But Qin Hao couldn't hear their words.

Even if he hears it, he doesn't have that... It is necessary to explain to everyone! Qin Hao never explains! Especially in the current situation.

He has been planning for this action for half a year! The secret of the integration of spiritual energy, he discovered on the first day of returning to Yuxu Peak! And the system prompt appeared on the second day.

Therefore, in the past six months, what he has actually done on Yuxu Peak by himself is to prepare for the absorption of the spiritual energy of this combination! Mountains and rivers, social and Jitu! Innate spiritual treasure! Can make himself touch the way of heaven and go beyond the solar system , beyond the Milky Way, to become the existence of the master of the Milky Way.

How could he not be tempted, so the preparation for half a year was worth it.

Isn't it just for this moment? At the same time, he has also informed everyone on the earth of his thoughts in advance.

whether they approve or not.

Once Qin Hao decides, there is no possibility to change it again! No one can! The so-called secret will be successful, and the leak will fail! Those who succeed in major events will not plan for the public! Fei Lu reminds you: three things about reading collect

Chapter 433 Start to absorb the aura of fusion ([-])

For people in Qin Hao's realm.

Even more so.

He has been a teenager from the bottom of the people back then.

After so many bloody storms, how many joys and sorrows he has experienced, his success is the result of stepping on the bones of many people piled up like a mountain, and his success is ten thousand bones, not to mention that Qin Xian, who is the only one who is on the ground today, is far from his achievements. It's not... It can be described as a mere ten thousand bones, but it is hundreds of millions of corpses that can pave the road to the avenue of Qin Xian! For Qin Hao, God blocks killing God, Buddha blocks killing Buddha It's nothing.

Now he, the moon is the magic weapon of his refining, and the earth is the plaything in his palm.

Now he is on the way to look down on the solar system and the Milky Way.

Just ask those people who claimed to be saints and called themselves gods and Buddhas! Who can have this ability! "What I, Qin Hao, want to do is a career that no one has ever done!"

When Qin Hao said this, he suddenly opened his arms.

Soon, two tornado-like spiritual powers appeared in his two palms.

The two tornado-like blue spiritual powers spun rapidly in his palms.

Soon, his palm disappeared.

Looking closely, it wasn't that Qin Hao's hands disappeared.

It's because the blue spiritual power emanating from his palms is getting bigger and bigger, covering all his hands! Seeing this scene, the people of the world have long since! Progress has only just started.

But for the world, this has a beginning and no end.

In the eyes of hundreds of millions of people, as long as the only supreme Qin Xian appears in their hearts.

As long as Qin Xian appears, it is already a climax! So hundreds of millions of people in the world


The earth stopped rotating for the appearance of Qin Xian.

Because hundreds of millions of people in the world have all put down the work in their hands at this moment.

Except for the TV station that broadcasts Qin Xian's every move in real time.

Everyone stopped all their activities.

Before Qin Xian appeared, all actions had their relative significance.

But after Qin Xian appeared, all actions lost their meaning. At this moment, as long as Qin Xian was alone, it was meaningful.

Qin Xian is clearly "meaning"

The word itself! Just ask, if hundreds of millions of people miss this once-in-a-lifetime, once-in-a-lifetime picture, then they will probably live in vain.

That regret, even if you kill them nine times, you can't get them back ten times.

Nothing is more important than Qin Xian's appearance! "Everyone pay attention! Qin Xian is about to start!"

"Absorb all the auras of the earth! It's really unseen, unheard of!"

"Can Qin Xian do it!"

"Bastard, what nonsense are you talking about, is there anything Qin Xian can't do!"

"Brother, what you said is too bad! It's not the world, but the entire solar system! From the perspective of the world, there is nothing that Qin Xian can't do!"

When the owner of the previous sentence heard the words, he couldn't help laughing, nodding his head in admiration.

"Brother, you're right. I'm so confused, old man, to make such a mistake! Damn it, damn it!"

Not to mention the excitement of the crowd.

Qin Hao's blue spiritual power suddenly changed again.

Two huge black holes were formed in the sky! Please download Feifei to read the underlined version of the novel

Chapter 434 Black Hole

The world is not mistaken, they are two huge black holes! They are similar to the black holes detected by the top scientists on the earth in the universe.

It's just that the two black holes around Qin Hao's body are even more bizarre.

"What the hell is that!"

Everyone took a deep breath, only to feel that they had refreshed the upper limit of cognition in their minds once again! The legendary black hole, the black hole that even the sun can swallow, and the black hole that dissolves all matter, can distort time and space the black hole.

Could it be that Qin Hao was in the atmosphere of the earth, in mid-air, with only the power of one person.

Did you create two black holes abruptly? The sky is getting dark soon! You know, it's just after [-]:[-] noon.

It was noon when the summer flames were high.

When everyone just had a sip of afternoon tea and was desperately throwing themselves into their work.

Because the black hole formed by Qin Hao alone actually blocked the entire sky! "Light!"

Every city above the Han Empire immediately turned on the lights of their cities densely.

Hundreds of millions of people also turn on the lights in their homes.

Except for other countries in the Western Hemisphere.

As well as most monks on earth, for these cultivators, this darkness cannot affect their vision.

The day in the entire Eastern Hemisphere was forcibly changed into night by Qin Hao alone.

"Qin Xian is really fascinating, he will never expect an incomparably grand and spectacular event!"

Hundreds of millions of people expressed their sincerity to Qin Hao.

"Then these two obscuring

Terrible black holes, what are they used for?”

This question is still lingering in everyone's mind.

Soon, some of them had answers.

"If my guess is correct, Qin Xian just wants to rely on his two black holes to absorb all the so-called fusion aura on the earth!"

"Didn't he just say that he wants to absorb all the combined auras on the earth,!"

This opinion quickly spread in the online world on earth! "It's amazing, words can no longer describe the miraculousness of Lord Qin Xian! How did he do it?"

at this time.

Qin Hao was as expected as they had originally guessed.

Every corner of the earth.

From mountains and rivers to the sea, from canyons to the Gobi, from inaccessible tropical jungles to icy plateaus.

in the past half year.

From the surface, to the center of the earth within more than [-] kilometers! Those that already exist, those that have been detected, those that have not yet been detected by anyone, the ancient aura that has been used.

At this moment, all the Nine Absolute Formations formed by Qin Hao's life-long energy were activated! Let them be like a little firefly.

All the ancient combined auras on the earth,

Under the incomparably powerful attraction of the Nine Absolutes Formation, there is no way to escape it! Since no one on earth knows the goods, naturally they mistake Qin Hao's Nine Absolutes Formation for a black hole! Actually it is not.

However, in Qin Hao's view, the energy formed by his Nine Absolutes Formation may be facing a black hole! It should not be too much! Qin Hao has this confidence, not to mention after getting the map of the mountains and rivers! Fei Lu reminded You: Collection of three things to read

Chapter 435

He will have the power to control the solar system, and even the Milky Way.

It is so deep, so vast.

There is no end to the universe.

Is there still a limit! After Qin Hao reached this state.

He suddenly discovered that the universe is probably his limit! It was because of this new goal that he rekindled the endless fighting spirit in his heart.

After all, in the eyes of billions of people, the Earth is already big enough.

Compared to the entire vast universe, it is just a drop in the ocean, but a mayfly under the starry sky, trying to shake the towering giant tree.

The earth is still too small for the boundless universe, so small that it can be ignored.

What is the limit of the universe? Is it the real way that all the predecessors have never thought about? Qin Hao is going to pursue it.

Once you set foot on this road, it is destined to be bumpy, but Qin Hao has the ability to raze all the unevenness to the ground.

So he is not afraid, for him, there is only that long-lost expectation.

Now, all the ancient fusion auras on the earth that he inspired half a year ago began to slowly gather towards his Nine Heavens Absolute Formation.

These combined auras were originally formless, even colorless and tasteless.

Not to mention mortals, even cultivators above the Golden Core Stage.

In front of the Reiki Spirit, it is no different from a blind man who is exploring the way forward on the edge of a cliff.

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