"I would rather die in this place than dare to have any more... any unreasonable thoughts!"

Those high-level people nodded and sighed secretly in their hearts, these so-called juniors are always a group of immature people.

After Li Xianxian beheaded those who didn't know the heights of the sky one by one.

He paused in the air and looked at Qin Xian who was far away from him.

Looking at Qin Xian's posture, he seemed to have guessed what Qin Xian was about to do.

Thinking of this, he looked around again and saw nothing.

Presumably after his shot, there should be no more... any ignorant person to disturb Qin Xian.

His figure turned into a meal: a light smoke, and quickly disappeared in place.

At this time, the old people of the world broadcast it on TV, and the young people broadcast live on the Internet.

At the same time, everyone focused on Qin Xian's reappearance.

What Qin Xian is going to do is the speculation of all the people in the world! Various TV stations began to speculate a lot, and the words were flying all over the sky.

Of course, the most authoritative is the one that survived the blood pond catastrophe half a year ago.

, to those TV stations that broadcasted Qin Xian saving the earth to the world at that time.

Of course, those TV stations have also reaped the highest ratings and the biggest profits in the secular world.

Of course, these things are trivial to Qin Hao who closed his eyes and pondered at this time.

Millions of people are speculating.

Qin Hao decided to give the world a warning before doing this! Qin Hao has been preparing for a long time.

He finally opened his eyes like the sun and the moon in the distant sky.

Qin Hao began to speak to the world.

"Don't panic, I, Qin Hao, are here to give you an advance notice!"

"I plan to absorb all the aura of fusion on the earth,!"

Qin Hao's words are not long, only these two short sentences! But even these two sentences are enough to shock everyone on the earth in a second.

From the top monks in various countries to the merchants and pawns in the secular world.

"What! Lord Qin Xian, he actually wants to absorb all the aura of integration between heaven and earth!"

Everyone seems to be: a 1 atomic bomb was dropped into their hearts, and it exploded in the bottom of their hearts.

Smash everyone to pieces, they can't believe it.

Qin Xian really wants to do this, "Master Qin Xian, does he have this strength?"

Because some top cultivators also need the existence of the aura of integration, they dare not say some words that go against Qin Xian.

But in any case, Qin Xian's words made the whole earth boil again for him.

Qin Hao no longer cares what the world thinks at this time.

He has made an advance notice for them. Next, the world will watch his actions! Just ask, what Qin Xian is going to do, on earth, who can stop Feilu from reminding you: read three things Collection

Chapter 431 Start to absorb the aura of fusion ([-])

Qin Hao said so.

At this time, the top cultivators of various countries on the earth had to hold back temporarily.

After all, Qin Hao is not only the god of all people in the world, but now he is also an existence that they cannot look up to.

If Qin Hao hadn't appeared, they could still compete in every corner of the earth, and distinguish between them.

But with Qin Hao's appearance, everything changed: it was different.

Qin Hao is now the god of this world, and his appearance is the rule! And it is a rule that no one is allowed to modify! No one has the ability or the courage to arbitrarily discuss or even modify the rules.

When a few people chose to hold back.

Ninety-nine percent of the rest of the planet.



% of the majority of the world are all heartfelt supporters of Qin Hao! For some people who regard Qin Hao as beyond the solar system and beyond the universe.

Don't say that Qin Hao just needs a little spiritual energy, that's all, even if they want to die immediately! As long as Qin Xian and Qin Hao speak, they will surely die without hesitation.

There is no doubt about it! "Lord Qin Xian, fit aura, or something! You can take it alone!"

"Although we are ignorant and ignorant, we don't know what it is!"

"But you are the one who saved the world, and you are the supreme one who saved the earth!"

"As long as you are willing, even our souls can be dedicated to you!"

In some corners of the earth, Qin Xian's name.

There have been many, hundreds of millions of faithful believers.

They watched Qin Xian's every move over and over again, from books to telegrams

Solve Qin Xian.

Now, Qin Xian is the only god they believe in in this life and this world! Facing the fervent piety of the world.

Of course, many monks scoffed at this.

"These poor bastards don't even know the aura of integration, why are they still talking nonsense and saying some self-moving words! It's ridiculous!"

These monks have high self-esteem.

Although he scoffs at those ignorant people in the world, he doesn't really say anything about how they won't appear in front of them.

To those monks who are high above, the mortal world is another species to them, far inferior to them! Just ask, when a monkey behaves very stupidly.

Are you going to actually argue with him and try to educate it and steer it in the right direction. Obviously not.

These monks looked up at the sky, and they were shocked by Qin Hao himself.

Shocked by his words.

"He wants to absorb all the combined aura on the entire earth!"

Although after half a year of exploration.

Most of the monks in various countries also understand the ancient fusion aura that suddenly appeared on the earth.

It was brought to them by Qin Xian and Qin Hao when he smashed the blood pool.

For Qin Hao's move, of course, they must pay homage to him, and they can't thank him enough.

It is precisely because of this that they were able to rapidly improve their cultivation, surpassing their predecessors.

Those who were once in the long river of history.

The names of the monks who shine like the stars in the sky.

Now they are taking advantage of the rebirth of the earth and the incomparably powerful ancient fusion aura brought by Qin Hao.

Chapter 432 Begins to absorb the aura of fusion ([-])

In this way, powerful spiritual power can be quickly obtained, and the cultivation base can be improved like riding a rocket.

The brilliant achievements of the predecessors are no longer unreachable legends.

Instead, it has become a first-served month near the water.

It seems so real, so easy to obtain! They believe that as long as the earth they live in continues to maintain such abundant spiritual energy,

Continue to be infiltrated by this ancient fusion aura buried in the heart of the earth for millions of years, and then infiltrate it for decades.

Then the earth will completely return to the world of spiritual energy millions of years ago.

As long as each of them is not the most inferior in aptitude and the most stupid in comprehension.

It takes no less than ten or eight years of effort to rise to the realm of integration, to a higher realm above integration! At that time, it will not be far from reaching the real avenue.

Even as long as you work hard and add some opportunities, you will be able to stand shoulder to shoulder with Qin Xian and Qin Hao.

Competing with his old man must not be impossible! However, Qin Xian couldn't help it today.

He seemed only willing to give the world a chance for half a year.

This time is really too short.

Not enough to radically change the planet, nor to give more of them a timely response.

Qin Xian can be said to have stifled their growth path! With just one word, he quenched the fire of the dreams of the monks in the world.

A spark of fire must be on the grassland to burn with indulgence.

Otherwise, on an open field, there are messy boulders everywhere, and there is no green grass.

Then, to meet someone like Qin Hao again

high existence.

He doesn't need to work hard at all, just a drop of water, I am afraid that the spark of fire can be ruthlessly extinguished.

Now what they are encountering is such a situation: "Forget it, time is also fate!" As the saying goes, life and death are all in the hands of one person!"

"The thing, he brought it, he first discovered it!"

"Since he can give it to us, he can take it back, and has the right to take it back! Isn't it?"

The monks mocked themselves.

The others also agreed with this statement, all nodding their heads in agreement.

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