!"

  Su Xin thought for a while, then said perfunctorily: "You go back first, hold Hu Yifei, and I will help you find a way!"

  When Zhang Wei heard Su Xin's words, he immediately became normal: "I knew you had a way! I'm going to hold Hu Yifei right now, hurry up and think of a way!"

  Su Xin vowed: "Don't worry! Since I promised you, I won't go back on it!"

  Zhang Wei saw Su Xin's agreement, so he walked towards 3602 with a smile on his face.

  Seeing that Zhang Wei was gone, Su Xin immediately picked up Qin Yumo's bag and dragged Qin Yumo to the outside: "Yumo! Let's travel for a few days, and when the matter is over, we'll come back!"

Chapter 207

  Qin Yumo looked at Su Xin blankly: "Didn't you promise Zhang Wei to help him solve the problem? Why are you running again?"

  Su Xin pulled Qin Yumo out and said, "Do you really want to see me fight Yifei?"

  Qin Yumo said hesitantly, "Will it be bad if we just leave? What if Zhang Wei really can't think of anything and jumps off the building?"

  Su Xin comforted: "Don't worry! Zhang Wei is not a fool. He cherishes his life more than anyone else. He won't really jump off the building. If we don't leave, it is estimated that Zhang Wei will torture me and jump off the building!"

  "Okay!" Qin Yumo followed Su Xin into the elevator helplessly!

  Five days later, Xiao Li's wedding was over, and Su Xin took Qin Yumo back to 3601.

  Su Xin looked around, but didn't see Hu Yifei, not even Tang Youyou.

  Qin Yumo asked suspiciously, "Yifei has no class today! Did he go to the bar?"

  Su Xin put away the things that the two bought when they traveled: "Let's go to the next door to see if Zhang Wei has collapsed!"

  Su Xin took Qin Yumo from the balcony to 3602, where Tang Youyou and Zhang Wei were sitting at the dining table chatting.

  Seeing that Zhang Wei seemed normal, Su Xin stepped forward and asked, "Zhang Wei! How are you doing recently?"

  Zhang Wei glanced at Su Xin: "Liar! It's over, you're back! Help me?"

  Su Xin explained embarrassingly, "I'm not helping you for your own good!"

  Zhang Wei said angrily, "Would you like to help me or for my own good?"

  Su Xin nodded, sat opposite Zhang Wei, and explained earnestly.

  "If I don't go, how can I stimulate your potential? Look at this incident, you solved it yourself, which shows that your potential is unlimited!"

  Tang Youyou said with a sneer: "In order not to go to the wedding, he ate crayfish twice in a row, and then he managed to escape Xiaoli's wedding!"

  Su Xin gave Zhang Wei a thumbs up: "Zhang Wei, I have to say that you are a ruthless person, and being ruthless to yourself is really ruthless!"

  Zhang Wei looked at Su Xin speechlessly: "You think I'm willing to be allergic! It's all Hu Yifei, they insisted that I go to Xiaoli's wedding!"

  Su Xin heard Zhang Wei mention Hu Yifei, and asked suspiciously, "Right! I haven't seen Yifei so much? Where did she go?"

  "Yifei's school's taekwondo coach has retired. Their principal heard that Yifei had practiced a little taekwondo, so he made Yifei a temporary teacher!" Tang Youyou explained.

  "Taekwondo teacher?" Su Xin was stunned for a moment, and then he didn't care anymore.

  Qin Yumo sighed, "Taekwondo students are going to be out of luck!"

  "I am back!"

  Guan Gu miraculously walked in with a cardboard box, his face full of helplessness.

  Guan Gu miraculously put the cardboard box on the table and looked at Su Xin: "You guessed it again!"

  Tang Youyou looked suspiciously at Guan Gu's miraculous: "What did Su Xin guess? A box as big as yours, wouldn't it be all royalties? Are you going to make a fortune?"

  Guan Gu miraculously sat down on the chair with a helpless expression: "There is no manuscript fee, these are all letters sent by my fans, and the publishing house has not paid for the manuscript for a long time, so I went to see it, and when I arrived at the publishing house, I found out, The publishing house closed down as early as a month ago! Only the old man who is the gatekeeper is waiting for me to pack up!"

  "Closed? Why?" Tang Youyou looked at Guan Gu in shock!

  Su Xin helped Guan Gu miraculously explained: "Nowadays, pirated comics are rampant, and the general publishing house has already closed down. Even my company's comics have been affected, and the copyright is not easy to sell!"

  Guan Gu shrugged helplessly: "The genuine love tripod cat is [-] soft sister coins, while the pirated version only sells for [-] yuan and [-] comes with two copies. The publishing house can't make ends meet, and finally has to go out of business!"

  Zhang Wei looked at Guan Gu miraculously and comforted: "These are only temporary, it will be fine after a while, and you can also take this opportunity to take a good rest!"

  Guan Gu nodded miraculously and took out the letter in the box: "I can also take this time to see if readers have any good suggestions!"

  Su Xin attacked: "I'm afraid you don't have time to read the letter! Your work visa is about to expire! If you don't find a job as soon as possible, I'm afraid you will be deported!"


  Guan Gu looked at Su Xin in surprise: "How did you know?"

  Su Xin pointed to Guan Gu's magical box: "If you don't believe me, you can look inside, you only have seven days!"

  When Qin Yumo heard Su Xin's words, he pinched Su Xin hard: "Fortune-telling again? Go back later and let Yifei make soup for you!"

  Su Xin immediately turned into a bitter face: "Forget about this!"

  When Guan Gu miraculously heard Su Xin's words, he rummaged through the envelope and found the notice...  

  Guan Gu opened the envelope and looked at it in a miraculous and sad manner: "I'm already a black household now!"

  Tang Youyou patted Guan Gu's magical shoulder: "Don't worry! Isn't it just a work visa! Just let Su Xin do it for you!"

  Su Xin didn't object when he heard Tang Youyou's words: "Go to Du Jun tomorrow and ask him to take you to do it!"


  When Guan Gu miraculously heard that Du Jun took him to do it, he immediately refused!

  Tang Youyou asked suspiciously: "Why? Do you want to be deported back to China?"

  "Of course I don't want to! It's just that I can't let Du Jun say that I eat soft rice!"

  Guan Guji became more and more excited as he spoke, stood up and walked to the sofa, and took out a knife from under the sofa: "Our Guan Gu family, since the Warring States Period, there has been no man who has eaten soft rice!"

  Tang Youyou snatched the knife from Guan Gu's magical hand: "Why are you thinking about it? It's just a work visa, how can it be considered a soft meal?"

  Guan Gu has a stern look: "As long as Su Xin doesn't help me, I can do anything. I don't believe that a well-known painter like me can't find a job!"

  Seeing that Tang Youyou still wanted to persuade, Su Xin said, "Forget it! Auntie, don't persuade him. If you don't let him experience the cruelty of society, he doesn't know what it means to seize the opportunity."

  Tang Youyou hesitated for a while, and without persuading him, Zhang Wei looked at everyone suspiciously: "Which company do you think would want a twenty-seven-year-old newcomer?"

  "There is no paper in the rice cake, I will go to submit my resume now, and stop by the visa center to see if I can accommodate it!" Guan Gu stood up magically and walked to his room!

  Qin Yumo looked at Su Xin in confusion: "Guan Gu wants to say that you are not old enough to have aspirations, right?"

  Su Xin nodded: "As far as his Chinese level is concerned, let alone his resume, even conversation is a problem!"

  As soon as Su Xin finished speaking, Guan Gu miraculously stuck his head out to ask.

  "Can any of you help me write a resume?"

  Tang Youyou stood up and walked to Guan Gu's room: "I'll write it for you, what work experience do you have besides comics?"

  Tang Youyou and Guan Gu walked into the room miraculously to discuss the resume.

  Zhang Wei beckoned to Su Xin: "Su Xin, come here, I'll ask you a question!".

Chapter 208

  Su Xin glanced at Qin Yumo beside him, then turned to look at Zhang Wei: "No outsiders! Just say it!"

  Zhang Wei looked awkward: "This matter should not be known to too many people!"

  Su Xin looked at Zhang Wei with disgust, and his eyes were slightly wary.

  "What do you want to do? I'm tight!"

  Zhang Wei was stunned for a moment when he heard Su Xin's words, and said with an unpleasant expression, "I am also a tight-lipped person! I just want to ask you something!"

  "Then you look awkward! You startled me!" Su Xin sprayed directly and walked to Zhang Wei's side.

  The two walked aside, Zhang Wei turned into a squeamish look again, and Su Xin urged him to hold back his desire to kill Zhang Wei.

  "Say something! I'm afraid I can't help but kill you!"

  Zhang Wei also had no ink, and asked in a low voice, "You said before that I would meet my future wife and create a law firm!"

  Su Xin nodded and asked suspiciously, "Yes! What's wrong?"

  "I want to ask, when will I meet her? When will I open a law firm? I'm almost thirty now! I don't even see a shadow of the two things you mentioned!"

  "That's it?"

  Su Xin breathed a sigh of relief, he thought Zhang Wei was looking for him to do something again!

  "Don't worry! The one who should come will always be... Hey! Don't pull your ears!"

  Qin Yumo walked quietly behind the two of them long ago. Hearing that Su Xin was telling someone else's fortune again, he immediately grabbed Su Xin's ear and pulled him over in anger.

  "Why don't you have a long memory? Go back with me!"

  Qin Yumo let go of Su Xin's ears and pulled Su Xin's clothes to the outside.

  Zhang Wei looked a little anxious: "You can go after you finish!"

  Qin Yumo turned back and glared at Zhang Wei: "If you ask Su Xin for fortune-telling again, I will let Yifei teach you a lesson!"

  "Whatever you want! I'm fine!"

  As soon as Zhang Wei heard that Qin Yumo was looking for Hu Yifei, he immediately persuaded him and stopped asking about it.

  Qin Yumo took Su Xin to 3601 and returned to the living room of 3601. Su Xin said helplessly, "I didn't plan to tell Zhang Wei either!"

  Qin Yumo glared at Su Xin: "Stop talking nonsense! Don't you know what's going on with you? There will never be a day where you will be relieved! Wait, I'll make soup for you!"

  Hearing that Qin Yumo was going to cook, Su Xin was scared out of cold sweat, and quickly stopped Qin Yumo: "I'll do it! What you made is not a tonic, but a poison, and you might blow up the kitchen if you're not careful. !"

  Qin Yumo didn't argue any more after hearing Su Xin's words. She knew her cooking skills, so she could eat well, but she could only cook!

  Qin Yumo sat on the sofa and watched Su Xin cook: "I'll supervise you! Hurry up and make the soup!"

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