"Guan Gu! How's your new comic with Du Jun?"

  Guan Gu said with a smile on his face, "I've finished creating it, and I'm just waiting for the publishing house to release it!"

  Su Xin looked at Guan Gu miraculously: "Don't you have a familiar publishing house?"

  Guan Gu nodded miraculously and explained: "I sent the original manuscript to the publishing house, but they didn't reply, and the share of my love three-legged cat was not sent either."

  Su Xin remembered that the first publishing house of Guan Gu's miraculous work in the original book seemed to have closed down recently, and Su Xin reminded Guan Gu miraculously.

  "I heard that many publishing houses have closed down now. The publishing house you stayed at will not also close down, right?"

  Guan Gu shook his head with a miraculous smile: "The publishing house I work for is a very big publishing house, how could it go out of business! If it does go out of business, someone will notify me!".

Chapter 204

  "After the manga conference is over, you should go and see it! If the publishing house you work for really goes out of business, you might as well deal with it in advance."

  Su Xin knew the direction of the original work, so he advised Guan Gu to prepare early.

  Guan Gu Qiqi didn't care at all: "Don't worry! I was in the mall two days ago and saw someone selling my love three-legged cat cartoon!"

  Su Xin saw that Guan Gu was miraculous and still didn't believe it, so he didn't persuade him any more.

  "Mr. Su! I'm sorry, I'm late!"

  Du Jun ran over in a black suit.

  Seeing Du Jun's arrival, Su Xin didn't reprimand him for being late, and walked inside with the two of them.

  "You two stop fighting! I don't want to be embarrassed with you!"

  Du Jun swore and assured: "Mr. Su, don't worry! I won't have a dispute with someone who eats soft rice!"

  When Guan Gu miraculously heard Du Jun's words, he immediately became unhappy: "Who do you say eat soft rice?"

  Facing Guan Gu's miraculousness, Du Jun restored his unique way of speaking.

  "Of course it means...you!"

  Guan Gu looked at Du Jun with a black line: "You can talk to Su Xin well, why do you become so strange when you come to me?"

  Du Jun followed behind Su Xin and said in a hurry, "Nonsense! He is... the boss, how dare I... make him unhappy!"

  Guan Gu miraculously stopped worrying about Du Jun's speech, and began to ask about eating soft rice.

  "Why did you just say that I eat soft rice? I have always made money by painting myself, and I have never been supported by women!"

  Du Jun said contemptuously: "You soaked... our boss's... little aunt!"

  Guan Gu miraculously asked: "Yuyou is my girlfriend, does this have anything to do with eating soft rice?"

  "Of course... it has something to do with it! If Tang Youyou hadn't asked the boss to beg for mercy, do you think you could speak at the cartoon conference held by our company?"

  Du Jun said a lot of words directly and smoothly, and by the way, he despised Guan Gu for a while.

  Guan Gu looked at Su Xin suspiciously and asked, "Su Xin! Is what Du Jun said true~ˇ?"

  Su Xin said with some embarrassment: "About this matter, you should ask Tang Youyou!"

  "Depend on!"

  Guan Gu miraculously heard Su Xin's ambiguity, and immediately understood that what Du Jun said was the truth.

  Guan Gu said with a bit of sadness: "I thought it was because I had a better reputation than others, so I came to talk to me. It turned out that I was leaving!"

  Du Jun looked at Guan Gu's miraculous disdain: "In terms of real ability, I... leave you eight streets, and in terms of status in the world, I am higher than you! If it wasn't for the boss to replace you, the person who spoke should be... I !"

  Guan Gu miraculously bowed his head a little, but did not refute!

  Su Xin looked back at Du Jun: "The market for comics has fluctuated a lot recently! So we have to try our best to sell the copyright of this comic!"

  Du Jun took out the manuscript and contract of the comic from his briefcase: "I have everything ready!"

  "Okay! Let's go find an acquaintance first!"

  After Su Xin finished speaking, he looked at Guan Gu Qiqiang and made a statement to let him go.

  "Guan Gu, turn around by yourself, let's talk about something!"

  "it is good!"

  Guan Gu is also very curious to find acquaintances!

  Due to the rampant pirated comics, the copyright of Su Xin's comics is not easy to sell!

  It took two days for the two to get all the copyrights of the comics. After Su Xin finished processing the copyrights of the comics, he took Guan Gu miraculously back to the love apartment.

  As soon as the two arrived at the underground garage, they saw Tang Youyou standing by the parking space and waiting.

  Guan Gu got out of the car and asked suspiciously: "Yuyou! How did you come here?"

  Tang Youyou said with a smile: "Of course it's to pick you up! You must be very tired going to the comics! Let me give you a massage!"

  When Guan Gu miraculously heard Tang Youyou's words, he immediately became wide-eyed: "Really?"

  "Of course it's true! Let's go back now!" Tang Youyou pulled Guan Gu miraculously towards the elevator.

  "It's definitely not good to be diligent without anything!" Su Xin muttered, and followed the two of them into the elevator.

  When Guan Gu miraculously heard Su Xin's words, he immediately remembered what Du Jun said about eating soft rice, and Guan Gu miraculously looked at Tang Youyou and began to question.

  "Yoyou! Why did you ask Su Xin to make me the speaker of their comic book club? Do you know what they say about me, they say I eat soft rice!"

  Tang Youyou scratched his head in confusion: "I didn't beg! I just told Su Xin, I don't need to beg him! After that, we will be a family! You don't need to be polite to him!"

  "No! I'm also a well-known cartoonist anyway, how can I have a relationship!"

  Guan Gu, with a stern look, continued: "You are not allowed to ask Su Xin for help in the future! Even if my paintings can't be sold, I can't eat, and I go to the road to beg for food, I don't want people to say that I eat. Soft rice!"

  Tang Youyou was very unhappy when she saw Guan Guji miraculously, and immediately began to admit her mistake: "Okay! I won't ask Su Xin for help in the future! Don't be angry!"

  Su Xin saw Tang Youyou humbly persuaded Guan Gu to be miraculous, and said a little unhappily: "¨" Guan Gu!Why are you blaming my little aunt for nothing?If you really have the ability, you should strive for yourself, instead of blaming women. "


  Guan Gu miraculously was speechless by Su Xin, and Guan Gu miraculously sighed.

  "Yuyou! I'm sorry, I'm not mad at you, but Du Jun's words are too irritating!"


  When the elevator reached the floor, Guan Gu magically pulled Tang Youyou towards 3602.

  "I'll tell you what Du Jun said!"

  Su Xin didn't complain about Guan Gu's magic anymore, after all, there was a Tang Youyou in the middle, and it was not good to make it too stiff.

  Su Xin returned to 3601, Hu Yifei was tinkering with something in the kitchen, and Qin Yumo was sitting on the sofa watching TV.

  Su Xin lay down directly on the sofa, resting his head on Qin Yumo's Moon Retreat: "Yu Mo! You also learn from my little aunt! Give Guan Gu a massage as soon as he comes back!"

  Qin Yumo put the snacks in his hand on the table (Zhao's), and began to press his head for Su Xin: "Youyou made a mistake! Otherwise, how could you be so good!"

  Su Xin closed his eyes and enjoyed: "I said how did I see Tang Youyou's miraculous obedience to Guan Gu! It turned out to be a mistake!"


  "Yuyou was eating xiaolong soup dumplings in Guan Gu's room. As a result, Guan Gu's painting was ruined. Youyou was afraid that Guan Gu would be angry, so I made her whine!"


  Su Xin sighed: "Guan Gu is a piece of shit! And it's still a dead end. My aunt asked me to give him a chance for his reputation. I didn't expect him to be useless! Not only did he screw up things! Blame her!"

  Qin Yumo asked suspiciously, "Guan Gu still blames Yoyo for this matter?"

  "Well! Just because Du Jun mocked him for eating soft rice, he is not happy! How many people want to eat soft rice but can't eat it! What qualifications does he have to dislike it?"

  Su Xin despised Guan Gu's miraculous words.Tie.

Chapter 205

  "Let's take care of their young couple's affairs!"

  Qin Yumo persuaded Su Xin while massaging his head.

  Su Xin said helplessly: "If my little aunt didn't ask me for help, I would be bored and take the initiative to help him? Isn't it good for me to advertise my company? In the end, he didn't appreciate it!"

  "Su Xin! Come and try my new soup!"

  Hu Yifei came over with a bowl of soup and put the soup on the table.

  Hearing Hu Yifei's words, Su Xin opened his eyes and sat up: "What soup did you make again?"

  Hu Yifei took a look at her phone and said, "It's called Babao Tonic Soup. It contains ginseng, deer antler, and cordyceps. There are eight kinds of tonics in total. It is said to be especially good for vitality! Try it!"

  Su Xin felt a little regretful for fooling Hu Yifei and the others, just because he said something about fortune-telling that had a backlash, and they both studied the soup to nourish the body all day long.

  "Yi Fei, even if you replenish your body, you don't have to replenish it every day, so aren't you afraid of filling me to death?"

  Hu Yifei was stunned for a moment, then looked at Qin Yumo suspiciously: "Can I still die by taking tonics?"

  Qin Yumo also replied somewhat uncertainly: "There are indeed some people on TV who took tonics to make up for their deaths!"

  Hu Yifei 700 began to hesitate when he heard Qin Yumo's words: "How about drinking half a bowl first?"

  Su Xin saw that Hu Yifei and the others were studying supplementing soup every day, and could not bear to refuse, so he put forward the condition: "Drink the supplementary soup at most once a month in the future! No matter how much you make, I will only drink one bowl!"

  Hu Yifei immediately refused: "No! You tell other people's fortunes every day! How can you not make up for it!"

  Su Xin said with a bitter face: "I won't give it to others in the future, okay! You really can't drink too much of this soup!"

  Hu Yifei and Qin Yumo discussed it, and finally agreed with Su Xin's proposal.

  Hu Yifei handed the soup to Su Xin: "As long as you don't tell others' fortunes, drink one bowl a month. If you tell others' fortunes, drink one bowl at a time!"

  "All right!"

  Su Xin compromised and took the soup from Hu Yifei's hand. Su Xin held his breath and drank it in one sip.

  Hu Yifei looked at Su Xin in surprise: "Half a bowl is enough!"

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