Su Xin closed his eyes, his face twitched a little, and he waved his hands for a while. After Su Xin recovered, he began to complain: "This is too unpleasant to drink!"

  Hu Yifei handed Su Xin a glass of water: "The tougher the soup, the better the efficacy!"

  Su Xin took a few gulps of water and finally suppressed the taste of the soup.

  Hu Yifei took the bowl and went to the kitchen to clean it up, and came out with another bowl of soup.

  "Yu Mo! It's a waste to throw away this bowl of soup, why don't we drink it!"

  Thinking of Su Xin's painful expression, Qin Yumo began to hesitate.

  "Not good! It looks hard to drink!"

  Hu Yifei put the soup on the table and handed Qin Yumo a spoon: "Don't worry! Su Xin can drink it! We can drink it too!"

  Hu Yifei took another spoon and took a sip, then took a sip.


  Hu Yifei spit out the soup and wiped it with a tissue: "I think it's better to pour it!"

  Qin Yumo asked curiously, "Is it worse than before?"

  I have to say that curiosity kills cats, but also kills people. Qin Yumo was very curious about how bad the soup was, so he tasted a little bit.

  "Dump it! Hurry up! I really don't understand how Su Xin drank it!" Qin Yumo put the spoon into the soup bowl and looked at the soup on the table with disgust.

  Su Xin looked at the two of them helplessly: "You know how unpleasant it is! You will make soup in the future, please try it for yourself."

  Hu Yifei took the soup directly to the kitchen for destruction.

  "Knock knock knock!"

  There was a knock on the door, Su Xin stood up, walked to the door and opened it.

  A courier stood outside the door with a box in his hand. The courier handed the box to Su Xin: "Zhang Wei's courier!"

  Su Xin took the box and asked suspiciously, "Zhang Wei is in 3602, why don't you give it to him directly?"

  The courier confirmed it again: "The address is correct, Room 3601, Love Apartment! Sign it!"

  Hu Yifei's voice came from the room: "That's right, bring it in!"

  Su Xin signed with a puzzled look, walked to the living room with the box, and looked at Hu Yifei doubtfully: "How did Zhang Wei's things get sent to our suite?"

  Hu Yifei took the box from Su Xin's hand: "This is the bridesmaid dress that Xiaoli sent to Zhang Wei!"


  Qin Yumo looked at the box in Hu Yifei's hand in disbelief: "You mean bridesmaid dress?"

  Hu Yifei nodded and put the box on the table: "Yes, it's the bridesmaid dress! Xiaoli said that she once promised to enter the palace of marriage with Zhang Wei, but now that Xiaoli is going to get married, she specially asked Zhang Wei to be her. Bridesmaids!"

  Qin Yumo said unacceptably: "But, Zhang Wei is a man, even if he is, he can only be the best man!"

  Hu Yifei took out the bridesmaid dress and looked at it: "Enough of the best man! Xiaoli still wants Zhang Wei to appear as her mother's family!"

  Su Xin asked, "Did you agree on Zhang Wei's behalf?"

  Hu Yifei nodded and put the bridesmaid dress back: "I think Zhang Wei has really put down Xiaoli, so I agreed for him!"

  Su Xin frowned and said displeasedly, "Yi Fei! You stabbed Zhang Wei and sprinkled salt on his wound! How could you do this?"

  Hu Yifei was also a little unhappy when she heard Su Xin's words: "I'm helping Zhang Wei and the past to have a thorough understanding!"

  "Don't you think it's cruel to Zhang Wei? Let him watch his ex-fiancee live with others, or as a bridesmaid!"

  When Su Xin watched this episode in his previous life, he felt that Hu Yifei had gone too far. He was going through this episode, and of course he tried to stop it as much as possible.

  Qin Yumo also persuaded Hu Yifei: "Yifei! This is really not good for Zhang Wei! You better not participate, let Zhang Wei decide for himself!"

  Hu Yifei felt that what she did was the right one, and did not listen to Su Xin and Qin Yumo at all.

  "When Zhang Wei gets rid of this relationship completely, you will find that I am right!"

  After Hu Yifei finished speaking, she picked up the bridesmaid dress and walked to the balcony. From the balcony, she walked into the living room of 3682.

  Qin Yumo looked at Su Xin and asked, "It seems that Yifei is determined to cheat Zhang Wei! Shall we stop it?"

  Su Xin shrugged helplessly: "How to stop it? Yifei doesn't know how Zhang Wei feels at all. When Zhang Wei missed his wedding, the moment he learned that the bride was leaving with others, how lonely his expression was. I know how embarrassing it is, and I'm watching from the side."

  Qin Yumo looked at Su Xin suspiciously: "But we didn't see him sad or thinking about Xiaoli!"


  Su Xin sighed and looked out of the balcony: "He is a man, although he is usually unreliable, but he still hides the pain in his heart, I have seen him almost collapse! That's why I stopped him. Yifei!".

Chapter 206

  Qin Yumo began to sympathize with Zhang Wei when he heard Su Xin's words.

  "What did Zhang Wei do in his past life? He finally missed the bride's escape from marriage, and now he has to watch the bride and another person enter the palace of marriage! Still as a bridesmaid!"

  "I really don't know what Yifei thinks. It's so rude to Zhang Wei. Forget it! Let's go and have a look. Zhang Wei must be very funny wearing a bridesmaid dress!"

  Su Xin stood up and took Qin Yumo to 3602.

  Su Xin and Qin Yumo walked to the 3602 living room, Zeng Xiaoxian and Lu Ziqiao were sitting on the sofa, and Hu Yifei was standing in front of Zhang Wei's room.

  Su Xin looked at Hu Yifei suspiciously: "Where's Zhang Wei?"

  Hu Yifei came over and explained: "Zhang Wei went to change his clothes! Wait a minute, no matter what Zhang Wei looks like, don't laugh, try to praise him as handsome!"

  Lu Ziqiao said firmly: "Don't worry! I'm a professional, no matter how funny it is, I won't laugh!"

  Zeng Xiaoxian is also very confident: "Don't worry! As a professional radio host, I will not laugh at Zhang Wei!"

  Hu Yifei nodded with satisfaction and looked at Su Xin: "How about you?"

  Su Xin sat on the sofa, without talking or laughing, but continued to persuade Hu Yifei to let Zhang Wei go.

  "Zhang Wei is already miserable, do you need to push Zhang Wei into the fire pit again?"

  Hu Yifei defended with a displeased expression: "I want him to be reborn from the ashes. Zhang Wei is already useless. If he doesn't cross this hurdle, he will be useless for the rest of his life!"

  Seeing that Hu Yifei was obsessed, Qin Yumo also persuaded him, "If Zhang Wei is made of plastic, he will not be reborn from ashes, but will set himself on fire!"

  Hu Yifei didn't listen to Qin Yumo's words, but insisted on her own point of view: "Whether it is rebirth from ashes or self-immolation by playing with fire, you will know after a try. Zhang Wei is so useless anyway, and he will not see anything if he is more useless!"

  Zeng Xiaoxian sighed with a sigh of relief: "Hu Yifei is really a surname! Zhang Wei is so miserable, she still won't let Zhang Wei go!"

  Lu Ziqiao defended in a low voice, "When did she have a surname?"

  "Heroes see the same thing!" After Zeng Xiaoxian finished speaking, he gave Lu Ziqiao a high-five.

  Hu Yifei glared at Zeng Xiaoxian and Lu Ziqiao: "If you continue to talk nonsense, believe it or not, I will tear your mouth apart right now?"

  Zeng Xiaoxian and Lu Ziqiao immediately became honest. Su Xin wanted to persuade him again, but Qin Yumo stopped Su Xin and shook his head at Su Xin.


  Zhang Wei's door opened, Hu Yifei walked to Zhang Wei's door, looked stunned, and then urged Zhang Wei.

  "You're handsome! You're even more handsome than Su Xin in this dress, come out and show them!"

  Zhang Wei was wearing a red cheongsam and a pair of high-heeled shoes, and walked out with a very bad face.

  The moment everyone saw Zhang Wei, they were all stunned, and no one said anything.

  Lu Ziqiao couldn't help it at first, and burst into laughter. This laughter seemed to cause a chain reaction. Except for Zhang Wei, who had a gloomy face, everyone laughed.

  Lu Ziqiao teased Su Xin while laughing at Zhang Wei: "Zhang Wei's clothes are so weird! I didn't expect that in Yifei's heart, Su Xin is not as good as Zhang Wei now!"

  Su Xin, who was still smiling at first, turned black when he heard Lu Ziqiao's words, and his smile stopped.

  Seeing Su Xin unhappy, Hu Yifei explained, "I'm just complimenting Zhang Wei, don't take it in front of you!"

  Su Xin naturally wouldn't take it seriously, but comparing the current Zhang Wei with himself, he was quite disgusted.

  Zhang Wei tugged at his cheongsam: "Am I a little weird now?"

  Hu Yifei circled around Zhang Wei: "It's good! It's not strange at all!"

  Zhang Wei saw how many people were holding back their smiles, and his face was the same as eating Xiang: "Do I look like a change now?"

  Lu Ziqiao couldn't help laughing: "It's not very accurate to use this word! You can be more confident."

  When Zhang Wei heard Lu Ziqiao's words, he covered his face angrily and fled. Zhang Wei walked with the sound of high heels stepping on the ground.

  "Tap Tap!"

  Zeng Xiaoxian leaned beside Su Xin and whispered, "Do you care about Hu Yifei? He will kill Zhang Wei like this!"

  Su Xin shook his head and said helplessly: "I can't control her! Although she listens to me on the surface, she never listens to me when they disagree."

  Zeng Xiaoxian said with a sigh: "I guess Zhang Wei can't escape this difficulty!"

  After watching Zhang Wei's Hot Eyes fashion show, Su Xin couldn't persuade Hu Yifei, so he just gave up.

  Su Xin looked at Qin Yumo beside him: "It's better to take my wife to play! Anyway, nothing will happen to Zhang Wei."

  "Yu Mo! Let's go! We can't control Zhang Wei's affairs!"

  After Su Xin finished speaking, he took Qin Yumo back to 3601, while Hu Yifei was still persuading Zhang Wei to attend Xiaoli's wedding.

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  At noon the next day, Su Xin was chatting with Qin Yumo in the living room. Zhang Wei ran over from the balcony in exasperation and saw Su Xin and started complaining directly.

  "Su Xin! Can you take care of Hu Yifei? Why is she so concerned about my affairs?"

  Su Xin looked at Zhang Wei helplessly: "She is often nosy, you don't know! What can I do?"

  Zhang Wei looked at Su Xin angrily: "This is all caused by Hu Yifei, why did she promise to attend Xiaoli's wedding for me, and she was still a bridesmaid, and now she wants to take me to find Xiaoli, she Are you full? As her husband, you must give an explanation for this!"

...... 0 ...

  Su Xin waved his hand helplessly: "I have no way to solve your problem, if Hu Yifei will do it with me, let's do it! I thought about the best of both worlds, I am temporarily divorced Hu Yifei, and I have nothing with her. So you don't have to ask me to talk about it!"


  Zhang Wei was stunned when he heard Su Xin's words, then he grabbed Su Xin stubbornly and started playing emotional cards, threatening him by the way.

  "We've been brothers for so many years, can't you help me? If you don't help me, I can only jump off the building, maybe I'll jump off with you."

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